TH MICHIG AN -DAILY _ _ 4. Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfied & Co ATHRON ST. BEST STOCK 01 C-IGARW.S IN THE12CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. j We have Pipes to sell too-lots ; ot 'ernsat low prices. i I SHALL COUNCIL INVESTIGATE RIOT Campus Opinion Seems Undecid- ed-Dean Cooley Thinks Stu- dents should Act before Faculty abo tterot"tisteitetiedby tihe inter- 1111y pr0itedi lo 111 Somne tihitnk the soi tcin s old' be taken, and all thtl ot n b+l clu' ts o ld deal\\-ill 01 ~ ~ tO 1110 tcly fty et-ne i de- pat icit cpt 1 oll 11111himslfas follows: " 1f 111y h 1 a alisi to It b1t'dontie, it Ctcili ieg on f thepeula . tt sch ase. It he t ftatculty sol d wou ld Le called uponitt uih ni Pin l who1itIt 1 111 1 tttb i tt tt t iottii n-t a ist t it tlt he 1rlalt primetI ovt' i' ll the ll Ir I te g ity Ionestlttwere t t tttttt titppears tht t hose't rrest C 0 een tin tu e tlill1tti ng- titi Cb ldhn l o th ingstntt itt' aI 1111111 i ntitg. if t (tmCon ilsh ul atem t t ine ttl 11it ttho were th i ng- leader,,t Ittn1the1'rith It itnkitheyiwtld h to o .\'ttink It hib nk reuti ng iie ol huett ttpeopletocattandoltoe hei itmts . Wa11tkis: titt is idt it otatdeept lid plot11 istt o ses. I It do tso a t t tne1 11utsillce1a111In tt I- probably it be i elt ]larder.Itt have111 nt had~ n i t imett tNo thitk abIt it but at resent do no favo ott invetit gaition byl the1Counil Ithn, owvr t it souldtt emp1111 t 1111d1vise 11m11m Itt I he inuassild to tnd an111 fti e ra as ne. I lwey ,ift anyttifotmtion~ shou1 llth to 1 h t tthemif 1111tnttt ettt should act tlttanIt 1it. i Itt rgt bt" itdo'it 1hotathin touth 11111lo e ;t thit stil et y aI . thinkl o'ttti it t ittieC u clso lt ,tttig i ttttowIt tt d a it '11 u11 h 1111tt1eos.tt1011 _ - -, _ _. I U Et al± \ ; . y :: .r , r _, . -, . Z ' o,.ca en rxr tiDt u u >sn< ark Good Dressers A Handsome Stylish Suit plays a very important part in the make- up of the Twentieth Century ,Man. While in is true that a man may be a perfect Gentleman dressed in an ill=fitting, poorly made Suit, the world will be sure to misjudge him. A good Suit of Clothes is sure to influence the first verdict of opinion rendered concerning a man. ALAWICLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Alt Ito btstt lat t t IfiIgia t aee1 MICIIIC 4N PINS ANt) 10015 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH 'I0IPxINti A SPECIALTY. Watch lInspectorforo the Anno Arbor IRailroadt J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Branch: 304 S. StateSt. "'20%(0ff oMeerschaum and Amber bits only W. E. JOLLY MRS.,J. R TIROJANOWSII FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER Hlair Goods,'Hairdressing, -sheaspoing Mancuring, Fate Measeage ae.Specialty. 322 S. State St.(11)tairs)eo Belt Phone 359 THE FARMElRS AND MEICHANICS BlANK MAIN AND H-URION S1TREETS Capital, $50,000,tSrptus aad Profile, $65,00t General Banking Busineos.a pecelt tpati on Time end Savings ileposits. Safely l)e- I postt Boxsn to rent at $1.0t and upwardls R. Kzmpir, Fees. W. C. 5'EnvFN, Vicec-Prs F'. B. Batten, Canh. lit A. WoILIns Asst The An~n Arbor Savings Bank Capital stock, $50,0t0. Sarplas, 5200,0tt Resources, $2,200,000 A General Banking Busness Trensated OlIttenn Chas. E. till tttt.Pre s.;W. I). B 4reimn, Vice Fres.;51l1J.tootz, Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jnoi. Vt Shteeh~an in. Arnold lDe. V. 1C. Vaugan tan. H. Wade tE.IF. Sills John Haarer Jno. (Koit Frof. H. S. Ceehaet ileoty IV. iDouglas Chrititan Martin kDant it'. '/i ototteottt BUY A CL ~ llgeor Society Brand Suit Staebler a~ Wuerth Co. 211 S. MAIN STREET Walk Dyers' For Spring Oxford time is here and so ale thte vatiotus sipyits of Walk- Over Oxfords, Putmps and ties in black, tan anodptet. Tan leather will predominitate and we have takeot alt paits ptossible itn selectinog the newest shades aos wl s eiii s'.ittol designs for Walk-Over Patronts. See windows for unlimited snpply of Pumps, Street Ties with good street soles suede lined hteels to prevent all slip- pitng on heels; in hutton and ,- lace for Men and Women.L Walk-Oyer Shoe Coll R. J. HIOFFSTETTER Mgr. Hart, Sohaffnerp & Marx All Wool-Hand Tailored *IJ SPRING CLOTHING liClo heJ Ready wheny youz are. et Aln0)' '" ts t't ant candytsal at \tttlwrr ]alt ystrdiiftrnon '!hsX111 be it nt inued111 hs111mo1r1n1g.0It 11111 it it tn}\V~r' titt' 10 s tttrt' as it t