Now is the lime - TO- SAVE TIME Shave yourself BEFORE you wait. HOW?. With a Gillette Safety bought at tQUARRY'S Money Loaned On W~atches, iiaeattdo, lat lBoots, or other personoal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds *Office nt residence 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. 3 Hoars : 8 to 11:30 a. m..oItoo4 :05andi 7 to JOSEPH C. WATTS pring t Po~st Cav-ils THE MICIIICAN DAILY ilFZIAT FAVORS UNITED I)RA'NIA'TI' ORGANIZATION In r'egard(ltosthlie centi agitation ini lastr of purecsasitig a theater fo'tihe' useof Ullniversii~tyiramatics, Prof. Be- ziat wvriteososlollows: Editor ?Michigan Daily: Sev eral suggresions have appeared in y our coliitttins regard to pusrchasing tihe Miaestic iteaier ifor ihe ueofiithse vartotts dramiiatic cluibs, andl I believe tteri'has beetn agr eat sdeal o1 favorali commenit i l the 1cam1pus0ini regardto t tc ptropsitiont. Hiowevetr, s11 far tas I kntsos, assdefiniite h ashaitatt so ye5 tbeenimtappedhlouttote licm ish titis aiii. Thte reasoiprob- ibiy is, titatsol th e puitrceit oei sinlthe studettbidty, istssisigle orgai- zation wouldfeesitgettosighsto its swegttl'titttt eitiher frlae lotr ipurchase Wostlti it nts, thtes, lie a gtssodiiea fosilthe siratmatic ortgaiza~ttionts, its slu ingte tChosrasilin sion tdtWoan's lettgue, to utite tissiforim a soiety tisat lih b amdthe Michligant Draimattie unon?']'his sotciety woustld ise merely fnnial sorganiztionititwiies woutldl centiralizeandtset ortotnitte sdefinite sitr sl)t)lst'e risofth ie vasrioutsiperfotrms- .ittet givetteaceityear. Whlie it wosilsd ins:noss ayinttrterettwith the privaite aciito i tt'of thesveratl clubis, intthieir ,lits in i pu't b l. il itert i inth'lt eetiiveto ttdttieeb mit aket\ 515b sitpossibi'lsstor tiielti- wn s. A. Peziatide IiIrdls. FIN..LEAP YEaAR PARTY A RR.\ NEE it YINl,A.GUE Satutrday evettti. 2N11site girlsofIlte Uivrit srl are in11edloll atstentd.Vise leatgtetwsesto11sna1ketis pIrItte st ol stO l' ostti 11111 ofttl tiss' rar, ibsoth int sociabiilitvytantdlints edne Ii 'stttistt iiiwi einst It oi'locki. i' micit\vili e ill s rsisitt'sbyItiSpeia o- Niltor ilse tueil fot l cat.itsin. tis, --t I-tall th vtsiey sreirethmens tostrops'b itt're fromtt ov oneIa soft, ollowting:tIss Miss'estlRhoda'lStt tarrIlel lt Marint'','land Prf $aStaInlillteturnito III s\'iel otIll (altew Oaysto'complete1Itisyer' lrvetofence.\ , llies ilsetrt in the Intercoell eiatteraNotest 4 A numbrer ofltg stuenslit, innsota arl&setott" Wltfoot amveetothe etalishme5to acortt o urna(sm , No i The Cope Stand DRINKS.INK To load a Conklin Fountain Pen, jutst dltp it in any ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it flli ito own e . tank like a camel slaking ito thirst. Th'lat's all there in in toitll No dropper-no mess-no hother. Do it anywhere'-any time, CONIKLIN'SF NPNSELF- E "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER" can he filled instantly without tse leaist inconvenliec.Ton could fill it with while kid gloves on withsout danger of soiling. Besides its cslnvenire, is the spileitd writintg qualities of Ihe Conkliti-the perfect feerd. Lending deaters handte onltnIf yottrs does niot, order direct, Prices, $3.00and up. Send at onte o irttandsltomesew cattstec The Conklini Pen Co., 310 Maohaltan BIdi., Toledo, Ohio - ro rilll s N'i, sANizc-fE s' IDan ling & Malleaux STAlE STRfEET' 1 ,'tbsenir rectpison omitee com- Collen QIs-enJue1. 'lite eltstr tlfor te StCrchessra tstttmoaltzolll funis HALLk'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Main StI elitstistwithstilsottetlll ich toie a d ca l be Ieturd li ttheilfollowing Is C e eE w l tar tientsbIIiee, Pluinkett. S o talouttlt, ad sle egnern epait- All -flavors including Chocolate 1115,ln,tttutil,Rakstralw, I lter, tatd Abbol~tti: lls' ttisartimieit--Grove, (Gleai '1111rts.on Simstonl, Sclttyslti, iltllasgliit; Wni make-. ebest Chsocolate Soda (111111 intlb city. 'liltgenseral tictss,wiithtinclutte East -University Pharmacy osiper, trill ibe titoldttr $4,. A fatily 1-1)S. Uivettrsitiy Avne ______________________________________ 11 I lt on tcet is0alsospirttvitdedlfot'andt ictnte rcasedifor $t. Gallery ticetrs V. V M1. BAPKBEK SHOP till be solditfotte2- tents aindstill be J. R. TROJANOW SKI. Prop. tltcetd on salr as \Vatir's a less dayo be- ISATIS ROOMtttttst i t. i. t tot i ito I te 1 d sainct DOT-AND (it IDtit St)Il iBiTH , ILadies' antt'I iti 11ee:,o atI, jr gutting --nas Undetrweti tar 'int ill styles, that tave 322 S. State St. AennsArbor Mich 1111351Bll t oe lasat Niso, bile011 Just a To'uch of Srig The new Spring Scarf as a special introduc- tory of the spring, we are offering a special purchase of beautiful new Spring French four= in-hand, in new correct shapes with open ends and in all the handsome spring coloring. The new Spring Shirts make their first bow and they are beauties. The new spring styles in Hats and Cap are here for your inspection. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel BUY YOUR CAPS AND GOWNS WHERE THE CAP AND GOWN BUSINESS 15ISBEING DONE WEI ARE SELLING AGENTS, of the trading tllanieatesioa f sadt ~ int this contry, amnn which are Cea Sont's ttd Viningtt fNewVr n h W.,C.,KRem (to., of Chicago. Any style ofni awi dtt ra ng omaettlrnrl t you ea susre ott short notice. Pc. s$3.00 asp MACK (ft Co. DMOttWatcelts, i iamsondsiJeielry, nal l LOANED~Hig~h tintssOlhattel. nttd C(ste ral Scr MON[Y [OA [fic~e Hears,8:3d to 11:20, 1ito 5,7"to 8:1i. Two doors south of City Y. M. C. A, W. J. LOURIM Negligee Shirts-sleeve lengths to fit,. ~ Chamois gloves-washable. Fancy Hosiery for Oxfords. n * Y@ E o Holeproof hosiery -Guaranteed six months. Knee length union-suits. UNDERWEAR New golf caps. Just in New no-space collar. WAGNER ft CO., State St. Summer weight pajamas. Fl EL DER S' [The Safety Watch Disc GELDERS' 0o Prevents Watch 10.L E L II ~ L i L v~j / E~ifrom slipping from pocket. Will do wadrsa tow it kigyoua t IHALLER'S Jeweler StoreSupedtColgMuiwd Varsi iyit rSote dreetowieasy vpidtColgMe an ""ho"" itt ais to ntrlhtgh nes . 3. fao reThe Safety Pocket Book Band Women~ for- All P~arposesWN \osl 555WR IT itiR ittOER.___________________________ M ' MnRSpecial Design Rubber Door' a I at.WRIre FOR PRIES WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO. ann? ii i"o>li'°'g teatitAasstnmen PALMYRA NOVELTY COMPANY 20EotW~~a*~Sw~n cetyitat aic l.le~ co. snsdinal obgi II ' 5 eiaInnmes '- PAILMYRA, M. Y.20 MetW shnim Srt to tit isi,lIt Scetit gsi Isse SCOTT' ,iS AqNING ACADEMY KEP YVR ATs seaootLadty b IIt 1gt olts o ' b itt,' he33Q, Sotht State Street ,,. Btttotiy i t. tIlfy carrying a copy of the MICHIGAN 1. d rkrfsr rcso:h.SorisaeGodes . HANDBOOK !In your poeet Space for me' /r~£ < Iat thwwewil , ptyy~ irctoa Cl'ass.. Sptvn,-ay. no A. M. anrd oranda, calendar, special events, University aten [mte Rleeade with eD pao t torld nstet;eOat'jplbaockdrect re.tltptr.. 7:0 P. $1. Calendar inIhiso0pae hook. 0Given away ~ ~ vta akt 1istI5se~llCto a oige RUPOR-writefIr i to Insudntn at the University . M. C. A. M .c-oft heu renir obosusen te endgorter 1 -- - -pimafteyour sshirtdor hese 5. nd oner. A. J. REACH CO., 1727 TULIP St., PHILAELPHI. Assemaly 9 ocock. Milin 11a1l. THE BELTCR"T CO.. BOSTON MASS. STUDIo- 319 lEast Huron Street