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May 08, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-08

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UI j'O i Managinsg Idio-ARe IrR F. RITCI M.
__________________ Business Manager-C. E. WINSJI:AD. yssilt o
Our Spring 1 908 line of fine EDITORS
1 5News. .......,.Chauncey Bouclier.
Imported-and Domestic Athletics .... .....Lee A Whit.lr lp f~;x~
_________________________ Athletics, Assot... C. E. Eldridlge" H
I hne.......Robert -lonneooer cc ii 1uch
MuAA rUA Isie ..........Roy ID. Welc i iyfl~c' it
D ama.. .......Donial 1-1. I-jlames IIP Huc o
Women''s"Editor ... Louise Van Voorhis cic,01M
Russell M\cFarland
Is now ready. Jt includes allNIHEDTRM)1 :.l.V
the latest Novelties, Shades Ry Nn iGsheDITordS .Ri
and Up-to-Date Patterns in RyodVsee enr .Ri
Mos rwM. B. McHugh J. H. Preocot 1111111t1r
Caribou Tan, Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney1
Locather Shade, Walter K. Towers Louis Nraf
rYs n Lewis T. Kniskern Robert Moreland 11
Fancy Blues. Paul Greer Sanmuel H. Morei
Your patronage respectfully Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding ,ta mlc
solicited. Theron P. Cooper 1-'. TG. C. 'uilliani iz hrdt
John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam
G.sIHe Wild Coumpanly Harold P. Gould
ee Addresn: MICHIGAN DAILY. Press Bldg.
311 Si1st State Sr 11t Maynard Street.ho O sn ii
_________________Manager's Hours : I-2 p. in., 7-8 p. n irv(fi i
daily, except Sunday. Both phones ~iie1
FRILDAY, MAY 8, tgoo
A-ROU PICIrMJETC. hii'nai 11
Intepresentatlimo of \seie,
soers of the Freitch master poer's sn ki
and swholesiiime laughiter wil iall "1tiuti~t
Bo pjortunityfokencoyoo We it il"-xc
ate rolitidetlin predlietinsg this '. 0 ink111 thn1
(If past performancees by the Cecl ' f 1,r'"la
The Kempshall Water- t'ralleuis, and lbecause of our recedti ,:tl
Core is finding favor with titanso if the success of th e actolrs ill th ariill
golfers generally this year. Detoesher Verein int "M~inna ,5(111 r th e utniii
All the other good makes are Itelill.' "L'Ava~re" is nii tess ai worthy M.:lor
here in profusion-as well ss vehicle for the histrionicailly Iililitiluliemiil (
the fjmous McGregor clubs sttudents of Frettheltantgttage and ife iicii
of-which we are the sole sell- thaln was last years"Le lIoturgeolis Gen- ina
ing akents in town. ilhoniite," .andilthe mcmlbersihip ti e II 11 I r
east asosures ilt adequattte tperfoirmttnie. ftol
We are callinig atteuntion ito ties elcs 1painftil ci 11
Tennis Goods, too, not becauseesee fail tot realize that thy fthm l
lire obisins, btnblecatlse noi effiirt stiiidii
AT tie-spatredtby l il councernedl to secue te I (i4i1 1,'
success of such elnetuires is the stlgili- l{I
of as foreignt lassie. 1t is doittl l
SheI;,%han Co . J whethter terycansprohierly tie ealleil°n onicci
litres eithter, as repteatedlstiecesses htills twldl
Student Bookstores mtadc:its confidetif our aliities.Bt1rwfo
althsosughtso manl~y thigs may bethuse liii ticc
. ta~~~ken. fur granttedl, The lDaily is to'us~c~e
121 ational League Ball deeply interestedin iirealizing lie hpe11111 iiri
is the tondard of the world. In the great' we tave set tp for i~lihitigas a Ii ttu s ie ofIthe
world's chamspionship games' between thefodrmtcehuis toak aiy il eslc,
Chieago Nationals and Detroit Americanssthefotrlnaictltsism ollsei
Spalding LeagueiBallwas used. The Spalding other than it fanalhtically iinsistentii A all ret
Official National League Hall is is used by tuite. 11111111111111
Yale, Harvward, Prineetons and all promnent Ansere casua~l commltenit 505w 1and1tlenl tle lli.11
-college teams. The noiers andnsailors in the
--HG lts ryAn ,. -:f alate teyin rmusec is o-nxtsmet

se ICy1t1e\slyorele-Gl
are there11 IillkloIllthe
iIII 'lollictilllgiinters
c)14 a lrauo , and i i the
tii) W it l iig hel -
can in-n hepesre I
its 1 i i ill the ltheater ei
I s 1111TI f
lo i hntcties if
51 ri tint(, to lidttc lian
smsitius bccom acteis i
ity Thcv calie tht th
iloflag or. lai;out
- I 11111 11111ityis tk
, en if i L lie ity ii
c~ii( ii dres i "Ti he
ii~\\asII toni\ n h
.1here il a g11111tidial iiof
\\a, siltlelil t ncli lll 1111-
,snia ea elhe~ i iistei
ills a t s i v s G s
Ii i i= ,pc fe a is
ni1. Nhal thelirl arsiiss -1
hi I c toldin Irids rsproil
lsiiip & CoI ord7rtan.
arrat intttimts c8-hob

Mflusic ana dramna
lliAc.r5 Clisni III 11.11 ieliliiu.
htiss fGeritriids\o lii liii-Smith 11nd1
tr compnlosiioins suaie iaifavorblle i-
prelssioni lst ight i his lsig tie
utcocrt of tis yeir's- sris. 1is
if hiss Sithsnsiiiand510 lll11r1o i
Mr. IRillesti iid S uiiitiLocko
resplectiiely N le srkingumei tntfIli N
Sm01itss Ifrk is itid iiualiyin ilseme
"1111dils'elhiie o ext1g ies.\iss Smiiilis
song;thatlavric uh is trmted 111111
eri.l. h1erii wokss werie iciielin- i
teresingl. As5iac 1111paniis sis is puits
ad unobtllrusive.
NIri. Liickwsooid a nI r. Killen were~
sellilsi lieinlisrid in suet 10111111c
nrhslie freuently1Iishiiisiisiiscasil.s'
fill.iiii lrisis iterprsaini. M'liii-
iane s tohenimosiwariii reiedci
Brahms 1111 11111 P ballsthe Schube111
NmIu huh Pusiele" iiii.Lizts PP ll
stell rceCivedl.
illilli TTRCTIOi AT11111%, 1111011~ti
copng whichsis. to Ilsenit liHilionill
teariiltiis tl-noi and10Ills in aris e
frthur at itihtNinNNhi iss touhi
the on lis th IiuslCompaIyl i li li
Neiw Nor anid IChisiiiihtre iioe
for a sumrrnatteAdioim
The coiiiitispihisaiei 1yp IIiiis IKly,
a ciiiedhiiian ofthe 11515 schooll.wholiliii
ater oiiisls liet of IieaconiiFlo111111.
Kelly,1wholi es le onthe snt'sie oi
thins . is this silulofiJihniT. Kll, (ills
if le uimostiproiiietii hcmein
ofI le day, a1d11111110a tieiiibeiiof le
celebrteid Witberiandiiiild~sil c ny.
acti iersbiiy now111illmuiel c11111
hils lhe leadinhlg femalelrole. PWillimu
Bilack,,who ltayss Iheerole f Reddyi
Sampsonsiiia ioebosymnffals nui.l into lii
this part . heore guiig oil this sagei le
wils a cw chi11er initheiBad1b111sI
sevnlisi iaipretieshill on iaeranchi
adljoininllg tha1 to-hees iThedre loose
vct leariedsto h lroiw a sher. Te
echlieus is extestily lrge 1and11sidihto
ie prticielarly fetchiiig. It icueolihe
celebrated1ll ~glisli Dacig Pisiis.
A.nutiuuber of choie seats fr L'Aslie
---eseeillbut it calledlorue--wilhe
platcdl ot sale at ahrs tiday atii
o'cuoek. The sale eiittinutes lt PVaihri
front i tol 6, auth at the Majlesie o
office f ronm7 to . Prices: 50 cclii,
75 cents, $.0; tuna set, $i.oo.

Base Ball
Make Your
Class Team
Get the right kind
of a Mitt and a " 1Ty
Cobb Bat". The rest
will be easy.
coy ~pI*5,e n, at
University Bookstore
All the latest in
Kodaks and
Rent a Kodak
lOc per day
Zporttn Go0009
1, ,i,,i, hav e onuch ait
mecssiry tiiuii, ii, iwthtistudents s t
at htte ilul nywielitie aneye
lis thaigirls issiitrtad service
h1111e Sti ltialilwiorki dne at
AINLL'S and it- iillfit ysuncuss-
tiirtabiitsaiiit.11aatteertsults. Qik
Repairs. Lenss Gaounad.
oiptial Spcialst with
WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler
22t Suth Main Street


elustyely. In fetlt Is Inuiversalause where-
ever Ps~e Ball Is Played.
.nIw~r Chicago, 9t. Louis, San Francis,
is ever Ruffalo Syracuse, Htts-
snas, Piladelphis, 08 n, tlaclnnatl, Ralti-
mols, Washiugton, Ksasas C~Ity, Cleveland,
New Otetsans, Detroit, Montreal, Canada.

t scieties at long initervalls, aserer idil Cry ui 5111 1111Cr
interest iwill never accomptlihl the enut Icpatil n ti.
thtat swe all uesire. lHopefunssen- ---
tltusiaslitantd vigor iwill liccomptlhishiit, Sill and
and thtese forces can be expendedupo11111aiii shapes.
so honorable a cause wilt very little mivi n-u

Is the time to get your
Co-Oop Store

High School Hall
may S, 8:15 P. M.
High School Hall
Thursday Evening
Mwy 7

As necessary as your su~mmer
vacation. Pays for the loss of
all a, articles taken from yoar,
For particulars enquire of
General Agents Empire State Surety Co.
50 Hammond Bldg. DETROIT, MICHI.
Phone Main 6505


:«eIue . The, Randall Studio, Randall &Pack, Props.

Phone 590

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