THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0. H,. Wild Comipanly Our Spring 1908 line of fine Imported and Domestic /TWOOUtLE NS 1 Is now ready. It includes all the latest -Novelties, Shades and Up-to-D~ate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou 'Tan, Leather Shade, (hays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage_ respectfully solicited. 0. H. Wilda Comupanly 311 South State Street If you Need m. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. .Vantaging Edor-ARsCHtER F. RrCIt Business Manager-C. E. WNTEADt. EtITORS New- .... .posal I. ainesl Athltics ......-Lee A White' A'thetics, Ast... C. E. Eldridge' Exchange ...... Robert Mountsier N-ilisir ......-Roy D. Welch I ram a........Raymond Vissher W- sc's Esitor... Louise Van Voorhia EDITORIAL STAFF Rus-eli.'ucFarland tChauncey Bicher NGTet'EDITORS Donaldi I. Kinney Robert Moreland Michael I. Mchutgh Fred F.. Gooding ,eonaril C. Redl RPORS Lowell J. Carr J. H. Prescott W'salter K Towers Louis Kraft 'al Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto Enoel E. G. C. Williams 's. MI Ablott H. I. Armstrong I. A. Hinckley D. E. Jones Paul Leidy BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wur Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould A~ddress: MCHIGtAN DAILY. Press Bldg.. Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: 1- p. i., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones lbs lat sif the -cuntoriwh is ilikes -isrilegiuss let eut it te acaemi ca ndt gis no5 st an uaccu-toe AW. .1Teodisern senio(r5'iin clinsedi hsal t okus pn allsech iiunvsnt ins. aisore or less, sita lark. 1i- 15( snalir s which a no doubilt a lit of the s'ntis(trvn ititls ;stitud oitsf- scorinsttul irisver eces'frall ial tiand frceftl a talansslie. Lsiilrgsriilates are' tapt snowidas I, aesthrer'plesu~r ithoussigtlessl ietrn t ceremoniy .tat initfulilliii Iraitins.Do't ismagines'ttt se tik setmtlissssis any motsrs asssiralle lii' te ter extsitem:btsel thris' asea siters- neiiter acsidemi srdiiosnr ousr sowsnsessge5f lhusmoir 55551 sutffer. As a memesir is thsts fa- ultysidis, iis sdecisedlisssnitsitsssicsl, isnd it-isislit say fsrter, estiels. mteaiiingess twear citp u twittout gns sr gswsn s-iwtitot cap.t Nisdisstitthe yuitsng sw-omsansiwhIss tears. terser ow and tositioffswitsua'"merr- widow"lith-tinskiit is "s~chic" serapsti is, liststhat is hatrly te ssestial stes- baichlolurs. f art se spplosel to caie moefor digsniv-taistza rre costrats. adafair respect for tise-hosnoured sistom emas ~ssthat he cats tndslgowns bei is-srnssori discarudedstogeher. If you dntlike te catsandslgousn, dos's wear thesms;isbutnt shosw y-ursdislike Isi indulslgisng its cmbinatons that make thel issdsiueslouss. SOCIE;TY BNXICTS 'MUCH OF 'TARIFF RE-FORMERS OFFER CI)LI,,EE MEN." SAYS BATES PRIZES IN COMIPETITION 'les-Jeffsrsonsianand ssssl -seihiseat- ing societiss.hels a joists meetigs t esninsgin tsr Jeffer-sniatroomiss. ThIe (iw-i depatrtmsents mseet tus at least ocee a i-sar its isfossinisg of essaliy- tes frienshtiip. resisdentsStrausbi of the Jeffersousiassdelivered the adsress. of awecomse whlichts s-irestondued to by Ptresisdest Kelly sithsie Adelphi. trof. atsswias techief speaker f te e i'snsg. HIts'oiok as hisstese "~ThetclDuty tfte ClegeManlto S- cty,' msaintining tat sunles. igher edussatisin is a falusre sucity- has. a righst to exticetisore of te cisllege miass thanssofi ossrw-Isisas tsssf1hailtesses io ,)ussiiss. lie sidsitiat ste sllege mnsswass sesttr ttedstoisigapplewitis te prltslso f sicit; first becusiseof th wids r isiss' d sssasers oustoosk uptonsslife whiichs Iis training gieshimsis ecssd, besess' st'sutlearsssistoiidoi bette satu ceesrr thisnkintg uonthe liq-uesstinss -whicht a-ises. Its'ionc5lsioniP1sf. Gtesssad that tse collesgs-mausushoiuld, auuise ll.on triibu-e s kodi iplersonistal caractsr to te comunsistity 5 i-IshiciIt,s- p5 laci; stas use colegs- mtan sioulds ialwiays si- mem-biler that tsissstisuasms ss.gretest puissecssin. sli trs's steaker'.sifthescevensig teres "The Clge Maniss dtishue Stats-.' J.- F.Winnser 'Thss'Litrsary Mass -isstheItsStats, . I _ Fuslsr; The Cruise of ts' Atlanstic Fest t. ;.s. Knellsr; " arand-iiPleae,"''Bass. Ats sliet isill his'adstosl ho sili ssurse of theses'jsint 5 sssitssgs. sirisgts' coussss insg ye as, sbohsoieisfesel thatsuchst mseetings are iprioductie' of stuc ssod.' lF\NI.tINAitiON PEI-ODtS W s11.1, Nt' tIELENGTI t NtO) It is. uiwi iracticaly- certiss that 5n0 change55 sill lbe- made thisi yer ite lensgths of thie xainsa tissperos it 5hit ';iterars.- ispat sss'ss. \'sats'is-r cages asse listssontemplasttsed-l iill not goin5 fsisces,.if adoipited, usntilths its- le f 'rless-os-is ssttee- e xa m'sisn sationssches- dlsesss is te litesrisry- deiartmencst ati rsc'nttsse-etinig gaini tucheds'ites- ss sct of thre-e-ousr examsina tiuuns.M diffhculties hsiaveuissns- ip is s-egrditis thes installutionss (f ts-ets-wsy-cstm. i~Te tpiolemtsinsthis-sschmisry- aisuipsit scs lsss u -i-issrdoe is suite. s is.te caeissclassec shere tiers- tre sissiesl fromsotsihir sepasrt'ntswhoise exusis- suatiossseriodssmigti iserlap sr cnslict. 'lhe trratmtentt of ixamsintiossswh-ics begins is 4 o'clck tsndser te tresents ,s-slsssis. als us santdiqusstioin.. A (scsi idea f iral eassisatiusss iss thes lasngsuage'de-puartmsets sha senctsis- tisissis. Is is thsousgtst withuils a loger exuamsinattions prus, ts' stdsessts cuiss receive indiliditiul attenstios. Noinssg deiirteis, hsoweer. hsibieess secides. Before you setle duswns to "ose" o- iigiti--a little recreatioss alie Thea- torissss-5 cests. f Maude Miller Bissel-Voice Placing asnd Sosng Inerpreation. oT the Cut- ting; both phones 428. Sat-f Prosf. JutistA. Fairlie oss a memeslsr of tse aionsal uwateruays commiissisosn, sensls isshiss tnnounsscmettof a trie cosntesi conducdiby lbse'Tariff Reforns etub, of 42 Broadway. Nesw York. Te ctub offers he following pries: -turisng the six msothis bgisnig April , s3o03, $25 etch ssosth for he itsuriff reforsmarile or eiorial, ssd $ajsechs mosntfor ste bes tariff reforsm cartson. Ill produsctiosssst ble origisal adi mssitate sappeardisomesi ne spwpesr sr etespsublicasii sitonsnd smut ie ss- msittesd sits prmsissiionsfor iteir se by tse commisstee,'whth-er tes- eesis-c oriz 5'ofnot. P'roiduciss ubmliiittedl fr s'ompteti- tionsits 'lay mstslhate eess isublised ditce 'sarch i.- P-rdsuctissns, isibilse) :n Msats or luter sist le submsittldiur- ssg tenhit' s osf piusblicaiisns. butifail- sg thenstoti rece rie.tmaiomestest ite folloiisg most. JMUusic ana lmrama Msarv-elous. entanglemetstt, hsumotroits. itsatios and ansl-itiscrrigibsleboysu 'Mn -s hauractrizesd[ sitse ssosmedy- "Tre-latss.'wsicsilwastspirs-enteu by hes tHighs SchtooltComuseysclsblst sigs. uss- atisg goodsias.t t ts' _ivruigs- iamatsur srfo rsance. Jamsts Howeiull as. ''tibs"'was asily thisr f teen-csig. wns.s~osii-ittsus- issi- GiIVS t use-es.. '.\ 's'Willousghliy lBouighttontplayieducx- sesutyinishis. gaduatt'itontrecitul kiss ight 'sr. tiusgitsss's insguisedbya clearsancasefultic-l piqiue situ by a-itinc.tttti-e delicaicy., tes siui hrasterisstsictfll Iis.plaing 55. -His. irora esincsued tihits'o'nl ishgit ha us lusihwus uplauteitsithstlls qusiet-, inigintg toneit theiii is ht it ttiii'nent and lit- billiashutndstellingtefgctesithe ri-Iisi-sensi teont hissproigram-itthisilsother' suisiss-ticompotss. In 1thie Choinis 'Fanitsie,"(Ut. 4, nits Boighsto slut Iis. est pla ying.Thi ts ire recital is a decisdedhcrnsit his'srBouglhtont assi to hit1-.trainintg and1susilfurns-iststilt stasntial ecourassstgemtentsfis the futurse. 'sr. Boughittngsadusatsstis yea rusots thse literairysdeairtmsent. ('stuirisar its atl ttlet, thatlhat-c sste cdus, at Aless's. 69od (;erinse I leoiiuof sx. 's'aiger & C'u., State St. 70-5 Soft collar shirts-large assortmesnst to scelet rust. lhentry & Co., N. Usiter- site, 7-3 i-ate you ses ih then- corn-coloret shirs at Ales's? 6-eod Rest fr your ired brai-asd clean, tsp-to-dataencstrtinmenst t Thseatorium -S cesnts. tf Going to Graduate? YOU WILL NEED VISITING CARDS To enclose with your initatios Leave your orders early Eugraved plate with 100 cards $1.25 WAHR'S University Bookstore Law and Medical Books Fisr'State oardEKamsinatioss Ludy's Medical State Boards, Questions and Answers - $3.50 Ludy's Dental State Boards, Questions and Answers - $2.50 Owen's Law Quizzer, Questions and Answers - $4.00 Iaght's, Questions and, Answers --- $3.50 Blckenderfer's flenigts of Blackstone,'- - - $4.00 Oser's Modern Mediine 7 vols., - - $42.00 CASH PAID FOR YOUR LAW, MEDICAL DENTAL BOOKS C. [.DBAR IN[[ LAW AND MEDICAL BOOSELER Tel 161. 326 S. Stae St. Selior Notice Students desirng oaicia 1908 STEIN wsll eavrnies as Arnold's Jwlry Stee. Pelece $2.50 en~gaved Visitix~d Cards Fnest engrased cards at lowest pices. Choe and 100 cards $1.25. WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 220 5. MAIN ST. Tennis Racket A set of Gill Sticks or Atiuletic Gosods if sats. kisicl, you'll tie satisfied huhstsou save te test. if thues- clethfronss Sheehan & Co.'S Official National League Ball hiss'he snardt-sistitf -itheol. Ints'great worl' chamionshp igam s b'tween-sthes dicagouaionalehsusuits sut s'itAeieos ithie Spialdhig eiisuurBall wausd. -u.Thu Spalinsg 01sl -ut Natjosiah ti-acne Bothli is usedIby It'eshansarit. Psincetc oulndalt pomesnt-s colegeteas. hsiessundssailors iss sie UniitedhStsusArsy andsNoiy use it exs- clausvely. Is las-his, sit usniersauseishsere'- i-i- s-s i Bal'tuitis Plaesd. A. U. SPALDING & BROS. New Yurk, Chieago, S.Luis, San Firsncisco, Mihinses uits. tDunver, Buffalo, Syracuse, Pitts- burg, Phiadelphia,Boston, Cinctunat, Bai- mare, Washington Kansas Ctty, Clevetand, Now brleans, Oetr~lit, MontrenatCanada. I 1 i 1 iI, .1 Falley Postal Ca rds Four -5c-Four U niversity School, of Music Register for the Union Election By Law to Constitution: "No member of the Union shall b? allowed to vote at the annual election unless he shall have registered his name and.: the number of his membership,, ticket in the book, provided for that purpose, at least one week previous to the election.". Regintration book in check room at Club House Get your pick AT THE U]. of M. COp Store ll ' II .j i 1Washington L The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598