'HZ MICHI.GAN tDAILY SUNDAE. 15C EAT TE HAT E. E. CAL KINS, Druggist. 32.1 South State Street. A ~ EM ENT CAEND4AR. May 20-"Frenchi Chateaux and Cath- edrals." illustrated lecture in English, Prof. Emil lurch, auspices C. I). F Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, 8 p. m. May 2-Lecture in Room 409, New Engineering building, by F. C. ~aldwin, at 2:15 p. i. Subject: "he Reltiot of the Architect and Client with te Contractor." - May 23-"Leap Year" party, auspices of Woman's League, in Barbour gym- nasim, 8 p. m. May 23-Omega Phi open meeting. May 23-Junior lit banquet at Union. May 29-"Kinds of Bird Nests," Iecc ture by N. A. Wood, Museum lecture room, 7 p. m. -Admission free. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Fresh4 lit pracice toay at Suth Ferry field, 3 o'clock. Fountain. Ilini-Aitital election of offi cers on Saturday afternoon at t o'clock, Rom I, Lastbtilding. Wilsoi, Pres. fleetiitg todaty of U.niersit branch Ameisrican Institute of letrial 'Egi aneers. Subject for disctssion:Eeti fying a Single ''rack R(ad. tlectioii of officeis. Room to20. Saior saist trousers, alt colors, all sizes, all prices, at Allen's. 6o-od Why tot by writing itsirance for the Grand Old Quaker Cmnpany, the Penn Mutual Life Insrance Coipay of Philadelphia,. Pa. Or policies are tn srpassed. We offer liberal contracts to agents. It will cost yott nothing to make inquiry.; Locate anywhere in Mich- igai. Geo. L. Bah, eeral Agent, 48 bcGrgw Bldg., Detroit, Mic. 79 Eal & Wilson's collars, two for 25 cents, at Allen's. 6-eod Kiee-lengh tion suits. \Wager & Co., Sate St. 70-5 Underwear ii all styles, tat ae somne class, at Allen's. 6-eod Singe 188we have made Wagk Re- pairing one of our strongest fatures. Haler's jewelry Store, 216 g. Main street. ed GenuitietHoleproof so. Wagner & Co., State St. 705 Hlase you seen tte newycor-cilored shirts, at Allen's? 69iit Soliud sole later suitcases, allices, at Allen's. -t6c-od CALLING CARS-We ctll special attention In seniors wishing engraved calling -cards for coitmencement. We carry the finest lie of cards in Aiii Arbor. Prices, $.25 tp. joliffe & Kite- miller, aose Co-op. eol See our complee -line of Michigan pins, _fobs and souveiirs, Haller's' Jewelry Store, 216 . Main sree. od We carry full line of extreme cut, tail- or swaist troutsers, at Alles. 70e,,i New hitney . Theatre BEL PON 40 HOME PHONE 200 HATS- HATS HATS Every fashiotnable effect, every color of the season. CAPS CAPS CAPS The nattiest and most approved fash= ion, faultless in finish, reasonable and seasonab~le. Stein- IJock(Clothing9 Every (jarnient a fashion plate THE ACME OF STYLE STYLES SERIE NOT T13E FOUND ELSEWHERE LINDENSC Ill, APFEL & CO. We are offet-iiw a good lime of irriedi-czixpriced BASE BALL GOODS , and Y'ISHING TACKLE HQ..:cr. Madri aH ad shington of are n udetof f PPparture. l.wb latt,) Tie,,atens ae ]uey1 o1ir,exlus-s'i. a p Ji Ru nenr i .aoi t klbe set upus receipt f price. PINER UPEDE C 71 M~TSt .: ',Pc,,-u OEXRCAGEFR BDSM OLI A XS t.fSo I NERSsNOurrt Twelve 6o Breakfasts In One a Paa*kge of E EDVWIhFAT if you buy two packatges cf S1 IREDDE D WHEAT Biscuit for a lurterthe regular price) you have a dellcious, musce-ttaking, strength tiving breakfast fr j cents-- more real mtitrimnet titati is to Ite found nt any other food in the world for the saimte'-otte',. It contains ALL the body-bilding eletments iote whoe wheat, made digesti- ble bt' steam-cootking, shre ddtng and bakintg. If yousbrver SHREDDED HEAT BISCUIT properlt 00uxwii ltkeItt bettetrttnt any other cereal food. Ir 11SHII) il I AVs S 141 iEAlTE) IN THE OVEN just enoogh 1o4resoe ri tspness and flavor For breaukfast, poor4ttmitlk ovet t, then acd a litttle cream anda dash of sat It is also deicious in combination with friits, Iyulk h ici o creanted / kfsyou like Tiscut o Oysters oC.ma tIll-the Shredded Wheat - veget~tl5W\s5 fr-as a Toast with but- ~r e hese, for luncheon or meas us ,d a'tsub- Tl rforardwood Floors T- iplu ay-thu Easiest Way-the Beat Way is t:0 i I044,, lisp hiloor 'f'ax. It is eceunomical, easily applied and r~~d im i7sis bdusetailtste whichi is s-. highly prized and which inI i5 G ,sminli i any ther'5way. It it ue< .,a o it'is tis quality thait's put into Old English Fleer Wax i,ii,i.: c siiytlokon yiur floors. Juisiisi 1i isre aoiyu ca usei nyurgrand piano %Vith 11issi t is. aiiio injure-but it will obliterate the ,ti scrassi ctc ii a-sbatifuhy poulisb, a 1 3I4I "The Wax wit a Oar atee" t -il waoodwois rkassi loik like new anud te iisi ;ss ;inomie siinitairy. 'ii s 4it here (ipit up ill I, 2, 4, and 1iis ,, covers 300isquare feet.- tistis 4 11is, dslt itus tellyos i owto it is, -ii t is 1s lorsi tsabeautiful. FOR SALE BY C. H. Ma~or ftCo. 203 Z. Waahinagtoan W~e 1lalieve intthle Students { iTeirctesdit ts goodtl with ttti ANN A RBIESOR CGAR A GE1-0 MAYNARI) STREET AUTONOUIltS, MOTORtl BOATS, ENGINES, STORAGE, REPAIRS ANtI SUPPlIES SALES AOI4NTS FOR R.OYAL TOURIST THOMAS DETROIT CAKTE1LCARL TOURIST, THOMAS e*.zid MAXWELLIJi steokL. First stoiwing iif men's strass tiats. Wagner &,Co., State St.. 70- See our complete line of Michigan pins, 'fobs and souvenirs. Haller's Jewelry Store,.2V6 5. Main street. rod We recommend. Espenella Havana cigars. 'They are mtade especially for us and in our own-boxes.-5C to a5e each. .V4LLItA&Da, faOWL.1.o, LWS*CjtIS, XIOARS, CANDIS, 'TOBACCO. MOE'S ::.ARBER SHOP 7" NorthUnworatty Ae. o. A. M01O.1 New Films Tues.. Th urs. arid Sat.. TiE CA45xPNO EP6AIN, *TR5E IT Pianist, MISS .MAUDE STANTON ILLUSTRATED SONGSOI~OlST MISS OLIVE STANO