THZ MICYllexAN DrAILY~ GF . d o upan y TeLrgest Sok Ohe City of Ex 10sie Styles i WOOLENS Fr eitemen's Wear Elverything required for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Vstings, and Troserings, and of high class farics and special styes. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Colipaly 31 South State Street Start a Collection of s of all the Colleges and you will add greatly to the appearance of your rooms. We have a large and varied stock of Pen- nants of the leading col- leges in various sizes and styles made in the official colors. Prices 500 to $5.00 Sheehan & Co. g Student Bookstores ,.., A.G. SSPALDING S& BROS. / The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Gol, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Oiciat Impl1,eme.ts oTrack ad Field Sprt Unitarms tr alt $poat. Spaldng' Hadomsely Ilutrated Cato',ge ofatall spotsotansnu meroaus eeggetins. Sed tr it.:I's ree.. A. G. SPALDINO & BROS. New York, Oteago, $t. loauis, San 1rancisco. tinneg ois. tDenr. Buf al. Syracuse. itt- bre .'Piadelphia. Roston. Cincinnati. ati aar, Wahngton, Kansas City, Ceelad, New Orleans. Otroit. Montreal. Caada. THE MICH1AN DAILY. Managing Editor-PiUs, SCOc MOsRER. Buinoess Muagi (C_ .We..ccsro r DITO ,News' ... ... ..... A F Ritchi Athletics.... s.. illim F. Gradolph Sporting..... Clarcce E. fEldrifg Exchsangc. If... . John Wambold Malic and Dramas.'.. oy ID. elch \Vonscn'c Editor..Loisc Van Vooris EITOIAL STAr J. W. MCandlss Elmr C. Adams Jo~hinF\Wur Robrt IH. Clancy II irans S. Cosfy GorgcI. Hobart loiii'is''c Boc(hlr B. GC. . illiams I.. C. Reid fcc A Whitc Riaymsond Vissher M. B McHugh' A. L..1Mainlitc Roert lbouiisir' BUSINESS STAFF John . Wre CrtIt.cdams Ad dress: MICHIGAN DALYc~, Press Bldg., Maynard Stret Managct's1Hous: I- ptm., 78 P.s. dail, except Sndas. Boli phones 960. FRI I) i'. Icl(lllR 7. iA)7 A meetig of I'HI o 1.511,5 staff Will bto helitiodayiat o p. cI. i lihe' lasiard strcit office.'Sitff mmbeiiiradad-' date plciasc hapreen 'I'll o~n mticaion w ih pprd1 ini s'ecieriis D-\,)isfrimiiwic ithel noiefor aniiAtilicieAssoiaiin iofi'icce..cssri lyemaidss atetioinii. Thiiistatemecntscii .s e. adc robbl iwill lie isiiowhere ciitriidicedsi. that office ini thei'assocliatiiiii srsfraikly lthelisiawni if ai 'ystessiof isite-pldingichhis Wi' aiuoiiOlis a-ditcihiilictCieiil fowrind iiIbacwiard Iovcer a loing.ipir iod of iss. 'hlsthIis istirease i iiititeircof Cisimmoni liisii'ledge. sutit iis 1on sin cle iCiiiilit iii sli e n adei erlamusosentiiment,.at ha sis li ii sialte fllowed siIyistle still sioe eri- nen l~i'iiiii-'Vhassirsicouiinpssg to ido aibot i"'lhes -ciis-troublls, tiougi ntcaga l toay sticiie ioraiiia ii s s irete coseiofthese tiltisti eecin: is iraiupnt in iall orcampisilii I every-caecse o i f idcssti'e flledi itigh iioiisoilslto lhe-psscibeforth members ofanieiestorel c1ciisiti iii'iicsi ciiiipiarativiltsmaiil isa, lihiat iiloiiioiii siamu'si-ttr seeral miiicii e isis itnuncd ib tlier'frieiidiito chootiise i siis s-lu i't'iintiiiim ii iiit t tic seces- sitysofIti-ng lted iti btso-callediln ci-i bvs'asrs' sigreat' tha i tiil iis.muoii f sth qiiisiti'n-iioirtiisyliianitoiibe Iknown'hott alt cci 1>y riiiutatisn. uness ei as afiiiri bal teai' :itns's'teisiiii csc s oaireii'i wherie tisi'tiie'iele iicti tis'iiirs tice ciii ex iiiiiupo ii'he ricndil is ha sisacifri iii siw o kossste cndidte. IHe'ii'i'thic iiiieiiitc'insssi esayii',cliof wireii' plifliing' Iitis frqfuenttsytieeinssercit thati cittege'plilics is tice woirst kiit if toitiics. iNiimaniil i knows'sthe siuaioniatchi\igs'answousitin iIs 'igt sensie acmtuthis'toiIle the fact ihre.' thie Iprincicpaifrwais a rspttIy.'honora ati hust;5aiiithle grift wihcwsc oe posbehs beiniiiaiiiciaite atoic Is' cii car leglaioni iii froma soe aiiilfi studet conesuscienuci. I loeerI ciilleg p liicss oght lto tic'iiealsf iiiitonly ciaiiig telnfhue neiitiiiiadmutiniisinl iib ut tloaon h ins' ofi wise aiidl uniaced chice ifimen sorteicairiu s osices. W hat leun Thingls wilittinev'e'' te tti-c intii thlire iss tieii a i'iiisdsa helcthyisens'iment'ii agis whact is knwns as iviie-pedigiiigasicwsis-ftsicagiiist if' poltia ciii ardiui wich ilorcises amiiii uis1s. ollge iii cuit isto belcias'h'mcii Of i siitiisg tha idtr itic'ro ifthirig stnitg iii as indpnet othnerstanids iifree age s Wecneiiaiiiiii uguen amongicrtesentsodyis a wh leCiiiii as hisiii mttrii'fiiliowtic-lthitsg diae uesio ritsidistoiwhefther'ii aiiiiiesow-estentcri'scapbl oc Iin meani:, pisiscompli caieditoibe htiedt Inow icittisiesuit, propsrscs jc fir tcsei i tlos's ile')iii ciiciie- qsto.Itllbetstion.efit i'seldit- is' s'iitiiir. enis.rIy apoc th vis-gia io sifi it, tiilihititis uthanuif'ci'ccon- t tiues tic'spiii vras'an lest, it t .Iii itis oIii tltts coitcrniii ter s hi tc is't' cile 551 y elevit ' is llnouins i st-li en :clis tetiilis Ii gloslnoc ou' ntii enlii Ianfce, miare u itii u more I c lIierili idiscib, c istiss. l itpsyrchologic lii s sic) i iii icsi iisst 5) esyilitot dis c his potie resii reeiii it ii t its 'hir duic.'oimike acdi mnsctraitissa mckil efenise ofiiithiie icaiii''athistli andithe inasslicy-isa Iepucseoisisat ihi tsme ''ititte elcome and 1iiia tiin.itiz'l tiil~ '~ i i ies m ftifeliliist msin ifer itisi irsicheresc'the c iigtilrrsntmet imort humiaioisu'jctinthe nfo areti cliii)w iii elii eiit s ssci'ec thatorliofI'tig' le che iceri istuth fur tha i'asrf the lc'"rems''asiftentc'forgote.Li I f I I MANY MICHIGfAN MEN SPENT THE SU.MM'sER IN EUROPE'1 Nealy a -score of Michigan 'ets spesst tlii wshoilesr a poriotn of te smssser ini Europ. Voyages across the Atlanic sccimitoi becespcialy poputar wit mem- ters of te faclty.owng perastoi tteiincrcascsf salaries shchd the Regetts soled lst Juine. Prof.Iezissi de ordes spensIis sosm- mesin i Fransce, staying mos of the timc at Iis Isome ini Bordeausx. He ws, os.tos eversable o idesoe sonse of hsictime to aransgementsss for he proposed Frenchl sluh's tousr. 'Thlis iwork had tttb on siie massinlIy in Paris. Prof. Caifiel, Ihed f he Frenchs dearmntl, let for Fracesoniiiai s-ar's leave of afiesce isis niesictely afer the clisc of the ssusser session. IIcewas' aconil~uiel bys Iis sile. 'Isis ter mse'mblers of the Frienh faciluity sw-rcsabroad. Dr. IHamailonisasd D~r. ausinMs 'I'tIissos' Spet the sum- ue iniParis Proif. Seoult (ii the reoric sdeatr- mes hai scs ols rcently reurniedifruit ai yecai's sabsences'abiroisist.which lii'sceIl its fermansy vassds Etglandst Mr.tBriten-i Isoe is.tssructor ii Eglishs us te egin- ecuiug idepair'menti'spen1t 1hIis lhoeymoonus ini Ioneondiu'ulPins. D.tMarshcl, its sructor in hisiolsry.udiswork o i a hesis us Lonolns. ParissisushdHBordeux.. Thi seseiscal fsueulty wscrelpresentd ini Euirop~e bis r.Ic. sluslsplrfsscsr of siusslria s eischa. wosstenedclUni-i versity cillege ini Londonsi for ifbout four mothsss, shnd 'was also fors' imlu tci IHeidlelbieg Other muembaers cof le fac lt' ci gs abcfroadlsre Dr. Busicassisi- a trofes-sor sf mathsmtssuics adstWal-s li-cr Fisfheigh. C.E.kinnuer istrcolr i rhestoiric, sc-iether swits Vs-cnonusRandislp~h,. '07, suit J. N. Patersoss, 'roinn uuriu'cit throiughs Grecil iritaini andilFrance. On ue oif list years grcadustes whsplet hssumminssc tusrope is Esso ist. EGale. 07. Its- smae ass iseusie sudsy' of soc 'isisonditinso i Eglasndl 'ndslPasts isis' Adtcms id nilot sciel quie'asc Iixirisusly sississes'ofstuho s- his Isis beeni me'ntioneds- Hets'hail.loneser. a greact smanysiterestig experiecse, i- chidsinug ci long trip dows'n ts' Rines. 'Three tusms he sias arrestedh fr beig uwitoiut apamssotsr. drt L'ys as Ii lucnius iT ouses Ieeciing Ihis Frenic proniiunciationu. Swsiefori andsHutu ensginues's. also spent thIelir summeuur ii Junk tBrooks wss'elctedl cpains ii te'so enigineers fooitall tel ehinstceday. icKcEi'iSTOFci.s-i i o-csiTO iRVE sseu. ThinKe'ystone uebiswsill hls itc first smosckeiof he year tonsight. -Allsewis mensenserinlg te Un'iisersiy' froststhis state f Pensyslvanuic are ivied. G'RAXNGER'S. 'W\e huve dstes peni for oisc iore saucisig cub. IBokigs should firesmai cc. coon a5 sossiblse oilsfuse acdsemsy sait ochlies. (fusecasss sns dascig srs' now oi' en.Jin assiys tsu imecnusecu cull: ternstsacits awhess youi(t. fGrosunds flousr, Maynardisstsree. (- 7 Portrait framues a Foslr's. f BOOK CASES Thousands of valuable libra ries are sated eve}, year by students, the foundation being a few books and two or three Globe - Wernicke "Elastic' Bookcases. We sell this make for a reason. We coil obtain iio better. Picens per seni $2.50Oand ip Wahr's Book Stores Sate Agets tr tittbe-Wertke sys- tem at Elatic Bokcasaes ad fiing cabinets. LYNDON 719 NORTH UNVERSTY AVE. LiFAisQ'AstTRS iFOR Kodaks Cameras a~nd Photo Supplies ANIR1l'l'TEURi>NL~.OPIN55 AND PRINTINGI A SFFCuAI.'l' BAILEY & EDMUNDS Zporttllg (Boobs 121 EASE LIBERTY STREET Arnold's Jewel ry Store Alarm Clocks, $1.00 ttii;lsil isis' year. MICHIGAN PINS .2c Up Alcriii i sh MICHIGAN FOBS, - 25c Up Most atter s tsge rm - r AII~~ITIhE MOULD ALSEF p1E TEvT OF us. MILL KNO9 O CLL NDLETUST PAITHU I 5IfN ILLYOU.JO-OPERTONIS BETTER FANE CHfORAL UNION IICKEIS Now on Sale. $ 3.00 EACH Oct. 18-Slekesz Nov. IlI-Gadski Dec. 12-Flonzaley Qt. Jan. 28-Charles Clark March 2-Adamowski Trio FIFTEENTH FESTIVAL M +.y 13-i6 bC e tubentz' lcture E1ssociation Ssoao 1907-'08 Premier Lecture Course of the WKest SOUSA'S BAND Emil J. Hirsch, D.D., LL.D. John Temple Graves Dr. Win. J. Dawson (London) Dr. Brander Matthews Leland T. Powers Hon. John Barrett Opie Read Gov. J. Frank Hanly (bud.) Oratorical Coutest John Graham Brooks Open Numiber See "Prospectus" for dates and explaslation of Openl Numbuer S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hal,. Treasurer's Hours, 41to 6 daily, Saturday excepted. Mtchets for jĀ£nttre course, - $2.0 Secure your Season Tickets from student canvassers or at S. L. A. Office. - il 121 washington f. RANDALL,. TH E PHO TO GRAPH&R Phone 598