~THE MICHIGAN HAIL, w , THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. G.HI Wild Comfpan lfl -ig -_dtr_ z~ al _ _ llastttt 'd'.r C R-1 R I;t. Buin resAt,,anag -C. .WINSTErAo Our Spring iC98 line of fine Imported and Domestic WONES Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Uapto-D~ate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade. Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully' solicited~. G. H. Wild Comfpally 311t South State Street New an~d Distimetive Styles of Calling Cards are shown ii iur latest list of designs. Wh'len you by of us you get atsolntely t hIite bcs t woknanship aittnew- est metropolitan styles, at a reasinable cost." Leave Orders Early AT Sheehan & Co.'s Student Bookstores Official National League Ball is te standnrdao ttwold fiiito ,read aorid',caitronipt, n ame i itw iith Chcago N tinasia'ndii eitsoi A mrimeeos the Salding League Bitl wause. 'The Sadn Official Ntioalilteague atisis seds'S y Yale,ttuars'rd,terinc en(,ad il r'aS "'t college team'u.-. 'te sodie s a oi s eit ii, Uinited SttAmy atoiy use itex custvely. 1to fact it is in unierai ucchre ever Baleais i ,Piayed. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, St. Lui, Sn tFrncisc, Mnneapolis, Denver, Bffail, Syracuse, itts- burg, Phladepha, Bsoto,Cictnat,,Bali-t more, Wahing to, itansas City, Ceeand, New Oreans, Detrot, Montrea, Canada. Nit. . ..-Donal It. Hitnes athletics ....t .Lee A White Atiltics, Assit... .. Et ,driitge 11eliatige..,.:Robert Iteutsier .~Roy DI. Wetlti 1ii,,......... Ra siiiiiiitVissctic, Womtcn's t'ditor.... Louise Van Voorilis EDITORIAL STAFF C is I it'cart'~land 'Iinceiictiocher TENIS tPtAYERS AWAI )DL St (Cotinued troem fazerOre.t otr ticitig is atnintercoltlegiatie tenissmeet wsit 'oritell or ttich itther teauts as in the estiutatiott of thiis board are of equal rak withtN-ichigati and Coriietl. 2. 'fennis insignia, consisting of crosedicinnit rackets tait the letters "Mt"int Itack uptont a whlite shirt, imay ibe.iiwtrtibythose tacnt alo make ttn iteamii, tte NIto lie an Old iglhNI. 3. A5ittt ten iitbarittg thteirtsigrtia shtaltIte tawartdeditlie liethbletic associa- iotolie twitnte rroftihie svtrsity chain- pos it inthe sptrintg. NIGHT EDITORS - Ii,,, all t,. Kititey tRttbert 5"Mtrelaitd -ss'1i1it11~ ' IASETRcaFsRit tt'rt-ttSCI10aric. Michel tetMcigh Fred'cL; Gioitn hg Ninty-tite athtletes, repiresentinig R9PORTRS itsrchlasttticttmeet it Ferre iietldFri- list elI J. Carr J.II. Prescotlttt dy' atttStttirt lt Waltier It. towers Lottis Kraft GrandtlRap1itds, withli tetattiof titte- Patti Greer Samuel It. Morris teen tmentleitth la trgest reptrrentatittt, htt Etiget Er . 2. .Williamits fllowedrcby it nSit Aritt'higlt, swhichten- \1.51. Abbtltti 1I. I. Artitrotng tereicghten. 15. _.1, litncktey D. 1. Jottnes 2'tItt'tger Whlititng Itts stilt to hietir li -te list stiltlibe titteriallytitgttetttetd BUSINESS STAFF Johin F. Wurz- Carl H. Adam Haroltd P. Gould Address : MICHIGoAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street Manager's Hours : I-2 p. in., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phronrs TUFl.'SIi)AY, SlAY.tio, oo8. sti i i ovrsthe studetb.i Charges. it, 1ercarlitsaintiettstit.istrot poltial 'atetitug tttd thepromises of 1h1 resulstls ifthis reforitmt iistcutet irc niii itoiibeltesitited i ' etatprtachiitg i etinUiviiferstylutealdit Iisatrit piatei itthetr officers shtituli e elected it ii i iti t i se oiii ttiestiititaltlt' itlitieal ln 'ittIs.: Il iccrs'd' wlitteshi et'mthe oes t isetheetanit'esifori, tthtlo'ticetttt im, i was gree t't' ntI pitl-tiutrl Sh ii rrbet ttstd th ecuipreit'es.iiThe e°\cangeof fateritt suotsorthe ed Indthesoieofritagli site alviw-ii if Ittir i s ttiteg itl ti tistl bors leftreith eue t itkt'sptee. Dtrit andulAitn 'rIbor stars Neilltcoetutefresh froithir rectiridmitking trip to the M. . S. Ime.tit Lan tsinug, tilSout' oltd S''St ~S' E O TR ') S IR ASt55 t'l)\ E'ITOGE TH tER ANNUALY Preiden'it ngt'll hits returnedl fromt ha enin session t, ii SSin-igtn. Ri'- cety IsPre sidet'tRooisev'elt settlett'rs ii to tgvor't's ofi tll the states inviting' them t ingithueri't'prt'setattiv'eiteti. Gosiv. \'u'trtt'r chotst'Pre sitdetlAnSgt'lltts ittetioflie ecotitiittee friomt the stttte of uas iitoiotiniplrtatctcal discuission frttm U'ttedl Stat's iniregttrdtloitt'the cotisersa- Ptresidetit Roosevlt'stoptented the mseet- itg liy tistirrintg sitechltitt whlicel Ieset fotrit it'elprtblemts itforeite natiott waty s. litti. J. J..H ill if the Nitherti twndingricuiltura'tl t'tsour'e', antd toth Itt'v'tr itneretasittg pophiulautiun. Among thlirspet'akers stete Pr'tsidtent Atug- tll, Seretary 'Roout, Andrletti'Catrtiegie, ti fomaltover the lt't'tite'ttStates, meet is eiotsidleredtloitb1it'umtst sigii- canti. Atltough to permuanenut orgatntza- tion wa~s tert ced, thtt reltatiotns of ite tedtrlandstttte gtov'trttttt'tsswer liar- taotti et'tia ,'contsiitertiblt' eent. It is bhut thailt the itieetitig of the state executiviesillttbectitme taittnttat affair. Resoltionus were adotted to thre effect that they, tgether twith "ienmbers of (2ottgre s ti tti hsters," wuuld tiect agaitt 'at the ctal ot the 't'esidet'nt. Stetti' hitis itin lt styles, aittlshapes, large ttssortmuentt, atAltent's. hp-cod MASTERS AND DOCTORS WECARtS I'fNC'TVE GOWSNS _At a meeting of the Gradtuteis' clutb held yesterday afternotnit twsas tdectdet that tose moenmbers ithIoawill te thir degreesthifs Jue soud werte caps and goswns prescribietd fortutster aod doctors. These gownis differ frisuthibsse of the bacleor iiuinig tdistitctie hoos'. Officers were attn eected. The folinhti'~g iwere chosen: ttPresieit F. J. SMtenge r secrear, I. Smiithi tets urer, I. Travins MIusic ana UVrama GRtUATIONsrtii 5Cl'tti.. M~r. l etty Jamies Dtteitrweicht gilt ai grtitduatitonirecitalin itFtrieeeNa Is ight. St. Dttesristweihisit ytttng itittl iettpiitinists stniteicociter stgs i- t'uinitg the ChointtiBi Ilt fttsntatttttnti the SVeher "Citter tstchk." T'he entire' protgratmiitiasttuplay itttd i ' edittbleman' tue. t. r. iottrwucih'st'' e'hnuitusut tuqual tt lthetitidsut pon tit t ithd is' tipptreciation mtatutrietd so tat hs lay utig is effective. SWithu such attatiimitsuiMSh. Dttlerweicht gibesmucuhi prttiise Itr tic future. He wil le reta'ticilott the ftac- St. DtteweichI's's hrogratmutis aitc the Schitotl f Stusic, sot it is gientoti tmttrchi uitunrs' presto. Preludie anth Fugues, fG tior.....Bah Caitrice Espagutut , (Al. .37.. luskiutsky Matrcht Windth..............I.uuethuiss'll terceuse, Op. 72, Nit2.T 'P tlatuu''slur Ciuucertsttck, (Op. 7t, F mitir-tt-. , Welter Larutgetti; tllegirtptssiontou i; temposu di mascgs'prcstoe iass's"Pesa. hn utnttday's issue of the Chictg Rsc uset-tHerulu, Jannte O'Donnsuell Bentt utt's'ttes tnerly tt columtoas thighty cuitut- prouc ttin 'at "lU~'tre" bhutihe Cece Frtancais itt the tUiersity. "ITe prodhuction on thit,'wholse,'' urites Sh. Beneuttu,"surpasssteit'len pt'rfourimance itf'I'LthBourgt'ois (itttil hutititut"sit ltst yari, wtiimarittkedh t nte eptcin iitheuc tiviuity oithe Fechu deptartment atiduttigthes'et'inuts. thu smoothnues atndfitishs of the terormtu- tance wus the result ittlong stuy, tre ful and uttirinig effirt ini a worthy ctuse The few titches swhiht tccurredu iere covered with a skill tutd prmtnelutss whtich mtiglh tate been muistakenit ftr the result of lontg experictice ott thec stge." t~onginatu Co., Photographers. Grops, views, lantern slides, ard postcards. De- velopitig and priating for amatetrs a specialty. This firm consists of Will ants, fornmery with Lyndon, Thonipsot, alto has had several years' experience, atid ,Ltigmatn. 306 South State street. Phiontet.t Going to Graduate? YOU WILL NEED - VISITING CARDS To enclose with your invitations Leave your orders early Eugraved plate with 100 cards $1.25 WAHR' S University Bookstore C. [. DARIN[[[ Law anld Medical Books Fotr StatefItoau'd Examiunaton Ludy's Medical State Bards, Qestions and Ansers - $3.50 Ludy's Denal State Bards, Questions and Answers- $2.50 Owen's Law Quizzer, Quesioens and Answers- $4.00 flaigh's, Questions and Answers -- -- -----$3.50 Blickenderfer'sElenens of Blckstne, - - - - $4.00 Olser's Modern Medicine 7 vols., - - $42.00 CASH PAID FOR YOUR LAW, MEDICAL sa.d DENTAL BOOKS C. [L DARIIIR[ LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKSELL[R Tel T61. 326 S. Stale St. Senior Notice Students desircig offirial 1908 STEIN til ease ordte, at Arold's Jewlry Staoe. Pride.$2.50 .savoed VisititmijCards ituiusereardeds at tutuestit ices. Plat and flu earnlt $1. 25. WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 220 S. MAIN ST. 1l V. of M. Co-O0p Store The place to buy your Base Ball and Tennis SuIp'plies We carry the famous Wright & Dilson Rackets:iand Cbhampionship BlI~s Register for the Union Election By Law to Constitution: No muember of the Union shall hz allowed to vote at the annual election unless he shall have registered his name and the numiher of his memhership ticket iii the hook, provided for that purpose, at least one week previous, to the election,' Registration book In check room at Club-House B U.RGLARY SAs necessary as yoiur summer vacation. Pays for the loss of 6 Il articles taken from your residence. For particulars enquire of 'W OO.DEACH C ASUtALCTY 5.INSU RANCE General Agents Empire State Surety Co. 50 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT, MICHI. Phone Main 6505 [I1 121 Washington E. The Randall S tudi o, Ranal&PcPos Phone 5998