THI =MICHIGAN DAILY m,.,..... . .. __.._ - G. H. Wild Comfpany Our Spring 198 line of fine Imported and Domestic 1WOOLENSI Is now rtall. It includes all the laiest N ovelties Shades and-.Up-to'.Date Ptters in Mose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade (irays and Fancry Blue. Your lpatroniage rtspetfully slictetd. G. . Wild Comfpany 3it South Stat Stet New ar d Distimetive Styles of Ca1i . art- hi in iour latest litf iesitns. When you buy of is you get absolutely t 0ethe s t wxorkitaship and new- est iiteropulitani styles, at a reasonable cost. Leave Orders Early AT Sheehan & Co.'s Student Bookstores Official National League Ball - is testandarld of the old. ite grat worl-ds champlionip g lt ames tbtwen the Chtiaoatonal ots dTettloitAmertass te Spading Leaguet[tall tniwtstse. The Spaldig Ofiiatl Noatittal teagu gallt itxuttdby Yat, itarvatrd. rincttonitanti atrminnt oleeatls.00'.. Oho sliots tdsaiins in the U~tni St aies Armty tatnttNvy use it e- (inioly. I ttisinivesa ue hee se Bootais l ayed.l A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Now York, Chicago, St. Lous, San Francisco, Minneanpoits.Dennver, Bffao, Syracuse, Pitt- burg,,Phiattrtphta, Boston, CtuenntjS$fi. more, tWasin gton, Kansas City, CevaliĀ¢4, New Otans, tDetrit, Montreal, Canld&, I THlE MICHIGAN DAIL) r. Managing Lditr-Acass F. RrTCIE. Business Manager-C. . WINSTEAD. EDITORS _ Nets........D noIlIf. Haies Athtetics...............Lee A White Athletics, Assi..... C. E. Eldridge Exehoange ...... Robert Mounsier ltosie ...............Roy D. Welch 1raa01 ..1, ....Raymond Vissher WVoens Editor... Loise Van Voorhis EDITORIAL STAFF kvxta l McFarlandt Chaoney ocher NIGHT 1DITORS Dontadt L. Kinttey Robert Moreland 1'ictal BI. Met tghi Fid ;. Gooding Leonard C. Ridl REPORTERS LowielltJ. Carr J. t1. Prescott Water K. Towers Louis Kraft Patl Greer Samuel H. Morris Otit Enget E. G. C. Williams \W. M. Abbtt 'HI. I. Arnstrog 1) A. Htinckley t. E. Jones Pal ILeidy BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wur Carl H. Adnm Harold P. Gould Aiddress: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: 1-2 p. i., 7$8 p. M. daily, except Sunday. Both phones THURSDAY, MAY 2, io. "Otgtotr contcrtthisixsprig if twe toe suttppotodinitouir aditdances. Ihttwasuthetisetimifetlexiressel ty t- \trsiisty andltathoirities sometitme ago. tml thitougth co(Ftions are nttt ,nml utat tpresnt for concerts, ttis isth ltimte fortpretartion atdtwe wsold reindtemtlof their tprmtise. The band ailes n-ertwellstptortett they proeci a getrosuolces, judtging froti the reports it 15itwtipttttheit. 1-lglar ollotllr cotcerts It the at-n iustis strinig sotld prttve to he ot tolt-exceoeditgty enjoyatle atd popular. hotiatsctoxeetittgly strongtint accetutat- ing crtintesirahle -feattres i otr uivetrsity life. They'swoldtbtring aott ill same11 geeral IUnversity restlt whliht a caso sinlgt tritgt out specifically iti th toeootionlt itterest of te class. What 0111111 10e 11100etnjoyale thati to stroll over to te amusptxottthese beattiftl molit nightts, for whtich Attt Arbor is fatmoustitn the sprittgatd listet to at baud cocert'Atd Ittnter the itfitenco tf muic, for if tian is ever agreeable it it slihtntttder te itfiunete of msic. we0 wotuttt-create ao tmtospere, a cu- lto, stcthasicthigant eets tnd i seeking. Atthoutr spntinittthis say. say 0o1c0 a stok,ssold nt ltinterfere with1sourh"ook learting." Utder the shtadttwsofi the bilditgs of or A-ba Matter, stewoltt feel ttat utnity of itter- ests against which ittotr large Utiver- sthy there are so mnty forces workitg. x ' a , 1 t i { t t Wer would get togcthter as atwhtole. And~ thte band itself swouldl gaintshlroutgh the itnterst whlicht it swould naturally aroutse. VUlCANS WEtL) NEW LINKS N THEIR 01,1 CHAIN Vulcatns, a sentior etngitieer htonorary .ociety, held its annual itnitiation and tanttqwt at the clttbhouse last night. The tetn fortttnate juniors elected this year are: Millard E. Fergttsott, William Ml. Casey, Horace 1I. Treat, Htarlosw N. D~arock, Frattk 'T. Rowell, Mylne Keena, Watson G'. IHarmott, Harry A. Shtup- trine, John T. Whiitig, Malcoltm Mac- I- targ. Goorge Knuttsotn presided over thte folloswitng program of toasts: Welcomuets Nesw Vultcans-Charles 1lTsonbutrg. Stress-Pof. J. C. Tildott. Bacoksigts--Prttf. J. H. Davsis. High Pressutrestiticiotto---Prtsf. Mt. E. Ciooy. t()o) Vulcanos-ANI. 1t. Kena. tOimtetsiotns-Prttf. H. C. *Sadler. 1lot Air-P'rof. H. C. Atndersonl. CUSIlMAN IS RE-ELECTED) ,i e i J Y j e t r < -i . , _ i s MUusic anti' Drama Golllg to Graduate'? t'%, itHott " sATl TE'15A1ESoTCYOU WILL NEED WilliamsShiakespeare's famoutx Cot- edy, "Twelfth Night," still he presented l~ lIay 29, in the Majesico the-steruder 5 1 tte ttireotiotn of Nirs. 'William t-ofnmann. V S T N Sthe still tar supported lby a cast c-ire- fully seleotedt from amnig the stodetnts andtfacsly oth e Ugivrit. Ttt hetCA O .am pla sottyo te givr i l Itei ue CA D -it baoit Yatle atid Harvard bty Maudelot Adatrts. The cast is as follow's: To enclose with yotur invitations Orsitno-Hollister. " Sebaistiani-McFarland. Leave ) our orders early Mls-volio-Pritstatt. Sir Toby Belcht-Ketnyotn. Sir Atndrew Aguecheek--Townasetnd. Fessto--Kilteetn. Eugraved plate with 100 Fabiatn-Davis. Antottit.ottit Sea Captaitt-MVttroe. card Cturito, attd First Offioer-Palnmer. 1 2 Violi-Mos. Williamta Hofmatnn. Olivia-Mrs. Karl Wise. - Ma,'ria-:bliss P0errin. 'Tictkets wtill goa on sate at SWatr's W H " d. 'T'RE HATS.'ItHltSCHtOOt, University Bookstore PLAY. BIY MICH-IGAN PROF. z VADER of BANJO CLlL JB i 1 1 1 'lTte Banijo clttb tiet itt the rioisms of ite 'Triatngle clttb last tight to elect offi- cers for tiext year. SatmsCttshmattwsa untatnimtotusl- re-elected as leader. The Batnjo clutbt sill affiilate wtith the Uni- versity nustical cltubs text year, so no otlier mets sere elected. The orgaizia- tion tad twelve nienmters last year, bitt a mchoblarger tnuber is expectel next Otiega Phti, the gtrls'lterrt society, ssill holdilnotttpeti tmeettntg Satutrday afterniooni it a o'clock,.at SarahttCaswsellt Anigell I-all. ITie socityis preparetd a sitecial literary progra,ottafter srich'l ttere snill he atn informal Irecepttontatnd datnce its the gstmnastittm patrlors. 'his is tte socetis tfirt iotpenomeetttng aid atll college girls sshliarte itterestedl tre inviitedt. The tocitty holds it regutlar mteetinigs iiic h SAlpaiNturoomis,.-at, Satutrdatys, at 2 aolockesvers secottd steek. etct B.5 nt'-RIDEaSTPONEDt. ITe hay-rile and1 dittner sthich, the Cercle hail plattied to give at Whittnore Lakr thtis aftertnoott has bett postponedl uttitl Ttuescday, Mlay 26, at 4 o'clock, at which time contveyancees still lease the Tea As text 'Tutesdauy is the- regtular date for electiont of officers, it is, plantned to choo~se the latiter at the tdinner. Oo~rTtcs l CTui OFFtetn. The Forestry clitb elected the tfollow- ing officers lasstnight: Presidetnt, W.. W. aMortis ; vice-presidett, H.RI.; Matthews ; secretary anid treastirer, I. J.: Smtithi: correspotnditng secretary, Sylves- ter Strotlttian : executtive cotnmtittee, G. A. Gtttches, J. R. Hixont addressed the club ott 'Canadian Forest Regiotis." Straws'bhts in all styles anti shapes, large assortment, at Allen's. (i9-cod -Seasonable shirts-$ atidtup. Wag- tier & Co., Stale St. 70-5 3 f t t r l 1 l , ;; i l For ses-eral 1ears patxt it hats baeti the cuistomt for the Hiighi School Ctttied5 clttt to give a play conmplimtentary to cotiestants int the anuial iterscolastic meet told titder thes auspices tif the .Uttisersits- Athletic associationi. The vs- itoot Itavesomtte to hooak forssardh to this asa feature of their etntertaitnmtettn-tuil itt Annu Arbior. The play tehectedh for this year is "'ThireetHats,'' a thre-actI cioedy, w5ritteni by air. t hettteqi,,ia fotre hrofessoar of French itt the Utni- versit. The 1110a- sill to giventin itte I-high Stistil attthtoriium, Fridtay esvettitng, Mtay' 22. Oil tccoutitti fithe.'receptttin ,tti] dancte tot follows- te laitil sitlibenat cetsary- to biegintirotlytti ti7 :30 O'~cc. Admtissioto itthotse 1101 hotlig iter- schiolastic tickets ssill Ittz2; tents, atnd seats 1ma1y111nIo\ ert'sers-edh withtitiextoa charge att r. Ray's office intthItohigh scthools, lbetweetn 8 anth 9atdtito i1 I:30, frott 4 to 6. Rest for youtr tiredt brain,-anttean,. -5 ceitis. t f STUDENTS wishitng desirabtle stork tduritig vacatioitcatn sorklamtong their relatsves atid frietnds, atnd especially atmong farmiers. Easy stork and good pay. Write. to the Utniversal'* Traduig & Supply Co., Chicago, Ill., 00 call on A. H-. Biesterfeld, 815 9. Washington, Sto 30or7 to 70-71 Saitorsswaist troutsers, all colors, all sizes, all prices, at Alhen's. 69-ead Before yotu settle dowtt to "botte" tit- sight,--a little recreatioti at the l'hea- torittts-5 cetits. If Lightsweigh~t lisle hooe, all dsttdes. Hetnry & Cit., N. Utniversity. 71-3 C;.t[UDARIHaL Law and Medical Books For State Board Rxamhnaticnu Ludys Medical State Beards, Questions aid Answers- $3.50 Ludys Dental State Boards, Questions and Answers- $2.50 Owens Law Qulmzer, Questions and Answers- $4.00 Ilaight's, Questions and Answers -- ------$3.50 Blickensderfer's Elements of Blackstone', - - - - $4.00 Olser's Modern -Medicine 7 vols., -_ -$42100 CAS)1 PAID FOR YOUR LAWY MEDICAL DEN4TAL BDOOKS Co [. DARItU[ LAW AND MEDOICAL B001(SLLI R Tel 761. 326 S. Stale St. Senior Notice Studetnts destiring u itat 1908 STEIN will lease oides an A~nojd's Jewelry Store. Prie . d a d Visi tizmgCards Finest esgrasved cards at lotwest petives. 'into Wand t00 cards $1.25. WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 220 S. MAIN ST. Fanicy Postal Cards Four - 5c - Four Get your pick- AT THE' V. of M. Co-Op Store i . University School of music . i 1 1 I) I Register for the Union Election By Law to Constitution: "No member of the Union shall ha allowed to vote at the annual election unless he shall have registered his name nG ld ,lse number of his membhership ticket in the hook, provided for that purpose, at least one week previous to the election." Registration book in check - room at Club h-ouse i R 1 121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, LwalId PcProp s. Phone 598