T'he MIichigan Daily VOL.~ XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAXY. MAY 22, 1900. -NO. 172. SYRACUSE BLANKED, BY THE VARSITY Barr Twirls Hard Fought2 to 0 dame-Sipcock is Expected to Pitch Final Tomorrow. Fortune turned and gave Michigan the laurels yesterday. Syracse went townt iefore the varsity witiot being tile tn score, touglt the "M" men found their way home twice in the nine innings. Barr twirled, wills'aft c- teving. Despite tle victory it is plaist that Miclhigain is not rtnnig alotg any lily- strewn say in the east. Brosn was esteetmed the lardest proposition Mc- Allister ad to leatl iis stiad against. If sucit is the case, iiswill betide the varsity Saturday. Inth ie gaume with Syracuse no score was made till the forth, whets a lonely run caume i, scceedied 1y ano ter, i the eghthis 'inng. Tie tig{ dent hsatyet to nuetrhisi suusiu amng theaiagsnunit.,_ for itus far he ha lid .a perfect score. The score by innings : Mfichigan..5. n on ton o s 0-2 tt n Sracue.:0 0 0 0 5'n;-lio 3 f Basteries:'Sarr isd Tit:Steins sd guihis tietfastst aggrgaioli tat stnll its st oppsedl aid that Wied- nesdasil,s i iewi,, tietmost sisatioal ever iitnt-sseif iti"sPetcytett.= Sincock iihiptchedn tagitilcetl sll, old lng Ciirn'tl to cileves hts iii sixtee icisgs, iukisg isiut sto situdtrikisif osit eeseii ine, . #yFiiba.iitremiak- ahle tsiriis 4octsC'k gtt:a t v0agges sWhich tislt, r the.ssssttsihcii aisili iy Giddinsgs rssItitei it assrnt. inthturf igtS Vt hc"rti~ t 'it dit'v Cslwsel, stole sefolusisi1s1 :c t'lwhot~ Bele il toliicnter. lDiiiieis crioit's d swilt AliicigaMss only trtp'le. Stlvssts turstei . lf e isigetfild iig"trich of thi, gamie .4u trissmit3,00i ooers io their feet,. t Cornell viii dnts giisga griiirn( ecigiiio t. lh selsrsti ttee.-dpis,the fact ilsali cut off a.dchaten for tient to scre nutrithe est , ttls ut nst the games Is was int he thirteentininssg. Neihe itle had scoredi fronstishe eighth sic rbeling tifkf67r three lases in ,this ti) lng. Cadwell came ip with to gnuse asddtimel a lue fly to ideep center, i aspot that is ordisarily g od bf0r home ruti. Siilisass isaie a great opic uaway otibeiyonisdte runiig tac, an got the al juts as it was aioit to his te ground. Onsce when Corellavis'narttn ig, Keley ad Dusne executed a doe hle play which attracted soie ater tiontsbesides stopping the run. None of he errors in the gmse,o whichs Michigass hailosenstilCirnels for, resulted its scores. Th'ie score: Cornell Au aIT o OA Heilmn,ss.... 7 0 5 3 4 Matchseer, 3t.....7 I'5 4 3 laeligri..... .7 0 22 0 Clwell,p....7 0 024 Guile, If ........... 5 2 1 3 0 Williams, a....7 0 2 12 2 Reiber, 2b.......6 0 2 2 5 Fulton,'cf..... 5 0 2 3 0 Watson, i's...... 6 0 0 17 0 ..-w - ., w w -w w --vA% 11 t.. . . t. . I l'.. . . . __. _ i Sisseloh, c . 6.... 0 22230P0 fir EETDRAUS ull fied)jdge, A R.ChadleCurtis, ....P...P. rMagofof.iCrti,,P G.MaD.fi Cor-.Cor - - - - -ical, XW. Casey ; clerk -of cosirse,. Harry 6152 1447 14 A HIPIS Hilt; assistattclerks of cosurse; W. O H OST OF LALETES~ okasi. I utls Two-base hits-Sisseock, Willianmss ccriR IBals .M asn Three-ibase hits-Duisne, Ehelinsg, Gable. R. Craig, i. Post:; scorers, C. E. Bid- Sacrifice its-Gable, Waisons Double Interscholastic Promises* to. be ridge, -:et Scsslly, Hi. Bunssdchus, LeeF playKelev t Dune. ase on all Mos ClselyConeste-Re- iWite: Isiselrs, FloytdRoswe, lDr. G. A. slayKehty t Dussss. Baes 05 sils ostClosly Cnteted-ec-Ilay. Siid W. Millard ;.insspectoirs, G. 'F. -Off Caldwel , off Sitscock 2. Struck ords Expected to Go. Sisule; C. lb. tee, hi.'I.Ftos ap 'Iiil-p CstUirse -Dw2yip seokted-Church; smarsihal, A.- Schulze; assistantl 'i'isse3 :5. isiireDwyr. tteni- Prelimuinasr evens inisihit proimisetusrshals, R. 1It.Luste, Williams Was- ' ste- 3,000. to ibe oust of te assst spectascuilar int er- isii,1Isi hlrhcS .Ssai schloastic e uets eierihl is Ferrv filt1d________ PL~tf'l''' OF ;Ootlfil~,C silt e rn of1fthis siiserssiiiis. -Contrary Lit IA F RIAL IN i.PNIVERSh'hY i src.icihilis.lcesi i he 11KM BK T,2 AWVPR2OFE SSOR bug preps schoolsh cisishueslsg fur blis 'it DD~lRESS R EP U 1PI CANS fitichsigans satsssse prspiects for a place allthbse may is tse finilshs. -Onet rifle corpssto sendsto the intercollegiate hsundsired stud fifty asusbuheso repiresenitinsg Judsge E. Fisnlay Johsn, site of thse: ride shoeot hisbehueled at Wakitefield; tse mosstupromsinent urciaraorpl1sil- tuspremue justlices si thue Phtilippinte IS- Mass.. sue satter parr of Junse. Severah ssissi h sllemsr slerelanssssdihformes.r secretarysfhulit mebrstof te Riocky 'uloutitaits'clusb isndlthesdestrusctioisi sifnumeus rsi'srec- iepasrtmentutof lit'eUiversity,still hue esteeui afternoonsisiexhpressedl tueis'is is isantiicipiased.this'incuipsal stpeaker' ustish' lastteel- :villilusgsi tocompeste in is suchssitsesveit, Cries frothildecisivictor atsheivlg ifthue yIcr sifthur 'al ftRepubhlicatn ndit is expuetediltstseveraul other nitncntcirst icluchsngerchoasi hl acubs, his le iselXWednesdahsy eesning, ti slur Civtersity swillicoessnto thle trout Vsectspa' st tLningsus, Detroit Central Musy 27,ill Scotts academuy, stver Cushi- 1f isnl aumsestinug of tousle suusis-call set \j1a 0 f' vhs. Sesl' S inn ssphssrmaiscy sitsStalestuners.theisr .pusrly- sucsoftsaerisal willnstltforce tud fiMus"u i dfib nsiss stI'strp for uewsea kers still *betilhscNBusts. .1. .War- ftihigass to sdeclinse ihes'intvitaionof ecrdsin t i iikshe ihaIsf-msile, suit rers, vedior osithsie AnnsArbosr Nesws, lie veastrniers. Allihh atu sis nsee ci ~ I~s tilt: dleh'igate Irus t hist tilstrict In thec oi s-all a muetig o ftse stdents in- I 'ske Foirest igh,,swinnu iser ositheiirepubillicantionaliiuiiiconvuenioand uutihue erectedinit rle -shoottinig. thr.hhe is , plant il s .. \V. fb. Werever. Jatmes iE. au bei d- itih for. targetl rti vite. antash ParIhi gls irstIiin'I ii lit'Illinis in' - Iarkins,, co uty elerk, hst roisedsi toi v'amis piced toii;ind5htoiinmuet hih i bs t sI hla sli atl -banaiis. wiill conlit'for Iselull'setil i'sslg sometiosithistpoular liar slu ll f te sl., ul us s; ithils ,hrbigsD' tois t ii5 iistittiosii.. 'tusuist gut stisgs.. 't'erearesome revxphrlincediiflemenus ).sL'.S. iscicll shipoisull I race; \in tisitorshnat55oils'fittheiisessiltis thsongthis Rushy Moitain Iuulchib l t- theIls'seniorilrawssclats's esterdaysthos ~rn Igihivig loi sit its hoiws siililspiiiinids de Oe.o her umerha benIig, IDesa lt il t ll eds stsupolu tu, lttees ,aIssmy andiei' ha simpted 's i uste. Iuislv tii 1iiiih f ormssvr .\ichsigsanu professourfr fus s lesw us Iv_ 'sip si su itls' i i sh' st year, Il it } ve s mi s l lsis, and ISip Iiiiiils. Msisip sothesrs cosudibesomis ex-v ,hoi r, si r omi~sung Is ll slillr. 'I hes' rio seords. Juisles'Jois on spi toke bhrieflyp 's ulet-so s with s ithuhe spractvce.si ivi i iiIn11'i hs s~. hs sis sisudent lday itsin itsnn iArbor, tush ha sisbeenidtilled ieig ile 1sls'i ebsilitiltititths' itgsiueaui fIl,l, tNt ON \f I; IBERl SI iflustus11111, a shtlls lnasitf te t'hhiilie couss ur s h o'fthit K RFtII 5111R TiI1S WEEK brendelh Phii'tllipss is dusts 'ilcptits isys ~tstem is gverisussin t iheissIlattnds. n°loh h elii cenutrp adsis le hi'2211. fIleit s lnd1t' Jolins;oill suisci a ess'y i ters t- - i ccs'sriisg Iii Isv'blisussitfshec fIich l si 'iv'si 5 1s u' sfil si i u' sluar sit "t he l st udhssensst s re gisai n-he 'electioinsositooficer'ss unlhssliehis iist11 seesgoidis toIt he basck 1st Ann Stranigelpyvenomgh;,thss'voaierswusitlcutl egisucredlhIssnsssse insistthe nsumsbler lssof lt'iisi uh slees iil s. lv fs ts' sgsiu,' saidh Judues'Joihnsoniu in isis r i5 rlses ini tiv'resgistreytbookslsausleash ell i esu it le ssu t tus sru instesrview uatthis.'C'suk honuse yestehrday. islne e llss e foreis'f t h l ectio'n. s i shvdls and al f-mthb is , ishilhs.tLaks' ''I tiss '"tsus drsicfuhp sse heetissus is niti tituta fessclussoff-every uust i iu uiiuil i'd I is.lft I spec.isalhipis ~hhis w efygrotuhs soles.' 'hiss'xpeissitsubewillnscicviii .ill5helshu -miher30 fsiho 7I 20uslitseoutletr4alst onces.:sTh. abli 5 illhesuint g fruitshd'partmenuglI fistsflfishan-he.signed. i thvchecksrussis-u t ssii t suusiadmisire hite new Ei neuscerivns - I git e Iis's s'thesisathires ts se uul n s Sus Ps, si eui it sp i siis ld i ' is '''stsstts fiii eshe p pesub ite isp uit t Isstit lit 1i1i i i sli ..reor,.5 51.a slro, if ii ttv ts suuslss' ssiesh ss - M ayus 3up t ro lte. 7 t sy2 a. i's i ni order . hsiu us liuu s'i hss s i l's turdei of sl itoi ts. w ih iif ' Ihuws.' electiedi uet's isli'eni-Os'lie , who can tlwsi'p hs' ut 1 bedt 5 ssiins thi s ut sili liul tc shcti v i5ssl us hs' lssIisil stls hvsiltte dayu i ow n opo -tch ishit iJu sc w sipp sru e ysssote. ts it siohrl vrteIsi husy is liiwtLiss cesuping .ric. Sf.,eliv' tsiuucourtco.he.NL Ci EJEIJ P hiNipN tutumade t e t aslarghte' numsb ud1er hc 'ft aosetssieotesrsus sep ineIlnsesoito hh a it ciit si ht he elet ionswill susc i n anchs fosis r. ii ssse'uu ass1 g svel P' nlyspssreen yes . ie "u sg eiiiuseusiesuee. ~ ~ ~ " slu'le st hirts' suisen te setil'51te s ts sell, t u i is ihsuisc st tu l P 'I i tl fij i r r. c 1 t t t 3 c t r r r t' t , , _. i, i t a,. r 7 1 i 'ELLOW CLASSMATES MOCK CAP AND GOWN 'rospective Bachelor Reprooves Conduct of Seniors-Prof. Craig Speaks of Ancient Tradition, I'ile hue itor: Thess'wsritetoftis comiuictionsuiu iul uith uuetrit sis ind f a udresms htst, o list ofs sbhi si'montushhuof Misy, wsethe thi. ranqiuuitiyiof iis sumbes. Is. ludisted'shv'Iitmsef, osinthis lasy, at te foottosit camusstr ees.'hi'enijoy te uolsusofi thu ragsss ansdlthe exemplahsry' tussluse f hos.'of Iis feliiseswsho serer hasteninsg Itioteclssses tehilhs' suit blilted. Is.'hadsthloughtuto1reminis lis suiteppyscontent iluingisme hosus. His mssihsind h is.bgu ithsell' plesanistlyip i oun those lae ldutrlesutilius lusts surroussdsthIe 'cap altushgwne,. und e wsussissig pothus inIsuealttness f this'sicomponenitsofusthets.'icat irs'- BisforehIisev-ps' Hiledicevtuies' it styhloiissr ts, .'me slughiug, ts'e ight- ing, sa fsw sudtipsu, ll usils gws us's lists ailt itatethe, lifanis osf the 1or111ondus weet'brushedlcawa51 .11ult lie percssived'ursislity. ''tsirt't'ssutred insole stil by sen 'ior swit a cap an til gowntl. Te followed a :1 slisi igist withiscapa sdsnsgow. fitsi lsstys uts.'etrippid byt a Isp st ein lg wearinlig a1 gossni,lusts swit .ua utmepy itliliupon lue tusads. 'hets wrsitr, withuas groan sep upan cyig sut '"I silhen- duresanyhing ratiherthan sttthi she Isiall. T1hereu, 1fron1tt oppres'tve sses ifthe shi' wnsess'Oitoust'ciiliationu, Its. siught refuge iuslep Butin 11seepi e.fiundst suhits asudss- Itumed siiae. lis wssistush bya dra ttrie s itwatief, 1a1nushpalu- tush itsitssenuingts" it1101wa s'stittill its besginnuig I Ie eld11itlt'hise- ginnlinig suit ills uusut lit sa tsidh: "Ilet us dh~ispyhus surigs'' lut Shiv'sils' tmakhe stssuiest thec'gsitl f lie sress. Sltsue s it woruec wih hiss'gwssn a ussmery widowussshesiredI thte evesof1 sht storld.' 'ihe reamesusvr thenstpoachedst sultie etis sub Iis sdressim. is'usw ihimsel'f eterng hiv librtary cinlitmiortarbsoardsus Ianus si bathisg sui. ie rutsforwardilus sgnytlo fferhislscf sigossn. Biut "himlucf" flesh tier tsblesanustchars, sut sssupn thecampsshus, trusig citis roomuu asi etsure roomiu- iAndut hessthe sreaesture awouke, andvi turning t is iiseat mtse,ssai, its a umil voice, "I sist t-psoplecwoulsd le'snushe ti qluuete of le cap antdshgswnt." SIOsun N. 1.-Pru'f. Craig toduay tetets msinutshs eciuisg Iis class ponu the ack sit academtic ci~tisiy andsh sisrespet sit ani asuentutradtion umaifesedin thecosuctofsitusdisets clash as te weler cite. iIiCI th1sfN GRAsDiiGCufS IHIGHt -AKRK IN CONSC,AK idNAfut hFssont fi. Gasti, '07, titholstssectspusr- suitg_ gradsuae workst te Uivrsity this ear, recentslyuassedi ighest it a comptpcitie examsinaion furstsudeut ius Ierpeter iithe . S. consusular service, itsank: benti 8797. DrankthBhnhu, tuto '07, f Katnsas, passsedsh he examinaus- tionisfuse . S.consulsuat51the stiels. wills assaverage uoi 82.55. Gale will he auttuced to the sffice at Pekisn, Chna, ,for whihsltsIhe with eave durisg te TheIsre terecthiry colmpuetiors its this examuintionlss, of swhlt iiichieen wers iuassed,.snasking the poosrini of sit- cessful applicaunts higher thansssusul. of shuidnusi interpreter I a ut slsui, Jsttsuu, uavngT gosse there last fall., id it If X11 Ii 0 Atu ss meecting pesteeshtup sieIsso eats- didaste's foruit uearp sice-presidenst, H. :\A..i'Iuicltshe ndsuhJ.K. Watsukinss, agreed notu to sndoiup ifurther ssliciting of voses. Thuey also requsest themi rienssto shop all sork' intshsire fluhallY'Tic ottiercan- diulsue, Js F: fifi'sre,'hsfgtfrftis niewn-rst thse fietl, linsg theucehouice of, the se- parmetu e twessIuenuthle altos-c tamsed smen. The sentiorensginiees decidedh to posts- souse hsavitg their picturecs takenusintil Tfuesdasy. istuvas thoughtstitstesale hads ot blees'sannsounsedul soonecnugh tso savetes class tirnsouit ini full, so they deied huowalsittil all iheunenm- lures hash uampsle iuuctime t hearte ass- niounuemnst. ushlwhhil ib o ss willt us' givesitous thus fuostirt hissssh's ssoint sibe' , ~2,an t, 50itoin hplcig itttheus'tsuaillirer. Varssty thulets itlsactusas ofhiis ands~ Directosr'Fitzsptrickh susil'Stsarttheus'tiu- Thus meedt iw itl'cosstlensce 'sromptyat -;30 asnd switl contiuue toruoiw Mssorn- its- I uscels 'usdmssttlig tInthuescontests lu'tlhipas suego cenits. Ih leofficers of slurassoiastion anuud officialts o'fthu eisItiaeras followss: Insterscholatsstic manassger, J.'I'. Witinlug, interschotuaticle uommuite', filsueuiMe- Bang, WiiamssPuhollscks, Wellts Crauw- foci: referee usndssarter, ReeeIFitz- patrick ; annus ncsuere, Frsanisksuowel; tnrack judsge's, . 1).P Crshamsu, ILurey L. Coe, I harrp IHammond,,sus'.1. Weni~dellh, C. clhubshous'e Tiuesdasy.esveniig its hinersof Jugs' Johsonsuuof the supresne csuurhof tile Philiuppinecs. fill shirt wtioss havecburns inithe Philip- pins ansusswhsoswtishstobus tentr his hiatt islet are selicoms.c'ite soase andu ad-- tress so J. 13.Criss, p09 Soiuth Divisionu streeIt; sson as possile. 1'RttSFNTATTfflN OF "'"TELCTh{ 'it it,"' /TiICRS1cXY, MAY 28 I'T'husda yflsay 28, s'hse sdlte set for' thec tsrcscthahln of "Twelfth Night" isy fiesrs.iilsiam, tlfmntn, 'suipportedlby