The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, -MIlCI IOCAN, FRIDAY, M~vAY isz, 1908. No0. 167. BUCKEYES BETTER TIIAN EVER BEFORE Ohio State Sure of Three Points in Each Event-Cross Country Race Postponed. Facing thscetitssot scring tthree points intvrye ( hoSlha t uniivesit trk i team ill Iarriest paetdto cinithaniit hIsisetr lieen. Undser it the rs 'sirritin ills 7ttts Director IFitpaticlsma enteransit i siitit t ii ii titttc et bi tso d sill still bescrtditttd wistithritoits Director NXX stas iiesltsred tet its it sis iimcnfr he cnttss. Aliige illr tttr ucksis t stltis tuch cris istha it wslastst-i is is is Istar astscitisg is ceresdtiillichisaissws esaker. Fist eslihe s' vnofte wlve itais reori ftt tBi iSiIisix"cnesce esslis stst c\ictic~ws ptritedirtoi tits (,ttiesOhitas sicrisg little mr tahafa nashelcas'l suad Garit apurd rts i fosiltestc, The tcisi ssi it s d s i stsm is stn est is te inater-miletut ai fi v - ie lm st enerd itheievestlt foustiof Iilt slit - the quariterlsi I. membIer ofsthe it i tlt se t sote Penis elasit tilt as i sucsion. le I also runsss [lists alfsin i Millions, i Iiswho t si en itered sin nsit Ind tes atills iso1,sit s ll, is slits s ill Mourosfoe 'te iijup atabou feadtel5 sellssbratssiherssills \ l tex th blw ois te ill-aou d s t 'sf te is skyetr it, siscssit fltis t he ole vaultl, 21 iseet plait heits rill di jump, an rosa;rodrae i tilthusles. Scistrs sd ituilisiliiison lcitsn ight Itasck se ccof ts sfootball is sitsri- svi ts \itgr it fsesc tsaysitingi con-sil cesraig ils istancei t en111 an1 it i is scit cralisyibelievscid tha tes mcn lstwhiolitcani placesecosstsIisd l sstoR eanu ll . Cis awill protil e r tl it i t itte ulf situ illsh GibsontShetstMillios. 20siarsd1 sash-Scitiessalive. '0-ycdl owlsts ls -Dm s ilatp, 'i- 440Ysidids-sShetsitliotists.Brise, I es'eiig Ricges f8n'sysidstit--Leveriglruce, Sler irnuitl'srnA. G isonti "MileXrnitSitwShraWts ret, Sitsrititi i20-yard iighs Ihiridles's--Kitimali t- Iap Peitissots Nrtolist Rintiig high jumptitsNosroni, 'esrse, 5 siltauh Kimbas ll I L tswe. Chout-sit1hiI. isit, Shoryn, i - ,,, il', lanitharisdiRisontsi. pIanerthrowiSitshoisry iiiThmpsn, 131laciiaiii Ioison.ii CROsSS CiiiN'sRYsR: is i se Il'rs'ss'tyl. Thie ross countitty rce wh-iciasn seduisledlfor itics ilfts-i'tiii till ssi lie rim. Owiing ititie fsc hailleudter-- cisass strife is at iandti t hisibsene i- tided iito otpointe this irs-st suitiil hits- ilty afternioon. 'lite fast aid slts' tissais, lie uniter led its Teal, itis Iaiter ityMillerlist-c ects tlt""gig stedilyositheiiihills ot somet essiasndisesitry munitis lit for a hasrdraceiTshftsles sars luint irs praiseofithillspeedsuishown tbiy th butics, itneitoitwhotshIsis otletthemlses stit tnIt s isyet. Nit Ioutmasnty sl su-iseisissiliw sissill lleuno sitdon \Ioidayi Ati leastiiisto e hope that s cahr e Xpara icshign's s I ri- lcttnithiteseastrn itross conttry iets's: I itncltn inex fall sdeens largely it te soingsia'de'sy ithis (sit itIrani sill sit frot scraitcisiat otie-hl ieits sillits oeriesd, ts citt s leaing f-Irotstie gimlostlt'Ii'shtetiss' atnd hhc ttaln(rG s'sdsiten.Judges willbitplaced t iterltsis salung tl ilit toi sse i th illtttilhlesuhuls1versthell (lits istsenwhiltseli tsirs uvst wonss sisir't.CCtill hliesigiblilsfist'mpti tiosn.sAXissitu stil vie'r linsgetil itw t d sills'wade t steinerto ibets keist pesrmanitentlty 1 it.folowissi nit's' thei sntitltsts fiii WX i itsKeal'ssiiiF . .'isapi, l.iH. Ah il sssill XXWiiam 'sitseeGXorg Cra. I Itit\ lst rchiiAsuitsL1ng, A.tPt Ol'. ad G.lii -h hisl. sl :M lo .R .Til i ckis erI Sah, sismills listsF\\ncissHethering i'siiis'iiigElis, Rl iii tJill. - slis's' it 'Sist s tiss'' T s' -Xi N'hs sleaesis-sititsuitt i s 1ftr usc it Wing Xiiesitheluteami's will msttills il gi-s is. si c llght 11110.sli ii X-'i-ss sls lod ist'-tc-sariatgssent Iasit hssen XX'esfors etll ofits'sr'ineHirs ti's flc.i Flight X'ssss olitts Wabashi sche- Jul51mv begenstttpo si'ts'nedbessetis of of h otoe i milss ii ss'ssgics hilt.hliiitXiarNhivXn uI li ttemSN lieerlyidismaeds -t tile arryt ofhico"si slisiig yssicisslispucalledofi palists It tirsilsslit holrdslithlitrfitfr lss t "Neyingditcustilssal,his sys.Ts T h e a n g estoitetlitiM c h ga,s y e tt rd ay'ss eli te ts th at5 1 thrs setllribotississ it ien(listisessiioikCls plasst i'-s ~i'cical ol su. Inl til theirlly taslt sis rinsteiS atieiirstresstosit hre theyh insist'nsi-sl'tsshoist thek slits girt'yifltscishsillyltsoproisdit ery sisissandlries-fstho-idsssisshsesi lstill ma intte disisres iii Cts liti thisei irey ifiivdamst "diiycifroct lie seslenishrthsil r stcsandtitthesit(os' buslst his seisislyisuffcintktiscariefolrc iftle ymer arsifrmiss'ute'i adiro11m exchaniy's.tiiiMainItlcseis,anll a sitill aile i'niis ; it til e isen5t 'sate sf sale misaty-isf tsitm- ill ts lft i w itut liii ttpioitttitiy isseuena copy5' NOT it., 'lucresre Ia(ft's coiesi Ofi tsiy07 Mihiiigail'iist l si l hadandithey still he senl it u til-te high schools ini a few dasy's. Ansyipersnt sesiginig a coply of the samuie shosuild.ltl sat. the fh-lsgsluetsiais office, it Ann isrbo -'sressbuiiilig:os-is's hosit. toii2 - l. dily. FRESH WIN TOSS ANli LUCKY BANK Heavyweights Chosen for Tug- of-War- -Bag Stunt Comes To- night in Sleepy Hollow. All iprepsrauits; fusr ts' frsh-sophs contes lssi iss-ti bencliimpleed lathes-ry-- tingfsitis' iniraineiiuss fis thestsstruggle wh'icih beitsuthIis fternoon.uus-Thus'fres- isis-i eltd' a meetuiniug lassitight situ tr feces-u all ocrganizti onicsfist'this: csmig contes. titus s istkiis ws r es eus-iita'iit insruct tems i cit he it . 'hfis irst srugge wtill hbegin s afssfter- noo iat4:3,11wsihthiestuig-f-wa'sr. 'lTis even's t ill takes pla c j ts'losits' ils MihiganiiiCt.ntiltt lionusnearcstiega ill fs hmen lutist he t os i te'.', side sThis hasts llc'l' c-ills u 'tcky tis-esitni tesilt li ng luriomscllhistssid fth iver.iu it'sfr -lmtn lls e te is l i h t lirs ti lt. aht 3:0,an ot li i inhii a bode. l's cccussone- is t isrtug illeated ihe- s th ) ill h prmttd hi The'' ciii dit i' 15com1pos'thils'- ra tug-o-us I ut--c am:-us 5Sllivsan, Piedesr- soni voXii hitus, tfaycru-, hhitichicf, hIsshssrI ,h iiutcic, tntn . ~ick, XX clusic Rilcys .C X h. Siths Intal i. Peskinus Nclandsi11 . Col.,H .ii X. Cawford.i i ii iscc, cs X sI h's lut sAl- chit Idii unssuschs Xii suhi 'sit s'sis , is cighrNcissi J. -t 1 c ills'oin, fuchs suits cXliii Johison us uculucsC.'.h C oeK l cr, t eleist . tire' s is l iiie Novvak dci u s . i-is, re is, Srattonc tisuculcs don lan , I. Thoma111s t Cluummig, -i ll., t.iiuit-hiti, 'stilts Xc5innonSki er.hsu' Irnelh r, I~a o'sit kiii, Th udges Ila mndhi rostChtih an ii altss i upcsiuct H shrt. itt-s is te isthl hanksosuc h e is-hi rcs-i uso'ngc h bell, XY cultsanc cuts(hiess sill acinusthis stilt capculisty hic thitsostihlssilt. Th utg ight i ll i beii his ldc ati 7:155 at Slseepy IicHollow. hiss usthisnlust 'untis wish tsikes theislacciofcthissd ckirs shorit prIoiiss toicheiiaiigosfd uonesu schsutsfedsill he plasic on lusts:e41 yarou i iitil ts itser s i ft he its dleuhcsosi ts'chhe i's's ii Fo till isihind th t' ie- spctveba s 'a it ciass sill lieiup. Xt a -itls otilt fithu ci st illbei-c-its lhe s tites sill nictshie--allcus-wsid ccto he e toi anythittiingiciractestitain anllsil' way. itsyitse5notto ecrisdohf this fiesld, sut suithe its itdsesintheisscrd huhin part scshiiithe is't.isNutbasistde- lutrsd sdsead usi thislisghtis ocer; that i, if thi sophomoresticaiiptre a tgthis frehme cantititi I i t oill oeriiass lonug as thurlghtis n hi tes sill hits pdis o th etir ass sutis hSttuurshy lmorniintl8:5 30this-relay rasswsill his ullsoii Northi Iesit'sfield. Shirts till lb threseirelaysitwo miles ong ti achte man51uil niti20 's'rs. huu ius ti ti lt oui'wingtssly rsces twill bes.thes ushihais conteii sust on Sli 1's-ruy 'ieid.lThils isopen t hitsesitie clss Alrnts ea tnis ilsshills.s T'he scohnte st ill list thrty hinlutsssthus side pushinug thus'bsll olits opponeunsuts goal ilts ttue guetst nsi uusscis 1of titus'sw i- Thitsbhutfigt iofifistias aietohsmeet st thit wssitushdsit he its iSleepy ush't0o- lowr t 7us'locsh oirecivets istutist atshads.uisT' he itiults for'''eli' lasse titlst hi ts ithis ta sik huh it30 stnd tihe saineseolticisls asuns' l sts's- tiiths nothtl suul cut thi s- ulthssballfieldh thile- disatslysifts-n theirlavsi's s.' Y UM! h UM! THAT FESTIVAL DINNE'R HAPPENS TONIGHT Hhome-mnade Buton liked sans, brownri bread, cake, ands other god1 thigs to eat sre luing preparedl s' the -faculty- laties (sr the Womanui's ~eage hi-a sFesivial udiner, swhihs till tae since tonight at Banbor gymnatusiuimt betusween 5 :30 atds7-o'clock. The gri- uesat pablic is iited 1totis dnner such it tis eseially dsi ged for Say' Festi- sal guss. It will le heisn t the gymu- nait m wtt here thesre s roomisfotr too hiss t11 o beiscred totutu his'ptuics of thus uinnuer s " cruts Thisfotlloswing commsiitee isincat srgt Xr XXW. D.Hendrson sitsison;H- Ii ruetShmialleychsatirmua; Ots Murrey, sdesorahtons;MIrintths Rsdell, solicit- tug; Iailecd, his c tkts; OiseChans- isr adisseisisig Chalotste Poyer itser- ses thitserintg wistiltthe ells sf iwety' ites hiususuandiLenListITukh iouhis cus elsg- sith hi ecu~k troom.u his isss thitsthurlauese li en- resuss- tuinuachit'sk' roomsuin Rtomt Btut uis'r- -it IIFlill durinusg thisconcesu.sui hi C SIlI I IS MIC~HIAN'S D117 h -Xl 1(5CONFERENCR lte anual cioustentiol f euslleg- C.hristianususocuitihonst hieluh Mihi- gantutu's useisrptressnutud,icll his-hest t Niagu-- n-otthis 1 ke Otario, Juneus sq o 28. 'ThItuer hunidredl delegtes fromt sits'sour hundredln d tsutfifty shsosols i Xliiihit (SuOits Pennsyulasit, XWest Virginia, Ntea hYtrk suit Ouaioi sre hssutrs t sCri Smssihsf thur Sues lhist it 1sscito1n01 willh retresnst hisshigan.sfihis ut o Iseadhthe sigig wich, tugs-he isscll suet ita-udevile etlta uimetsi to occsuphy thus'titte f hes conven''uutusonitsthurevenings. .'Xqthirs te'efromsu Victoiun ivesisrsiy is to us' onets:of thur featsurts f thesmusisal hun- rati. usnc-is-prureuiun-this 'ear is te fsc- slty cuitsferenceswicuh is to bits uirene his atI lesitt e tmembier sof the (sacuty fromi ait thiscollees retresentsed. Thtscoiiifer ere Is ustwocitefitsp urpouss, religio'tush sucitalIIt imsssto stimuut- its anintetres, 'uamongsbo'hlsstudsciui isd Iacuittimem sers, foru rligionss thousuht.iHlistsinthlists'usumer camps, thus'relsigiuous adsitu cstus1proltmsitosf this itay is'sicussd b tco ptent asci. Ths silts andtushs tulsofthur Y. h-. C. X. use siticsedsrand'su sggestsiions sre sideusoIsiminsstvessent.s IThosugh- tecrnhentio iuhs hsreigiouus us nause, ut us in ts suhiscisl gstheinig cut college sudentss. Al sre qsurterdi tgether its isse htc, situ after the le-- titles uit discussifnsusof the moninrufgs, 5trmpig extperditiiss(licig adswsssim- minug rconests, bsssebasll gasmes, trsck eliet sts msatches, ad -exursons its tile surroundsing coutry' sre us order. Athletsic ictivities are giens ailarge shsare sndtim ae of tirstadentcofer- ruler,,''hrie is reall's aicoferncer siest whirhtis soue eens of srikitg orig'inalty-: shichigatshasalwisays led is' te saheic sactiitis, ter delegationt is lsarge-rnuighs (sr a sbshI eaunwhich has sconutittie as ilce (sr ihe Uiescifty saong thur couference colleges, T'his summsner conference is inot for Y ittC, A, representatives alote, ush for ass's eollege muans sho ca ttendr.'h The gathering shile fuse a reigiouus lir-' pose is of a nature that is free, halhhy's andulatracive o all suseits Thle pro-: grsailsis ot eas'sut is esecialy adasptt- edh to this'suderstandiuing ndinteisures f college mseni 'Phte stuntit uttste conference is demuo- cratic. No oie is haipered s's restraitt,' convrentioinliies sre putt ssie, suitthur commusihtee its charge sake it their dity to see thasuteveryoine will kosw every- sons:else hefore Ithey have ibeens ini castup" loug, 'the friensdshuips masdie thuroughthur iineolegiate iui~trrrti ansi athletic its- terests sre lasing frieusdshuips. An tui is its this tihit much of thess-irsuchsl esalute i f thur conuferenuce lies, CREATION IS SUNG WITH MUCH SPIRIT Oratorio Can be Made Interesting -Choral Union Is in Excellent Condition. Lsast nti's uperfourmsasnce sitthis'"Cre- hiots" ptroedtha-t a-sir~u itd-itsfalustait mstbsillinutusperu~fusstutatce f un usa- hbe It wsell it-life hiss-osuitstut stof thus wthtolesProuctuionsuwhichus adesit iiiit terestinug thurouughouut-a Istng tia's re titus from sut ethusdsium wh chis usthis dager sittitlst ortio ersc sfussrmaces. TrhisitsrpesiouSit is 'cii as it t e estans ssints suchgh s udicut 'stwre waustssuu'ingcwlus to us--i ouiucsC'ss' th se eitsu'o f thes t'hsssrssCLimsnihich lustse:becoeuussits sock tinut. hIts t- tcanreesthes:cre''ssicd, shasduig all thast csusl hes'uhdesi. Iseti passasgesitu lhisigs--icssuc sisses tiers siug this'uitly cutthusputs isas rs'ssussnhc hisyear s crssusa's crn essdlie lsoe eas.'iss:chorus still beheardugain iSaturiayIsis'sght its ''Fsiusi.,' 'lists noi s us ofs uttilt, sloisis-i'e:eial- mst evustly shsdisvi l utcid s.X idtter- Keltsey-rusessitd Ipehuaps'ther utust sit thnusiatic ppaue. us vie is caus asit t sacs-i she sisuitistillssuch s- becoes re tshonsive hsat o hiss suhieit wiht is e pssesss ancliiitractitiper- snllisslurd a1most5ple'si situpeschue.u sdwrdJonsusemosiatdism self lgailt this'ser o b acapbl stitsic iit i i hitn hreealI hicestisMhi XWithecrspoon u nd inttu sthue roleisof 3Rfael a Iartilllsiit is floihngitanduc 'Ihis aftroo tisssi :3i 0 asympttiuhon suitscert nllb iven.sThitsosloistsuswscll its Jsanet Splsteak tusha1duLeopoldise Xhar. Mcss SpencesrI isasaIritcIhctusalts cults of umsnasl suitesr. XMr. ise hiMaras- rises wills thisreutatiolustOcutbesn tise 'if teslur la yess f tsit ccunwieslyin-u ssumentithusFrticsuhi hiss 'Ihercevensuig'cocer'iscll phesent- uia msisceleoi'srsus tgasut.XMsitauitsSchuss susust -helsihk is theusoiluist s Amontg siller thinsss'sshes sill sug' "Der lrI~nicus N IXX it NI' 't.NNFL Sunves's re]mn hae tutuanoth tunnelsitusconnuset thus'nits-entaslsbi ult- tgsilth hilesur hossus.. iiihis ttiel sill csarr'sthe isean sisr'sfitlight tg andilhetsig the iittiomeousnddteitI busiings. Th l tsunniuuel t the omsie osuatiic hospital (touthie gymnatsiumts wilt be cloedsh si ts s he ets susewhichi will lie eat uoftse gymnassiussscll he usdl iseai Anotuher extussitsn f ueITappan busilding tunsnel still soonss heitsmade for ceouctios uswills til emorsa buuuiinlhug (Si' accounuutof the resrsat- amounutsoflet andispsower ussd otttie souhssie of thu camus, it has beets neessr's to pae stnew usicudmasnuuinusthe suuts usain ENGItNEERS XWILI~tNShCt.T R~FERI-I Aht~3'h'INtGhPLANTS 'fieurjunsicor situseniousrmetcaiscalcuecu- gusi-s'rs wioltsu'isetkingtheus:iruse in refrigersationu aill gus his Detroit, M~ay 23,' isi a tosur tof funsectionu. fPrf J R, Allens will cosuslsththu rty.s All tiihet notable srerfrigersting patuisss in Detroit will ties 'isited., Mocst of the ithe will hue slpest usnlooktinsg curer the pllant of thur Muhsrphy's Refrigeraitinug sashCohl Storsage Cut,, sich is ssaidsto hisIeussrof the. mosst modernscusits tiecs osutry. 'The coutlstorsuge au~paraitus of stsverasl hbrew- s-rues seill alsodbhis pctied.