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October 11, 1907 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-11

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Suits and Overcoats to Measure UNIVERSITY--- NOTICES HENRY Q tCOS
TAILORS 1 I High Classi
______________________________________ Ra rehearsal tonight. 7 oclock, Nlc- FUVRNISHERS j O viCli Merchandise
\I1 ilati Hall Fischer. HATTERS ) Popular Prices
$15.00 to $40.00 'The Omega Phi will mtet in tle AlphaLaetSy s-R al ho -SeO r$5B t
Na roo is at i o'clockSatra.i aet tle-ealS oe-eiO r$5Bo
WJ(E expect to gain many new and firm friends Soi logy cuhwili Unet tona t ; Directly North of Law Building
'~with our autumn and winter display of Oilckli-Ttatan HlllaklallPriN RTsNVEST.A E U
fashionably correct woolens. 41,We pledge you sopt,,t it io'tall lrictiet( tiit 709711 O T NV KIY A E V
:1; sharp. l . 51cndidaes reprin I
the finest fabrics, the most emphatic style, the miom
most skilled tailoring, the widest choice and sat- 'Ill, seioregiteestill hItei lr EVERYBODY WELCOME AT
isfaction absolute and complete or you needn 't toitinttg uinttenttiott ittRo)ittS3t, at-130tiafeno.T e P c w k. ar rs
take the garments.IOtio tlsmetitigoott mThCPi kw ck arl rs
1).__________________m_________ toay.Ciitstitutittt he Everything of the best
ttamended.511 out. Kigel Ites. nid the best for you.
lastl ch 1atce 5fr tnow itentol oia th
C n ul rs Clothing Co ipa y sai I heck t tclocla etiill.BALL RETURNS BY INNINGS
Co pa y Itaniittiittiiig sit'of)lt class mt Bell Phone 176. 707 N. University Ave.
118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM, Prop. Nomiation (titoffie ltr for tte ytXIear._________________All______
t t o ii i xbenitg. sttttC ".
., tiait Il'ie at wn attn tgetftttt The M an W ho Know s
t 4 1 Ihsits ant itportantt ltnes
ietig :c iflet, Sey.eI itft ears Prizncton. Clothes
t C's-lels lrattatiiloi Franci,sRaom $10.00 to $20.00
read -i--tic-e i signiedl for the tIots.ittSOLD BY
Seticndi Ityutu liii Gle lb to be wItili
iIRonmtitC t 7103o .pi,3ii woW
couldcnttcot tist tics t wllLiberty St., Cor. Fou.rth Ave.
o neSId.1 I ,ir it-Iis utu
ivM U 5 E MinE IN T SL ____ <<ita e5
ca 11.1Cla c 11 ~lrr rIhn Webb's For High Grade Candies
7 T c a51 5 N'tr \, ll 14littlies toin irt Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid.
ls iste ordn0 abe f Jlisie avors for al Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies
mitl. oStf Willa tiri tet If -1F salted Nut Cases.
:Hartm clokswtatraited fat- one ear,
Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, $tio IlHaller' Jwelr store. 216 S. Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Main St.
is fast nearing completion and when completed will be i-titt stort-- ii
one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The 'I 1 I F 1ffS'l' IfVlfR- Acoloste pi- _______________
management will present to the patrons of the theatre titeItt lnda itiiit te ltsligts of fresl- AU R~AIN oht fr7cLnn.4,67,AIA arig adBagg
ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Sii tic1s 88 weis a dlint a anil Pac-
pa it5ieof or strontgest fetrs r ci aple tie ad $2.00. tes
and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. I tller Jc iii art Store, 216 S Mii ai rs iliesio -2.00 llli
The booking contract for the year has been given to nlw sCesl trthpicwilu
osaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the 'lie Keimpf lisic Stusdios pianio,Drvs r eqidtoclctan
gnrlpublic. This space has been contracted for by Iiiitee. l.i rei ciiosd-1.32S L URE PC SH NKWA ,El I V i'i'
the management for the year and it is our desire to notify SIZstiisret il8 CU E OLSHRUNK. l TAiiN'iNi -
the public from time to time as to the advancement of seitou comptlt line of-Michigan C erioec _____________
the theatre. pnfb n ovnr.Hle'
Jeiwelry For, 2i6 S Maisreet. eil
big chldtil iii the yitsim fomhos
h a o i fi 119 E. LIBERTY ST. 2 iit~,Idto ii o pi. IstieeFil,- -IB R G H T O
Ann Arbor's Pioneer Moving tie ici Iirectir. i FLAT CLASP GARTERS
PcueTheatre. --- ---6egia~s are worn annually ono 4,000,000 legs-she mst popalr garters for
NWSEA SH-ELL FRONT 'Tke iest stdien lamp for the least l men's wear. The patented fins clasp bings cmfort-ihe secret is is
Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop ietslly i tis itarke. Nickel plaed its nn-binding, non-irritating hkn.. It's d as fat as es a skeaeti ofasi paper and
Itireelsin lutlait laspast-ite had, hods he uck s snnthas he sinMadef pre slkeasti bwebin
P crec~ou sudet la pswhit shdeAll metal parts of heavy nickel plated bast 25 cents a pair, all dealers
$275 eaci;tio. Berlir, $,25. Fll liie or by mail pepaid. Foe those who prefer a cord garter, we ofer
ei alhs bs iqualiy ans laest prices
Dn& Co, 1,d, 214 South Main 140f
-__- The neatest, easiest and most comfortable cord garter made. The
Pisrgrapy goods at Fosters. If rbber diamnod holds with avice-like grip that will never slip. Will
- ___________- not inurethefinesthoe. The smallest, smoothest fattest grip ever
Soft ssash a specialty at the Studnts' used on a cord garter. Finest quality webbing. Metalpartsheavy
lanwryanSautt ttvesiyanaa-nickel plated brass. 25c and 50c a pairall dealers or bytail prepaid.
L tud r onSout Unverityon OC-PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market St., Phiadepha.
ter f Chtrch. f Male-a f Poser aSwpaedw


fn e he best on earth. . 14l Luttz, Alarm Clcks, $.o0. 25 ______________________________________
W a eF eh a !EUEESIH>ast Wshkgtn f
T'' lE S $TUVD EN T S'LAUVN D RY M AN"le i-lrry Widow," 'tThe Girl nes-
Agenat WITTER' LAUNDRY Sa.inaw, Mich. li,";'"Flawer of the Runch," "Girl
eePoe2BlakIeindttie Counter," 'Miss 1-lak of Supplied to College Men e.nd
oFFC1tic ast sWillam street. HomePhneh72BlckHo lan," "T-ihe 'alk of New York,'o e~f r AlP ro e~~
____________________________________________________________ siu andoters, at Rootstf
LAW BOOKS Pootil is a ppua gmie with STEA LIH &PO RC.
1s. Fivet-abiules of best WASHEA IH O E O
:36t0.yoar Dictionaries 36th yeaimakss, all iin tneta 0looriand 200 Ew.st Wei.shington Street
every i O Ksi. acm a~uaktionis to
Ia QzisBook hosit.
AnArbor Legl Miscellany Ann Arbor Hustoii Bros
CALAHN .CO 4 32 S, State St For Daily Advertising Rates...
CHICAGO MOE'S BARBER SHOP Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Building
Anen Arbor Brameb, Stat. Street, Opposite Law Bld. 705 North University Ave.
. A. MOE. Subrcptons takenby mail-check, draft or money order.



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