TA I1TAN PDAILY_______ D3ays foryou -f rTo try a Razor at our expense. Either the famous Carbo Magnetic or the Gillette Safety will be loaned to you. Ask zss about it E. F. CALKINS, Druggist. 324 Suth Stte Street. N% Whitney Theatre tiELLd. PHONE 480 HOME PHONE 200 FriayMay 8 Matinee and Plight IHLvSE~ASON'S GREATEST GIRL SHOW HARR.Y KELLY IN THE. BIG MUSICAL'SUCCESS I NORT HE MAYOR" TRIXIE ]FR,,GANZA BORY MARRY LOLA LElB HUGH FAY 75----People Mostly Pretty Girlv1;% 75 All)Arbr is thec only stop between New York and Chicago, wiere this ro opao goes tothe AUDTORIUM for teainmer NI(illl l'RlI.IS:-35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 MAFIN1IIA PRICE:-25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 SEAIS Go ON SALE WEDNEStSAY MORNING Cae for Hardwood Floors ThieSmplet Way-the Easiest Way-the Bet Way ist se 0d 1gs lor Wax. It i-economical easily applied and 1)d s bh i l o ded lustre which is so highy prized and which sant sam- na y otheway tt I andit'sthis quality thats pt into Old Engishb Flor a.,, qn iy loik an yiur floors. J1, ~~I silan you can use i on your ,grand piano e ; that innot injore-bUt it wilt obliterate the a_ .,e , u. tbautifuty polish. "The Wax with a garate" u lake youresroodwork lash like new and c slilromc imosresaitry oucinpiitiitiher. pt uIp it, 2,,sand Com e tor store aid letis tlyoohow to us ss i ittisseha dwodflos rbeautiful. FOR aALE BY C. H. Maloir tobCo. 203 E. Washington , _ We believe in the Stdents Ther redit is good with us ANN ARBOR GARAGIE...... MAYNARD STREET AUTOMOBILE~S, MOTOR BOATS, EINGINES; STOIRARt,'RL PA10t AND SUPPiUS SALES AGENTS-FOR ° ROYAL, TOU'RIST THOMAS DETROIT CAKTER. CAS. TOVIUIST, THOMAS ekimd MAXWELL Zia _stock. ', N is, is, atiiii e tic HATS HATS. HATS C'i la, triciI L) ii t7 iii I isi 10 _}I . s l tN ,i ' Iiilc tiiiii ec N' t Ay chief stir- .I Mcillani IHall, "A a sill li.' i sioi~ 1l Ni te lill; 1111 ill, P > l Every fashionable effect, every color of the season. CAPS CAPS CAPS UNIVERSI TV NOTICES s nr) th F eri 1 c]<1 1N1 i a iiN lii ii . .111)1 ilect a * i i1 111 A tl.ti ci' at 41ldt areso tl olioe charrse ire I ttlt ,icl 1 at S l0 ie 1 11110 ilIh°to lI 1m c c1i N io . 11 1w t111 11, 1 'l.cls 1tsit] 3ei NI 1 1 il t1 ttil'1 iii t llIl 11c 1 'inch i Il irc 1111 h ll ex 1' 11) Iis lii Iliii sale Iis aj illd ' ila i i sp in; pt-y last ct I o,. w 11' ;11-, w1icl I w isrhel in Ita-.)i)~r Illl~slil 1, ca t1l is isgls 411tii i sitiih S - ic'i8. 5 ic e w e eid prsida' et ofl r g1t1 i eli riam w rtii is i 1 tres=. is tel s Jcwe1il )clrp er oild V ain far. 1 1'c n4 li. I(l t. o tita , S. Re ait oc tiii Since1858 e hav madelefs al - Ie Halle's e elry t lre,216 . Alaine street.lr. J* \\ e L iiltel htii( of c a I'oi at itn e.'n let i slot s i ie10.;1i1 i tll.d oA teiare ') i o espcO 1tatics. i Yourhe19leeMch - i r & ii.. Ih Iecl ud e et te et )r t ll NI sl>o l iIi s esi nsei, Cands sii O Bu i-sii-TaInpge eg thei The nattiest and most approved fash= ion, faultless in finish, reasonable and seasonable. Stein-RiookClothing Every Garment a fashion plate THdE ACME OF STYLE STYLES HERE NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE LINDENSCIIMITI, APFEL & CO. We are offerin~g a good line of n aedium priced BASE BALL. GOODS ard )FISHING'TACKLE H OA G'S* Con. Meklanmd Wo.shingtoe+ _ A Clasp Garters sri designs of one piece, pure Thnw silkd FLAT ALL Nebl. All iotal parts heavy nickel. SILK plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, C AS all dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market Street Philaelpha r iM -, /P -,S p-dtr. Twelve Goon Breakfasts In One c1 Package of J WHEA If s on buy two packages of SI IREJ) )ED WHEAT Biscuittfora quartr~the regular picelyo htve a dlicous, mluscle-mlakng, s tengcth-giv iIng brea kfsto rir5 centa- notre real nu~trim~ent tlhani Ito hle fondlin anv othr food iln the word for the samle PolleN . It cottains ALI. the body-building elenments in the whole wheat, made digesi- blc by steam-cooking, shredding atnd baking. If you serve SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT properly yoo will like it bittr then aty other cereal food. IT Sf101 1 I) \.WE\YS BFI I-JAlEI) IN THE OVEN jiust enouigh to 1restore cis;pINess and flavor. For breakfast, poor hot mil1k oeriti then add a little cream and 'Itddsh of silt. It is also de~iciolli in conbination withfruits, I' yon like the Biscuit for reame cis eala, coowill like TRIS- oyt >o f ClLA I o. S3hredded Wheat vcgctIisks. .i - e'Toasrxwihbult- I t 1ii< ? 1t1 eel smore e1101ik1it dasir it Is ]wis hg ieooml. DILLIARD5, BOWLING, LUNCHES. -~pCIGARS, CANDIES. TOBACCO. %12, 5. State 311 Maynard MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 Nrth University Ave. 0. A. MOE. ru~es., Fh . a ad Sat. M AI N itTR .fST Pianist, MISS MAUDE STANTON ILLUSTRATED SONG SOLOIST MISS OLIVE STANTON