T~,MICIAM .DAILY IT"S EASY- TO CLIMB The ladder of social and business success when your garments bear evidence of sound judgment and refined taste. But a color or a. design unsuited to you, lowers your stock in other people's eyes. First we consider your built and complection and then suggest becoming fabrics. We price our gar= ments to please your purse. Better drop in on your way by. AMUAS MENT S I . CALENDAR. Aln cs---- Meting fc.aisa club, 7:1 ';.p. 1i. lciioiiiiof officrs. A1kt 2c- tFriuch Architecure" ills- traed liiiure by Prof. Fmil [,och, ans- pcs C(cct Dr natiqure Francais, Sarah Caswelli Angell hall, S p. in. ii v20 1 ecirc iRoom 409, New Enineiong buiiiilinig, i- F. C. Baldwin, at2A5p .Stiicci"The Relation iif Ilichiret and ciiCliit with the AMay 3-(--Omica Phi oici meeting. Mula 23--Juiiuc lit bnqiet at 1.nio. "Mayi 29-"Riulciof iiril Nsts"ilcc tucc hr-N. A.IViiiod, M iusimlecture romp 7 .im Adissicioii fiee. UNIVERSITY NOTICES I-cr:"iili l -iii-loll picaciie itoda at 2 'cod. oiiii i. frccuiii tlcigo uicalclub Mndai a -p m., lRoots C. FleciiOi ficer scu is iccss iioof cp anit gwniimatteri. da \nu,-lyiy, at ci7:15 shar. hli ci iii iof officersc andl otheir imocran iscpliitiil-o r isefnsfr the erec- '10 daai c chcub (f Nrhteiri, icicuimi C.,ilPhoograpers (Grotp, cicwu laiierisidie, andlposcairds. e iiiil idpitig for amiateir a seiality.ITi firmticosists of \Will- iih hasii had seeral years experietce, I ciiogmtani. 303 SiiuthlSate street. it Flom. ito.tf Novr is lthetiit i oie your rooms Iapr, ifduecratedl ir paineud. \e are miakiigselp ric. Yor credit is -cod. C. 11. bMajor & C.0Bothil phones 237 tf hEt'll'kSl~iN-Mo- 7, via 3Michigan'', ictrlto i I ks , iW ciints, GrandulRap- i $2iiiiiiouind trip. 'lrin aes 8:5. ntieting iiiii ame.iuu-da. (63-6 lc e31ilci IBissell-Viuce Placig iiiitSongii tcphi t io riii. F16 3 (he Ciii-lioth iipiiiii5428. Sat-tf C~hpaid ftor ca-ouff clthiig adu iiis. c viul posta~l toiiuMorri Schen (el, 20 I. Wshi; tncirer Fifthi :hi. (u5, 7 8 NOTICE. Attentionuu of clas, uorgaiziain atd eamu treasurers i a gin called to their ills fori representi ation il the to8 Muelh- linnsa. Teesouiiild le settled at oic. Ailiressc ruS Miciganensiat. Rkoomutr, Ain Arbor Prss Bldg Office hors i: 2 zp. i. aily. JX. Mc- (andule, Bsiness Manager. f ASK TO SEE New Fabrics Jusst Received NOS, 123=124=4349=43150=436O0/ 4251 and 4395 RiDW. G ROSS Liberty St. and 4th Ave. THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BOSTON, MASS. W~ii t ie cumupetionuofthei' new builduiig. Wirl:~ eriu ei ca iiitid-i t embii-ier _.. /tIW6 liith i iiihol inowhasfc it iadettiiiri iiii i-iuuitu Itiu i 5, ie. t rsarhin th evarl- oe usaches of miuiicineipuobablyon iiiuaiiiiiuihis oonl%of teiiiuuiieiuitut- iniis,tcaeraredetnedirientirelyitoiii iaioryiiiurai iiuiii ani irisearu.iNurnerous hiospi~i tals afforduabunantoppiititiesfuri- inic insiii i~ni ii cinecand. sunrgerey COURSiiE ORTHlE DEORLE OF MinD. A fouryears cuorsu-.coen iito celrus oft.viea. iiiitiiiihioioihiuur selence, anditopersions ofteqiiuivaenstningu. leads iiitoiiitie e e'f\ ) h tiu ieis of the fourthiye-riar-e wiiiiyiii iiiiiuii heyii nlu deiiiiiii iiciisiii tbuiueii.genieral suedittiie.uiieneriusirgeyuaiiithesctia c in iciibanhs.Th ietuch oo er The diploma of the University of Pithita is acceptied for adisision'.Foruetil- edtanounuemernitectaogui, adiiress HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Boston Mono. --SPECIAL SALE -. ON TWO PIECE SPRING SUITING HENRY (a CO. 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENVC OPEN EVENINGS LUSIT ANIA f A different Yet it lllost It's an C(?nservit- Al3now- r",, t1N-0 fyt rl Coll-tI' 3',c . -' RfrS-nc. C hl(At, Pcabody & Company, 'Nakens r GENUINE G CUYOT SUSPENDERS thee pirs of. or dinsry suspeniders. Webbing inimitable. Quif ay .j~oiIi. tnt. t l3ulongeside truo tible Ohop y ennepirs nm OSTHEIME5. BROTH RS New Whitney Theatre BELL PHONE 480 HOME PHONE 200 W I Sumrrmer D an c i ig School ______GRANGER'S cvry Tueisday evinigsidiiiimss suui iono i i r evuy Suimmer Sefinol (Granger's Academy Giround Floor Maynard Street I1 To Care fra wood Floors The Simplest Way-thre Roosia Way-the Best Way J is to use Old Enigish Floor W a. Iis ecioomiicual, easily applied and produces the richlsudued liistre iiwhichis Icsc highly priced and which cannot he obtaiinrd in cup o r ci i-.t It is beter wax cod iit';tii. 0ccti1c thuts putinito Old English Floor\\ Wax that puts their p icini-i. ciiiiefliiors.\ Just as good for furniuuod vui caneuouse it onyour grasd pianoc.33 with the assiura-nicethiii c. ,,.iii:t iijur-but it will obliterate the scratches sod mst beautiluly polish. Twelve Good Breakrasts- In One Package of SBREDDED WBEAT If you buy two packages of SH REJI)ED WHEAT Biscuit for a quarter(the rcgcilar price} you lhave a delicious, muscle-making, strentgth-givittg brcakfast fear 5 cents- more 'real nutritment titan is to tbc foandciittatty other food inl the world for the samte moniey. It contaitns ALI. the body-huilding elemtents in the whole wheat, made digesti- ble hy steam-cooking, sliredditng atid bakiing. If you serve SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT properly you will like it hetter thaatny other cereal food. IT SHOUL.D ALWAYS BE l IIEl IN THE OVEN just enough to restorecerispncess attd flavor. For breakfast, pour hot milk over it, then add a little eream and a dash of salt. It is also delicious in ecnthination cih remed If von like the Biscuit for oreamditaisifa st, yoc will like TRIS- oystersorCUIT- thec Shredded W heat vegetahles. ' 1mi i -"t a "astr with hute- itThe Wax Wit/i a (lea ae/ce"t Makes Tour woodsvork lioop like iiieivand the whole room store sanitairy. You can get it here lpustop its 1. 2, 4,uand S-lb. rcins)..1ho.,covers 3uu square feei. Come to our store anid lei so teltyoiu how to use it to make ihardwouodflors beautiful. FOR SALE BY C. H. Major CO. 203 E. Washfioatorx We believe in the. Studietnts . -Their ,credit is Rood witus ff111 NOTlICE,.-Clacs teamus and fraternti- tics ciii save tuotuey by getting thseir basebl ill ieis at Cutslungs. tf IBilliardis is a fine gamce-ask th sello ay.ue You teed N om r iclcre uliiuii iandlwhitis bet'er uti hnfiusi r , _"" rrI r~r ___________________il~ ANN ARBR AAGE MAYNAIIDhSTREET AUTOMOBILES, MOTOR BOATS, ENGINES, STORAGE, REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES SALES AtiENTS FPR ROYAL TOURIST THOMAS DETROIT CARTER CAR TOUKIST, THOMAS eir~ MAXWELL l;i. stack. siuc eure, fear{,luntcheons or flour tbread. Thelairal Food Co. Klalgate Falls, N. 5. IILLIARDS, DOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. ?12 S. Sott - 311 mayawd MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. 0. A. MOF. - -- .. New Flmsx Tinos., Thurs~. anid Sat. THE CA.S.INO LIt &AI N STRL .UET Pianist, MISS MAUDE STANTON ILLUSTRATED SONG SOLOIST MISS OLIVE STANTON