The Mich igan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDANY, OCTOBER 12,11907.N. 7 Vot.. XVIII. No, IT FARMERS WILL PUTJ UP SCRAPPY GAME t Coach Yost Looks For Close Con-1 test Today-Magoffin to Fill Hils Old Position at Left Half. TIhet'varstyillis ace an almost iti-a known }proposition1thisisafenoon whenI Mtagoffius mlen upil agi st the Ntich- gait Agriltrti collg eleven. t Thle farmarts h1v o lydtao gmttes this seasontiii blotli ottwhit fair sized scores wererotilld up.T he Ity bute-ti t riit cllge 17 to0otad walakeloveer the Flintttte school 415 to o Eight of1 Ilst yat's fast elesvcintareiil teliep atta m c ii-sitt iiifaratvittced for tite sason WNhile Caitit Yl'teihlis lookitg for a bttg score ohi Poit, stapairetly of t difeicnctition. "The armiers till puitil atteer atd scrappie cotetc thn Case di, I tinik. Ofllcoii w rcti tec iiletecrslae itit we tertci the Cae amte, ut I ami lro'cokiin:fraciecotst"tsal le rotachtlast eveintgi ieritU1, eyea. hith ich 5 tigani stdiets tive ~ i ii tosee the Aggies it tactin Nt Ii all le oli sttrstill hr in tir f,'Sitt otit. C atttain tigifaiwsill le baithtiis olilaceiiletic peiIc f.ihrailtrs Ilailtiti d a-wil go iiat rihlt ecu. Co hait and -Ctils itill lok legs with 11heirodtigious Schulz Rhischildu taill tillitue sace lieticen"etidivatidii at thicothe r cnt1ofithelie.ut 5 stti sill rcirtice hahll frititthr stoidi ritti half.iiiJaklr i un till hritdtdowni forwardoilpatsr stnt Slli atiasill hr gtventua crck at qteraiciitheii reccttdi half ifntd Fr thi si tic tmaygel itt at cud for atwhle.tLIhriimayialsrlivec AlirdiicitoI piit f tlearko TIhrutimeuiiile caledlati3it'clock Se asonticket boioksuare of oilsetgtoit for ths contist Iheheaidtl inuesmatuntha niot Ibtictie- lcred, bttiI lrid' tndit et)rwail iprotil tably rfen acctitmir tern a tttely at uisial "Moly" Wnelliianti"Spider oe til iitry to ket the crowd enithuttsdin t teit cpacityasioffiiliyelmnstsers. liii Ariuiltr al t il ibritg at suai tf ttets-otcmentto do blt attle uWiti Niit'ita slpes Ieline tip)s fol- luts:'Aulnt eft rut1 Seddit, left tc- ke; Catitill, le lft gatdi MeWiliatus. ceteriltoore, righ guard; Parer rtgt taickl; raerriit cd: Smnatl (Chapei),uiquatrbck;eliNaugnttleft al- itaik; Cocatihi, fullak; NMKentuit rgtalistfbtac-I Itarsbsittte: Hal- terI 'cciii) Itiitii Whelerrr,Aduesont, Dunltatp. Bcieldtr sustitutes:Pce 7t'lGratr. CogsiilIigiel Thsepraicec yesterday was cenfied to signal ad ticfeusvec tor, ittscrimt- STitista t t'01r~,t iAME,, M\ichiganitsa M.A C H-arvard sXXWiiams Yale vsaIoiy Cross Princetonvs. a Itckni 11 Peninsyiita sStatmaore. Cornetell vs Clgte hCarlsle Itiantis vs Syrtctse. W5et. Pontis rnity Dartont vsMasachtetsets Aggies. Antherst s Baldawint. :Lehigh vsc Rtgers New NYork Univ vs Stevets. , Vandteril vs Annapolis. Chicago avsIdian Ainiaes sMinnetoa Wabtash vs. Purdune. Nebraska vs. Grintiell. Kansas Aggies avs. Hlaskell. Denve cs. Utah. UNIOR ILAS NME;1l AND NOMINATE2 OFFIEIRS T1he juiaor lassahtidaanmeetngati the law buildintg yeserday atferiooni ot the ittrposc ofnomintinttg clas officers Tiar foloinutg ere nomitinted:l oe residetnt J.\V. Wood tttanV ' A arha rook;tvice-presidein, JC Gcitgle sccc etary . L.I'Trner; tirasrirciE.C.C Putgsleytind C. 13.loltitit ccirgatiat rimsT. PeIndelli irtottrisaltdelegste F. Oils;fotbatltlimanatget, NI A.Cot- list al N.IR. ciirttu:iaellimanai tger, CUtreli aBrdid iT.'1B. VTayot: racitmantagre1I.JKrmtitanditt.ilE.i Chiurch;iaske tbcal imanaiget, N' h. Scott; titil W. R.1 Aristetmtpo a foottbal manaitiger N I.Pfeffe. AftrtheliinominaationttiMNiR.hIc Chyetipcaitan of thyibatticotta mnitee sbmittelidhis repttwhasich shio edci blt1tie of $600 I Isrepot watt stcceptet adillie was5acodeta 'votetf tanksforhittserccties JUNiIR Ill PRLSIDiC itt the class at its reular meet it' yes terda ftiternoitiTwo ofurti t attee intb iielorthelitpat week; butitheit tat' spteiiigaita strpiiise lpnthladsc PHt atill runiis anindependntrncandr iti Abliefdis cssion tok:tlatee it regard lri'iiditig toe lie elecioniofIsistai at [1, egulr cass leciii ithrthan it hit) ,jitapitsentli e yeari isa s 11,fomeurlybeitche as.'h amendmenlitrowas P lii p iayment f liiik tus atas uriedianiincurtit lini tg ii therfaci tha no tilt iar iriarstill le piiclegel to tte in tiedcomin tg eletittwhich taks ipacnuric Stiltdays itorintg ii RoomitiC, Univetisiyltl. NOM\IN\Ai'llOFFICERS Tlii"scteniregieetsaset yeseday afternoonitiforthliiiurpose ofii iaking noinattionsaorte varioustic clasaritaso- cerrs. liii' folloingctiwerta tic iniatd Vice-presiethrl , G istvutsititSttiltci 'i secretarit J.isR. itirookshetinitst 'reasurert cI. iR. Luttl Jihnso; footblli tmtangeriB. A Price lotd;tase ait iisanagc . I. N.Hetoni I crsualair has- ketial tisuisgrer, lGuiiWillitusi. . Psatterson;trtckiitsanagr C. J. Scitetk. IC htidlher; sergeantl at armis, Sytiti-' kips Bowemanut, 'Woire. TsRAVtIS 1S ClHOSEN S~ I1BII1C'- iDeiillTtiravis, 'o1.. atee cosena ity tile Cosimedy cltb to tdiret the pit- duictiiniof its play this y'ea. 1Mr. 'Travis lisshadiiiconsiderae tcexitterincei oni te stage liar Cmtiey cli reresentattives on the comnamitee to choose at ita' forepe- sentiationiathis iy e awill le Miss Ela Calie-anthNMrhatis. FDr. LouisitA. Steasssaswill 1be theifcltyilmembcuter of the ctmittee.c 'Tun Proscecniita clb, twhicha is astot entifito Irepfctea iitie onthile coit- arntiiehias hoise'tJ. Fed NWodruff. Thus conmnitte iin hieear fututre will aiuttait three plays li t he clubl, oe of sthielt willie 'selectd fisrproduciti. "KiFYSaOnisCt ii E'TigNEse siEn. 'The Keysttie cuteitertained ash evetitg afits lautuse ciiiFith siveute. 'Phe atifair was ini ihe itatuire of anin t- formal smioker for t tacaewnmen from the state of Penisylvantiai.Abtout sev- enty-five tv e present., BASEBALL BUGS INFEST ANN ARBOR, New Type of Insectus Student- cum Swarms About Campus and Boarding Houses "W hatas tcoseth Ti'lat udoes'tisoundtutlnch ieian i- cantastion, udoes it? Butthauthaniyoae askedl someanharmlaess lookig Michigani uathstt tutlittle qetui a dayupotwit ago souteing woudhul atsuudenlriy ptopp~ed. Somthing descapoipteeni nosw, thougt Detroit hslarstchthree games attdulthinworld'sachampipottushil series is nautly or hut Waedntecay, futi instane, hiiipout asked that quesioyoutir averae Mich- gaitmn'ts Ifte wouuul have bisrghtened as thuthihet had ustchdscverninthtut thie utriIhutchbhused, ail lie aoutl have shouted kleefullyt "Iigues tose 'Tiges' atcutt gotg somae, hi ITreeiti tre, welse'itut- ittgs!" uler's where his''armis egito i fla thndue has ace gets rd.h" 'aowwon'. hut cusnt thuaat some ganae Tuesda! T hereal trigtal utntuetytatte ie cen i nt pubaebali ppuuittssirs helure. l,' ervisodls-has it NiMotre'sesaionasl plays hae tuentmaustin iiAnntaAbori sitter the worli ds series starin i Chi- ao Tusday'thant haserbeentadatillu sason tinibohlaleaguesXXWideeyed freshiuuen, smr tcuiias. digified jtut- ios atenseniotrs-al of ciiiforge gut-nnss clss oitcstdigity adchre- ternveuwheeetilt tworidib aeall is heatech'is ecactiuspueecdtatua Iere proiuutfessort ofirheoic h ail a twi- foldit eatin uug ushunitheiss hut foiguit hilftuc i echndav to tell'1hus chts to, "'tike ot" ituastaksda n thel lir pasautn "yinhtnttig" hut theaniurinug ihouss, ubituthe cattrifitt stautc dithfiss our mayu Iea urthe huzze of thurIutf hiansrwinng oid eveci thunfotibtall hll. "To hiach Derothosuuul I ate ot "Cubbli n'uctIgtiaihiti" threywas agreat gameT uesday') NYerutddtun uuChicago-btug N Chicaugo fanlate arritiglreaks il, s luc sits dlwusth a:i Itohut!ittidJulI1hear stly ofi yon lobtttes saus liiCuls wul'ti miuhiakd' a tcat Iiof ii'?" iWheretunthlure isa whioopiadIsa idiChihcagfitl iiis poteltiy, 1Elsewherethrer fresmna sre italkig cuer at propousedh ight exeusionlto iiDe- NAedn'itiher just totuheairtes ii Detriust?"ss ilia. A jtunrhea rtg the aswors "it" ail "Detrit,loouuks tiltfromtutehinduaihlis sportig nuediti iand aps grvel: -""ip uderstanttdig iathat twoisare toepsyedIat Chuteagit adthrhhenat Out the steps f teia hutsildinlghe- tweeni classes'iatite taedcilbuiduitng. baseball iis stir to conc tilt "Wh~iata Derotugotug ithuso uhutu it nows fllowus? Th'vecyccgit Dtonovant anth Sets er hbut thaycant ctail tip agaitst OureralPfIncer Reubahntc Lunidgren. W'e ngoing thogha 'uat ote, Iwo, three, and fotr. NWild Bill' maight hae go tn. Bit itt a pipe naoss, fellows, htsa sipIihe." And so it goes, each "ug" sure tht liaroiler's pick is a hunucha ciidubts. SIENIO)R LA'aS NOMINATE 1. . MORGAN WITHDRAWS 1. E. Morgana sas nninateufur the tpresidency of the senior ats class at thae imaetitg held yeserday ateroon. Subsequently, however, he annuonced z his withadrasral from the race. The re- u ntiming presidential canditdates are De~itt ani Marsha. DE1AN JC)RIDAN APPOIN'1S fJf FRE1SHi SPREE'a) C ONIMII F'r A ~ ~ O B thuDean Jourdln's reepltiosn tot ht ELECTED TODAY sophomoruuuue giris, gilvciitrotui o6 .m e terdy t4ar1urgyna im, plan tot tilt anuatIlefeshmtiatispareadl were Athletic Association Meeting Oc- ilirilsci utti diiatutitin Ideutrt'lunr-University Halat13 po1se d i tcing itiwus-siapipoinaheul. 'nT ushneIa 13 soroity mit embtaiers ure:iHupe Conikllin, --Doors Open at 1 O'clock. Sorotsis, clirmantsuu Ada Jontes, Kaplup, Alaut 'Tt.Sai l arksIona -Alpha I Memuabersoftu heiarAtletic associaitn lii: i tiuorote LN-t et hi ar- tail1 elect teauck anadh basebtall muaanagers "ae' Sue elicht IDeltaI tamta, IBeitytis afternauooa at T :3o. - Dorus uwillhue tutu, Kap IstKthaipia Gamma:tuct Vian imIopned at itto'clock. it mutt. Ciii Omuega. IThue indenidmcnt Thiarcanidteis toihe voited ututuste: Ninhr ae ar' Iuf, h uB ise' Music IDudlery 13. Kenmndy, 'out, ZetaPiinm uta NBir, i 'cent IHtlt, Coreuia t aIr thin rice for bassebiuaumnage'rshipu. lie KitghtHenie ttta iihights.-tutdI Myrtle hutshueenmembietairif theaAtXleticotto- WhXte ci eatiunmbasebtall c rouaamm ai ndmmiwattlaust A-ltiss Conkulin dstoketo thiurluitre- yeatr'siinrrclass hbasebaull masnaugeru. tutu" g ht'situe1dhn chatmided themua Lloyd 'I Crante, cd8, Sigma It, is abthui caling.oni te neswutumtmbers tof Kenneaduy's oonnt.a He Iin sssen-ed theulas atutuulfr shmuisan kills. is upotheiacuseball nuucommuitn'eliii'two Sopthiie t S uuhmuuuieireattihet clats rush. yeatrs andh uasmultrcliss aaauger ma hf'i'c-litr'tis--tilldacinutg tillolut'edtithis thnsprmitngut of i b.Last s-da enet- uuututtmbu inesmii s tutectttg itered thu rac o ariybsebuallth ua- --t ged ullmt witahrew ma favor suf Sid Stein FAI XII UDI TOCPa 5 0I3I lbefore the electionm tuokmlae. 5t _SA1il Ill' IIPBP) 1Harrp' fullNhmuhaugamuaSiphitnxstud - Owl, it; the canmuimdatn fis track matasger. tDehuuuuheseitlemnte gar Idintthg a hem- Pinetaas muresmudenit oflast vcar's ';tndenti poraryi aliiemltIforu lte tumeuan h at Comuncil andtlhuts servdas treasurer nil alaut linm a u deutumdthur locatioun the Athleic assuciatin.IHetas vdm1- I nhttanmis tIllim 4u1-Athrbohalt goturunms. Ipresiudei ntlfthe SI uhart Unhiotn lati IThis slumotriuemstiwel lsiiiabinle rtin':pear. aupses t hicinituuwmill bittpl. 'lie 'r"te en leciiinmuoftrckiiimnagteris cn itoill adisin tdfa11ily-uhopd luteitehlCisnr eddtoeCImlcas hitsnus othuerstmaieeg wilsoonibe putel ithp o rlnmumithepaCarmm eehuEIlidgeas hay withrawn owaingc'e in, fhenitacrsd, hmickens sumoi th cteeto the fact that hun hasacaeprited s at's'-. i spo s will pueobabhly fomni uatt ofiitimehuller pstionu umin LttletRicktawhichi maill gurls'ucatheuieprogratututis lull Ati- necessitate hits leag coillege at te otheir 'tumit inutadir ofthute airmguouns clouse iftae fisnumester. is uts uiret ucnectutu bystaimtcciait aswilhkbtir m usmuyuuasuuuuu -Nh presenti IBOARD) Oh CONTIROL, VOTES theu fuielduwill stiltyhune runtedmut as doll- AGANINST 'IRAiINING 'T'.ABLE tieato f husseiusmphrttiousluaydm11- si usud as nowimu-eem-cu is probble hat ho air im-;roundsill re- mmaiumthits lmtuaii'uisi-tim' i(Athin-g"res' ouumutdorsports. CII I I0 CUB ADOPT lS N PtFXTISI t )C ONSI 'U'l'IN NAmlie",conasittionmmiasusadoptedmby th ' ie Ohii clib ashits mmeinhi yetean ylp,thin lefirsteldundermu tIhetewsoficies. 'lT'e atmendedruidmc uemmnt1plutis fttsriansutati- t-io-ysuommim ttumltomuost'dIoflfaicutyp til'emiies mmmdistudenruts ho muphaetue hue excutive'r'cuommittees sitforumer yeatis, tutu forihut'nmuatr i mmeshaipsiopentommu tlii'factltlian-mmmi gmaduattu sitt tie Lii- vers.Chltrotis wmii uilubhe ohs- iaiied.hahd hilns-met'beinghina'ugurt'ted hum pide iltI, mtt mumtiids of mem- humrshipti t heliiorganimzation.m Thlt dticsory itummmithemwisci asa elnlee avet cli nh mu tr n emminuucutes Pres.I,.C'.1Kmgel. Dcn iniIisdIaticsof lime hosmeatmharitchIeultm It.Dr.sHte. itt- altctim in chatmmitry,A. J. ltigr, 'o1st tutuD. 1B.Hiarlanu'oolI lThenewtsuelctedofticehrtsahun prers- idnitI C- C utglI08;sittmc-presidenut, L, A.'i lr(ium o'081asecrusep'y,13. I,. Key- dr'81;tesurmer, XV. A. Beehruik, ool. Underlteeisedl ctntituittun nele- IS NIFF.DIY STUFINS Onr ol theinunmoranit activities of the Untues impN.Ni. C. A. is in secumrimag taunt fume such studenrits as umaty be itt neethoflfinanciealsith. - Ber sincelime dorgsanizastuion iiflie stssocdiaithsswotek hstbeneengsagetdiiints a certimaex- tiii. humrecent years, hodwever, it lint hmebucoae spstemuautizedh sundlis nadw omncuf thae regulasr funmctinms of then assouciation. Thm'itureasu hat hye'rrobthiedmaeu itotal tl. 9 pohmsitionusflrute ndaeergradchuates. Duriung the sumumerane im iearlyIttll tn- naceuuus isues requemsting work tire re- ceisvediy uthesisa)scml ihe various de- partmntas of ltme University, Thlese sre ailt hua-h addovrtehahueburmeasum. 'Ihe Boardehini Conetrolmu1 sthletics, itt a meienheldl last eeainig, aotedheh followaing resolution:u "humntheewtof thae reenmtudiscusionini thin ptulic tress wihregardl itotiemeainm- tenansceointlrininug itable athme Cmii- versity of Michiganm, it is hereby stotetd thatthliit hardh ciii mut comuntenancde violationa ofitime rule inlfte Conufernee aigainust trsaininag tahles anud trainig quurtes flute mittnsru cmi cutheanum sTa)ATmiLTyCic inAthIt. Hharry I. Cuteseas electeul htote Ath- letic Board inflConutroul ittreptresetativ'e from the enginmeeeingudeiuartmntuatntime spmeciamlelectionmiheidiyesuerday-afternoonau hum fillthnseaap' heft ibp'time resig!isi- tinmuf Ned Stimsoma. houughm it is genmerally consceded that Coe woma hy a Istir mtajority, the hatrdu declind last evenmimagthuminake say defiie stateument regaruimng the returns of the electionu. hAND PLANS TO GIVEB D)ANCES DURING WINTIR1 Th'ie Unisvesity handilheldl its lerst real rehearsal last ighmit in its item hactice qtrersinMcm lanu H ll. Thhe handmu no0w his twentty-onme unuiformos, hand more will Ianbouightatscplromtising canduiudates develop. 'hoidefray current expenases them mci- laers asill give a danuce mu onme of the np-atssme tinmethiss wsinter. This seill bec thnfinch haaddutace giena in the cuty foe alomag periond. If it proves popular atuoter will follow iii thae sprnimg. It is thought likely thath if rautes canm lie tecetmetheil trlomabones andutlsnartes trill Ian taken by Ike Ahletic assoeia- tin to either Indianapolis or Indiauna. Otherwise it trill heimp, to thec studemnts as it was at thec lime of the Penn m sie. v. M. C. A. ASKtSSTUDFN 5TS Tn a nini a. Numnaerous requests as thila where- ahoutis of astudenats prompt Secretsury Carl Snmith of the Y. Ph. C. AS. ho urege all studemts in register mantte cardtinidex at McMillan Hall. Copies of the college. handbtook, catted lay the Students' Chris- : tan assoiaionm, map'aso uh ad for liearsking,