TH911 MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchifield Q f 106 &CVO . EAST HURON ST. BE~ST STOCK OF IN 11HE' CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120) lE. Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'ems at lows prices. A[AWI CLOCKS $1.0(150t)$1.75 All lt- loot mal--andto l lt --oattole MICIIctaN PINS AND) FOS 25C oup to $5.t0t IINE: '6WATCH I PAIRINGi A SPE-CIAL1TY. Wath Intspecorfotht~e Antn Arbor Rtairoadt J. L. CHAPMAN 206 "S. AIN ST. 20"> Off Meershaum and Amlber bts only IL. E. JlOL~LY MRS. J. R. TRIOJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER Hair Goods, tHairdtessig, yaattpitt MatticrittgacioMssoage a Spciaty. 322 S State St (u0p ,w rtillPhoer 359 BANKS THE[ FARMERlS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND) -ttURON STRtEETS Capital, $0,000, Surpls at Proits, $6,000 Geeral BaskingIBsoness. 00 per ent paid on Time and Sang iDeposits. Safety lDe- posit Boxes to rent at $.00 and upars It. Kostr, Prs. W. 0. So rENSs, Vie-Pess F. . BELER, Casio. i. A. otIi.IiAss Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stock, $60,000 Srplius, $00,000 Res~ource, t.:0,200,W00 A Oserat Bakinig Bsies Tratactd OrriEs:o Chas. 1. liocek. Pre. W. U. Hatriman, Vie Pre. 1 3lJ. Fit, Cashiet STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth jee. V. Sheehan Woo. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan las. it. Wade E1 P. Mills John tHaarerjee ot h Prof. Ht S.Carhart iHtery XW.IDouglas Christian Mtrtin Dan F. Zimmersan i FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Or ANN ARBOR, MICHt. E. DO KINNE2, llAt OhtN SOULS, Pres. Vi-Prts. S.'AW. 1 AtilenON, (ie. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, and Prooits, 0§150,000. Glerman American Savings Bank Cornrttercie.l o..xd Se~vnas CGar. Meal.I ad Liberty Steets. ACIG T It2LLS N'E 2111 (Contfinued froma Page Oi'e.) l'or 'the 1011hreginteers: Allerdlice, toot but. 'too ot, Jonesr. [001 tt, freshlolis: ('raiog, lBowmano, (00en ot Itallatloel, Saouer. tootthe fres-it enginee-ors: Balely, Saul- 00001 o\-el\', fBooteni, Foox. loots far te ophiomotoroes are btter tot" otirrotthathoeltfre-shmen;oot mmtit- tte tootv100e0nitpto it edtol1topreltare' for to. varous000contts-, Oand pltans itve toeeto matodo.foor co-opooeraotiotot wttetn the difer-ttdoepatr tontst. lIt rertIatnodAl- 3etott- ormtoh g eoo neratototolrommiteelio oct11 ooloootheocoames as ao hole, anodr ooholo tog-of-w0ar. J'hey w otill ow-igho candtidatrs fo hstoeam00injthelorgymnaosiumthisti tofto-roooontowetorn o2:300 toool3:30. Theo sixt-thrtooit-st otortoitn rortoclaossilt hr o.Bohnts-tck tooto I'ttitrhlt'twoilt setoot-tofoor theo-reloy Iote, dosthere 00s 0 ootogho tmeto- toldtoottrialts. Thte toot totll gtamoorio undeorrthoroltof vioilerr attol Goodl, tantdllthbg figlohtof Theorfe-hmeniro tre alo maotklitog pre- ptoottito. T'touttofoo-r trelto eamoo vIto beoreod tothe: fair gtoundsietw'Iteetn 3 3 n 3o toolis afte-iotooni, athe Io oteig ito infort toeou-otof -rtot-trm t-iltlIt.'elhelld inite 000000iutmtifrootot 00o 2:30 0100 afternoon.tFinoal arroaoge- eto-otanoootploats foroalothIo.contests wsill or madeotooe theorgrener-ol otoetinog Thuors- tooytnighoo t t ton te 00.0icslectuoroetosoot. 11our soirts- t ,tIot to rovedsle. w0 Inc00ive at.ens. h0ee00 aottoetstInaroe. 000 (0 : 4-S Clothintg CtiRCI.I:tl,I I"C't'STS ''tCORI2R AN)LA 01 NS MAYX-RItIE A01to lot-toting;t ot too.-Crctr I ro ottioloo Frootorots ysrday- a)-tofterntootttonort t. 'oootttio' 00s00letedotreasreroo ---foot lt)Ct-tq. ito tato oeiderd ototo dthe osi- tio 00000muicalt diectoro therlist of offirer. Theoremershipor to fee of $20 i00 100Tore 00.00rer itooo. reotethalt thetrer 000wotdtoe to ltotco- of $o atothtot rod ofth ya. h toi oltolarge tos 1100ha too t yaow00000g00to-e inrased- rost ttO tof h 0yer' tpogoiramt whtirh i- tluded t o toti lutrat t-t td te , two't it 0001rtoc1 of meot erstit p'oe t001010t0,1IM toototootoemainedtire, sbloamtero it wastdidedooto ha100atoa,-todotandor suppertottoWhtor000 100001 I. 0ttrsven- 00010 ofouesday, ola 1 tttt s 8-.. (If theseo- aOla00g0e.-er 00000toor tso- toti000teober 0ittoe ('erlcwtootare atttoitto t oo 00er's Pr toam c t1o tlo o ex'tra ot tTe vrge pricof01 toer Cerle'somtmottorotooooto ootdetsooto tol asoctoticeto, 2 t-2 orot. Dr. Waogneroreortedotrt oo boo oaooditio of 0 otorot 0ha euoc otod sleott (Oo'Wetdnesdota0y000vening..Itoo20, te 00000001numbertof 0100e year, tootittostott- ret lecture- oin E oglshon ott enc't r ch2ito- tetoure," 12y- Prof.Emnil Lorc, wil be given.'Torhtooto ittlte101cr ioSrho Caswoeltlongl 8pt00. Aol ottotiosiottoft-totf125 cetstowi1lottoasked ott thtosot atool it emes tIVFtI )1011. \IS 81011 01.10 ott toocomptloert I1, 100 $o 1nece000sary0 tot to ii o'clockt ,aboutl S, stot tot-o otito to 0aiu p"I.Sto o000000001000000 bt ou0000Ot mo o totclose 0 the- 0010 00 m The10re0is 00000 toiottobitt yto-It tooi000000lott m orethnIlotit ottoof hto of th ls comf(cotto-otA\spo00- 100 tll e ivided amttlo g t 000e00wto wer 00in0 ocoo tto ati I obutt 000v2000-$2 .\It0.onttt$ to 1 0fund 0 110.T01 10 ItP1,001)11TO01Y 010100 000100000 litl too00000t ll tke toc a0000 ftheottow00l000011 out000000001 a to.-- tit oft"001 , 00 -."1 hi0even tlttt 00rigsut 000lag 0001wdott in- teres~tedspettorsal axiustose Wthe - 000 ta~iotolo tt lot h. As yt henaesoftoset-to ted toto Afteoty000000toeo oloooottit bravtsto toat lonopeoothetot wiltl t ttdragged-ttothlel to wa oft0000 tetribe,0100 tt t he.-to aIt 0000 00000 tttto0becarriedotO CIO1(s (ONTEST'o-l SURE1I)t For te Firt li toin brle Iitory of cupt debtotinog I-to-to ltieorary-ocitis, thr Adelphtoti adtoht e AlphatotNo, toe matooched-I against eahotherooo-foo theo-coot give toothe tDoeItroit tot ttotoi association. Theorconteto toill itakecptaceoco.- ndayotti e-vening, ino -Pumpo IttoB o ofteLtte bil ing, ot at8olock, tootd toill undouotedttoly prote or ost itteesting, 'The.-Adelphoti toos too-Itthe 'tpfoo the latotw000 'erte.o This tokeotnt till e awa-trodeooltoo ttoe soityowhichtt wi-l.ovit the larget'onumberoto-oof timeos itweosnoty years . Tieodebatelohas00usoualy lot-ri hte 1 t a l t itorary- totdIatltowsocety, tot to few-t imOttslte oftrootits antI I6'elsto-to havercompe~toted itotoeo-inlt. too pre-vious geaors toe cupot eateo w oas I clot too ,Unive-rsitoy I to t, btothItis veer it owill orethelotillto e tto toebuoilitog at to smailolerlplaoo-00te ootea eedtotrtitle quteo. Onoe of bhe Detrotit tolotooi owillI pobabtily lootsidelo-v00r.0toeioetiop4. }- , .. ° J .5 ' .1 P / t v fE A {, } Jlt[4Y In rxp llOt i nl u kC1 Good Dressers A Handsome Stylish Suit plays a very important part in the make- up of the Twentieth Century Man. While in is true that a man may be a perfect Gentleman dressed in an ill=fitting, poorly made .Suit, the world will be sure to misjudge hime. A good Suit of Clothes is sure to influence the first verdict of opinion rendered concerning a man. BUY A t College or Society Brand Suit Staebler ft. Wuerth Co. 211 S. MAIN STREEIT SWalk -Dyers' For Spring Oxford timte is here antI s0001e the various stlsot Walk- Over Oxfords, Paumps and ties in black, tau i afoten~tt Toot leather will predomoinoate anoo we have looketo ol ils possible itn selecting the newest shadles ass wretloo aso.'ttit 00 dlesigns for Walk-Over Patrons. See wintdows for untlimoitedl supply of Putmps, Street Ties with good street soles suede lined heels to prevent all slip. piong oon heels; in bouttont atni lace for Men and Womoeno. Walk-Ovyer Shoe Co., > R. J. IHOFFSTETTER Mgr. Hart, Schaffner & Marx All Wool-Hanid Tailored U SPRING CLOTHING eClothle, Ready whem yoxi are. kn NOTICE. Studtsltldoesiraible tof proofitabole sumui- ttoer rtmptoym-oentcll at 3.5'Thoompsont, afte'rnooooorrovretitig thtis we ek. . D. I Roiddole. 63-$ Alarm clocks warrantted for one year, $o.oo. Halter's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main street. cod "The :Michuigano Cap"-jiost what yoou looter to-ro lookointg for, rxtra stnall stooge. Sl erty & Cot. 64-8 WA0.N I'ED3-A brightt lawyer with $oowoo, toobny lousiness establisheod 27I Yeaors. I desire to retire s0000, 1". N. (oootal, Buorlintono, Kao. For informoa- tiou srr Clyde Kinog, 7o8 Chuorch St. 3-5 Now is the time to have your roonms papered, decorated or painted, We are mtakinog special prices. Your credit is good. C. tH. Major & Co. Both phones (137. tf THE Palais Royal 209 E. Liberty St. U. of M. PILLOWS AND PENNANTS A SPECIALTY CURIOS and BRASS0 From Every Coutootry W~eiever clOth $ f5T1R1.SAaaeaatGtttta Wadhams & Co., 121.123 S. Main St. ari FUNERAL WAi KINGOLot) 0. M. Mat D IRECTOR. Chinese Chop-Suey' Restanrant Rowe's Laundry thinese Fatney DishoesAnmerie-aniLnheioos Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 9$. 0 aillhinds. Everytiniigfirtst-rlassfor THOMAS ROWE. Prop. ladiesaudi.geteen. 326 N. Ruth Ave. Itesidesee 302 S.' 5th Ave. Phone 314 Chitnese and Jaopaoeso rOie-irbrah . AMBULANCE ON CALL lip Stairs, ate dote S. HstlontBrts, 31410. State St. New Phond O457IBell Phane 457-L STUDL- .. ."" , I 319- East Huron Street'