Buy Your
Packing ,Boxes
Before the best ones
'ire gone
Are Strongest and Best.
FI te Asmortmernt
- AT -
Money Loaned
On Watebies, Diame Cds :ii Book.
oter plerp sonal pisiiiLy.
Watches and Jewelry repaired.
Bargais in Watches & Diamoinds
Office at residence X31.P. Libielty St
Ann Arbior
Heurs: 8 teii:30 a. m:.itoi4:30ind iit
-Spring Hats
Post Ca rds
Darling & Malleau
Ih-C-sesiniTappan Ill liave heeid dis-
tuirled ly the grihdiig of concrete mix-
c" andii thie iiffig if ciigines iliriiig ihe
prgesofroilisruciioii operatlions coi
iie 'ileiiorial liiuiling, aiid iastil rarer
tratis iii siore for iliens diiriiigite
iicxt two or ilirce weeks..
SI sit ihsit iiie ihai ihe siress of ex-
amiiiaijonlsis upice luniidergradiiates,
tie tueful iprittlc of a pilensalic-rivet:-
icr wiill split ilie air aiboiii-the soirll-
netcornercoiithe.campius, and work-
soesiaiboutlihe igi luiluliiig guarantee
iha thei- music iwill beicconinieditihroiighs
,h Cl-cofcxuellailolls.
hicayssc veracl qiiiisecrioes hase
bciii fiirceldito silece liy liiiraickei,
giiti s fearei1dialtilie ricetier, if ccni-
tatl operated un, iiay force asiusspesion
of classes. Il ihce undrgradutei ndii
,h ot-usitis swhetiheir or lnol
ii~fssr Wii51 ill he twilliigto iimike allow-
acsfur iieakscexaintaiceniiapers iwrit-
ten wh Iile itie riveter is geting ill its
The, worki ias s a lihile is lprogressinig
rail i fle1 ciiiorial bheliieg. The:
t(C% 0l'1<i i ii,4siiloteiit:feet anil
largeswiiinigc rainesarc raidly putinlg
iltie -i ic1lll - iili ars. Soimeir if lte'
Cams acc over four feet biroadiiand1
ccii ic ci tloing.
1suiecilly conssruscied sherdhissbero
:atiltifor iiiestone asonis. 'The sep
.in beamisiii-scv brnsstriiiglc einoiigh
.)ad iito carryisliiisteeiltraielhng craiies
llivc hi'),(ihiiocss of s-one .easley!.
i-siola rs coginr isusedulfir histiiig
ii hicad- I iia irial.
Si pl-~ont hI ere arc abioutiii -xtylimen
oni ithrelbusildii glettigthinilgs
I i for tseli Ii is')ithe nr a istione
c iiitl''tI Rit \''I l .1 sC cIiiiii-
Intercollegiate _Notes.:
5.5 51C51':P,'~sF\'i~t1 tl)[1'C1lcs Conklin's Self-Filling
Secrilrslcie1.11c ac itcitg The College. Fountain ien
ino politics liy g~icnll theii ii vii Iltli+iStaindard
differe t rcsicoetiai c t iiiiii tes. it1r
(oisill Siiii siiiiiesliroiiiitiial ii ic ,ADVERTISED IN THIS SPACE ON
Yale Ne s farors .hertr f 1 TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS
Seniisi i Knoixs . TD ilys]1tince. i ii ii
is firriidgsGrayitsaslcssisul I> f GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES
Delawsasre, is thre Inl -- aedilyicih s
CsirisellSilsas th fIl iiltsofitihe..lsSHEEHAN & COMPANY
111 i-I titiasi attitude:s-"- 99 ccots--c-s i-
'ate iftlupion grtti int th eii olsii..st ils
si ssansiistteoisuc-tti ali pe , andsI sits1 r
th sipthtlit- i velr h iuceisu
.it se-curtingetilettisttsutltis
rigsc isn psi s ition e stehgn
Ai lit it silssi s~i i g1 ts tr l},-kow ust a Touch of Spring
segth at whic r pai tyt-l It i ctr us
te colunli) try w usl hi llrus. r h
Ilx- ritr i iss ii s t-tt
- \Siiiiui 151\\ilitlitThe new Spring Scarf as a special introduc-
-roct -lidIls ,time . ii 'iZ tory' of the spring, we are offering a special
ite 'core .titisii 0 I purchase of beautiful new Spring French four=
59r'c xissis. elcitus' its u (i iets in-hand,- in new correct shapes with open ends
,scilttliiiiswayt. ssclito -s tutu slcitiand in all ithe handsome spring coloring.
S it s sad. T e stlr It i lti aI ii it
1[ste ~s stli isst\tsitt~ The new Spring Shirts make their first bow
ttth et'tti \r ;C leN Iur~ t hIss i , _:a dthey arebeauties. The new spring stylesl
- - in Hats aind Cap are here for your inspection.
- tlr e r-ill al- "m l-- th t-hke
-iiir c lass,*'.1M1 l tSun ~ x
o..Stae -t Reule, Conlin & Fiegel
iTHEVARSITY lli1,h-i l I ilit
clls (lt cirisi' hits el~ sle
istn t, 's stic-.- l is ) s it ;.
-i ---- 15BEING DONE
IEarl & \\i - " cc slLsII 5li~t 2 55AlS ELN (iN5 st isigl slialsu
nut it Sh t. ii ii- I in ths- is; tiunty, aisso l wicehiare Cs:us anlls iii nisl~i 'iim, 'hew ut, ad iss tl
{.; 55C.PKerii cos-,eof'Ciicanoi. Anpyte oflgowiiin a swieruius 5ofimateriasl~sill sit
St.Qe (ltec-uiii- s ii - - Pria.. $3.00 sup
. .. , -- -MACK l(& Co.
tLonigsno.,iT P lissogi -itlcsI s. Groups,,,-
iris, siafiteiii slities aid postcrds.Dr-
s.l iiit lirltiht iii ut- fori aarsateti ata
s teci-ilip I si 1m oissisis of Wlill On A l isWatciesiiseeiD.i s-on s i-wlip, ansuiall
NNNDis, formieryi is ts 1 ic lzoit I out n V'J H U ~[ i h1gbC lasattel andiCl elatial Seur
wsho leas hid sesuverv rs'cxperieicrl:.sOefic eors: 5i5Oteiil3. 1ltey. Ito 8:15.
asid~~~~~~~~~~~0 LogFour36Sttiu~~~. ci iiteth Aveenue; oppesite curt house.w .LUI
and otignaii. ' oO outhStat stret. Two dees siiuth of City Y. M. C. A.W J.L V I
Rhionte 10. tf
c tl 1 -,-ll sc t i ttio mC ;. U i-
,c a le e r'tt ',111 101, ist o'clsck,, for tile
cctio o ollce s. Nnltsit iiteri--t is
Stein~s Ii haiu itu
11ALLU.R'S J[WELRY 'STORE, 216 S. Main St___
-''-r-1ree t- -WY . \Y lierriii, 'oN,
Ice . C rea nm 1: . l.Ode.s'o7, 'oui. l.
Soda\ Stisith, A'iom;imi '
Alt- fluvors including Chocolat
.., rrsuir-it--- .' A Bt-
s 0 lS cull, 100; J.- R Wtirz, dogs J. K. Wat-
We make -thE bti ocolate Soda I gtccticsicc iuesidett S. Jba- lc'4n'J
in the,-i -sli sssc~<; l1. . Treat, -'s; m:. f-
East.>University Pharmhacy Q5 liss 119. -
1219t S. tiisily Aviusc. lst cctciiI lyIy~s s
DanIlss .-Ie)frott'co; NV.. A. tferhruck,.
U. q6 M. BAKUEEt. SHOP1I-)
J. R. TkeJAN0W$Ht~n rp. ' Si ice-ptretcsidient-G. H. Fox, '09;
RAOTHA ROOMSiL 1 i ii 5A TYiS 15 - - (iC.'x 'to;is. . iI.Giddings, 'o
L-adiesundCitls ritisc Hai r i 'elt iusis P.ihari c, den-il-ttal, anthu losisop vice-'
VIBRAassE A 1sPi'icisii-.-i ci - -
iucsr-sin 's_ . K . Smuithi, 'oqs; R. R.'
322 S. State St.Ann Arbor Mich .\ -A lii u. usujs:51I. \hssti9r.051
Phone 359 Bell V 1oao od
I Moose-Nut Brown--Elephants Breath aia _s~of the most
popular shades in nmens suitngs this spritg X are well o~ed to get cot
-orders on short notice. Prices moderate
Class eams The -Safety Watch Disc E U U 'q "U''v
clns eni Ec Yoe Prevents Watch 100 E L AE CT R IAC AIAT A
i asty i'es1 ri u us she i.S r-s/from slipping from pocket
crete fous lssii cii IiAt HIALLER'S Jeweler 'Store SupledtxCleg1e1sn
get accusomed tsa'S a s u t l,.Ify3 i The Safety Pocket Book Band Women for All PurPoe5W'SW
are taning fori U tshst .pos1110onhbup a iWRIrE ii M n IDR
Teraci' Special Design Rtobber Door-
Mats. wilinimlo ocnx WASHTENAW LIGHT & P W R CO.
Walls mnewue e- PALMA NOV , Y-COMPANY
CAT HER 'rITTyou PALMYR'. 1 200 East Wi%.skhinton Street
-ifypoyroeuslahelrt tt hues a lit S-d ltilli 'i 01 SLS. Wthi heri-un - -- __ -
pousestreal ai uso-t sisi6rsuuiit hustI'scsgrpay eir ac, cni-ia $- - EEP YO UR DA E
is ius e y all She tig teI a tic.-5 i t is t us ed tsuch I ts i t.h< ofciica bol of -fSoth-Ri-ree
th Amrn eau ee .sd toaliiitoeirc iate gausm. 1SothStattT5e eunipleyig a copy-9f, be'MICHIGAN
TieREACH Oh FiCIAL BASE BALL GUIDBE oes0A- - l, ANdi Ol( In 3our poehttSpaceefor sin
Sitot yno tenr ucuses scheuleofc(Icsgsir----coees o gams, ei. Also Cs .... Saturday.';d, A. SM. and 0e sedr pca s Eae l5 ae tIai id r~ e
coutairis histoy and psuh- s r-7Worlds et ru s. i cnt aidars, o ymt. - or hynnoclenlrPpecal --- a wafy L ater a de wl t hueto
I 'otaa rlysi cin rou oiie i l-a outu nics ircni~epleofyrzc. .-7n3O sas..--=-" Ih° enda n IbisIN ag bo ivseuwy tn ete B isvta akt
Au a -iiiCs ciCliei R s -- ' -nsuet tteUlcr~ ...' A7Xi atch you sirt en hlouse, 25e. Send us ii
A.J:IREACH CO.,1727 Tulip Street, Philadelphia sp rve.- ~ieeofeo dress heds when sending order.
P .....- e"N+'9o ~'tCI "-T' ianHal_-I THE ELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON, MASS.
t Rr "
3.19, East Huron