THE MICHIGAN DAILY Now is the Tme -TO- SAVE TIME Shave yourself BEFORE you wait. HOW? _With a Gillette Safety bought at QUARRY'S Money Loaned Oe Watces, iDiamonsds. Sacw[Seols. or otbesr personai propert5y. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamoands Office at residence 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arboe. Hours 8to 1:3 . .1to . 130 and ito 9 p. M JOSEPH C. WATTS Spring Hatsl Spooms Post Cards ALUMNI BNDORSE- BOARD OF CONTROL Loyal Chicagoans Congratulate Our Athletic Authorities on Conference Decision. It a icetijaneff lheChlieasgo Aalmn~i daaaeeiat ieeofe ILTiarIa'xras ii of liii ' alhel lst att 111-Ia ,the recent actitn Oft the athleticardsisiiin contl alin iritli strasriii o 1151thle PConfeenall ccasa 111- held tiuledorise-d.laee a large 11and ea lash liauinaGranisle IW. 1lcirt ifii the seclaa: at '%, IA~ered it he adoted "Ret slvdhati lt lesiiigan aluiiii ,t Chc111ao(11-atC lieat ttathletic iiist iiasof theUieritlyirlafbeichi- ,ipolil -a an ad iii talgs atahletic ice ta las ithdrin fro thl)) te Coni- it') 11)1untia heConfeirnce, or aii Ii a ~tiiiauccetinlg iitsaill adotla rasoatble 1policyV 5))regardl1t) the play- Y offt bahitll. Be ietlrter reatlved, _h1tasCopy Ofstit-a 15 atiotll)be sn otih e hoardtf Contale) Of tatie TIl'e Thaattolw all)IeC )1 111(1 eareied air I) iiiwithgre1lat cirerin ". This el i soctisetion iton ofthae masa aese. I1 laev ear it asfultt rpee t-a Id t allelie tball g~tCal'ame, andlast at-al afit3 ta-peillt)ainfll ofrte11111r he0 Pelnwy am e. 11l"') SOtP11 latYS m"'1'tI m ) l I S;QIS1' I',l, I I'iT lIORE: "... lat v nig a ha' Cliftonl h11111se a)t WhIt) 11e latkae.IDean Rs ed and Profs, Vaest ve 11 \I m ad elnle weetile gestsa The College. of honor. Prcy 111111a I atd asStadard ioasala astr. Te fllo ing1prgra WsCbararia a outl: ee l~u Itenm (tees.l "Al1) (nitlla i l A -cs,"Pof V t Tyne. "Or ito IPull Its n I'i s a : Ir Ill lcsa made h i aells a dde111 "Tchh exprese a hais lappreci aionofth hno aments fo)rest ophomore capta)i c i eIIinthe loi ngla s :I 'l~sl I 'l l y-Of w r,1) e :re la, ac, 1'( Itc :psh almm et lay 1 laay colest alr ItII-hlllloemIItI-:iIS The neW~ At 71etiy f heIII Ica111 io alclb tory of the hel Tusdy veingin ap hali~ltll purchase of muniq on is )iIa lschool aaed iti-haind, in bys nilelblrlafathe Illub11. ledI)it V and in all ti lllaraai Ill critlicsms ofpraeasen 111 m eod Thenew a Ill o~tdlan11d1pracItallremeIlls ra wn11111 and they ar Th hannu11 al telot11ofl Ias oIthe in Hats and 111111W ofth Ie I o t s fte 1111 is stallule Onl mebr (o1heahltc15 oea Reul Kni ar :illo cd to lls 't h tmi c~~urts at ferry bel l lcte-hpcrl Conklin's Self -Fillind Fountain Pen ADVERTISED IN THIS SPACE ON TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS Sold in Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES -... AND... SHEEHAN & COMPANY a Touch of Spring rSpring Scarf as a special introduc- spring, we are offering a special tbeautiful new Spring French four= Inew correct shapes with open ends le handsome spring coloring. rSpring Shirts make their first bow re beauties. The new spring styles I Cap are here for your inspect ion. e, Conlin & Piegel Darling & Malleaux I.lP I 5t)Pll STATE STRCEE'I ilics 1 aOftilltts WI ItiC I I e o 5 IthelecureCou selafor 's)1(0 -o. 5)) S liaooffr toIss use e tsII ofla the Stem s ni c5ri11ansihelita izellnstf.1)1)).Is' - ) ol~c wiih 1)111 iea callaesI 1111 HAL[R'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 SilMainSI 'allkT C arst ftlcisils-ipeye _________________________________Mich____the___S. -I. .I. awill h sea css Illy pa rsd tl i-olil Csrreasondence lee C r --- .IAA nltn ill lila-r thepi us sst lni -s'V, Shssou ild resaentl planillat)11 l iV a All flavors iecluding Chocolaie hrwl b ~uc f h etlc C +i t' aIll xctsis a rd I asis)asisollows We smake the best Chocolate Soda rci elellJsephills.IKelly'icreod in the city. 1i !le. a ' Issa e s~l East University Pharmacy sassssiissesecret-say itsd i tilltils 151) s. Osa ll-ty Avarlsss - - c< lre 1.N . l 'I: 55rustesifr sne t isal- re J.I2 V. oqf M.SBARBE;RSHOP is a s t, ohJss1ss issssaa salJ as J. R. TROJANOWISI. ,Prep. I i.- lrsssss sss'sssI).It.i alIsisurs, dent, 55(55'ANSI 5)14) l It)1't I li\ lt i itiss I a Sasies' 1)1)11) 'kislcrsI Ia I ritti r 11111) l:,la [ol Thil a cussslsy )lianlala aol lil 322 S. State St. A n Aro llih 1 assss lssssaI Iissli An roMc.Phosne 359 Bell "apnliad''olt .Irii. aetbeen alliq W, 1 a s lsl spe Ios sallsss is Isi lt Mris o ii- ssssits a l iar 75 a 'l 1 'O111 a A O)FS BUY YOUR CAPS AND GOWNS WHERE THlE CAP AND GOWN BUSINESS 15 BEING DONE WE'I-IARE itSELLINGSAG ENiS-.of the ls-ain"si 3asee lact'se a asan in thiassssstry, assanon, swhchar'e sCossns ansdiingl of Nc fokadth wt C. Fer SCos.t, of Cica-o. Asny aysty le)) wniss a wd alsi) f V tri~ nae, youer nssasare ost nossir. Prig:a $3.00 u MACK (ea Co. M O E O N D t )7 W a tc e s , a m onsssss sss < Ss« s s y a ssla ll ii: a~ssCass atltl iassd C t e i e cal r- Sty Busiessssir sl s fds stIal Two doors suthof City Y.M..A. W. J. LOURI M a 1 Negligee Shirts sleeve lengths to fit.% f j Chamois gloves-washable, FacyHoiryfo xfrd,* @®~ Holeproof hosiery- Guaranteed six months. Knee length union-suits. UNDERW EAR New golf caps. Just in -New no-space collar, WAGNER CBSCO., StteSt. Summer weight pajamas, RAFlThe Pree t s W atch Disc Clas ' 1Thevaet WatchDisC E L E C TR I ~C I T Y ' Vanty ly sasy 11c.- (a y)from slipping from pocket.. crossed lrs tass t i :1c il;asl Teems, IS s lala a .-.btoAtIHALL E'S Jeweer Store Sipplied to CollegeMen ao tvd gye~st t isgot 1' a if The Safety Pocket Book Band Womnen for All PF.rposesswse are r Saeni f Ct( a a 5 snssysaWRIEseFORa F ODER_____________________________ T1erash Special Dsg Rubber Door A . ~yMv Saiy n xt inaersai PALMYRA. N. Y. piytai tsls-i ay R lpAy' FI resise)V. ayorssiasro {hlisa1,tAAt A SthL AMdERICAN LEAGUE BAILLKEP 5RDTE isat y t ii - t.-tI1sc-etatt t -lsati I era tostasiiai.Ia5 to 1 ieal bol o O TS D N I G A AD M E P Y U A E theAaiitut., el l ie t al itital lh~gat b tgases tilt SothsSlats SreetByc ryn acoy fth ICSA 'lhi ,a ~tCSS 5CitjaO BASl BALL GUIDE fr tat' lets acpyorte IHIA willSpst oat a'ailas - ,talcs 1 aVI Cgias-saeats ec caufse cirAs ~~~~nHANDtBOOKC in your pocket. Spae for mem-a c t i Lst 1 uia 1 1 - 7 1 a l ertesaa - v - ab t dele 0',orb Smai, C ase aur a ,10 A. M. n,d oranda caedar, speilaievents, University P te tD O tr-esads witisel If11!arssl o~ i ts) sate-aiojirte 730 P MCalendar inthis 19paebook ienaayPtetfeterB ltsvt tbakt t qala at T ale aa llasS atasogan ES h7i. t tdns tsnieriyV . .A e atch your skirt or ieuss, 3 c. Send osts A. J. REACH CO., 727 Tulilp Street, Philadephia - Assemiby9So'clockb Milian Hail. TE SELTCRAFT CO..wBOSTON, MASS. STUDO- / 3-19 East Huron Street