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May 24, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-24

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The ichiganDal


No. 174.

Tournament With Cornell Results in Tie--Fast Eastern Nine De-
feats Michigan 5 to 3-Detroit Central Wins Interscholasi c,
Three Records Broken-''10 Lits Baseball Champions.
lirovit e,,P. 1.. 'lax 2;.---(oink cooleir gainsthan his opponent, and1too
inito the ninth innn g four runs to toie: saatagoeyo peniug,
bad, Mlichigan's hasehall teami ralliiied yresof htichricaxi was heaten to
strongly in the closing se-;sio iti to in ierisif C' ma it, 3-7, h-4. Ayres didi
wuhen a tiei'i score threateneti al ly not pl)15qitie up to his usual standard,.
fell short nd rinst trii umpheii ti3. iuttat hat ran Plerri--, very coisely.
Sincock fioi the I'ot ucrines a t c rce aidGreer al-ouplayeil an tn
tire ecepit'ii llfifth..iswhenifouri oiIusua llsysclose iateli uwhichi was fialls
tine locals' 'riuns clatteredt trans uuW011 by' the CtrnclIthiiani isscores lit
Alictig- r ot d taheni aniearlts lsait 6-4, 1-6, 6-4.
starting the run-getigiuinteodsiiiThIle siniges that Pt ichigaii lost a-crc
rond~. s irloe that a few points either weay
Th i.cre":intitli ars umleauut a Michigan rictory
Michigan1. o ti 0n 0 0 -1i liiientire matuchi.
13row-n... a0 aIna itiiiitis, Iti io. andsAyres oat-
citsed tilts eairdI 'uerriss hunl swiii

batteris-Ship-ch aind Fli eiiroti
Miiirsi- iil Raymuondi.
Wuith vi siom- of the irsi iseuris _ts
ihashaeue graiie isn i Svsral yecars
Hiisg ant Airs- iitts-edli as wiiti the
firt oubessn tih, asturliun.\ ictiinsi
a tie ori a willi ill the s-eries. Asi ili(
Aithletic: assiiciatiiii trot promise-itoi
awar th entre eal -his' ineaeo
iiatchi, ths covset li-iisrs we re secureds-i
for by is i mm g tie first ditiili- ,\ichi
:addedi gloiry- Ciomies toi Plich"ialli whe
C'ua'mell' score against Cthicago las
I"riitai is coiniids-is-i. Coirnell Itrin
Cliichin;o easily, live thatcheis io ii, hli
as Mei irs if th ie lil eil <l
'wis- t'tischmgiislii c uinii ica)s ca p~m -
feaste IHaiiiltoni easily-. aiii th itic is-
Michtuigan wi-ll assus- the ivirstyrsc-
niton iseti year, -whiein thex \vill pa
C,'oriiell, Syracii'e. andii si-ira i oihei
teas ili tieir, easisn rii.
('alit. 4Ioig he-smim thme mmriictm fli
Michuigan nit Whitse n-a' ipposeditoi
9-7, ti-0, biy C'api. Ross if Chticsigu ies'
terdax-, so itis 6-3, I-o 0,cr b05 y \\tilt
I toag desfesatest White- liiiiks prtt s-oxii
toi the roters.-
Whtite tiok the firsi gamemu, ti 11mg,
s-aines righmt hasrt ini tis- secondm, nis-i
lie aul ti- servs, andi walt he ol
ni-c game if the iiiatchi. Its asto rot,
tn-n more gamies in succession. ht(
hracecd for a umomient witih tlis sore 1-3
againts himt, anii tiioi the fifh gaiie,
lint Haag sooni foirgeid farter ahmeadt
siiii won the firs sei 6-3. hWhite play-es'
sstealy game. hut [bags iletlierats
ands accurate placing wsas too unmch fi oi
hims The secionsd set wss-m sum ini straight
gamues hy Hlong. lie woiii 30 pintstoi
Wh~lite's 17, anid oiily two oi f ttie gaiiies
wet to deuce. :Hung esiriied the ati
plause of the "gallery" oii severat ocs
castons hy seingly impiissibile returns
snd by, his qiiicks recovery. Ite out-
play-ed-White st sll tinier,.aiii ishile lhs
sid 661t play st birillianit, stieciscilar
gaume, .'here swas no tloiibt at aiiy- time
duslring the imistchi as to its iniisl ouutcuome.
French hecamec Michigaun's sother pount
winner inl the singles biy defestiiig Chase
of Cornell i an exceeinugly closs- aiii
well" played match, F'renchl, wonl the
first set 8-6, lost the seconds -3-6, said
wotii the' third aind ideciding set 6-2,
Chase :showed iwonderful aibility sin
strohinug and-wsin point sfter piiint: es-
pecially in the second set, hy lsiwfiiris
which went for cleani aces, French'
placeid-in great style anid plsiyed a nits-

easiy I stai:lltset. tere igain HIa
sit isuaonderfuitii nis andis mm itiwas ui-
silLl-pinin ii itiis-ig cmsittie.i
for GIrs-sr mmiii ItiSis, anl liisiin two
sta ',-tsets. Grswr's sirikes iiers' siiii-
iwsa iiis ac wit sad scrtain.
llig I P11 is-tihlite-IC), hi-3. 6-im
Frnc rs'i-iI.l) I t w Chaime (C)8-lu,
Grseer (C)I heir 1rie (AI), hi-4, t-ii.
hls-rss (C) hleati hsres (Nhi, p-7li-4.
Teisniteschlslt 'ic:siemet, rsplits' switi
hhscoliliigblive po'- iiitis. lbake
ii st fis- reumaksing reco-urdls'inth
lifmleadte 'li'sciuail toiyieLdt
sitonlliecsto thlietrhit ut CuiersitNs
sch l . 'lmi-e spleiindlid-iirkif thme squad
Iruom thelhts-e(I itss-giiiihigh schooil;
itai sis th~e ilaudiitis'ofiheIisi- tcators,
1 clerndfouurtihhonoir s firntheis-
The mouiiist rs-eimrkssbleiperfoirmanmcs of
the meet' n-srhtii-of-IPerciil, the Lsake
Forestmidlelt-distauncs-manii, ihotiiet
all dopeon the shlf. "Scotty" Smiith,
the Ce-ntr athigh nail, tiat lien pri-
jtdas the ce-rtainm iinis-- siidlrecoin
breaker in th s eiit. IHIdid conic
undeIr tlltiliet',1 lid record if 2:03
I-iibuis-as besteii out on the stretch,
liete urst eighth 'Seotty" seized
telesailfr omithe fielid andulseemied to
haeterice haisiii d sowi-, Percival
limg conideiilrabily i tii-thereair. But sit
hethiree-eighaths lie Lake 'orsst nmaii
begaitoIrastsesily to the front and
tie itwo stairs sserefihltig for first.
ht lie stretchth ie crowsd wsutpoil its
feIsi, -tiiia iiiig sanidgs-sticiulaing to the
riuiniers, bil rositers cosuldn't wiuufoir
the Detroiit hail, Percirsil steadily forged
alieaidtaniil won the race laby seseral,
yards iniihie most remarkabhle time of
z5:9 3-5-3 3-p seconuds heliiw the rec-
'Ihe umoist excitlig eveiit of thur mnet,
stranugelhy'enusgh, ws t he two-mile,
U~sually siiiiiwhast(try, andh uninterest-
in g, thie extraiirdiinary conutest hetweeni
Heiidelrsoin, of Anin Artior high, amid
Msuann, of lhMushegon, gav-c the run all
ite nxhiihsrsitilig flsavor if a hudred-
yard idssh.
't'akiiig the leaidfoir six laps, the Ann
Arbor tesam, lemuilersoandauuchLhIaugh-
tint, muere rarctically conceideid the ruin.
then-Oliel was coaching the pair from
thue fence., Al the bueginnuiuugsf the sev-l

enthi spthe twio, rumning atreast,
sloiresddais-m, forcing PMannmouakue the
seid andilsem tie 1ace. This hie did,
uainitaiinug tmemeadttill the mddeof
this eighthsindilarmt. t thttpmull
14endulersoin, lesasing PMst imghimi amfews
aecss tehtid, ssartiid ito sta-t esd
fiio:1 im Pitu% 'Theni began apit te
slim)l of wihicth iwnill -slom iiif esr aganu
occu itm in a iongdistaninteruissclaostitc
us-i' lii' 'ain eitiof ia mills thislo
thsemdceitoiies'killinig. hMit
had s th spl,mit techaderiihe I-mer
.; tred toige's-i himthis aser he
ran Cea ino iestretchti anidlto thus
ta h y h fts nhiult latm 'ssarmmis si-ving
nA ;iii11Ytand hisating Iiillesimi ioilr
quetio ia towh thu- Bnnhi-sir n-.ii
Ici sse ih mmntdmiifoutedlhis opiont ui ,
limt ant-intemrerencsIthat exisiedwsm
aicridiltedi to this- ucoscious struggle
'of tie lads,animtheIlshea twis jsmithydi-
claredl deadu. PMsciaughlmiiho lac mredh
thi, i si iliiifi ndyMi ae-lusanii
granson osifi Presidn n geihhuul Chum this
toss th' mhe ihr-Aboriho son mte it
mmeial, tiltuthIlls- tiis for lces sw-rc
Rdl Hanineian succeededsulin mulwering
toi .1:Iwining teilca b tity
xiii s. Cimsihix. -a spi'udliig limtDae
fota6I linivid.
toomasuiets riulsux.amimic-uldimnoti
Wi n am huuims mimlli lialrunis His
waietered illiemii, mutlwithumCrii
well, f .\m ;\ ur, wa s st bc
s-aililfori break-inganid n-llliteplcd
Hiimtis brtherseidtesith-t'enimI
hiMd in asteid istIrmugge- iic-uh
,Streil sc'im'ml m st ,iii ,m immuil siot tit(h,
mm-es ssmssTheiei'igWisl2msills luifth
shwrthi Iittmian marl22fxi, mifuli
littlemtr tle 1in uwinnminug the quarmtr,
mmmc usc-I wll sad theliietltd i 4
.AlanmGaresnthes ssmliliuithimm' m
second edcuiition f Jothumy, ell tip his
edinitCs-mials xsciri mc'hie byli i-
niti Ert n bah tim-ls fimom Siegl,
illiliiior Dtit'sprmi rqurtt
Ihu liis sut, wicuh clsed-a tiny-miet
un nrisedstCeinral'x sl iii's-nrD. CU.
S~ hisemendoiums iterst iaus timaiesed.
hikeo drew iii lums't~ its'ol,swithm D. . S
secominCesit)raltirud, andiilAnnimhArbor
huihutitthu hum-e
J.Spiegel tegan mthis racesfon I.CxU. ,
dahn othlrn n istiihue po 1)1 iil lehu, withtt
Stoddashar rinmm-mum tietiiock''C" tirs.
Hisfinuised treeviars iioxite gosd
hutlSchlesm, secondilforuthivutes itslu
schooil, couldn'tuhold ot.m Iagainst Jms
msho roi~limy tout mum DUp. CS'sled
tut gave'cthiee mrs--psum t o Gamumels Alan
!Wadhe goodmiouer lib fackis andus
gas-c four psudsthiM hud i uuiumaumiwho
aaistsmhis anucint antgoismthWhSie
ge, easuiy maitainediimsithissed isi ushig
first inm I :36 1-. Antui rbrmpulleihd in
third, and us lmkegoniigot Ithe other
pointuwininumg pace
mo-psirmi das-JSiegel, 1, C.S..
ints ut; usuu, Dtritu:1Cmenrl, scond;
W. Spiegel, ID. C. Stird; Sodard,
Centrsal, fourth. 'Iimic..-o:
220ysard hslsh-W. Spege,hD.)U S.,
fist Widumn, Central, second;l Stod-
sar, Centrsl, uthird; SouterShelhy,
fiiurth. Tiume--22:3.
hoa hight huurdles-Gsrels, Cnral,
first;5 Shaseffer, Mhusegonu, second;muVa
Hi useu, C'e-tralu, third:5C'ippiuger, IHyae
Pasri, fourth. 11m 45.

220m luw hiurles-Garrels, Cenutral,
first; J. Spaiegel, h1..it, S., seconds; Lehn-
ihmrf, Annu Arbosr, third; Shaneffer, Mus-
tkegim, fomurihi. 'lime.-oh sec.

440yard runu-Miller, Lake Forest,
firt; iBegholcd, Lansing, second; Roper,
Annu Arbor, third; Coutchue, Mhuske-
gonu, fourt. 'Timte-54
88o-yarud run-t~Percisal, ake Prest,
fst;mith, Centra, second;l Dhe Bruit
chisrt, Lsakse Forest, thirdi; hicuteumus,
PMshegiin, fiourth. 'Timue ..-:59 3-.
Phise run-iHsannuevani, ID. . S., first;
Cowlsey, iuskegou, secondih; heukeuumi,
Mhuskgon, third; -Jackson, Anni ,Aro,
ITwo-imhi hiannMt \huskgon, andu
ticeron Annsi ihuuAcrbor, ieud;ii Lsuugh-
Iiu, Anniirhv, hm lird isiCllse, Muk-
gins mmoiithm Time-s-ma:3"
(Piusait' milem rs elayrue-Centrsl
high, irhum; 1 1. U. Stsecond;l SAn.Ar-
hir ird iiM i uskgnifouthu.'Timeu-
Score f intmmi s: h setroiit Censtrsl, 35
1-: . 3. C.;5..30 i1.2;hLtseiForest, 27;
hhsisegmm, 25 5 AnnuuArbosr, 16; Lasinshg,
8;: I sit htPsr, 7; Sheby, 6 -; hM. h-h
A., 6:NiitluDiisii, 2; WhedeliPhil-i
Smuith's riohit pitchinig, combuhied
withm al moist 'erroress smusupt im tie
ipart of his teammatesiiss, tm-si'responusible
frthisfrieshi icmtupymmmcr tiefrest
ill-uc hiaggre'gaionuypshurdaup sfte'rnoomn.
Shakespearean Comedies Appro-
priate for Outdoor Staging Se-
lected for Commencement.
"uwi Genutemen'iuof -Veirnia,' siplmy
never em ifore'se en-nu mum mi Cu-hbir, wil
beprsete ons-s-m the ci lisampius'iby tie Benm
gr 'et iimiany iii iitis'saftsernooniiof Jtue
h, tins-T'hisdiay' f commenucesmmentm eek.
hum humsevenuing mue f this' 5tiiiies-
probablymip 'idsmiiimmuer Ngi1's ireui'
'hi' ,,lam l-tu it', mLeis'giss-mm inithes
afteinisnlus t e'en-siaddecd toiMrhim
Gres' repertoire this sasmn. '"Twoi
Genitlemensm of V~eona,iwhie' it last u
him'-mtstsagesdasnfreq~uently duhrmig lthe
at f ew-iyepism's 'solmes'others f Shaske
sill-si'ssumedis, ics aay ill tted ssit
is'culomic' -possbiltie s himmsmmmuuem
Night's IDri-smm"nws playdilure 1wm
smesago, Ihis a i play ecuiary
'sume to snmoudoor stgig stchias
Pi. Greet gives im. he itshgtsi the
ri-sit grovs-e iiiikethis airy senes ets
Sui thems mur irsfelh iike d natur. Mcmi
desshsi' musc ispapeddhurng mot
if this eveimg.
Ptr. Grecir uperfrmaamcs sre motet
fir tim eveesumts which characterizes the
lineprestaon oif lihe various pays Alt
tie purus re takenm y trained actors
f srinor aility, Gpecial care s
holismnit o mly to p, eeni ar muuch f
each using as is pilme, ilmt aso to see
tathes-s-mmhlimtitionramd-eemingly tn-
in i mtanut mins rc welltaken., To this
cmiii leu Greet ofen shifts his actors
froi ilon1me arl o anoher, somutimes
asnsiginig mimic f is est players ito a
comipsaratirely unimportanut role. This
he oes ini accosd with swhat he claims
n-as the muethsod fohliweshimu Shake-
spearers own tinie
I'le (sct that Mr. Gret claims that
tie impe stage which he uses is an
exact representatin mf those tied in the
humimer of Queen mEiaeth has aroused
conusidhesable discussioni among the cri-
tics. jouhnmCorin who spoke hirer ash
spring took issue with him nt that point:,
citing that tie ilzahethamm stage was
umuchimomre elaborate han i is usually
suppomsedl to ae beni Prsof Felix E;.
Scius hug, head f the deparmeni of
Eniglish inmtlie Uniersity of Pennsyl

vsmuisi,uwto lecturei lelure" in April, on
"'lie Elizabethant College Dirama,"
agrees wihmMr. Greet.


"What is the Matter with the
Graduate Work at Michigan?"
Asks Prof. Van Tyne.
'heueainmg fs-stm''ure f thusPiMytinlm-
berm f this'Alsumnusus Isnsmartice huy
Pirmf. C' . Vanix T lyneis'oniSuiursirof
Strenugth ii-siinGausate Schools h. hit'.%hsan
Tynes cosmmrs 'rthus'nsrselativestrengts f
tie lesading grauauiste srhooliniii utie
countryp'anmmityipasiabularusanu-mssysis of
mmiiesr f rhtudents eecting csrtinu
muachssu ech 'slushhe profes-os imm
chasrge of thieseibranhes dras ite-
estinig counclusions i s -is i wht influesnce
tie rep'ttionsu of mie iustucmtoru'hasusupnm
thur poulamsrity of tie subjet.li te ays:
"Mienm ae na ii iitssig echi the
f hts,, as. hiss-smet n the cmsimtm, swhat
im e matter wimuthie'graduatsei'worskat
Mhichmigan'm iiuw callu si' ixplin hsi ie
fsacttmitu aumg hr usven mum'eight
largest unmies rities f ts-sicontry ue
haethi s rmallestin 51101 ic-i'l 1ramdmint
studuens' limiethis't miiis a1v5rysup-sm
Choiniusmmis-nf-iutsing;miss. xWh iy a
Ilismnm-d neuly i neistines. Wiscniesin,
h'aleuandmmiii isustu smis s' py humu
tiimess,suand IC'nelliiC'lioia',' and hu INw
Yorki ii's-ntwicei'as-.anusus has i- icP hi-
iganm Indeuesduit swoiudhcet h at here
llinii ims hiss 70miior'e'gaduts u denslt
thasmm eis's',: tiIsss moreuu's, I swa 2)
mor'e, Pissoilumri -42moreund) ssutNobra.i-ka
7 mmmii', sll f this-minnsug fainlm'lstu
sm- ini totalu attendan,'i andsumiall hi img
pounmigym' instittionmms Willitua sumhui-of this
ptie whvusiichts usunlt io asinctgraua
uminsit No-rh'is tein1mferioriy-mrel
a mnationsevum.,liiirevesl. hOfPMichi-i
ga'sq;grsaduastudernustmisvru'ola se
grauudutssu'of MPh iganrm. Acyun icnis'mgh
inecp himusiitliome'lnl tiuatilles
studencuts awirv' not miscs-usicuxattra'ct'esd
toih tiign's gissut i.uworki hbimpthli
famemuuof her'uinuciilxs, oruuh cIlls
lnc'o if hi-neqsipment , bt huailumthus-
st idmn ot f sincer iumta n mrl
mcals-uthlip'hadiithe i h igannhatinll
Onlyhp'nines'studetu s senmito lihave hiesu
ms's c hrefnommstinh-lagv-nmines'-
tiessof the'comuhnIm, ones-um-tinfronnnCsr-
sush, Chicasgo, thinssrs ,summitNorntwis-t -
ern, ammiifroum i sm a i -ot her smumtown
linginsiutionimms Soumels28 mre car'nsi
frommalun~ul cuoleges, half f thi n iiiisnb
Withins tie sit'amd al uitid-e. Whemi
nwvs))mnaeshes' usic fact-sitt someuuof
tim re mmspohuding datasfm oim ter i-
ititiutiiiut, usc'gel slumsmyirnmg e-u
suts. -,hWisconmsin, perhaps, may hisemosI
Ifsirlycoumiptared. Whhere Michimgan thasi
o frosm o ther largieiinstitutionss Wuis on-
Isimm ar uer 5. ess than half of ter
gnadiuasud iuuents arehWisconsminmgrsd-
ales, thomuughrie tis 2()moe mlfter
f owm graiduaes tuaun setihave of ttn
'own. It is fain asoisutoicomupare Cr-
mmci, whicha drss 67 gadhuaeststiusents
Irnt thitensargeintitnmimtios, andsh6h
frisom suitanl coillege, only abiouut a thirv
of lieu otl niummumrubig granduaes'sof
"Cornel. Yale ranws pp froumuothe
large universities andu 30 from smalh
coleges fr the most art outmside of
the nsate. iDoutess we coaul nt insula
to cmiet in thuese respets witihHlar-
s ari andsiColnumbiia,limt it is inersting
r ha nile luat Harvsardidas'hlen gadti-
ale stuens f(mm124 other insiutuions,
lamd t25 of her sudents oue fromthe
larger instihtuatin, so casedl in tie
those comparisonms, while 78 costafro(m
the smaller colleges and ipt front Ian-
s and Of Columias gradhusite studets
~(itt )o6)438 iwere gaduaesaof iten

unidversities ands colleges, At time .iii-
f errity of Pennsylvamni 40osf time grail-
- nate students are grauatmes if otimer
--Thur article guoe mmminhtsay tuntthus
(Continued on Page Two,)

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