TiHE MICHIGAN .DAILY 1 Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfield ( 106 & Co. EAST HURON ST. BEST STOCK OF C I GARS IN TIE CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'em at low prices. ALARn CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All the best makes and fully guaranteed. MICHICAN PINS AND FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector for the Ann Arbor Railroad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Branch: 304S. State St. PIPETS 20% 0ff Meerschaum aid Amber bits only K. E. JOLLY 30s s. STAT iST. MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER Hair Goods, Hairdressing, Shampooing Manicuring, Face Massage a Specialty. 322S. State St. (Up Stairs) Bell Phone31 B-ANKS THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREBTS Capital, $0,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,00( General Banking Business. 3 per cent pail on Time and Savings Deposits. Safety tie posit Boxes to rent at 12.00 and upwards B. KaMPr, Pres. W. C. STEvENs. Vice-Pree F. H. BELSER, Cash. H. A. WLLIAMs Ass The Ann Arbor Savings Bank vapital stock, $50,000. Surplus, $200,000 Resources, $2,200,000 A General Banking Business Transacted OswICEs: Chas. E. iiscock, Pres.; W. D Harriman. Vice Pres.: M. J. Fritz.Cashie STATE SAVINGS BANK DIRECTORS W.J. Booth Jno.V. Sheehan W. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Is.n.Wade E. F. Mills John Haarer Jno. KoCh Prof. B. SCorluart Henry W. tlougls, Qihristian startln Dan F. Zimmerman 1 I f usic anb 1]rama TO 1 oR NOT TO. In the dramatic columns of last Sun- day's Chicago Record-Herald appeared the announcement that Donald Robert- son is to present Milton's "Comus" on the campus here in Ann Arbor, Mon- day, June i. The musical settings are, so the article states, by Henry Lawes. It further comments upon the fact that this will be the first presentation of "Coms" in America. The report is, however, unsubstantiated. Prof. Dem- mon stated yesterday that he had heard nothing of the presentation and that he believed that the writer of the article must have been misinformed. None of the other members of the English de- partment was able to furnish any further information. GYNECOLOGICAL STAFF HONORS PROF. PETERSON The gynecological staff held a banquet last night at the Cook house. The affair was given by the senior members to Prof. Reuben Peterson and his assist- ants. J. P. Loudon presided as toast- master. The staff has decided to hold a reunion in Ann Arbor, five years from this commencement. The new stock ties in all shades, at Allen's. 7o-eod Alarm clocks warranted for one year, $i.oo. Haller's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main street. eod Shirts !Shirts !'Shirts Everythmig n shirts at Allen's. 70-eod Spring Clothii PROF. LORO TALKS ON ARCHITECTURE "French Chateaux and Cathe- drals" is llustrated Lecture Given Tonight by Cercle. Prof. Emil Lorch, head of the depart- ment of architecture, will give an illus- trated lecture on "French Chateaux and Cathedrals," this evening at 8 o'clock, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Prof. Lorch is particularly well fitted to talk on this subject, for he studied architecture at the University of Paris. In his work he made a special study of the cathedrals and chateaux of France. In his treatment of the subject Prof. Lorch will first show the evolution of the Gothic cathedral, illustrating the steps of that evolution and the highest achievements in cathedral building in France. The work of the carvers, sculp- tors and glass workers will also be shown by slides. This subject will be followed by that of chateaux. The first slide shows the earliest cha- pel form in France, derived frin Roman sources. The next step in the develop- ment came in connection with. the clois- ters of 'the monks. The exteriors and interiors of the cathedrals of Motma- jour and St. Front show.in what re- spect these cathedrals have been re- paired. The French arenoted for watch- ing over and restoring their architectural monuments. Prof. Lorch will show by his views of cathedrals and chateaux, that they were not built off-hand, but the different styles of architecture grew up in a gra- dual development. Special interest attaches to the man- ner in which aisles and radiating chapels were added, as seen in the views of Abbayes aux Dames. The remarkable tower and arches of the cathedral of St. Sernin at Toulouse and the facade of three arches of the fortified cathedral of St. Gilles at Tou- louse are illustrated on the scren. Notre Dame, with its superb harmony and noted facade containing the wonder- ful rose window, and the cathedral at Asiiens, with its peculiar structure, are e rhaps the best known thestate the Master at Amiens is a wonderfully executed work. The grandest attempt on the part of the French in construting a cathedral was that of Beaivais. Its structure was o immense that a part fell, the walls not (eing strong enough to support the height of certain towers Rheims cathedral is literally peopled with figures of people The greatest lothic portal is at Rheims, containing five arches. On its facade is the re- markable group representing the corona- tion of the virgin. li showing views of the chateaux, Prof. Lorch will illustrate the growth (f the early feudal castle into the mod- ern chateau--the country mansion or palace. In building these fortified castles :on-iaiding places were always sougb hb the nobles and abbots. The beautil i J i -- - -- ------- -- - .............. . " ;- . ' &u : : ,,y ,, Y . , j J i .$ ' ; ;; t ,.A l i!_>b sl , ; ;" * ufct lA x(t ,y{P{ K ctt WA Good Dress ers A Handsome Stylish S3uit4 plays a very important part in the make- up of the Twentieth Century Man, While in is true that a man iay be a perfect Gentleman dressed II an ill=fitting poorly mide Stit, the world will be sure to i1iSjdge him, A good Suit of Clothes is sure to influence the first verdict o opin on rendered concerning:- a t I UYSOy A College or Society -Brand zi w r' Staebler .f Wuerth Co 211 S. MAIN STREET Walk- Oor' Oxford time is here and so are t e variou Over Oxfords, Pumps and ties in tlack, taland Tan leather will predominate and we hatu t l possible in selecting the newest shades as designs for Walk-Over Patrons. See windows for unlimited supply of Pumps, Street 'Dies with good street soles suede lined heels to prevent all slip ping on. heels,,tn buttons aiit lace for Men and Women. .W1 O Ter Shoe Go., R. ..HOFFSTETTER Mgr. I Z 9 ,Q tl - s .G ). err 1 S" Hart, Schaffner & Marx All Wool -Hand Tailored SPRING CLOTHING Ty yt Ready 'wlvetyyoun are. : ful Chateau Josselin on the bank of a river offered excellent opportunities for a collector of taxes. St. Michael is rioted because it was -z first built off the coast-of Brittany as an ibbey.. It is one of the most picturesque of early castles. 'Ilhe towers of many of the modern country farm houses are a reminiscence of the towers of the chateaux. Some of the city houses show from their struc- ure and designs on them that they were the homes of tlue cathedral builders. 'he tgw lhall s vary in size a i'elab- orateness. This lecture is given under the aus- p ces of the Cercle Dramatique Francais. Associate, members are admitted; upon the presentation of their tickets. To C/ever l _!W -s mer others the, Price, is 25 cents. Wadhams & Co. Have you seen the new Adler Colle- 121.123 S. Main St. gian clothes at Allen's? 70-eod 1 . i E y t ''1-O obe"we"n c""p"s "nd Freemnani's boarding house, a gold, amie thyst set, helt pil. Finder please re turn to C. C. 'reeuan, 30. \\ Vs ' si::ng toui St. Ifosiery in all the latest shades:1 i cilors, at Allen's. 70scod . ST')ENTS wishing desirable work durig vacation can work among their relatives and friends, and especially among farmers. Easy work and goe pay. Write to the Universal frading & Supply Co., Chicago, Ill., or call os A. H. Biesterfeld, 815 E. Washington', I to 3 or 7 to 8 p. m. 70 71 Wadgner & Co., Haberdashers, Stats St. Open evenings. tf: Pananas and straw hats in all shapes, at Allen's. 70-eod Sleeping garments--Pajamas. Wag ner & Co., State St. 70-5 Palais Roc 209 . I ibertv St AND A SPECILTx CURIOS aisd BR ASS I rostn Every L'tttttry FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBoR, MICH. E. -"KINNH, HARRISON SOULE, Freti.Vce-Pres. S, W. CLARKSON, Casbier. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Protits, §t5,000. German American Savings Bank Conmsraeraiass l ard S.e.vhnegs "-"Cor.Mea an. ad Liberty Strauta f 1 . . UNERA O.M. Mari DIECTOR. Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Residence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 AMBULANCE ON CALL WAI KING LOO Chinese Chop-SeyRestaurant Rowe's Laundry Chinese Fancy Dishes, American Lunches of T ali kinds. Everything first-class for THOMAS ROW E, PrOp ladies and ~otsiemen. Chinese and Japanese Bricea-brac. 326 N. Fifth Ave. U0 Statgs, se dtoor S. asto Brios., 314 S. Statet hi.New Phone 457 Bell Phone 457-L STUDIO- ; r xs a .. 4.. 9 East Huron Street