LAST COUNTY FAIR tnalta, 587;nIiv'll' Kii apa iina ,
Now is the JTie BASTEM ALi3c a
SAVE TIME Prizes Awarded-Com mittee Pre- thiIakI iiing ii o ilt',iiititil ii akenito The College.
Shave yourself BEFORE pares Report for Union-Mich- A i fiiml.rot iIiib hne t h
you Wait. igan Club $3,500 Richer, Vjim in e dy.Ii swllgv
____- iepanfii h pIt arinii cm
H O W ? A)Ii siii iii $3,500 mwis cleareifat umendif iiifii iiiiiai ii aIii icallibeiimade
I, f un}-Fair for the Union .At a _ifiii
W ith a Gillette Safety Ill addiiiiiolliiiiiiiiiiwarI i-i iof theican
bought at vetr cvatrnoonii ihicfinal fuiness o. f posterCiwas' givenii ici priiel ofi$ioci ll.iii ii
'.cififaiil fi rrfi wi ascii iifif ciii I i ze i f ii iiii ii in g ld. ir
a b liiic of$200i fidufe iifrm te aIii li vere to ff t i i ii.
Money Loaned flrsf.ifinC ici i i iff y C- \
onWths Va n ii tsi. 1_aiiif i, oyoo f $i,2nc. C'onstruictiing fboiofis'c )N i i To.i J u s
orohrproa rpertY i.fcciicnerifal xes ii c, $603; tiaivcrtfifing
Watchesan lw lr rpired. cl iif f in faiig. $482: fiaraif: anif caiiifc :Ai a mci incof hechirmen of theii
Bargain nh' at nch 1st'Iiiiiinds ifc$tooi. lfainiia bfalanice oif ifbiutii ap and gwc omi tteeslaitiighi
A A rbA r. A irfiisentiiii eiC fromii thei' Rocky ;tfo'i lsdv lai ito. IT111 ifte
Hous uee 1:0 a im i iii iiiiiind to \lo ii ii cflb andifoneii froi thtc Pfif c i i 'i i-i~ail
e.IBUSINESS CONFIE IALiDelta 'Thta fraterniitovee tireseni t iillo ous idp i upon the
JOSEaPH C. WATITS reacie lthe fargc lovfing cnisgfivet for exsing weathr if i l i { ins. It iiasiti-
the best aiiractiii tion fnt ipradii dfc ii fn pio ffss ib ohl i lt ii -ii utihiii w c 1 j, The new
__________________________the____________i aing- Iiice mstiimney at a t Preciet .-ir if cli ) itf te i ty.i i tory of the
ih ir. ' Rocky Sint ifn cfiifi as it Iiis ecciicccl It he a will r ri I' ues-i 'a'.o
ccrdd .hefo ie, l--icki made:theifmi dali, in intsiii to f de c i ,ilve te addes. 'fc 11 c as
li'iiic i iil iiC ifiii acicHiiii1-iilIilt a= n hand, 1in
I lhd t i l iotbeini efifectfiithe annl U'and in all t]
Rok Aomancu o l iciciihave_______________won___________ The new
Siptoms ; mi'.ipias wok 1 tool:i y far teand they at
Post ifiiiicirf n-1iiiii Intetcollegiate Notes.
-- s Ie o iitt ire akfdiupionithfei'rat- In liats and
:crst how b ti orgnizca tioniiiiin
Darli ng & M alleauix C igtefaic i big- a fiaiiciil smc- h10 U trlhf I , 1cii r<Yn la
ST 'tTEST Tiff LI '1s'posileaftrc'fiey saiii hel ii 511 '. Its1. ic i s m ld.
1 ohrn t\iiitie biotii cli cp.
liiier c 37i a dmiii iciosinton
P. c l e e ae:bthisoai z a tfi ionwcl sly iacistcii i ~ ~ ii
) '.icciiifr nis cfcared $20a o r fic hei
H1ALLER'S JEWELRtY STORE, 2I6 S. Matra St ; inbu ncwee:clcriccilicigile lc tal haniqint, Slay 22.
au~c hc\ slicitdisuportlyiseling
Al ta otst cdThegfollonin Raile Sliiiiithei n tibe il ebado tdntogt~tosa
at iiiictiiclii IV lAlR SELL]
W~te make the best (fiocalateSoda D lt hr rin, 1i470 KMam N lu, cic clici i 'calla tNoti ou iane nsLintect. ,11; ea Is, ,2;Kap im , etr rcnl tac ?11r \ts
East University Pharmacy 1.231i:i i a DPi, ,5: Pi Alhl fliccoci: ll".wich asi ii el ei/vch
V. Of M. 1BA1tBJCS.. SHOP [I ~ialii i0i; Dellti liii Deltai867ft Pi l SI a r ikedl the iiiai~ ailc Of (1cc
J. R. TROJANOWSIOI, Prop. IDeiflt Pi.i826; I liDe llta i ta pilo, i es icandti f iif hli, o th cadiith
BA~t'11 I~o(_)~z I'tii 1;I:\ciaiiciiiit
ladie' andi iii i ciii i imi t i t ic~- .ll, ;P II leclb 3;' ea wsrm vd Il~tlc i) e it M O N EYiii
vl if P P:t o iiiii . c i t y , , t 04 Fourth Avenue;
liDte l i (t' 3 Ilci ;Bea fI btati t'. f oorliac thifc;Ica iI f kitick Two dnnrssonuthuof
322 S. State St. Il M c . eca 0 ;Pil iol 1 ;P iGae IrsilfridnIyl)pr s tn
Phonee359 B Al n Arbor, l , i. i i ifai I 1tatii ict li("il<ccllfucittl:
'To load a Conklin FoiiiitainhPen, justdilp it in any
tnk, press tto Crescunt-Filler ianitsec'it till its own
tank like a camel staking its tirst. 't's allth1tere
ts to it! No droppet-no mess-no baothicr. D~oit
anywhere-any time.
Sbe tilled insiantly wtithu t theleact ionc nucuucc~. Yiii
1ld till it with whime kid gloses oii witt iiiii 1 hger ut
ting. Besides its cnveiiieince, is thie spctiu xi(cvitfiug
littos of the Conkliti-thie perfent fend.
Leading dealerst ntiheiin tnCnkiaiun. If yours4doe inotode
apt. Prices, $3.00oandtupfenat ocor doenow e i itiCiiiiiic ,
e Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldd., Toledo, Ohio
a Touch of Spring
rSpring Scarf as a special introduc--
Ispring, we are offering a special
f beautiful new Spring French four=
inew correct shapes with open ends
;he handsome spring coloring.
(Spring Shirts make their first bow
re beauties. The new spring styles
d Cap are here for your inspect ion.
e o l n ROU R C A P S A N D G O W N S
.ING AGET fI t he it ati idui it fcur ofta>an tta2i
nolt; wtictiatoCoxSiioi's andfiit o'Newfr n
iio Any ctyie onignn ilwi de ar; fnmoikm ,t
Pries $3.00 tap
MACK (ft Co.
[ON D Otil Wattc teiiiiiis iici y, andiall
oppusite eourt thouce t. e lus :ot w ,t
City Y. M. C'. A. W. J. LOVRIM
Ngligee Shirts -sleeve lengths to fit, j Chamois gloves--washable.
Fancy Hosiery for Oxfords. HD oV* ~ Holeproof hosiery--Guaranteed six months.
Knee length union-suits. UN4DERWEAR New golf caps
just in New no-space collar, wAGNER ft CO., State St. Summer weight pajamas.
FIELDERS' The Safety Watch Disc __L EC TRI C IT Y
nit i aii rt i i- ttikng ott eneit( i i aiti' t1t'Iit] t l iA t it
itiI-t w a.m to I ioen 0"ti- mt iiitat Svplied to College Men en1d
tatcii iaiy t i'.tiou I o w tloasy tYlet umt I "Io lndal. ~n
'P1 TElOt SEND IOIL ONE TOAY t0c Women for All PurposessrsP
I -Itudti PC- it ' ;,ii t ht t c -ii at r-
tItothent.A I sot)1111tt- Sit t YS tlAN It
1tctuet.tii'kfor ttttttitic {.nMriiiatii'u i WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO.
a.n-i' PALMYRA NOVELTY COMPANY20 .atW.slxonSet
cu~t f nf. - .. ,. ii nit -7 it iiicol a t n- es.PALMYRA, N. Y.20 e t w ash n o S r t
l-a l i6SoSuithitate Sreeet LIPcaryttg a copy itt the MICHIGAN
, +" -~ w 1, l~~i to inu S 'if t 'CC not IJhe ttANtttt1t0Ktnyour pocket. Spacetuentem- tJ-t i ,1',- n CassS t rd y 0 A .a d orna aedr seileetUivriyP tn QtsmLiwt o.
y e . ~~~~~~~~130 P. M. t vta akt ,v .# . 1:I u1gr 'kwiefri.CaetndareIn thts tat page buk. Given away mthyu kato lue, i b ockduss
tn students at the University Y. M. C AM-. imi uia tt 4 p t~-
.:~C c 17 .Tnt:T HLDEPI Assttitly 9 o'clock. Miltan Hal. THE BELTCRAFT CO. BOSTON, MASS.
319 lEast Huron