-, - THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchfild's Fine Tailoring Trade can Deliver The lGoods Sam Burchifiel Q ( O106 & V. EAST HURON ST. IWST STOCK OF CIUGARS IN THlE CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 12) E. Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'em at low prices. ALARnI CLOCKS $1.90. $150 $1.75 All the bestpales, ad ful ai od MICHI(I~N PINS AND) FOBS ;Ac p to $500 FIN61WATCII REPAIRING A=SPECIALTV. Watch ispetor tor the Ace A,br Rai rnai J. L. CHAPMAN 206 . MAIN S, ,pr ch: 304 . State St. PIPES 20% 0ff Meerschaunm and Anber bits only R. E. JOLLY 30 S. STATE ST. V. qof M. B&KBEKR SHOT J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. RATH ROOM lq 1:Tuli. l1IN liii HOT ANCD I:.1 111 R BATHSli Ladies and lid rc a i ' i VIBRASSA(A S PF -5 t rc S ,t.2 ('tt" 322 S. state st. Ann Arbor Micl phene 359 Bell BANKS THE FARERS AND MCHANICS BANn MAIN AND HURON STREETS capital, $0,00,turpls andcProfits, $65,0 General Ranking Business. 3 pe cect psl on Time ans Savings iDepsis. Safety 1c poitoxBte to rennt at 1:2.00 and upwards it. KENPF, pens W. C. SEVENS. Vice-re 1'. H. Baneen. Cash. H. A. WILLIAms ASS The =Ann Arbor Savings Ban tapital stock, $50,00. Supu, $00,00 Reouees, $2,00,00d AOGeeral Baklg Bueiness Tanacteaed Oretcs: Chas.1.Hitsock, Pes. W. I Harriman, Vie Pes.:1. . Pet. CaskSi STATE SAVINGS BANI W. J. Both Inn. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan 1". H. Wade K.F. SMill John Hasrer Jnn. Koch Vrmg. 0H. 5. Carpiari Henry W. onuci S Christian Martin ;Dan P. Zimmermasn FIRS'T NATIONAL BANK OFt ANN ARnOR, MICH. E. D. KINNE, HARRISON SOI I, Pens. ste-ties. S. W. OLARKSON, Cshier. Capital, $100,000.1 Surplus and Profits, ยง150,00, Gierman American Savings Banl Coran'xmroe .1 and Coe. -Mew fwxad ]Libearty Steeta 11)S,1---At eciltitan Ibanqitie, black drics-r-vct nirbsd I). lall on collar. Fcd c les oil I. .0. 14all, Jr., phone ,o-J . ii'irt'd. (Otwier tas tin- -te rs et found aficirlianquet. (t. \ G N C(ARD)S-W~ecall special atntontoseiors wiing enigcavedl caling caro~ls ortccmmii'enicemtii. W\e car it~ettes litic of cacds in Ann acrbor. Oiks, .$1.2>5 tip. Jttliffe & Kite- mtiller, abvevCo-tilteod Th i .1tckv lites inall tshadcs, a1 ile::> 7o-eod SIleepingigarm'iets-Ptaamas. \Vag- ne o., State Si. 70-5 See ouirconiplete line of Michigan ins, fobs aiid souvniirs. Hller's itch c rySicrc, 216 S. Main street. rod Prvteinstrueccion ill cheiiistry. 631 .Inglls Si. su, hi-If f lierill all thel a tcsltlhades anid c :os, t llcii'v 7o-eod Iletor votesettl down t "one vi::,to-liitle rcetion at th de Thea- Sitice 1858 we have made ll/alrh Re- (,.iring one of our strongest ft-atures. f l aller's jewelry Store, 216 S. Main eil. eod lveeIi. ccii: iunion: suits. \Wagn'er Sc Mate St.7o-5 s ru DENTS WANTED To represent the Michigan Alumnus 'in their home towns and cities during Ite Summer Vacation,.flours daily, 4:30 to 5:30 P.. M., Alumni Rooms, U niviersity Hall. aipring Clotlxing .~l1LPl(TICS-CO)NTlNIRI) . by at scoreeif in ito o, inithic clitinll- ship~ class gamc. In onlyioneiininig ite sccondi-dlidImite'itanithrcet'ni faic the li ltvwile. In this>rtindit le tllowiedl aifreet ranlspotofirs,u thc receiver slidntti eay dane mient fromtihis tain NIMcNair tsuc cedin ireachling lie i- ftial tag i his seventhioni in eror, but iwil onte.lHe'suitc'ied illiistiealing se onds viase,.btnweneiiedto tretpett te trickv at lie ithid sack lie w t't Ontly' ihree batlls;recedtheoutfeld tail iii eacistantcethelvfl waos ineatly. by tit' fatiiivtha olle totne imatnwas wa vlkedl. Iniaditfiiit'heforcesd ninut' to faniitheivzones. Wh ile Buchiananiwaott t tedl lii'rtl hthe scatteredi temth lroughotteight of lie nine innings, illotiing buttw itss tn asini glining.tilc it' shis' spporti 'hit's'been dilifetii. l Ite ist lieo it gave'thlelilt sfix rns. Alie liltgenritottts otburltisiton thde f)i o fithe idsctrs, dieystieadiesd tlls isutiup of flib titint'bllalmst:th fit the fouthliSniihircedliilfirst ifier Buichiaan locate isil ibs'ithi'i i tcheds 'tilting li'ttwolsacke ittoleft, iandiiatiri ;l ii then a infildo.:>'iilio st1 Iiute b se tothe tet le tliftdI CLOIIIES MAbE ESPECIALLY FOR YOU Will not fit you and better or please y'ou mor-if as well-s College or Society Brantd Clothes-which we coisider-as do maiiy thou- sands of well dress men thlroughiotut the cotintry -the highest class clothes made ready. to-wear. Staebler & Wuertli Co. 211 S. Maltz St. Ann, Arbor i Ntrredsi. bs aeell'f........... Niticeell, r . . . .. TlT 7ictis. JIt' i.h f . . . . . 42o 3 it 38 ii A1 i 3 0i .j () 3 0i 3 () ii 4 ii 4 it 0 1i _' 04S 4 it I it .5 O 4 0 Walk - Der'ForSpring Oxford time is here anld so ai e the various styles otf WXalk- Over Oxfords, Pusmps aind ties in black, tall sodptenit. Tan leather will predominate and we hlave tiaken all pinsh possible in selecting 111e newest shades as well as xluClsive tdesignis for Walk-Over Patrons. Se windlows for unlimilitedh suipplV of Pulmps, Street Ties wyithI good street soles suede lined hecels to prevent all slip. pillg on heels; in Ittoin and - lcfoMeanWoe.Walk-O er Shoe Co., R. J. HIOFFSTETTER Mgr. Hart, Schaffner & Marx l ol H rz alre SPRING CLOTHING 0P..hClothier5i Ready whom~ yozin are.' THE GREAT COUDER D' ALENE INDIAN RIiEERVATION In Idaho, will soon be opened for homesteading. Contains half a million acres of rich farming lands and immense forests of the finest pine. Bordered hy the fanmous Palouse grail] and fruit country, also the grest lumber and rich mining distr'cts of the Coner d' Aleiies. Fine opportunities for professional mlenl. Immense crops rased without irrigation. Nearly every claiml represents a fortnne. Finest climate found anywhlere. New town sites being platted. Full information together with a map of this reservation will be mailed to you postpaid on receipt of $ r oo. Lucky indeed will be the persons drawing thlese prices. Address The Homestead. Infromation Bureau Lock Box 591 Couer d' Alene, Idaho lwo-bat' lifi-Fotli l haves. Sacrefice liii Nleyees. Stoleni late- S u'iiclvovti-By Smithill9, by Buichananliu 2. Ba~ses lull talls-Off Slilli, off Buachantanl2. Iihgby ictIdball-Bly t. Uopires-Nltlgoffili and10ScLII.. Ihav'e you teen the new Adler Collc-' -lin clothes at Allen's? 70-eod Alarm clocks warranted for one year, $1.00. Haller's jewelry_ Store, 216 S. Mlain street. cod Rest foe youre tiresh brain-aiid clean, u)-o-dlatee sntet'ainmsent 1at 1hettoisnn 5 cens. if Seasonalelcshirt-$1.00oan101tilt.Wtag- nee Sc Co., State St. 7- Wadhams & Co., 121-123 S. Main St. KEEPY-R DATE ________ ________I'_______________ 0. M. -FUNERAL Offc 2195. 4th Ave. Phone 918. htesidenee 302 5. 5th Ave. Phone 314 AMBULANCE ON CALL 'sAl KING LOODE P OU A E Chinese Chop-Sney Restanrant Rowe's Laundry B leyn syc h IiIA Chinese Fancy Dishes, American Lunces ofBANDBOOK in your pocket. Space foernina- all hinds. Everything fist-classifor THOMAS ROW E, Prop. oranda, calendar, special events, University ladles and gentlemen. 326 N. Fifth Ave. Calendar is this l5O page lookul. tliven away Chinese and Japanese Bric-s-brac. t teet tteUleet .1.C .M. Up Stain,,ace deer S. Hasten Sinus~ 3145S.State S1. New Phune 457 Bell Phone 457-L Milla dnta. niest Y .C.A c STUD 10- 319 East Huron Street