t'flzMICHIfIAN DAILY 30 Days foryo To try a Razor at our expense. Either the famous Carbo Magnetic or the Gillette Safety will be loaned to you. Ask ,us albout it E. E. CALKI NS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. AMU5EU MENTS SELL PHONE 480 HOME PHONE 200 New Whitney Theatre IWednesday, May 13 THE GUARANTEED ATTRACTION CHARLES D)ILLINGHAM PRESENTS * tt,'i RYB0\tit. FAV XORITE I I ELSIE JAN15 I CALENDAR. flay tO-4 P. im., iMc:illan Hall, "A Critical Situation," a joint discssion by Ini te Jap, siiid1 Wang,tlte Cinaman. May 2- 'Frentch Architecture," illus- trated lecture by Prof. Etmil torch, aus- pices Cerce Dramatique Francais, Sarah Caswell Angell hall, 8 p. um. \lay 23-Omega Phi open mneeting UNIVERSITY NOTICESJ Congtregtiotal ctttcht:. 'Cia and Amturca 'sTda, 7:30 tntiglt. Rev. C. S. Pattot. Fresh lits report at fair grondsl at 3 P. im. lOtday. Gantc with higt scootl. Fotutin. Stsdcnt Council comttite sises to ticset all collectors havisg tttote in thei possessssioit collectedl for expese uf rut cases, Unitint cluihouisse, 4 to 6 Motuda. MeIetinsg of Sttttett Csitticil cissssit- tees nsit prig costet at 3 P. m.tosda, at Michigan U1nion-Otvit,,Wiggiss, Btowmsan, Puigsley, Pratt, Cisshmant, Eves, Eisersas, Wilsoni, lDavoc. Regulrtdisctssiousinitilg of te tiltscatioiial disub sill le eli'lTtesay t 7. Rousmut6 TappantiIt-ll Stbject: Relatiotn osftle IHigh School to the Comt- msusiit. 1\Lessr IIB.SSmithstnd 1H. 'M. Keal vsill oleatie lesissssibti 'f wht i laii hiacc di ilx tisieextieriesce tht high scholusswsik IThelic lscssiuts-sill bei iniforiiial u ii 5 iiiCTU s cii i-cts si is. Po.It. :V lillerilhiesiof lthe Is' torlt oi f tpilsoh til iv~lset cllege lectiuredl leforieitt ushets f uca- goy i U'iviecsity 1Htll 1'ridays tter- iiooni in isisslib.itciTh le Eilucatisnal Necessiss f le Rural Co'mmnity.i" The tltswas giveii undser the asitlices of i('tepr tmien-st f edutcationsand aissa larsgly sattidedt by te snios whlo arc abou toeginsiorkisit alcers. Bess (rect adsisilstcompitayyesteiday payed'"As I'suitlike It'saindl"M'luc AdotsAlbouuit Noting" at le Un'iisersity ofi Virginia. 'lEA CU'P INN \Clt~, ROPE N .\tt)NIAY, MAY i. See our complete line of Michigan pins, fobs and souvenirs. Haler's Jewelry Store, 26 . Main street. ed NOTICE. Attcintions f class, orgatizatiotatd tcamtreIcassrers is againi called to their ills for representtontitt the tco8 Michel- iganenisian. These sotldlle settled at Onic. Addiress sijoS Michigatetsia, RoomtI, Anni Arbor Press Blg. Office hours, 1to5 2 tp. u. daily. J. W. Mc- Canidless, Butsiess M~atage. f Amtateur Photographers Notice-Tankh deeloptmett gets best results. I tuse it. L~yntdon. eod-tf See our complete line of Michigan pins, fobs and souvenirs. Haler's Jeswelry Store, 216 S. Main street. od NOTlICE.-Class teams and fraterni- ties can save money by getting their baseball supplies at Cushingo. tf TEA CUP INN, 504 S. STATE ST., REOPENS MONDSAY, MAY i. WILL BE OPEN AFTER FESTIVAL CONCERTS. Our stores wil be opet Sucdays this year for sale of cigars, cattdies, etc., and Sunday papers. '" i i CAPS caps The nattiest and most approved fash= ion, faultless in finish, reasonable and seasonable. Stein-Blo ckClothing Every Garment a fashion plate THE ACME OF TYL E STYLES HERE NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE LINDENSCIIMITI,' APFEL & Co. HOAGS We are offerin~g a good line of nmedium priced BASE BALL GOODS and FISHING TACKLE H A G"S, Car. Ma.irx t rad W~tfxtl .: .. HATS HATS HATS Every fashionable effect, every, color of the season. CAPS u IN T H E "CtASttt st "555XtALLCostsAtItti0)E WITH MUSIC THEHODE.N 75 Clever People-Special erigagenmenzt of JOSEPH CAWRTHOR.N Same company and prtoducttionotihat mode elwsY'ock happy for 251 weeks Prices: 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Thursday, May 14 HENRY B. HARIRIS PRESENTS TIHOS. . ROSS The Traveling Stalesman A New Laughs Epidemic' By JAMES FORBES Author of THE CHORUS LADY '' THE LONGEST LAUGH OF THE SEASON Prices: 25c, 50c, 75c, $100,0 $1.50 Webb'sFrlgiGaeCandies Ice Cream, Fruit Tcens, Punches, Sherhets, Prozen Liquid Favors for all Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted Not Cases. Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Main, St. ANN ARBPOR GARAGE MAYNARD STREET AUTOMOBILES, MOTOR BOATS, ENGINES, STORAGE, REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES SALES AtGENTS FOR ROYAL TOURIST THOMAS DETROIT CAWTER-WCARIt TQVKIST, THOMAS asead MAXWELL I.n stock. fThe grap 155 ~ ! fits easy. Its , . t- 5 r ~ 41 ie' lately flatitlaspatee Ocxlts e}-cti is tie Ies it,, tMitli- tV (11111)t4Stif thsemoandstweaiethem. Thewar miaei eis' Itsttrys sct,,tjttedtbriss. is there, anid they east aoity a i