_______TNt MICHfGAN tbAlLSV Now is the ine - TO - SAVE TIME Shave yourself- BEFORE you wait. HOW? With a Gillette Safety bought at QUARRY'S. Money Loaned On Watches, Diam ons. LawBooks or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repairs. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331 E.sLberty St Ann Arber Heurs: at 113e a. na.1 to :30 ad 7is ALL BUSINESS COFIDENTIAL JOSEPH C. WATTS Spring Hats Sporlxs Post Car-ds Darling & Malleaux STATE STREEOT - College Steins HALLER'S JEWELRY STORE, 2161 S. Minj St IeCream Soda All flavors tacluding Chocolaic 5Sicets We make ihe best Chocolaie Soda in ihe city. East University Pharmacy ir'1i S. Un5ivi'ty Avne V. of tM. 8ARBER SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKt, Prep. BlATHtRoitiDisii(iis' I iHOT AND C1 011 u: il Bi Xlii' Ladies' and iChsidse', 1 i 's ti ViiiiSA GiE A iiSPY IAiesY.'2 , ,'5isENS 322 S. Statr St. Phane 359 Bell Ann Arbor, M~ich. U 'NffItN'.S COU~lRTlS 'TO0OPEN~ C. ' l { MB'ST] IN ANN ARIBOR 'Tiiheieiiis coirts heloniging 1o the 'Iiig isai liiisoii will lic opened at the end of thi s-eek sor initse casrl' part 01 nixt. Sn accoisnt of tie lbed weailier it has beesndifficuili in comspltethe cours, buiiiall dial renmaisstinbhrdone is toled el iegrousnids. These ceutrs ar ftlin secliay,iwell (Irainedl, aind eellentily' fecini. Thfe lMicliigain lnions cafesmaangemient has ganedthelieputilatio'n of beinig the best caterers ini toen boih in ilic liniin an uti.'T'here are twienty~ regular sea' de, and lastimonth over itiree thosad eals wiere serveid.'Tlis ini- ie esix hiiiiirei laliles served in lie \'omiian's Ileagule ini larbiiur gym, the hsndred iaiiltieiity-five ini Neis- isg} yesI sllsindifthe inumieruis bisnqeics :Ind ,si l-e--in Iihe'clubhiousse. 1?\(1 l Ilh;ICNfl lDIiI5AR''SIEN't' INS NI NN il 'iCIIlNIS' Th sllieingsdepartmntafsst 1 s-euii istws isw iciescfor tilist s sigabraslorsy. 'Tie it-sirepriesenit aii tiss llisue isa$ix,0sie ll'sone cost- ing $5oo. The lateri s a5 so,ooo51iiiiuii is ssfma iie fori'testinig the sraln Te"placs Ie if ltwo55typen, onie riaadths othler hoirizsonist lThese, lktitrstsiofitillsapplissnces, iiinti~s Ic isusi liii ShaftiiveIiIismsachinuery ii notur- if 'lk, Inow maich inles arc eo sill inauomatil, andifacecorsing tPrf.i. flen rssis siripefeetlas such mchin ican illlad. 'Theyrice- (d tomi s lls ithe ifaia iiieaschstest. If'NIOI10 I,'1>1 l>sfldlilsff 111II,1\ INS 41 \ lfl2C'1lfN Duit)th- o)l h sll gameis li t;li' iii ,55egiiiiiandsoil eiMis ikeiir of i ills acsfo teliterayssesossciate, sil- is sn o ifs l ie1C1 l n,sseissis, sssiisiiss ii lsind elecions sfosr' iese oficies are p iii s unil 8i:3is s'cliick Sauiridsy i1(mi.lHplls li Izissis iC, Vnsi- f ri Tll, \ill e kpf penuntl 1'0 I'l.\ \IC l~f.\ lISP IYINII if 1)l, lii flesh i'foopsi-hile els-ri- iirc'15i~ng ilithis l lborstory yestslerday aficg ollgtritsomsu lpfhusric uacIidin (r-il iiilus's-es. Qusicks sctionsith s-ll i isis- s-isged'if ls 'erssightfiiroimiinjiiry and todayIm-i'61i if s"et,'s rels ic dentis'i. - c. «Iii ii ssicr -,s>ii ix-, tissi-s iii s. t,. a. is etil of's hg itu-hsis sinafliceliiardi im essiurl wa iss hldsvesici'ssv siftei'ooni a ilush leoniasrsd U' Reusi-sics electeid tasr i- lite Stuesili' Lecitureassoi- ii i for nexti near. Ifesls'ctioniiiof acrepn gss'srs'tsry li-scpsipoinedl uiliios's' sidats'. MEl' IA I CAl, 1,'N IINIBOE,;S. iiis' mchliiCsl eingineeinig desiart- mnfeli s twoii neiws c cusr es ii inshysra tic' iiii'llii srs'forni erii 'ssi'llseewuill he iiiider itie iirecdt ioof S. JI Zoweski. Ail E'. 1 >, Cissr se i scoalerliirbsines, siill gisve coumiileit' theory of different typels if isaser tirbiiies; comiputatioins if iswate'srliurins ,fioi' siffei''est ciidi- lions, alsio, snalse's fiii'pilblsmsiiicliid- ig isatesr ishfel gove rnosforcseed aiis 111esslreireslatio'is. A siiecial stiudy ifceiniiriiiig'l fpumlps cifll alssi he iiade. Iin'1fI.;. '1iillisi' sr ewcouiise,sse- silcteioinciill bl ien tci li designs of iiecl siisif ssdtiil1i i iolihydisislic11011- srllsntls. potuityi-si-ll blive n-uiii tis cusefoir advaiicedstudlisfcaiid Bork forfussif hissis Nvhociwsiih tosiisfsi'as sus- Conklin's Self -Fillind th So Cleg. Fountain Pen ADVERTISED IN THIS SPACE ON TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS Sold in Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES .AND... SHEEHAN & COMPANY cul.1o tlilfiies'ioll.si 14ff SlOPE _ 'slIll :11 f111 a "nmn fSn i i l;D ust - ocho uprin.g Alls silillililhss ece's'y' hels 1 mades 1bI tlei g'iss'i'ssii si iff lish li binis. ifs ii ani appf oimatsi ionfi i fNorthils 'sassi i isdesas viiiithosei'of Sosuths i.Am eian counries thrngltthe i fsellecual is ium sso f isfot i n-sls isisis I on- ill ferscncelsicli'is iols' place I iiuSn- The new .Spring Scarf as a special introduc- lisigo, Ch'lficIfs's', iii, inset ifif- pig ofrn pca feels if lie lesidisig lusverssies int the tory of the spig we are ofeigaspca fuitr1 S1sfeis andialsf snsyuscienillic purchase of beautiful new Spring French four- -ieiosls cviuc io lts. iilteresisslarein- in-hand, in -new correct shapes with open ends tos ovhsat atsstifisudfth litedssfStates and in all the handsome spring coloring. wvill tsake iossssr'ftis inittiosde'i pensf The new Spring Shirts make their first bow chifcl'isl i nte astionss of C gessec, forsa fill fprviing IIlieappropfriation of $35,- and they are beauties. The new spring styles tojoli ~efs~sisi esui lgss in Hats and-Cap are here for your inspection. tto Is tis thsco feresfrenscs is ci nNv isefire gi heflte Lo se ofi sisi iss l s. _S, sliesusldil le ilp s is isisin lRosevelt.fi silflIhais thei power5 to choseliss llttuin w i sh e sishsliss os havsiss' eprfesesnted tiie Co 'llege rii' stititisis ifs sigh us'1 if- poningin turn its-05515i'srerssentatives T lie f sact ills the s'ata io f teco fr ene si)C ti sanin ing ofsitNi'sYrk n W.oiCs'riCo.,tof Cicgo. Anystiylesf'sninassisesrangiof'stssiseis gaet ,issss'sssssSsss' Oil Shorissi isiicr Th'fe sase 'fechi irits t15t51tle C'se -Pirloss$3.00 isp Is-ail'mll- s'slefa b ishilgssnusics expescsd. MACK ft Co. sNueiand Gold," lie asualss at sstfle Uiviesrsis'iof tCslifoiass, ihs ss'or the.s i s ie Initi' s isssisory a sear Idonslime. (in Watchei, Diamends, Jewelry, and all Iifst is IuwitteIlls-i Iis tiIs liii I stis l iti sClasisOChattet and Coullteral Secur- MON[Y' [OAN[D ty iBesinesi strictly conidental. sersity stusti fleri' le isismkiii gsli o ilise 14ForhA eue poit or os nsors: 8:30 to 1:01to ,I t o 8:15,i t v orhA s poiesa oi Camusu. "Andis still the Iassinot i Two doors south of City Y. M.C.A. W. J. LOVRIM- obeyesd," sssys the- Dailys St uit. Negligee Shirts-sleeve lengths to fit. R i/ f Chamois gloves-washable, Fancy Hosiery 'for Oxfords. 193 VYDr. *: Holeproof hosiery-Guaranteed six months. - Knee length union-suits. UNDERWEA New golf taps. - Just in -NIew no-space collar. WAGNER CA& CO. State st. Summer weight pajamas. Class T~WI~S ~ ston~' The Safety Watch DiscE C T I V.rsty Ilthe 55 7 lI o40 yyw Wiiisrri esta-s i ll .,su eiP: 6tncifomtert2sofh ls Pure e slf i -el neat ui Ii t trs,.to Cole le:I lfsoou i s ut t mbtos apisersnce wr, slusitt Sple o IeMCar id get acsamdtl arsisy os.sI1 o easel. --Wonmefi ,for AllPu~rposes59'W arsstrininig for (-.5 c ist o5 onbya i0n SEND FOR ONE IODAY iOn _________________________ .r Daudeissit (nii''offlu-i iius," r 'I iiah igntihesmsASOs Tiu11 tIslFT)- 's IuIAN'S tlog nfrvidaet cn4> esie tdntt WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWE CO nnet tuI arcci- PAL MYRA NOVELTY COMPANY ZOEstwEngo~SRe COt cafur ey PALMYR A. N.Y. p EatWs rio S et CATCHERS' FF1 il batsku1__ ___ ___ -ifyousi s a et isis t po sii , buy tssil i 1T11-IIiUK'pla 11rs'u"' Wihithier yen passess eralithii-ie Sand that its-ig ie xagusspaye css.5cent. t sie ---;;- ise b i ho REALiC -ItCIOAL AMERiICAN LiEAGUBALI, S hTJ"N2KEEP YOUR-,DATES , sue yals gth e' rev -prus~ieu i sh ii get Used o s I. i; . h.ci- lib-l f S OTT'S D N IG ACADEMY ___-- the Ameican Lnes U -sThsoi:allsnt ennuleiaCt' gaes. - W 5oth Sate Street By carrying a epy of the MCI AN - TrE ACH OFFhIC -lIAL BASE BALL GUIDE I - 40 iNBOce'spckt apctrmm will pet yous oiii h e le -sohi s s icirtt s eofI e ge - - c s i sc',eti. Also Ca ..S atid y 0-hN BO nya eh.Snetrmm iiotiisthistry slpos u. si se'sotl se-ii- e nt~s-tcaes' 1-, o hpbymail Ca at rd y 0 A. M. aned oranda, calendar, special events, Unisterity Patent Leather Bets made with vel. Ifis t~ da t:il z ,,i,5 ' . -- szls.ppy ou)s oesii~rsus os ses~tu,'iofe. 7:30 1P. M. Calenar in thisl150page bos. Given, away vet at ihahet A se-o. urn e-siail ssi lgu-i51- . to tudets at the Universt Y M. A.fMc. math yursitorblose, Ie. Send uasa A.JsEAHC. 1e ulpSret hlaepi piece of the dress god when sending order. A .RAFCOie TilStetPilephaAsseissbly 9Po'lch. Miiaa.ll~. .-THE EITCAFT CO.. BOSTON, MASS. ST UDIO-- - y a i. 319 iEast Huron Street