The MIichigan Da ily ANN ARBOR, NilICi \IIILN' RSI)kY .\YM\ 14, 1908. VOL. XVIII. No. T65. WABASH BLANKEDI IN OPENING GAME Michigan Wins Opening Contest,I Playing Without Errors-O. S. U. Track Meet Saturday. MICHIGAN vs. \VABASB ittitits T 4Of \\~tassh brougtitis aunciessitisy weasther h oodoo withit iy estedaluiit the teams s ietditin cometiii-ig ts- seesrynme ofinn sisgs iefor I Bidige ail to cll te game Bsid thl oodi o oute Hoosiers 1 oght lihe hestsquaduciof foeigns hsbasebali ssess shi have gracesthesnew iamn. lsst the' oisly IfoussdsiBarriifos ineisae it ass they couldn'isscor on tat, whi siseic uili- gsss gt ivisiiissptblesiwasts ssnst Bars wisoi exellent fothiand itsl sO perfect ieiissg backi of i miis. Ire es- Insfsct osssl its s iWaba sissssssaises tohtilt heii iivesi siss's go igssssi it Thinigs liskes loadIiiiii thse 6Sitosiiti th fr-ist i-siig 'iii u adlinsg as( Meiilon all got ii ii -so slu is i e s. Sslii- si gots -swsisc Iwlwocssisisses andil is isis 5555 heeefane. Ai andissi i tsihiess Pat Kelygo icesishit ito icenter, briging.i h) ecndsteslsisvei achr es gg ~ussing h i ti ter eai ng slitui dead o himi ,,is-cond the sl of aii. tisi igi -l isviivisslo alsii liii siissi itiesgrooveii haddup teiired isl ow onei ani Errz ladedsqu isiyfortwousibags. hiss Ilan-is We' i i n i gisitos ti rd and tnzenoth ied.The atchrire peatd iss ha, it is sssecndsisi hsslimei toi i ii this fis urthsi his tm brnigis Duanes iyhiiiisadi pieviousslv singed.rlt agiseidsionstie spots isis ihit ilabeleid issss. iiDroisis sisisgot itwo of MSicigsi ie is In te irisst ofi iie sfouitisMeiilonisasnd Kley xecut istheiosyidiue sisy of lthegimse. i Didiiie, 5wh io beaisisthe- batttisg lithadi aled; idinismerts sciti ti. 5,of ianother scisis '-5 isis fcis lseds Diddsietossrdssisidisii sasilsoinsg hisisti is-f. iMiliisnscovssisidseeai ils f ground anidispicked tsseiflyiout ofistsi ai, gtilgliti toisesnsi beseDidleii co d ibs is isto Kelley s tertorssy uasn s Wshsii etiireds.isi aba s nisvet isos nearsrst sorinssg Hd iIrwin iseien isackediibyy siless esig sst ielders, theii taleviwoiuidisve beensi s sitfrctissisnsssi istuciut tihee sisissto is rr s itw issassdswalihe i sit sto iiarr's o(isis uisixTi rrosiss sill si- sraisuesite iiwoirk o(f musst isiscists asiv esIti ii ssisi wrkcoldnt hi sisiss si- sried. Micihiign' iiiis s ipaigws eually ex cees-hl islli quarts, isstlforitse Caw- fod iteiiienchsiiBoswethie cther, swas -esilst s-star igt eivertyinsg cosinsig hisismia5, sasiiiispeginss-t555set- ssssi si 5wa safetre fihe gsmse 'idaIsisibiijiss i ll piiitisforsthle i.1 sissiri be. Ile is fr smas os is hai made iood bothi isisotbll ssd baseiall. iIn ivrcentguisre wii sLaogs ie pitilhiediia 6 t i ctorslisy- liss opp- nnsi-wsi sei-prsi i~oft-siol issulhe llwe-disihisms only liheehis. It i ssss is le ta iis lstlicssss sill le sat iiiiy MeAlisit stiday. sestetl-sSOPEs: Dididile, SS.......-5 0 0 I 1 2 Lasssbert, 21) -.... Sitsthuck, ef......2 Shseller, is -.....2 Bridge, ef- - -.....2 Asdas.s If....... .2 Bfowers. c -...... Fusce, 31) -.....I less-lu, 1 . .. .. .. ..- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 00 3 0 40z 13 0 1 54 10o ti Sisllivasn. cf-.....2 0 Gitidisngs, 31. ..... 2 5 Stlellisis If.. .. . .. . 3 0 WhVieeler, ef-.....3 0 Kelley, 21)- --......2 0 Dfs u t-, is- - -....3 1 Patterson ss ...i - .2 0 1 ssuesseoll . ... .. .. 2 0 Bsatt, p.. .. . .. ..- 2 0 0 2 1 3 2 6 i, T 1 Y t I I: n n O C, ( Ci f h 0 W s h. ...........- is 0 0 0 0-0 Sichiga......1001" isisg ot completed. Twoi-base hists-sscesssotist2 Saciice -t~ssLaert, Giddisgs. Solesn hase-Slis ssas. Stuck out-s--By trwissi3;y B-itt, 2. ases 00 als-Off Itoinsoz2 oft Brtti.[)Doubleslayisss-Mellosn o Klle. Lifs oss bases--MicsgnS.81Tie o game --Isshoutr. Uirett-EBdsdge u-Sc.5ii TRACK - iii 55511 sRAWt CROsti, The O-I SiiU.-sicignsduasl itel imse-elicsshs5-is seduled fosnsi-ilSsts dyis s-s cte totl atillactia consider-c sabli- ctowd.i Manys visitorss, itownsitfoss sie itir-lassstusls ands -sishliifesissal, sill The e stabilishmssent of telini-insssg tabil listsvarsiy athlleessitltheUninsscl- hose isill le isf cossieleidiitoi DirectsorFitispatis Buti fors le Ibsadwethi e traiinighisi proigressed1rapidlsiy, isis1ai large snsussbe tihan her-tiifore epectledlsiillle etee-d tocopet- fisthlistizescansdisBlue N. :A. OODlIA, lLTALK O CO,lBBB; BIRD FANCIERS sy 22 and 2s, N. A. Woodssi sill le- ts-e isierit-she, aspsiiee ls t o if i thdcu. Th[lIrsitlIecstresill b li te eiisthsslo of Sushytng Birs in ith- Fieli" usand thei- scondl ison lThe Kis ofird Nest. 'le istt o5f tl irclitusb,SM1r. VWooi ias, i i-ciiss i th sesonsss-ihoatee itsresles1aniisgti io she lifethei migti1onsesand-theihalistsIsfth irds. 'lts iiiare i two isehoss OfI studysin bird Is," said o."Oe isthies smssthssdof sudyig thlemsiniit- fiel; lth (sillseIis thati f stdying iemsin sitlutst isis isils sillaut isissiflihe justsnoiiihis l is spayig psriclarili atentlionsitoltesmigatiossosf iteibirs. A ecortdlis lkepitutuc sida- fiteibirs aialftomssthy south ;\:about tenty sifer-tsindisis cae iniilast iweek COMEDBIY CLUB ELECTS NINTX'1YB-R'S I FFICBRS Offies fisthlistcomisisg yeat uee elecedi lass ightIy ltheComseytlush s its regularmtnlsg. Tlistswsisete as follosws: triident, Kmp Lyssis vice-pritdentit, SMiss H-eles Gabliltsete aty andsitreasrer, IHsgh I silsss i ptropety sat,[Haroll Brwsis Charles Weeks, hvng strved durnig lihest SIyettastiplropery iian, iwas gven lthesffice f msnage, testsrdisg o lst ?tustomsiof liie tlu. 1Cornell doppedl Swarhmore from its tfootall schedule foe this season ecase of "uncileanliness" iii heir ahlei meth- 'od. The Corsell Sun says: "As a petsonal opinion, we might ald thai whether list Jeanes'. bequest to that instiutions, 0n coditiosn that they drop football, be valued at $,e~o or $4, oo00, or nohig, Swarhmore would have profitetd grealy by accepting" WARRIRS ROPE 'rBEN NEW BRAVES Michigamua Holds Pow-Wow-- 1 Rope Day Marred by Inclement Weather iain, th li i it tut bIravets f1 tis loduges t i ,toii 555 pi"i n" teni iisnewsly electedi palfaci's lThe sold tittitiltit isr irs nstedsandsitutres-uinthelstfull g'rbll ofi Indl in warriiors, iiiti l ii tts isSwar itsrsindishinug ltirtomthtksit andstudasi-- sigt iiti sussssns heauisv t ftei f o to-I onlsit tiemeltsdts1y bia tlt cif isteu- n eGrhmussands 5 Ditesis stu iss Camsp- usll theiissisis sacecet ttuough theiia-i- sites 'gateed-iaboustTIpaoak. tsisu lThi brae' squattleudsdown-isandssag thi itacescIsnu. iIsisthensesied the canites, and siter list ntg thes itshll thiongsito te huge riii- dragges-thiem~ of th ei i wttu uslsike uifals u uio te siii- '5mu loit e tes his-us eith i itiato n Scitslgasuts 'e " sot is cue of kkits iganis stsvensutsrabliiei stiurissanti -lral t lati e crowd-s-uusivetyfyeat.Ac surint Ph ussual c usytics tentmen wiltrePish ssen. TeIiounghcs iitit iedi Dela Ci :frak T sRoellPisisDeultt 5555 nn; \lanitiitI", r P a5555555 lt ea Dltaii: St'idney R-iS 'stuli Psi [psi- lists and Isis K A5 kis'Jo slits1i 55'i us' luso suit 1L. iii shll Jsphli1;. P fe it t h i niito t ag a prgamo lsstoa lstus- a1sllws P uulichgma sceSee ~e Camllsll. [tsits s- i tstittg ifruisd I Cieft husl sltstle "'T'he is ure t hatir, Chisef. "New Tibe," 'oungiMuck uci herstt'li. NAN AL PltisLACEP Pt)NTI S iSCHEDUI~LEDlFOlR FR~IAYs is?. iB. iMc iay siill trepresentithlei sait t oit Mies i i tuign sit te fiiiigsist solleges itite isec tush ratoil c onsutsitsofi lt'e Na'sna Peace5 aI iv ssociaiiition t ituh sill hei hediday usigts-t iGreenscstle, Ind., te sse ut f itD I'iut- uitversiy Fieslate s lini uus' sinlt iats fOhi, Ienvist ns its san itu iisp ts swili sedu siatr s u toissieauP itu ste iphasof ua- 1 suio ii tl usce ici ut--strs presesntatiivle will tlkoll sItelistsionailsssPeaite." This itaticlconesst itse Nationial Peace a'ussoiati ssswa s'rganied lsi yeais. luithatiiyeSarvit.iiws smerely ani i itercolliagteissontes.IThis yar, owi555 i ltheicreasdiisise5f le ss- s 5ciaioni~itiuwas dec ide ohvs stat eoandidatses comptes le. esominsg etoniest proiseslto ihe5 exetionlitsally stong, s ol lthe candidte t sts oul ha ecosidsslesue experiee inis linise sit work.slOne of tihi sosts wisleiverisi-sthessae ort- ticn ith t uit llMinnesut i slse its lites'Norternee ratoriscal tlheaguse lsts tyear. t As no otilthercollege-s i icsShliiganiei- Pleres hestconutest, 1".hi. Stit~ay was -utpreactilly chioseni liy Conse- equseissly hetsill repsrtsentbhhelist sate and thi-ecolleges. 4NDERCISASSES WEIGH OUT FOR TUG-OF-WAR TEAMS sWiisi listsprinig cotssbulit otday uf, tefreshsmess ansulsophomsoeises- trday selected prlsit the isess w-Io will partieipatie inthl tug-of-war All the ftesnoon freshmnei were eisgweeighed. ThIe hists-est man foundso ifuse is a lit witgingi55235 Owing tste ira ume f freshmnes to he wseighed he weighing will cotsissue ths afte- suin.Tsheussixty heaitteshtitus will ais rgetabout 8o IA isvt 0)sosmore wieghing theen- thislisis wisequally great '[lehev- test mlitSfounusd inth~e sophi lass weighed 67 isosus Tue serage sof the sity lieaiest5 mentwissaboutiss 90puns.iSoSi anxius as onisse msas hio btesuse of thel ucky sxty that lie cusoesiwitIhis hoits full of leas.He[Insteppedul Ohelscsale osnd wseighiedh190. He wssreisesedl o remosvueiis lohs, asd iswhess agais is-ighed tippedllthesetles at 152"Thle right spirit, ut too light" sas slit weigher's onmmen. Tonight at 7 oloek there will e a seetisng of the freismens1s is tphysis lettare roos. Ass organizaion of some sort will le perfeetedl for thurecomsig tosnlests. Speechies will alsos henmade by Coancimen and other upperlassmen, explaining the ontests and theit putt poses '[hrrostest commitee of the Suduess Council desires that all offeialisiee at the cuhusse tonight: at 8 o'clock Plans and ruslings wsilhe guvess ous t hessIt is impsheratisethast es--sy official le pres- hilts-' DBPAR5'sTEN'[S POtSTS EXAMtINATIN SCEBDUF Foslosinisg is thur examsinastions scedule fuss lthissawdepartment's hre-shmtaus[hss- Agesurt Friduy, St-ay 29, 3 P. lm. 1sgis---Mosnday, June 1t , 2 pim. Torts--Wltednesuay, June 3, 9 a.sin Pistilsasts-Fiday, Junsir5, qa.inss PsiinalsuIPtroedtur-Saituy, Juet 6 2 psit IDomeicuseRluioss-'luurssay, Jusss'9, hi-s ithPropurthy- -Wsednsesdauy, Juto Juno Claiu Puss--- PCode Pleaidisng-Mtosnday, Junte 1,o RealPropt-y''uesdasy, Junses 2, 2 Corpruaions-Thlsursdauy, Jusne 4, 9 Eviec-Fridauy, Junse 5, 2 p in -EFustiy Pleadinig-Miondalty, Jutne 8, 9 Quasi Contuttscts---I'uesdluy, Junse 9, 2 Damausuges-''hurisdauy, Jssseris.iotausin. Sesior Clss- Romusant Law ansd Sciec of Jurisptu- tence-Mtossuay, June -t, 2 p. M 'T'axation-i-Tusesday, Juse 2, 9 a sns Steical Jurisptusdence -Werneseday, Junse 3, 2 is us Corp~oatioss-Thustday, Jusse 4, 2 Rqitiy Jurisptudsece-Sauray, Juse 6, 9 asit insusrtance--Monsdtay, Jusse 8, 2 p is Wils-Wednesday, Jusse 1, 9 a us Specfc Pefotssance-T'hursday, Jue t1, 2 p i. 'hue faculy at WashinsgtonsuanduLte usivetsity have granted the students the ight o assemble monthly at nass meet- igs o disusisi topics of interest to the sudeitoty Permission must be o- tained to discuss the different subjects tat the students may wish to bring ip Next year'o annual contet - o the Northersn Oratorical league will be held as Illinois. The national convention of Delta Sigma Rho, the honorary debating society, will also take plate there at the same time. FESTIVAL PLEASES INITIAL AUDIENCE Schumann-Hieink Greeted With Enthusiasm-Other Numbers All That Could Be Desired. Of lt- yearts i hats grsui-nu diffiults us say tanyvtig boutthi isv'Say Festivls, beyondtua mesrestastlousing,51eof its iur- teits'hts-stansrst i si-iun iifomlyix high ta prasi 'sse soutntdus upltiiuinous sihrs uthlediu usiuto iusbrtsestut- ithmir sitWlut its-sintflaw s lte vsr- straiusii i tsd siscn d et usai-suitsptuteley susmsergditheii lut'ger'sperfetiossit the wholesasdsit e usua55 lls qusiebeneathi mtion.s.sThis rgeramss are iarranged siit mstsetlycari, hitsosloiss aes amsong thi s' inusthus'worldhs, thus orchess- hias isosithut highstsiesitnd tsih ie chrususis sitrefultaineitduits ithaslssl, lut shtot erSctis s thouhfullyisunifiedlas it is satrid. iveryinis tstse sisy hut toushedst iisusoe sint.s Wsiissuch lre- siises lthe tconclusionisut fusortgne--te MlitsFt-lte isstil nt, bustuhe iasuccess i theu fulles-se-se t's hitiison , 'uatqoped so briliantly lalst igt, hin s-sg only lik thosetsatsalvose atslisptutueid i. Maudame Sciuti us suit issuhisas gerst- edthl asli greatstion-uspis hits'p tiearasc, and thitthus'ndtusherists numsble isas recalledsiaginu said sagaiss. She litsseer ssug betult itsr I ndhits sisgngsssiwa uiu s maedby tat dtesti qualdity- ihichsalwasi- characutteriecslus si-trk. After les' scod tilbsleu, whilsh ws ~ sthus''iss-F ise"ais frlotm 1 -Ix iuro i- eth,' sitga ne ncors"it- 1ev Llewellyn 1i..hRenick playemisi organi55~i conscerto si thu ortchesstal a cmpaniment.ussu 'Tsih vismit niton sis uu i usu ndony a fews'sushcomvisissu' utstsitu sveben nsi- t-us 'hitsrgasits t enfs'ussinsideed ass orchestrasundersthe cntrol os f a sige petformer.srThitu s s i us iiuiuii suit exact thouuughu party trus.ThIesvditeence its quatility iss 0sig-slttush ye1so dstc, that thie'tstombitshuts seem; lhilseIaSwar- rig'tof thi samiteite-i tstra5tuherthanus auiy-uof sissul us ut-s lt.uRenswis uplaying is mati-ssely adtuhs iPisti. ino- eusive tush skilfuli us ssupssuhstiosuilsmarki his wots. lisdemotrastionii ofsitMrt Reniwicks suii-tushd sit hiss1siilitis f tShtrantiveu~s ris to gnineiitreget thasit .Rnkde. notsofeefss-us tir publhisc w its his st Th'iithsilrisnumbssusossitlst. rgramt swete tltiyedl by thisThoms orce s tra~t, tandshincuded twIors isfcomtposes oilh classical atnd modsuernusThiss ''vsit Suite" by Grieg is trutp i talo hut lyric Grieg gretypleshedsuthe issuec. A grosuspositthrst seetisonus fomuster- isss "Damnstistoss f V stlutoses hesu pro~gam. hhiis isisuiseof ass otder wiwih masnsy se unifamsilita,owsisg o the itmpotssbiity sfintrpireting it thrtoughianysoiler meiuthlat tir fsl string itrvhesra, it temsositwhtich slie comsposer haistutslsy It gives aus effetof sitrsantgeness adh novety, whiceavs sitweeaus oddtfavot suith huspatis list Meitet of the Wil-o'the-Wsp" ws pa riulatly i- trestinig wig his theusic~uusly lIayuts srstossros"hissCreationu," will lie producedits on igit 'SMs Coline Ride-elsey; IEdwarut Johnsosn, ad Hlerbert Witherspon wihe. the slo- iss Thus Phoratl Uonwiltsmakt its' ftrstiappharnse thistsyeis t thistcosnet MAiJORSoUI it IOIWNhS AtilY StatjorIHasisuitS'ouls, fis twen-tty- ive yeas trasurersitftireUuiversity, is rapidly recoeingfrtots a svee ill- ness st hus homse ,7o8 SuthtsUivesity oavenue lit was stletohisle aout thc 1houtse yesterdtay tush expets ho bhuta t Maudue Adams will play at Yale under the asuspices.- of ltst Yale Dramatic club.