IZMICHIOSA14 DAILY IT"S E.ASY TO CLIMB The ladder of social and business success when your garments bear evidence of sound judgment and refined taste. But a color or a design unsuited to you, lowers your stock in other people's eyes. First we consider your built and complection and then suggest becoming fabrics. We price our gar= ments to please your purse. fetter drop in on your way by. rwwe7 CALEhNDAR. ,1lis '3-"1 cap Year' tarty, auspices of W3oman's League, in Barbour cgtta 11aStitim, 8 p. im. N1 ay 27-J"(44' F>I".1'ltlaY Jolttot, ttestutremetj ustoic es.of te. 'hl- i pns peakst iofeni meetintg of Taft Repici.an cliub, Scott's ac adieiy, 8 p. mt. VIay 23-Omega Phi open meceting. Ma y 23-Junior lit bantquet at Union. it 8-"1 twelith Night" preseitta- t 1y3Ms V~ts3iltattif-lottiaitli sitt a ct of V ies iti iitietisisMajestic ithte, :1 pt t. eas cn al dily Ni t ay2--"1ijis if Bt irdNests,,'lice toomtt 7 p i.Aditsstottfreit si tilt stity pit NewiMeialti linig. an etion. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Freh eiccting after clii l-i ly- quitz. Im otn. Alli'tc igaoiit ll ilmet rs tist rcisatbytoiht iodtovoile.rsli \\i i ! nn al el ct onif ofic rs.o a, .. SPECIAL SALE- ON TWO PIECE SPRING SUITIN'G HENRY (8ZLCO. 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE OPEN EVENINGS - J _NTh e A R R O W The most w earable and the most dur- able of collars. CU"1, Aite. ca Sii-f COi.Mkr SUSPENDERS 'fa si'llpiiely ar.ist ( three pairs of an ordinarysuspenders. S a Webbling tnimitabele. 4 Buttonhoslesindestructible, Eily adjustsedsisihdfs Eveyiginiiie pairha ame CjvU 6u ossareetiag -i rOST1ISIMER BRQTHI RS ki tv 0 , ASK TO SEE New Fabrics Jxust Received loos. 123= 124=4349=4360=430a, 4251 and 4395 FRED W. -GROSS Liberty St. and 4th Ave. ('\Ii I i I ,,ss \]o ; It,' oh 1%ill I st , i erit 1sti;Jt I? 091I . \Vat91 T Mh, K ton AO I l~ic~rry icepreidet-A , . B Pad \ io , ious11.i.c .T rat ,1 '0.c) ut, M 1 ;MediicticeV- It.siet- , t11. Fx Ifog :dll, ootliI,. 33. naoVd THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BOSTON, MASS. 111111 ithe compltiiiuiiiipciontfrtene ui~i5'lifi wredeitd eptemberiiii.lI";, tisi.schoolnowiitiis alli l iti and eqimetifoitc'0 iin afsc resaii rchitli'ir teSari- itr~s for re evtedenireyio lbatoiiryiteachiigan d researebi. 7saaiiraii sots ryi COURSE FOR THlE DEGREiE OF M. D. A ltur'cyears ousopetco iahitlelorisiof art.lititersiiure,'phliioophyior scieince, an oproso iii illltstistatitditt. eadcutsitotheicilcof b1.i til. 'iherstudias of theifoith arle h o iitly * tijic; they 5intceiaboiratoury sallecs. gieierial medic~i, saril I outry antt'he tspel ]ciiliia lbrainchest.Theliext isithotol year Thr diploaofe the University at Plichigan is accepted. ler admision.Foir dt ait- HIARVARD MEDICAL SCHIOOL, Basten Mass. f I I -Wec anssuhl s ' ens iii fiati tail expeiclic god ion 1 cIiia. Cansoffer ilc sicitins rpi lfig.Co., 1,111111113 Michs.- 72-4 S'isalei thei sitase, IlcreI it Vlct''. li) oilo c lengtVi. nofisitv, sits 7ts. ;trodsioe lit te T11 atoirititi. if lFirst shoingsiiotf mesa's strawsi isi. \31Vag11c & Co., Stsate Si. 70- 5 lfail & WVisoin's scollars, Itwllfor 2;; caots.,lat heci's. 69-Ieods l.iglitirigitlisle hotse', al lsd's. lleitry & Co., N. Uiversity. 71-3 Loitgiitai Co., Phtotographiers. Groaps. vieiws, lantierna slides, aiid posteards. De- velopiing aind printing for anteurs a specialty. 'Ihis fret coiisists of Will- iamis, formterly witha Lytndon, lhlonmpsona, woho has had several years' exsperience, siini Inigitat. 306t South Stale sireet PihoneieIo.tf II Sunrrsrrer Dauncing~ School ______GRANGER'S ] : IrvT, i ia e-eit a ,.diii-ir sesit ii f 'iv its' 'tc'Samer'School (Iratl,er's Academy (Ground Floor Maynard Street Twelve Good Breakrasts In One Package ofnKVJI WhEAT- If you buy two packages of SHREI)DED WHEAT Biscuiit for a quarter/the regular price) you have a delicious, muscle-maaking, strength-giving breakfast for 5 cent- more rcal tactrimetat titan is to he found in any other food, in the world for the tame money. It contains ALL the body-building cletaicts in tihe whole wheat, made digesti-x~ ble by steam-coo king, shredding acid baking. If you serve SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT properly you will like it better than any other cereal food. IT SHOULD.1 ALWAYS BE HEATED IN THE OVEN just eitough to restore crispness and flavor. For breakfast, pour hot milk over it, then add a little cream and a dash of salt. It is also delicious in combination withfrcitsIf you like the Biscuit for creamed breakfast, you will l ike 'IR IS '- oysters or CUllT--the Shredded Wheat vegetalt)lc.. W afr- as a Toast with but- aA ' ier or cheese, for luncheon or atty meal,; a a sub- stitute for while 0., flour bread. TeNtuaNoo o a. Niagra FairsN.Y. X "Good tobacco-keplt ite," outr taotto. B~rokeni gocids anic kept "right" ini shotw elites andtilttk giods are kept ini Iwo large, store rooiis especially idesigitecd aniu arrngedh. MILLIARDS. BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. .12 S. State - 31Maynard MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. O. A.MOE. New Filmzs Tuses.. Thus-s. anid Sat. TlE C ASN INK AITN STR.51T Pianist, MISS MAUDE STANTON ILLUSTRATED SONG SOLOIST MISS OLIVE STANTON