_______________________________ 'IR ICI4GAI DAIL.Y _____________________ 3O Days for you To try a Razor at our expense. Either the famous Carbo Magnetic or the; Gillette Safety will be loaned to you. Ask us about It 1E. E. CALKINS, Druggist. 324 south State Stiet. AMUSEM ENTS New Whitney Thieatre D LPHONE 480 HOME PHONC 200 *%ri'ida , ay 8 Matinee and Night TilE SEASON'S GREATEST 'GIRL SHOW HMARRY KELLY IN THlE BIG MUSICAL SUCCESS "HIS HONOR THE MAYOR" WITH TRIXIE rRAGANZA BODY DAKR.LY L OLA LEIB HUGH F IrAY 75-People Mostly Pretty Girls--75 Ann Arbor is the only stop between New York and Chicago, where this company goes to the AUDITORIUM for the sumnlner. IGHT PRICES:-35c, $Oc 75c, $1.00, $1.50 MATINEE ,PRICES:-25c, .50c, 75c, $1.00 SEATS GO ON SALE .WEDNESDAY MORNING To Care for Hardwood Floors The Simplest Way-the Easiest Way-the Best Way , ito use Old Eglish Floor wax. It is economical easly appled and ~ produces the rich, subdued lustre which is so highlyprized and which cannot be obtained in any other way. It is btter wax and it's this qaaliiy that's put inod Engish Fler Wax that puts the quality look on your floors utas god for furiture and you can ;use it ii your grand piano with the astrance that it cannot injure-but It will bit rae the' scratches and most beautifully polish,b- Atzh axivria ltteaaete Makes your woodwork look like new and- the whole room more sanitary You can gel it here tput up in , 2, 4, and 8 lb. tas). I t. covers 300 square feet. Come to our store and lot us tell yu how to use it to makehardwood itoors beautiful. FOR SALE BY C. H ~Or E.CO.} We believe ilil teStudents_ Their credit is good with ns ~ANARBORIGARAGEA AUTOMBIL6, W~IT~i OR'TS, ENGINES, STORAGE, REPAIOS AND SUPPLIES SALES AGENTS FORn ROYALTOUVRIST -a TEMMALS DETROT % CA WTEAL C0jL TOVItJOT, THOM~bAS d~f4 MAX WELL In stook., I CALENDAR. .May 7-"ThteIDeelopment of Wash- tngtot, tce Capital City," Charles Moore, lecture rooot physics laboratory, 85 p. ttn, No admission. May y.7-F'Acltr concert, '1-~gh Sool bhall, 8 p. to, MayY 7-"L'Avare," a lectre it Eng- fish, ly Prof. Moritz Lei, aspices of Cerce Dramnatique Fratcais, Tappan Hall lectttre rottm, 4 p. t. Admission free. May 8-"L'Asare,' presetted by tle Cercle lDrattatiqteFratcais, atIMaestic theaer, 8 pItt. May 8-Stttdetts' Medical soeety et- tertainmett itt Barbor gytttasittm. Ad- dress by Dr Walter Cotrttney, chief sr- geotn of Nortlternt Pacific railway. May -_o-"Frenclt Arclitecttre," illis- trated leturee iy Prof. Emtil Lorc, ans- picers Cerce lDrataatittte Francais, Sarah Castwell Atgell hall, 8 p. t. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Jtttior lit aselall teatt retort at fair grossnds at 3:30 tis aftertoott Ali y tltg stmtett ttet'tat gymtti'lsrs- say at' olock; eletots l=krtsudt. 'Ile et tmeetig of tie Scatditnaians club will be held Thursday at 7 s. m. Electiotsofof(ticers All marine engineers who went on Detroit trip April 25 come to Room 321, NetwEtgineering bilditg, today. Retresenttatiessof ts' arios las- guag Clubls are reqested to stares at 4 so'cssck rriday, it Room g, TappanaIiall. I';suits R. Johttson. Associattetmbers of Cercl Dramta- tiqtuerFrantcaisalo Iaetot obtite reservedi seato for "LAare" are re- sisestes tis sdt so today, 4 to 6 p. tm., at WVat's. IBring tmemblershistieks. ''hsose sshotshase sats reservedl for test ame askesd tsalIfo samte tssda~y. NOTICE3 Attentiont of class, oianAf ono ansI trans treasurers is again called to their ills for relresentation in te ioS Mich- tasesia. 'These sotld he settlesi at otte. Asdsress tso8 Micligasetsiat. Kososmt t, Attt Aror Press Blg. Office housr, i to 2 p. tt. daily. J. XW. Me- Cattdless, Butsitess Msaa~ger tf Nosy is tetimhoe to ae yor roons papered, decorated or panted. We are amakittg special Iprices. Your credit is gsod. C. H. Maor & Co. Both phones 237. tf Private itstruction in cenistry._ 631 S. tIngalls St. s, totf Amnatesur Photographers Notice-Tank developttaett gets best reslts. II oar it. Lyndson od-f Lonagttaan Co, Photographers. Group, .vesws, lanttertn slides, atd postardo. D- velopitng atd prittitg for atatero a specialty This firm consists of Will- iats, formerly with Lyndon. Thompoot, swho has ad several years' experience, and Lontgtman 36 Soth State street. Photte o. tf See our complete line of Michigan pins, fobs and souvenirs. uller's Jewelry Store, 216,S. Main street. od NOTICE-Class teats and fratersi- ties can save money. by getting ther baeball supplies at Cushigs. tf HATS HATS HATS Every fashionable effect, every color, of the season . CAPS CAPS CAPS The nattiest and most approved fash= io6, faultless in finish,, reasonable and seasonable. Stein-Rio ckClothing Every Garment a fashion plate THlE A{CME,.OPF STYLE STYLES HERE NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE LINDIBNSCIIMITT, APFEL & CO. HOAG'S Wfe are offering a good linse of mxediu~m priced BASE BALL GOODS arnd FISHING TACKLE IH A "4Cor. Main sh nd Wa.shingtolm y lor s ey. It's 5'. . " pssresi lk sets, flt-ir ony ~' .- Thes' paternss are 1 eyfl t apgarer newto,exlsivs'-vari- isth Bihtn.hji . g 5 e 4 ety enoutghsto satiafe ais a ~ ko-ilsby s' eserylsosy. All ametal parts thesmianssdsswerthsem. Thsolsteare arc of heavy nstele-plated brass. is tisere, atnd they csa st ny a quas~rer If rosssealner can't stupp~ly yosu, a a plair. Rememtbser st, paterstivthe senttuSponreceipt stf price. PIDtIEERSUSPtNDSR COn.718MAKT'ST., PHILiiiA. i NOETRAAGEi FOeR NSOiME HOLIDAY SSIEUa L. MAKtRS or PiIONERStUSPtNDERS U Twelve Good Breakrasts In ,One Package of If cau buy two packages of SHREDDED WHEAT Biscuit for a quarter(the regular price lyon have a delicious, muscle-making, strength-giving breakfast for S cents- more real tnutritnent thatn is to be found in any other food in the world fist the sanmemntey. It contains ALI., the body-building elenments in the whole wheat, made digesti- ble by steam-cooking, shredding anld bakitng. If you serve SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT properly you will like it better than any other cereal food. IT SHOLTLI) ALWAYS BE HEATED JN THE OVEN just enough to restore crispness and flavor. For1 breakfast, pour hot milk over it, thetn add a little cream and a dash of salt. It is also delicious in combination ci reamed If you like the Biscuit for Oteamed breaifast, you will l ike T R IS- oegtaes.orC U I'---he Shredded Wheat I Students are always wet- comse at mur stores. Read the papers, rse phones, smoke, meet youtr friends. We try to treat you right. tee or cheese, for luncheon or mint meal, as a sub- stilsite for white 0:,, floutr bread. lhI4e alraIlFood Go./ S Niagara Falls, N. . I, %/iK/ I . I I - - Now F'*1mrn Tises., T1. %r. &nd Sat. F.-I LE C A$I- NO Pianist, MISS MAUDE STANTON ILLUSTRATED SONG SOLOIST MISS OLIVE STANTONN