TaRI MICHIGAN DAILY >XI2NAR -SPECIAL SALE4 la If 1 4P. nt. AleMilln lill XAON 'TWO PIECE 1 0 0 0 i., i i -i l fa 6 .'a joint dicussinll 1) 1 0 0 n I a i P a J: p. inXag. tethinmiuan I it211l=iei Xienrthccilri. illas _J~J~N S' ~A. i ~.Io Pa. SPl atl.RING SUITING 1 les1. ca tranatique FeI'aeai, Sarah HENIRY (e CO - - P~i on 11 AngeltMail, Sp. 1ni. fat-Om . Phi open ncelig_76-9-711 NORTH VNIVER.SITY AVENV _____________OPEN EVENINGS UNIVERSITY NOTICES GUYOT Fr -ain Ianiiqutepst patiend igin } SUSPENDEiRS TAIL 0 H N G Al ithi liii Ibseall nen rpotatl iitt 1 y rfl na/aa hellii n a ii f iidii Cou trythree pirs of oahFenIilda o:. u# tde - rdnry suspenders. We show the largest ait o sm, itI otipli-lii-asortneuit of New FI tiii iof iliray ti o-naii eddtor Shirts 1 quald unvring."t Wot~rs in this part of tIeSate, fine take ritle intthe 4 oiityPlicednoen iXi i sliP:0I .3 oa,.t ,Ld ..S and Design.ii on .Z i-:AieIt st all. Fit every occsion, afield Eve genunepa buhses..,. Loo ovriurhe tda.yli _. IDela tnight, on or afloat. $1.50 sp. .G crOrOTTAMPEO5EuRg L o o Pofrln to a . ' ttr ininia i lihigan' Rinnom r 50¢v oMkosTo Pu tr teve a~l loNwl iriga iiiuiliiig,at 8 0OTsIEIMRBROTRfZRS.'. ii li-ia.aes: a~uya>a . AMUSE NT S i. 1 4_; ,. New hitney heatr BLL PHNE48aHmErPHONE 200 Thusdyay 14 The TraveUlng S, !!alesman, Tild 11 118 ESI Al)r L JPAN( 1,,DlISCUSS "AI 1ItS XI.TlVITII(S ""Iilli: XAciities" willlie lie geit- rdso i llfo iuslioni atthle Xlplia y-nuii iig ton*ighti at 7 :3o. Thle ell- 1liii ia-at ll ns. Ilich hut I'iiioi -l-oward tBarkalutll. Xtlleii R. H.Preylierger. V.A .A-einiethi Dulncan. Voa 1I- . . 'Illiieiies. \lc ii-gaiin ily-R. Xl. McFarland. - CapusPolitiis-Carl 1-I. Adam. - Stle Coi unol--Georige IRues. Xi XiiiioXalil ix ay6, 190 \rclamboVh- CXidamintlisa Flor- ttcc, 'I-twfrd blis ilui Carey Prof, iik~ WXX ,I Puli-lels XirXXWalter, twr (r! it I lie \liricelolin, rrit'r \li< Lmellirfiuril Xli'ss ha- ia. e loe Ktharnel lenin ljay, lotio .lls,< xt hull t it C D,)loltt- II Iss nd,_anni h li h:rsi- SPHINX $2.00 HATS' Thle new Spring Styles are tow ready in all the new shapes and colors. Miller Made R j fl . G OSS New LCDe Gluaranteed I of Clothes Liberty St. and 4th Ave. (lolf Caprs THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BOSTON, MASS. t' chthiei. atetta: oft+,e new buildings, wiciwere dedieate~d September 21 905 thin school now htas facilities and eqipmetnt fot taleaehinig atid researehlini the vart- ao branches of medicine probaly unequaled in this cou ntry. Of the five build- ings, fear are devoted entirety to laboratory tieintg and researeh. Numerous hospitals, afford abundant opiportunites for elinieal instruction in med~cine and surgery COURSE FOR THE DEGREE OF iM. 0. A fiiur'years coron. opetnto baceleorsofaf si. ile ralurc . tiilosiilhYorscilence. stud to pcresent of eqivltaent statnditig, leads in the degree oftN. it. The studlas of the foitrth year nrewhlliy eteetin ey ~l'inlelde iatnitaiarjt sutbjects, genteral medicine, generalsuuefery atid the ope ila leIi ld1lraiu?;e . Tll' next sehool year extends. from Octobier 1. l k), to Juttne:'4, IlO't Tlsedilonna of the University of ilfehigan is accuepted fur admission. For detall- ed inounenetutt and rataloguew. sddrrss H1ikPVAk[) MEDICAL. SCHOOL, Bosion Mass. 111. BEST IN THlE STATE FOR DANCE MUSIC GRANER'S ACADEMY ORCHESTRA In,,> l ii tiifsc,ltstlftiiebooingOs oftis orchsitra.Iookidirectlythoughs thietiiane,in tit1 teAcademy 1th e.IiTbit wiliuitttiistuilt s idlengastw, dateiantoes watedii lBioking.s for ntti asutllaiasn illbt ade SEATS SALE OPENS IfUSDA' ToCare.for~a o The Simplest Way-the a -tt inyS is ts use Old Etiglishu Floor Wa.V -- ce-nendeal, produces the rich, subdued lugialila-h is s onbighl cannot be obtained in az tiynliiia It is fetter was atnd lit' h-i-pus!, i-i's puito1 Wax that puts the q ual ily isIan 1 ft lasn Justras good ffuureoi ui-- i ii . it on yot wish the asturance 11111i - i i Itie-,but it will scratches and must h.?aalilyp1, "The Wane wltnC , e- Maes your woodwork 1oohk16-like and the hIe room more sanitarep. Youtcast get it hee(ptau p in z , 5lb.eatst). ilo. covers 30 soare-i_ Cmtoour storeratd let uielPy ,-onto use it t make hardwood floors Seau,; .=s FOR SALE BYf C. .Major(i" Co. 2035i5. vWssslstagtojma We helleve inth le Sluldents Their credit is go4nitla ts < Y MO RNING Cli ,sc.ii era -ts~il llt i --;:1 nt ,.-_.-~.........~a ..,-_ . i lci o) Xrh s . lii ea-i l 0 h K a A 1tt II lit lisel le -an ie l ciii ng1 - - iiSon- iIntrpeato , 6 lC t ;ho Best Wa.y a i in iIutrli 11. i'h it a untg: IbIthi phones l428. Sat Itf ly prized and whitcthII'I'C tOld English Floor O ur gran piaXois' ili in of itass, iirgaiziationnand 1 obliterate the ta all 1111 llie41again calleid to their ill161s for cre ai iin th le 19o8 PMich- ;aiii lilail. 'Abase shouiiili e settledl at r ice. 'sitiless pci-i7liehiigaensiati, Room11 T, an.XeArberPress hBldg. Office v"lihlur. I to 2 p 11. idaiuily-. J. XW. MC- C aii liess. IBusiniess Aanager. tf ~ ~ I I ~ Nowi is the time tin have your rooms areit, decoratedl or painted. We are nt iatit stpeiatlpices. Your credit is goodpini. C. II. M~aor & Co. Both phones P011C. .Class teams atnd fraterni- lies cai ane noney bly getting their in siliall t liitenat Pushing's. ff A poor lip, or a good tip pooirly pot ott, spoils a game Via, 1of hilliards or pool. Ouir tips are the heat "Expert U Aadeniique,1' and are ad- juntedl daily hy one "who knIitoss htos." IEPAIRS AND SUPPIEtS , SILIARDS, hOwLING, LUNCHSES, 118T CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. SZ. State - 311 Mayumrdj ROMT_________ A O'S BRBER SHOP WELL I. stock. 705 Norft Uiversity Avee. j~r >lE1C ! stok.0. A. MOE9. Twelve Good Breakrasts In OneSBE lDWEA Package of If you buy two packages of SHREI)DED WHEAT Biscuit for a quarter(the regular price) yout have a delicious, g muscle-making, strength-giving b-eakfast for' 5 cents- .more real nutriment than is to be foutrd itnsay other food in the. world for the same motney. It contains ALL the body-boilding elements in the whole wheat, nmade digesti- ble by steam-cooking, shredding and baking. If you serve SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT properly you wtll like it better than any other cereal food. IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE HEATED IN THE OVEN just enough to restore crtspness and flavor. For breakfast, pour hot milk over it, then add a little cream and a dash of salt.. It is also delicious in combination 'with fruits, cret ed If you like the Biscuit far breakfast7, you will like T RI S- yoysters CU IT-the Shredded Wheat ?vegetables.'~ Wafer-as a Toast with but-. I ANN ARBOR Gd MAYNAR0 St 1 AUITOMtOBILS, MOTOR BOATS, ENGINES, STI~tA. SALES A INT5 [0l ROYAL TOVIF THOMAS Dk;lT CAR,.T ER.It c C i N t I Pianist, MISS MAUDE STAN TON ILLUISTRATED ONGOLIS MISS OLIVE STAN~TON