G. h. Wild Colipally Our Spring 19o81 line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENSI Is now ready. It inldes all the latest Novelties Shdes and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade Grays and Fancy Blue Your patronage respetfully solicited. G. H. Wild Comlpally 31I South State Street A New Golf Ball' The Kempshall Water- Core is finding favor witl golfers generally this year All the other good nake are here in profusot-as well as the famous McGregor clbs of which we are the ole sell- ing agents itt towtn- Tennis Goods, too, AT Sheehan &Co.'s Student Bookstores Official National League Ball in the standard oftheold.nill(, I wrtd's caosh pgamesili ma--i te" ChcagoNationas - adDtittia-,ii-i. iii Spadigteagr ue ti itS u-d. thesadn Offia N-atioal La-u- Balal ittse b Yat,tHarvar. Pi nonanall-rol,, cottgeteas . Th oildiit- (~xlr, i tha UntedttatettiAI-tytil Ny s u-i it - etoivey. In tt-it iuiersiualihr-- eer Base BalisiPla~yed. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chitaog, St Luts, Se Fanette, Minorspots, Deer, Bttfao, Syarse,Pt t- burg, Phitaephia, Bstn, Cincntit,ttBati- more, Washngon, Kasas City, tleean, New Oreaes, etroit Motitreal Canda. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. lletitgit g d ice Aeciti F. RrTccie. Busines Manger-C. E. WNSTED. tDrrent Nw-t.,.._... li Cuicey Ioseler Athletics.........Leo A White Ailieite,,s. Ac-i. ...:-C. , ldrige Exchae........ .. Rbent Muttier MIi-it- ........RyID. XWelch D rmat....... . t.otal if. Hine Womtens Edir..Louise Van Voorhis EITOIAL. STAFF Ritsecl ttcFalatnd NIGHT tDITOS Rityitotti Vicheirt Lotart C. Reid Doal 1.i . II N tiny Ribetli-rMoretttd 11Iicll i. Cliri J. 11. II c Waler K. iTowers Lotie Kraft Pattl Greer Saituel H. Morris ()I to 1 egl E . .C. \\illititi- \ . Alibbott It . Armstrn BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam heiroin . Culdl Address: MICHIGAN DAILY. Press Bldg.. Manard Street. Managers Hours: 1-2 pi., 7-8 p.im. daily, except Sunday. Both phnes U ii itillit itiHytc of lit te huh it taily tudiietilanii ilht Syracus i hat (rtg, irearil ito th~ poiliat itutntthitreupttivl il -u sit ciate iieteof tt ti ev isi ie hi luoeritfit le thiees. Bieoit-il, pape t vi-othtilttite ittof li p ll-i ti" lil ndi i t-ttgei-ith tde ntlittl e rs ti- exerisa geatrtilte oiterrt inai1 II,1nmu ci l-rlthei office o ho ildrs. a,"elts iscrtiit tionintecatidgt l i -Tietl l tih ielballot.:ti i'i'iat i aill Ithritter f wicTheiti f tr theilettetitittof the e itralsit-i tion here is s i e il -it- o m frii-tfi proi tien i estecillyi thr attitude their ca ees n ss i l,tit - i r i t eiti i- ithlii wh lich -tti ti c t-tttirim ftt-- let- telst i e ini conn1iectiontith aiilily poltiticat oie is indteetd laenttabile, andittr avtecty tupott tehigh itltts iticlt tuefotrefaitiers cionceived thliemr-aetti ti ethititscof tell-gi leitilet. Veii iilit tit-istnt-the iCinie ttppearaette i)f twoitutchititin-ted iteditiissthese it ceritainttigut, writtnacrotssthe acu- tii-tiio:itorionthat 1 c1ollege tpolitiecsare trolls itterlt in if sptirit attdt belief ott ie artif lile- mtnti.whoithough this- -elitil e ithilie siltuation, are vet too iteri tiIdlisreintthiler maitterc to Whualte is tecttx if the diiffit tlts-? Doi iwt-nieed a titew itteittdofitmtkitng - tutu itfiof tstegcitiatlilyt thet-blicand tdmotsrates tis eager- tiess for otie If i lti- trubler-lit-s int t tefectite sic- lte f teliitni sh ouliildi temtedy-it. SituI if lt-etrubleiie-is in the listless tusiertiii wegiveto .cciii ty rof i-itii imeilttoiireitreeetourcinitterests nmleit ns troulse ouretle-cattdt ct-rol ii-the irt isf cr ttlt-rsiretutndes-iti- lTtee are manliy tiroblemts tof govrnt- actiititetoecitedelwith cite citmpuis life, aiihe ryting tiet-dlseemsitto. he foe g'etr interet, andibItte romteirial. 't'ile iiiiiidrtis t itlef re its. SIN it )I INVIl' tiflNS 11111'.R C'\l C1S 1'II 010 hit istihe laim111of tecthairttett of lilt variuss-tioer iiivitationi cottttitteec ciiiereiit ile invutitatioinstof liiheclss smlrto tilt-tileI uted 1at Pritneetonitlast yetar. Tisiit stai i i tlbeoe itf thei bet iit iatiiin-t utudi. Viii-coter is prntn hige-urn-itInit tlirtheo tsa ituueill tie tLawbutilditng itt- prseditotle lether. isli piciture th etisilteroyg i-Iruindnaets tofiittre , 1,-tel li ntittiseniorts. iTiheengitier invsitations are butff ciii- turedtoil, lute tiose if the laws, 11a1e a icitire oif the tdepatmttenit builintg ito- ireetsehd upon11themll.The liteeraey 1nvit1- lioitstire of lie sttale ordler, the covers- I ritigutart greet. A ipicture of Utniver- sity Iall itisipreedi inthese, tand the :eal of the Unierscity is also cot ints i corer. To titedics lass adopted a browti lrallier cover. Toe Medical I butildling ini coloes, is prntledl abttviand ecissthe namttes5lloiiith eicuty, sltu- dents,11111d clss officers. i i i 1 NESSOF THE*C l-ltjlICS. tDl. Reitbeti Petersont attd Dr. Carlp1). Camup are the Iluttors of the irincipitl articles itn the cutret i seiof tileCite- ertitl-ontthtlt-life if lie lteDr. Ilii- 13. Si. JtI io-a. ttf Neir Yfork (itsy. The eltecitiot refornmsIttiproptedtiitile mleetinig of tile class prei-dtentst ittre adotptedt by tie soith mtedics yetterday morning. Vhf cs-stemittwhichi tatteen intts icbli this class is essettilltilhe satte its ltOtttlenwoe atitnsotmeittt iiti much simptller. lRoe Cttiherisoi,