;; ' , _ r THEP MICHIGAN DAILY __ -- -- G. H. Wild Comipanly Our Spring 198 line of fine Imprted and Domestic IWOOLENS]I Is now ready. It incdes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. H. Wild Companly 311 South State Street A New G;olf Ball The Kemphall Water- Core is finding favor with golfers generally this year. All the other good akes are here in profusion-as well as the famous McGregor clbs of which we are the sole sell- ing agents in town. Tennis Goods, too, AT Sheehan & Co.'s Student Bookstores Official National League Ball is the standard of the wold.i.n1thew ret world's champonship gaes betsecth Chicago Nationals and letroitAoseicats the Salding Lea'ue Ball was sed. The Spaldig Offcia National League P 11 is is usKI y Yale, Harard, triceto and altoinnt college teams. Thsoldiers and sailors it the UnitedSttes Aray andlNavv'yuse it es- elusvely. to fact Itit s in unversal use tiher-- ever BauseBalt is Played. A. G. SPALDING & BRZOS. New York, Chicago, St Louis, San Frncico, Minnapols, Dennver, Buffalo, Syracuse, Pitt- burg, Philadlphia, Boston, Cincinati, Balti- more, Washington, Kansas Ciy, Cleeland, New Orleans, Detroit, Montreal, Canada THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,. i Masaging"Editr-.-nRtnF. RrTCiiM Business Manager-C. E. WINsTA. New is.....s...Clasttty Bocher Athletics ..........Lee A Whie Atltilis, A.sst..... ..F. Eldridge sEchansges.i....oert Moortsier is-se -.........KRoy').sWech Drasa........Donal 1.HaHoes Wottetts Editor... Lotise Vats Voorhis EITOIAL STAF Rsssell McFarland NIGHT CDITOR Rasytndts Vissher Leotard C. Reis Dosna~ liL. Kintey Rssber Mosrelani hi.B. NI.\lllsgls Fresi E. Gsssig Lowsell .J. (Carr J. 11,Prest sWaler K. 'lowers tLouis KraftI Pasl Greet Samuel H. Morris Ottss Engel 1;. (. C. Wiliattss W. NI. AbbottI 11. 1 .Artstrong 1) \. IIicley D. E. Jnst BUSINESS STAF John F. Wr Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street, Manager's Hours: 1-2 p.i., 9-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones ' 1ILESIIAY. -MAY 4, 1i09- Is) 51 t'1 IN tAIOIN ," IsssIth s eomes-nscsissry ts all aters- Ition sgains to tg fartltsailwe are ot- Isl tos pulshli15 estsss tiaios usles, ts' wie~te's isesstitsis sisclosed. ie iris wi'isned's-iaossnyouitsly i it is sss sesireds, bstlle st t 1isist uo know55ingssthes 5author5's namsle. Theliss-sisssi sal thesritIcsesgslrosms judgles'Ilinness 's outrhassssdispelsd ssss is--s-1 apprehen5sionts, anssspevestss lopict lnt'e publicity sattndantsost whic, ssols lyshavssse sssisdcsfarthris' daagls te lressysinissedsettsion sste col. Alss'o t fils tsc in caemi ana ss frIsis -wse cant dicsetr, ssi s recorde satlthtlsss n- iselest st sum to repair damageIs forss Ipesonssc spon 5 I~sile. Sucs sssettle mlentls a1ntwillse-t cstonelttmarkig t- Is gclpnles I sif'55555'wtand ttmsre semli- iv's stldlsts-sc ssisusssssandst sss may jusstly feel ssstte prisein ithle smsanl sliit!wh'Iisthsshasmase sclrepasrtiont. Bussthle vitlspills sfltle sslse siuas- tiont5 remalinssttstl. iT-esltimteI Illesilost IllfX"Whatlarg y015gongtto ssdss abut"is elt sbesolves. Alt1the itle tsh e rist there ws'n ol aIthinkingll sstso r stolma1111nste Il~ess- pns lss slsisssnoctecs ss sldeisreget 111a51eostsuchsleioultbulrs soldsi tsae fsoundsiil-s trsty susreesitinth e st- i t r f sdent issopulatisont:slot a ttihiktg msan or woma sss utsis expressedi the siesire to see te perpetratosof'thtle plot arraigned sasd giventh ieir jutsdseserts. 'Te de- sign was5t'l idisdsep andttsssell orgattized, is is 'shosssnsit the ecase ansd celerity stll whsiihlthe eroswd, swhichsas to esseerIlse sictiostosflthe lest prime movrs. camse togethter. Yet whtat hat eitiser thse facutly, as repiresensted bsy the sentte, or tse ssndergrasluates, as tepee- sesslid se the Studeist Counceil, sdone to exse thIis Catasline sansl Iis fIliows'colt- spirators'? hlat -stshavebeen takent 1o prevetItiserepsetitionsoilluttsttch antosthler occurrencee in tisree or foitr yeasrsswhens tise lestn las sects for- gotten' It wssuntfortutnate thsat te blamse shlsdih ate laliens uponlttile inniocenst, wthile thse gttilty escapted; yet thse result- ant5 staste of affairs states it sil tite more impslerat~ive tihat sse tsake a clsoser grips Oil Iis spectlacle of lawlessttess wticihl evidienced t s ipresence:titat ste cease essr emutitnoifsth1ue Fretnch, swio, Car- lyle says, "excell in tite art tof resolit- tiont." Sittee titeisoliceiprovedi unteqttal ts te situsatiost, it is aliitise mtoreiml- peratlive tat we sesireit stt thte esil aitd dlevise a1 discipinoets coite twi i itt inte future. Thse strore swthi ich tetetmtiest its titepslice csustlteapot sarosusediforced aii tite emphslasis of ssur attetiont illa minorstesstsidierationst; tten,too, te sttm (If outside criticistms 'tatuirally fsircedsi uponis thedeft-ensise;it swas not~ .surprisinsg tisat wst e nd~ettl oussr gssssd inamte wills sll tile insgensiosfero- city wtiichs sstly ssasssmesd innocence cant displaystutil is's stre itt dan~ger 5sf really eliesinsg thtat tite riot mighst he jtt tilts, ands was, alter sll, asm tiall mati- ter. Nsow, hosweer, lie stormsi hasiloswn siver; thse couirt has heess oost inagnaini- msssss its its consside-ratlion; so far as ethters itt-esstncertnedlthe reessrsiis clsosll.Bltdus she frsank wsthloutr- sssevs. Itlus ttakg thlis qutestiont casn- sdelly'Itssour heartstI-ansssee -csthere tse trle lieis, and1 ss'tsan esstdonlsse sabout I i i it I it I I I i I i I amplite of thosse wthot htvee brsugt the stal of "tholigntism"t upontLis. I is otr firstsbelief 11at esampuss seti- mtent will sarmly seotttiaiy ssch iosi- tive efforts; itfst thast it telltsttts ssel ait investigatlieon. ie StsdetlConctil ssas designed to stin1 stch emergencie, and sthile we reognie its lack of poser ansi the diffiutiies of the sitatilotsse beliee that the Cottitil is the srgeonl mos needed, and that the utnrtly oest- ets sswio are offensted soud e cutt off withosutsifear ort nery. j(Uusic anD Vrama tIstI JAtts s-ts .5I'~tNtt. Elsie Janis echarmtedi a large soudiecee at tile Whittey teaer Wedeisdseay nigst its a delightftul vaudeillcesntertainmtt itt swhichtsie stas aly sttpposrtdl iy Josepht Caswttrnt andtlattexcelletlIconty pasty. The prodiuctionst tb iillet as a msicalesicomsety called Thtie Hosyde,"' aitd thte playills oh colrse are rigt,. bull the piece is at far fros the reli thintg as the oier recettlprodtcisos. Bust thes-"opra"swithits sdisappeacsringc plot tdids' tske sisy difference. Esie Jasis wutldlchants a lst ofdtysics by skippissg oncee acros ste stage, andls wottld e juts as "fechisg its,sse tig as saoter. Sie is unsqqtstiosablyi te mos sitsotc i sof femininsittha11tlt Aitericass audiecs ae ieet permitted tos see for a long tme. M\lr. Cwstosrn, too, is a shtosw its himslef,.adsissssfsunsnsy' whether the lack of 11101 gave hisis a 'ccteetr sot. Sonict o1fte linset-rsunqstsionhassly' dleser, Ite ntusic, swiile ttnplrtenttiosss was te sr that sotseswhistlts on the treetsaftrward,asissiliss Jntis iti- persotnaltiosls wes're 555tutlte orinatry. Alsgethter, " ie H oydent isa jske s far as bieitg anythitngcohsetsiv sr pe tentiout.sillutitssitne lnsg frompl ants laulgh,-sand(itis swosrhs agreatl sesl to hlear Elsie Jaitis lutgl ansd seseterstille. Onte of tie impo~srtantslplrdulctisso f tise Issn lat tie Ngst'sWhitewill be Hietsry' I. 1Harriis s'rsentant oniiss lsglt of ThomattssW. Ross its"The 'Prve'linsg Saltessi ista ewssoesssdylrVI'Jamsist- Fosrsbe ssiutorsf '"The CIorus iLy. Th it ece hass soed a wss'ssndetul slct cess its tecsst ansssilssbees bsosskes on siisI a sishr tntsssrlbfore't-bsillg presentlesd 05nBrssosdways. Ihis isse sol te les t sits s5sttathvebesct lecstedtl fsr titsc ititisl pertformancitles. Nowt is te tiseto 0have your rooms- paperetd, decorated or paisted. We are smakinsg special prices. Your credit is good. C. H Maor & Co. Bot pones 237. t Thertsre thrte poisofist incsltiosI its our sirt-otte, ap~rvstisyles;lst's, exclusiv'epattetrsthire, fsiultess sake. Hentsy & Co., 70-711 Nort lUniversiy sitesnue. (648 TEA CUP INNXWIII, E OPEN AFTER hMAY FESTIVAL.- COhN CERTS. Going to Graduaw? YOU WILL NEED VISITING CTo enlose with sour sinvitations Leave ) ur orders early Eugraved plate with 100 cards $1.25 WAHR'S University Bookstore t;. [. DARITHLI Law and Medical Books For State Fiord Exasinations Ldy's Medical State Bards, Quesions and Answers - $3.50 Ldy's Denal Stae Bards, Questions and Answers $2.50 Owen's Law Quizzer, Quesions and Answers- $4.00 Ilamgh's, Quesions and Answers. . . .$3.50 Bickensderer's Elemens nf Blacksone, - - - $4.00 Olser's Modern Medicine 7 vols., - - $42.00 CASH PAID FOR YOUR LAW, MEDICAL and DENTAL BOOKS G. [. DARIN[L[ LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKSELLR Tel 161. 326 S. Stale St. Senior Notice Slsds Illsdeing llSostiss sal 108 STEIN w ill Is s sders atArnldsJewelry Store Pe-lo. $2.50 egraved Visiting Cards s~net entssss I, 55cardat Ilslest Ir "st Plae and510 Oclsrtls$1.25. WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 220 S. MAIN ST. I - I Sssmse;m-s " et lhe Stsusest tuiscil e r ssesstral suassissn.- 'lissilphrses sslsways remstins ust slf te progessive celsstsistres ss Isissabantsssnedth leefI- fece s.bittolhIer Imindtsloss ancienst reetd~sy If oiglfor tile sslur'ing te- sitc-s ssf "tmsralsuasssions." 11Bu1 sf swhosms a prsgeios younsssgste-r, its explasiintg lbe iscreaste sot sdeiltry,"sid, "Shle ills' tlls Sll'Italks1an' ltalks-wshichsossy matikes us-spc~eate,sassd sl llt-ssworse." XXe cetalyhy' vesstdonlse tenoulghllikintg its thselrilltcases. Shlll we'do110tintg W~e cannttsextpect tile Studsentl Csous- cil toIscoax11s itossgssosdbehsas-isor. It cann stsddsdehe tot10 e convctsdionsthti wweeitnu trrosr lsy- passintg restlultionts. .And11 icsnnt solde ulis intosscircuspiec- tisonlos Iondctlll. iButlthe timetthas comne fossom -sid sefttite jsusgssnt to sbie sae- rivedi Iat, wichi shasll pros-isle sisolustioss fsr ssuchanalo5gou1s iroblsemts asshall lsater arise ; for somue lprevetaltive thai still osisasse fsthler sdifficsltlies. bWe do1 snol wat l1hessots sthicsihilsterely last stwo t osssr thsree years.'XWetdo teeth a powtter whicihssshl clesise to ihe root o~f tile trossble, ferret ous th~esisess re- sponssibsle for thse riot, antdntake a155ex- Great Sale- Friday and Saturday 1 University. School of Music I' B URG LA R"Y INSURANCI3 As necessary as yoxar sumz"ier vacation. Pays for the loss of rill ekrticles taken from' your residence. For particulars enquire of W GCID B EARCH General Agents Empnre State Surety Co. 50 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT", MICH. Phone Main 6505 4; WATCH THE Co-Oop Store I mumi ._I Wasinton E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, props. Phone 599