TIRtIMIC!M$.GAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclhfield & . EAST HURON ST. The lbest FOUNTAIN PEN int the city FOR ONE DOLLAR at Brown's Drug Store 120 Et. Liberty St. ALA~fI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Allthe testimakes iandfullyit a itti I. MICHIGAN PINS ANI) FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector for the Ann Arbor fRailrtoad J1. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Btranch: 304 S. State St. VARSITY QUESTION' OCCUPIES JEFFERSONIANS 'The following rprogramn will be given int Jeffersonian HIall tonight at 7:30: Current Topics-Kneller. ltttprompttt Speecit-Tyler. Parliamntnary Drill-Carlson. Short Stories-Bates. ImtpromtulDIebate-Afirmtatie, Bra- dy, negative, Findlley. General lDelate.-Vatrsit' Qtuestiont. Affirmnative, Ryatt. Olrds. negative, Case, Blagby. Critic's Report-liofftotti. All nrew ttettare intviteid ltlitepresentt. Reantg if lie .Siblt" ''w~ill lte t fea- try socety Satutidatyevettitng. N\Xr. W. \luttitt is riviittonitribtiontsfur tollowis: Songtts-EIverybody.l Shtotr tEsasi Grerad . n.car. Tse Stiyl. WiNlevCuist I I t.A t 'it. \lsFaur- Ieae Rtsolvttti that it onomtciand soil etond fitinI uti ti iututtutlattin ases eointg pettimtitic..klltria- ire. A. I,. Devitt, C. A. Nelis ea tive iR.F. II. iley. Ransomitu. Itititittnif tuewtutues. 11II ,l[1,siwsci usituvilIntuit 'TeWbtr itt at t,,tu r tisl flit 1I~gIittItt ttu 1i1 ItItu CurtvI 'etti-t.~ t~1 Imprfm(tufseert.s ltio llCICIeadteNaSta e moS Itrtiet atdliepuli f Titt'oikesVvuluutr ulete:iT he.gt Vuas ityittfuestian. agtiist Fct atl(!hutrJitt.ifltk, A DVERTISE D LETTERS. Attn Arbor, Mlich., Oct. 9, 1907. tterfieltiCnrtlis, BoothtLewis F, lBrattMr Clyde, Barr Mr R G, trig- bar* Mr Aldis, Cotle Ltir Harry Ml, Cross Fredl A, ClunintiltatetI'lir tand Mrs, H-enry, Clark XW C, OttubantRoblert ik, Durkes ;lln A IC.lDraper M~r Cecil, Decker Mist Myrtle, Euddy Dr Willard, Fordi'.Miss Airitta, Pettittg Miss Gustyr, Greett Geoirge Futller, haitlilMiss Agnes W, I eistuer Miss ertrttte, KetmpitPhint- rite A, Kttoll Mitt Jessie, liutti1\12"r A, I[tnick hMr Jatmes C, LtattbtMrv Al, Milligaiit fbiss J, 'Mlowell 1Ir Netont. O'Brietn ,\iss lElizalett, Parsoitslies 'i, Rostotrate Mlias Emttma, Reibiel lies I, F., Sprtigue bliss, I'lairtut l WX, Vtat Mele1-1C (2), IWalkerle Gra ID, Wrighut WV I, WebbliMr A J, Ctase Wt iR, Joties \ies, tMourguuual vr atrsiuttllIWin Grit, Rayftuse .\is a Ite-lie. Smytht F Al, West Mir Johnit, Welch ltrs N, Notght. lirt I Fotreigti.: Clttutttn Wmu, Ileeritig lie J 1-lottardl, Jutust Alr Williatu, Kraittss Jamttes J. Iliteitell Nle Ellett, Pttrtjitx-,r iluvight \ l. TterryvNlr Chatrles A.Riley C FC. Ret. 1) ,L.(O. : Reese. \[ i., Stetint Fraunces, Wood:tis fluerri. 11. G. Prettymauni. 1i. N1. landtoiclittatitigttittar players tiesirn somuteting ignute, are urged ii toisietnnthei ittstrttntts taketn ii exchatnge. Two dollars instires you against ali loss bty lireBen. J. I-aller & Co., Real Estate andtIntsutance, 2t6 South 1\tain street. tf Bate' O(rchtestrafotriliticit, recei- totu, etc. Itell pihotne. 1,. I), Btis. lutttger 5-.2 FOR RENT-Two large htotises suit- able for clttbhouses. George J. tHallr & oC., reral estate and insurance, 216 S. Mlain, tf All late books for rent at Foster's. If 0. L-I. Lutz, Alarm Clocks, $t.00. 203 i';tst IWashittgton. If IHattd hammered jewelry at Foster's. ROL.LAUF, THlE TAILOR. 1to E. Huron St. tf-32 Tey Kruspe's huome-ntade candies. 615 E ast William strert. t-18 PIANOS TO RENT at Seltarberle &Sott. All musical supplies. New In- ration, t to S. Main street. If TH[ TOP NOTCH OF STYLE --As Ne' Yorkers know it--isentbodied itn. College Branxd Clothes College e nt, attd other y'otttuntett, attlndyttni~sh old tttett,fitnledittCollege iw.r .. ;' 'Th rl Y r ti ti . ,-- G art nit des yet Ott aiti thte clthieswsichel elieyotidulthe abtility tof '' titer4, ... . stgnt. Extremte itt tut, t getnteel- readle' to ptt....-.. t-tiiditoderately priced. W A Full Lin-e of Fzrrdslhirigs, Hats, Caps arnd Childrern's Clothixg Staebler (Q Wuerth. IWalk=Over Shoe~s* Men. and Womren Special Styles for College Wear Tiis, seasotn we tire showing an unusually large asisortnment of Custom-Made Footwear. See Window Display for a Corn- plete Line of Fall and Winter Oxfords. We are showing some especially new styles in Brown Cordovan, Blucher ctut,. three soles to heel, anid a heavy hrass eyelet and large cuff reinforcing the top. Also a large assortment of hlack and %tn ete nclbae rnhCl Skilts, in Buttotn, Blucher, plain Lace atid Strap and Buckle effects. If not acquaintted with one lahel ask yunr f riettd how they wear. Prices, $6.00, $5.00, $4.00, $3.50 WALK - OVER SHOE. CO. 115 SOUTH MAIN ST. WHAT'S THAI? PIPE THE PIPES JOLLY'S 30; StitliStat'v st rut J CKE' SkE.kTERgS-jttst re' MRS. J . ITOJANOWSKI ceived .tgtter & Cut, Sltte St. ti-t6 FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER Ike tipsetate itighitlnsitutsciputut e - lair Gooids,lHahrdes~sting, Shamtpooing I lusts elI ltPoputlar pries. Cabst uttd Manicaring, Face Mattate a Specialty. s ritt tus t Ii gguigi trtantfer. Ilattles' 322S. State St.i(Up Stairs) Bell Phone 359 ,ter, 14 :N.Statte St. u-U PIANOS FOR RENT-A number of Sc f ner ". CitottsenepinsaRotsMs'ar,&Mr OL on easy terms. Free tuning. tf j ALWO If Ion swattt the best fountain petn in thte city, go to Cusbing's, 336 Sottth 111w _ ( T e lothler,' State street. tf mCLO T__ I- G . - __ BANKS YHE FARMER~S AND MECHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital, st0,0oo, SurplusanadProfita, $65,000 General HackingIBusiness. 3a tuendpaid en Time atud Savings Dteposits. Safety iDe- posit Sexes to rent at 02.00 and upwardts K. ItseeP, Prens. W. it. SucVENS Vine-Pens! F. H. BELnEtt, Cash. tH. A. Wytit SI As Asst 4 The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stock, $50,000. Sarplus, $20t,000 Resources. $,0',00 A tGeneral Banking Basiaess Transacted OrFICERS: Chins. IE. tiseock.PPens.; W. D. Harriman, Vtce Prens.:u M. J. Peite. Cashie STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehian W~m. Arceld tDe. V. C. Vaughian Jas. n. Wade E. P. Mills Jehn Haneer Jno. Kech Pref. H. S. Carhanet tenrey W. Douglas Cheititan Martin Dan P. ZIimmnermac FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ott ANN ARBOR, MICHo. F. D. ICINNE. itARISiON SOILLE, Inns. l'ice-Pes. S. W.C.L'IARKSOIN, t'ashiir. Capital, $100.000. Snutpluis adotifeits. ut1x0,00s. Csai lat W adh irs (Q Co. For yo~sr sweaters, in all colors and sizes. We have *all kinds of underwear, including the Oneita flthe -Grand Prize, and Dr. Demiel Linen Mesh. f *A large assortment of Night Robes and IPajamas. All the latest in Neckwear. I3 IEI III SIEE, The Palais Roa R209 E. Liberty St. For the Lstest Disignis itt V. of- M. PILLO'WS BANNERS ALSO Banners of Other Colleges Cozy Corner Furnishings in Japanese and Indian Goods Everything in Bric-a-Brac. WADHiAMS X(2 CO. Fashion Store 121-123 S. Main St. it '1 German merica Savins BankFUNERAL o cr gti. AmrcnSvnsBn .M.Martinll DIRECTOR.Yma.act. O mean 0ltr..d 0111cc 209,S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Ptn e~~ made wth cet - H~otLu nch 8a vns PtentLter Belts vet at bark to So~v ~ Ress encnoe 302 S. ,5th Ave. Phone 314 match youreakiet ee bteuse, s~c. Send us a At Tsattta's, 338 S. State piee ef the drents geedc when sending eede._________________ Cor. Ma.tmaad Liberty Streets AMBULANCE ON CALL THE BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON, MASS. Will Soon Open MICHIGAN UNION CAFE~ Watch For It