- HEH. MICHIGAN ',DAIL- Sam Burclfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfield & Co. EAST HURON ST. B§EST STOCK OFe C J-GAR.S IN TH-E CITY- AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St.' We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'em at ow prices. ALARFI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All the best makes andfully gar scs. MIClHC N PINS AND) FOlS 25c up to $.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector fr the An AbsreRilrolead J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. - ..Branch: 304 S. Stte S. V 20oOff Meerschaum and Amber bits oply Kw, Ea JOLLY- U0S S. STATE PST. MRS. J. R. IROJANOWS~I( FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER Hair Goods, Hairdresing, Shamsig Manicuring, ace Masg a .Specialty. 322 S& State St. (Up Stairs) Bell Phone 35 BAN4KS TH!EARMERS AND MEfCANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Captai, $50,000 Surpiuso and Profits, $65,00 Gtneral Banking Business. '3 pecet paid Ono Tnme and Svtngs Deposits. Safety De- posts Boxes to rent at $2.00 and pards It. KAsoPr Prs. W. C. SvEso. Vice-Tes Fi.. Banss, Cash. H. A. WonstIAS Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank apital stock, 50,000. Srpls 200,000 Resorces $2,200,000: A General Banking Business Trasated rricmis.: Chas. E. Hiscoch. P're.;l I. D. Harriman. Vice Pres.: M. J. Fet. Cashie STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughanj 7(as., B.. Wade' E. F. Mills * John Basrer Jno. Koch. irot,.H. S. Carhart Henry.W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan d. immeomn FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or 'ANN Assoa ,MacB*. E. 0..KINNE, P1ARISt)NSUTE, PrFes. Vice-Yp-s. S. IV. COARKSO*N, Cashier. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profit, §140000. Mlerman American. Savings- Bank Commsrori..1 ao nd Savings Canr. Main., anad Libaerty St,'aata RIR ilIR R 'l'1-iTROUiBLE N1:,111' CLA.sSPOITIICS To the E1di1t1r: 'Iis is-dirsccliitio tle rank cnd file ofi votrs 'especially ii inhoe classes wshich ci 511151 I ihssscl tickets" iniclass elcin.Issiidest-.n11(1ha1t1this svas (loll(,Ito revcmi i nihffie seeker cnd liis friens1fro putingli peopile ii his ticket witll (tie11understaniiiniisthat they would suppoilrt hsiss Fhins iiaslice hasi Ihe pa5st (leditoIrings, ndit is clesir tracdiiig and ileof teseclase (ic hy areini eansto do tissthins. s First, Ito rc- fse o ilsa "ticketi"'asa cainidisate; ecndio efuseito(isle furronwho isisa "icklt" ini 51y1 capacity-. 1:fyou of the rankand fisleIwhsire iot your- elve samiiiiis for plsitiical power, lak his tti udesis-h(ieprofessionail poll- icissi-. will ie slow isosmake pioliticsil desals (if ((isorun i-c (iis' beeii iibject- I witeusthis atIls-th iss ie iise 1 have heardofsplisicl 'actsiityin t leaessses MIII( liteIrsryisdeparitimeni. I appeail onl- oihoses slis tink (tis couirse I Propo s'si iiiis is ((( (ithtenisesils ,Ol oili'iiiiiii ll'. CFliiF PARY Mii[iCi- 4\AC5cicicS $2, I11.16. The inajsl tiesuiirerrport of Miclil- c~enla a subitte itoProl. hates yes- !,in ilisisci I (dross receuptsIno(lie stun f 41-1-1.78, anid istip(ofitsi (is dis'Union "\ i n s'sil s ii ,O a~1 stfiideint s liii lase 1c. (liesleisesllig goosi onin e ,rid. Qsi iosler cei-sll iiisiiscss proposi- oni to, tsey right (iris-ty. -iy-s-i--&-Dsil Il.ii.Isansg. Mchu- 72-4 Hosieryinii -llthe lI-cs t shades and I ii ,,at llsn's. 7o-eod tispring Clothi.ng i _.. _.. VE 1 N ELIECTS EG;GEMA.N NEXT YEAR'S PRESI)ENT At .t meeing yeserdasy alernon (lie Desher .Vreiii -rsoisacesl biisiiiess oif sigeineal masture and.. el cts-l. soffiers fcenext year.The reor of(le ireasusrer shiiiicilasilargelslaice in he baaik so ((hai (le Verein iwill prbaliy extensd is qarers nex aear siid nuns- 10 riomsnsinre ceitrslly locaed t hsn tiose on Thsyer sreet eil ci.ns sccuies. - - ---- 'The trn candisaesftuetle.presi- ileisc were B. R. Eggenan siiiCl sl Grsiin. 'The other oficers cliseis ere _lIise hi tintl .Jsiiies ie-president; Floreiice Bsiker.sicreary; sarl (rawn-, treasuerer. ''he Verein icied asussnifci$75 inole isedl for '(lie purchase cii -Gcuaasn -oks in leiresenteclt(0tie geieral lirary ss (lie rgsniliisliois anuassl gft. A sum ofii mon1ey -slsalsos apprlI'iaedsi fore (i-pusrchass-ofifosliosr isinole giress toithoses- o ol :ucpa(sr in "'lilinas ivill lfsrolelm" Th i en's secionliofithe Vsrein "ed PRESSP1.UB I NITlATES Ei;) IT M1EN AT BANQIJt' ('le FUiiversity- Press chli held is initiationlianqcuse ait (le clsfislnnse las night. , Thosse iniiiiatedl are 'Arthuur J Abbott, Rnoy 1. Wech.Elmuser C. dsamsuisRn)er s ri ntsir. Frei Giii- oug Riibirtit lirslsssuil. vIu oil Xi'is- lie., andil BG. R. \'illiassis. Aftert' hle iisititig scs-moislu C'hasrless\Viusis-si prsiicdlccl istms S r and111heis-lullowing lioass erirs-i--is sponisdedl to: tle Passiiig Siosi- \rclss . 1ithe. 'TheCiiitiiig I ("nsi.s-J litus h1us' 'Thie Pre-s Chil-Illirisi. ScuH. '-Tse Pres'ss Chiubs(irugi Sisisir 'TVe=Ei FCody. - lics iif Jiusrnslissss-Pris.'Efinger. The ull Stri-scsi al Ssot'sli'ous 'FRI NGEIES 11111.1)ANN' Xl, SIRI NG 1VNI'l'11'l'l The riagle jn i-s-egici ~'- sci'ty h (is-li'eir isannnsilspriing iistio ansi hissotise irga.-iiiess werei \V.- F.,hi' ,'. II rs's. I. iF. kesgsr enam-issiuAli ~~~"'arlFrksls\\''iiil iilg. Jr; JoihnssI. I lossis hi . lriiss'. JamssssNi, - lalls-isisi. lrulil S. lrowness. Jyl Fiil- ler,. sndssi ley-s-C Ssi- :Afterthe isiisstioss sres isies ii''res c 'r le eision heldlsalbanquei t h 7-I icligsi nin -. S. R.Sismalt ash-ili loasiiiiils(5i. '('(s-follcmi-isl- sis weireii A Happy hought--. 11.Hibe Cllege- Siiciseies--JlE. Kelly: Supierheaedl SississiJoes-Busise. 191110-Triansgles's, (I -S.PBrwnesis. LOST-1'Cionilsiinssutisn pencs. Fiider p leasessnotiify- Gioul, ither isspiose 12(5 ICIST-Psir f a'1 ss ,is IlalsIx cii Fidrplesse eil ip lilis l sl (ililiie 7t5-1.. CAILING CARDS-Wec call special attentlionitoiseniurs wishiig cengraed r iallisig carids for .cinieceness.' Wse arlythe fiest hune of caris in Ann Ahror. Prices, $.25 up. Joliffe & ile- iiller, sibovie Co-sp. ed 'See our complete line -of Michigan pins, fobs and souvenirs. Haler's 4 eselry Storef1.atf"S. Main street. od Knee-lengthsunisonsiss. Wage & Co., Sate St. 70-5 -Alarm clocks warraned for one year, I $Lbo. Hailer's Jewelry Store, 216i Main street. cod. Rest fscr your tired'lbrsi-ainalclesin, uip-t«e-daileenfcs-rrl seli - 4tt II Illertalneiti -5 aents. - - - i -CLOTHES' MADE ESPECIALLY FOR YOU Will not fit you and better or please yout more-if as well-as College or Society Brond Clothes-which we consider-as do many thonu- sands of well dress men throughout the country --- -the highest class clothes made ready-to-wear. Staebler & Wuertli Co. 211 S. Main St. Annx Arbor Walk- Dyrs'For Spring 40xford timue is here and so are the various styles of WValk- -Over Oxfords, Pumps and ties in black, tan and psatent. ?Tan leather will predominale antd we hav-c takenl all pains : possible in selectng the inewest shades as well as exclusive designs for Walk-Over Patrotis. See windows for unlimitecd stupply of Puiiips, Street 'l'ies with good- street soles suede huited heels to prevent all slip- pigon heels;in btutton and lace for Men anii Wonien. A.,vr Shoe Co., R,.'JJiOFFSTETTER Mgr. H rt, cafter:*& Marx* . - -All Wo*.l-MHazi.d Tailored *U'fJ SPR ~CLOTHING TlClothierjJ .Reay w eim yoxa are. "' " " - V Wsagnercufc& ,Co., -nheerdashern, 'Slate St. OpIu ovenings. tf IIesrul hi'asint due new lihuus? See.,11111 tisst iihe h- eaouiuhu. hi Panamkas artd'straw hats in all shapes. at Allen's: s 70-cod I u'eltw eilhi lisle -hose, all shades. 1icuiry A c Pl ti's niversiiy. 71-3 'liii Us9ShirtsI Shirts I Everything 15n shirus iiohAllen'sa yo-eosd 'is unahle shirts-$i.oo' md o p. Wag- ie Co.,State S.70-5 St Longman Co., Photographers. Groups. seslantern slides, and postcards. De- v'eloing and prninbg for" amateurs a specialty. "'ulehis firm consists of ,Will- anis, formerly with' tyndon, Thompson, who has had several years' experience, and Longnman. 306 South State street. Phone Io. If THE Palais Royal 209 E. Liberty St. U. of M. PILLOWS AND PENNANTS A SPECIALTY CURIOS and BRASS From Every Country Wadhams & Co., 12i=i23 S. Main St. (. 1pf~ j FUEA WAI KING LOGO e , ov M. !JUarinIU DIRECTOR. ;Chi iese Chop7Suey RestaurantRowe's Lauflury Chin se Fancy Dishes, America Lunuches of Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98., llkids. 'Everythinug 'fir-ciass'toe HMSROS rp ladles anti etoo n.n U .FfhAe Residenee 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 Chinese and Japanese Brie-a-hear. 32N.PthAe AMB.ULAN CE,.ON CALL . IlpoSiagrs,,; emdaorS _ Itao-Bros,,-314 Si Siate St. Now Photo 457., Belt Phone 457-L STUDIO- ' . . 319 East Huron Street