__Z M _T A -_A!LY w_'. " 10 00 STUDENTS 'WEAR TAI LORING We shoe the largest anid most complete assortment of N eW woolens in this part of the State, we take pride in the Quality, Price and Design. Look over ouir lnf today. A M USEiME N TS New W hitney Theatre BELL PHONE 480 HOME PHONE 200 Friday, May8 Matinee and Night THE SEASON'S GREATEST GIRL SHOW HVARR Y KELLY IN TH-E BI MUSICAL SUCCESS "HiS HONOR00 THE MAYOR" WITIM CALLNDAR. May '8--LVAvare," presented by the Cercle Dramatiquie Francais, at Majestic theater, 8 gp .in May 8-Students' Medical society en- tertainmuent in Barbour gymnasium. Ad. dress by Dr Walter Courtney, chief sur- geon of Northern pacific railway. May ao-"French Architecture," illus- trated lecture by Prof. Emit Leerch, aus- pices Cercle-Dramatique Francais, Sara- Caswvell Angell all, 8 p. i. UIFFIOTCE All contestatnts for tennis touramett report at 2 :30 today ot Ferry field. Iloag. 'Te Sandinaviatn elttt wilt -meet in the _Alpha Ntt rooms tonight to elect officers. 'The Utniersity Press cb will mtet t thte lttbhoise totigt at 7 o'clock. Eletion of officers. Imptortatte meetig of juntior engineer intg class tonight, $ o, Roont 30. Ele- tiotn and ena~itutioual antendttetts. The annual sophomore frolic for sop- omore and freshman girls will be held itt Barbour gyltstashittmott Saturday evet- ig, May 9. All persotns avitg reserved tickets for "L'Avare," which is to be givett to- morrow evening at th Majestic. should call for them today betweet 4 and 6 o'clock at Warrs oeuk store. Those remnainittg mpaid for a fter todaiywil 'se put ott sale tomorrows. NOTICE. _. A\ttetiton of class, orgaization and team treasurers is aainr called to their ills for represetatiou n ittet8 Mich- igauetsian. These shotld be settled at ontce. Address. iol Mieliganensiat, R'tottm , Atn Arbot 'Press Bdg. Office tours, t to 2 tp. . daily. J. W. Mc- Camndlsss, Butsitts-ssMatnager. f SUstMIR WORK. S. A . Wiggins. is at te Cok Houmtse Friday atd Saturday, May 8 atd 9, to inters'iew stud'ets regarding stmmer work. Salary gtaranteed. s-6o L.OST-Zeta Psi badge at Cotttty Fair, Friday tigt. Retmurt to 51.5 S. State S. Rewartd. sq-o 'Te otly practical leather garter fsr knee-length drawers. tenry & Co., 709- 71t N. Utniversity. 586 Postl cards of te Cotmnty Fair ott stle -,t Lyndo's, 5cets ecah. Now is the tine to have your roons papered, decorated or painted. We are takitig special prices. Your credit is good. C. H. Major & Co. Both phones 237'.t Longmatn Co., Photographers. Groups, views, lantern slides, and postcards. De- velopitng and printing for amateurs a specialty. This firm consists of Will- iams, formerly with Lyndon, Thompon, who has had several years' experience, and Longmn .36 South State street. Phone to. tf Soft and stiff hats in latest shades anid shapes. IHetry & Co., 709-7t1 N. Utniversity. 586o NOTICE.-Class teams and fraerni- ties can save money by getting -their bseball supplies at Cushing's. tf --SPrECIAL SALE- ON TWO PIECE SPRING SUITINGX HENRY (~ CO* -709-711 NORTH UNIVERMSITY A-VICNV - ~OPEN EVENINGS' - SUSPENDERS LlJIT ANAwilpsictieotrfladkst LU~iT ANIAthree pars of. ordinasry suspensders. t/1df "set.Webbing inimiale. '~ 4. s tostQualty unaraying. / 'tS i~SBattonkolsaindes tutible. 1A ,R OW ti v tyl1e ; Y genune pairhlsae Colloarf vs.- tu ttp paed t 'h:: it, i:T~'& OMkes STHLIMERBRO'THE, a Co: t. ls/'t .utaissArs~iz . a, SPHINX $2.00 HATS' The ttew Spring Styles are tnow ready in all the new shapes and colors. S Miller Made CD ij ( D~ New Lie Guaranteed F ED W .G ROS. I CohsLiberty St. and 4th Ave. (Jolf C110 THIE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BOSTON, MASS. tis school no'w h'asi. teltiitt-. samt eqipmet't forSte'achinig antd eeseaechtin the vri- aus branchtes of mteditctieprobabliy stietualed in this cotrcy. Ot the fe build- tugs. tour are destetd eniely tolabtoratuory teacintg adresearch. Numieos hospltals affordt abundtiani topotunties tfort' Ittital Instruction In ateditue and t surgery COURSE FOR TiHE DEGRE.E OF M. D. A Sitar' yeasco're,otpe'n sttiibteches sitset. ltet urte,ptttltuaphy or scense,. smandto personastof eqival sent standin:,g.Sleadts to the'de'gree'iot At.t). The studies of the faurth sye ir are wholly-lectisv': thetyincludte tatboratotey suibJets, general msedicie, e n tetal surmgemry anidte specialt t'ttit'tl a~eait's. 'theseaet sehlttyear The diplema of the Unisersity aof Mchigan is accepted far admission. Fore detail- e'dtainttaatemtt't : ctaltou,addreess HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Boats, Mass. TRIXIE jFRAGANzA LOLA LEIB BoBY WARIR.Y HUGH F AT 75-People Mostly Pretty %,il -73 Attn Arhor is thte- only stop hetween New York and Chicago, u re. this comipatny goes to thte AUDITORIUM for the summer. NTspA PRICES:-35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 ItNEE PRICES:-25c, Sac, 75c, $1,00 SEATS 030 ON SALE WEDNESDAY MORNING I TI-E BEST IN THlE STATE FOR DANCE MUSIC GRANGER '$ACA\DEMY ORCHESTRA Toit i tebest i fitoatboi i S Stits mechestr a.itbooh directly thesagh the anreni~ient at teocadmav (tti S Pisowillins'ureanomiaunderssandia'nato data admen asiiito.Bin-iiiftitlist isi welas tis sesonwillbe made. To Care for Hardwood Floors The Simplest Waythe Easiest Way--the Best Way J is to use Old Eanglish Flone Wax. It is economaical, easily applied and producea the rich, subdued lustre which is an highly prized and which ant be abtsnd in ay other' way. It is be5tter wax ad it's this quality that's put ittto Old English Per Wax lbat pitstheliqu'ality looik on ruse floors. Just as good for fuemiure tind you can use it on yoar grand piano sit the assurani~ce tha t eitimantit injur-ut >it will obliterate the scratches atnd must beautifully polish,. "The Wax with a(laranteeo Makes your woodwork louk like new and. tewhole roam umore satnitary. rYou can gel it here lost up in 1, 2, 4, aind S8lse ans). zulocovers 300sqsare feet. Come lo ose store and let na te11 yos how to use it to make hardwood floars heastif 1.l FOR SALE BYl Twelve Good Breakfasts In One CIEDF HA Package of SHRI DDE IILHEAI If yon buy two packages of SHREDDED WHEAT Biscuit for a quarter(tlse regular price) yosu have a delicious, muscle-making, strength-giving breakfast for 5 cents- more real nutriment than is to be found in any other food. in the world for the satme money. It contains ALL the body-building elemients in the whole wheat, made digesti- ble by steam-cooking, shredding anld haking. If you serve SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT properly you will like it better than any other cereal food. IT SHOULD1 ALWAYS BE HEATED IN THE OVEN just ct-ough to restore crispness and flavor. For breakfast, pour hot milk over it, then add a little cream and a dash of tast. It is also delletous iu combination with fruits, creamed If you, like the Biscuiit for ur breakfast, you will like 'TI5RI S- Oyestes.C UIT-the Shredded Wheat ve Etab is. ,_ Wafer-as a'Toast with hut- 03 . ashiro"~o s/// We helteve ii the Stuents Their.,credit ha good with us AN.ARBOR ARAGE MAYNARD 'STREET AUJTOMOBILES, MOTOR BOATS, ENGINES, STORlAGE, REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES SALES AGENTS FOR THOMAS DICTROZT CARTER.-C AR'. TOUIRIST, THOMAS s nsd MAXWIDLL ha M &oaeka Whetn yott want a pipe, see uns. BILLIARDS. BOWLINO, LUiNCHE-S. CIGARS, CANDIES. T66ACCO. &S $11 Mm~Y4 MO' BAB HO m .NJ NewFilms 'Tues., Thxurs. aid Sat. T~lE A$INO< Pianist, MISS MAUDE STANTOP( iLLUSTRATED sorts SOlOIST MISS OLIVE STANTON