IrHr MICIGrAN DAIL'Y'u Si THiE MICIHGAN _DAILY. ti s ( ine 1 i a i .Itagiug I.ditr-Aueoea xF. RITCHIEI Xci Athletic., lExchai~ge 'eluir.. Drama.. Womnr's S m anagGT--1.,. i:,. VV LIV bTLAU. EDrITORtS . Chauncey Rancher . ......Lee A White .s' . ,,...C. E. Eldridge . .,,.Robert Mountsier .Roy D. WVelch ......, onat Ii. Haines Editor.... Louise Van Voorhis EDITORIAL STAFF Russell McFarland NIGHT EDITORS ttai od Visscther Leonard C. Reid REPORTERS M,1. Mcilughr J. H. Prescott Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinbiey Walter K..'loswers Louis Kraft Lewris .,Kniskeru Robert Moreland Pathl Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding 1 rercal",Crooperr E. G. C. Weilliams A. L. Ilainline BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wore ,Carl H. Adam Hlaroldl F. Gould Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press .Bldg.. Maynard Street. how asi sir bug a linerat sticesses uttd sttadvtcesshas theiyeriejust closittg, ire littestmplr ratefor rejoicing, and may corngratuilsate outrsetves that sir are learning the rtin ibchlrlntrsortisought. to teach-that ire tusn "tive inthe Moment 'aind take a step forwarrd." It is the cumnulatie product of these maney steps whicsienakes the "old gratds" irwritein stiehia rein as citdioti. Charles A.. 'Townue iii a recent letter, whent Ite rsaid : "It makes me swishi I had been biornt a generation later, so that t too tiight hare a tanditnsill these good tinigs, andi enjeoy the larger, finer MIich- igao that has grosen toi tic" cnisiesrrtYSS ieIS'TRi'tIix Oir 'ROiruTY Ni ote swhoiafrequttsiiathe IUnisoticlab- hoisie liarnt hadihist sasttenttion icalled to the toughitless atntdssatieftil destruic tion of thre unsugs.itrrs aiiid newspaspers placeid salt file there for the coiirenuienice of 'metmtbers. There is. scarcely a page oif si daily tratper that lissntot satie story clitatesd fromr its colunutis. Tire weekly adl umontthly sitters stiffer ito less. Itoughttot tio le tnecessary tIraesll tor the, attetioit of the tpertietrators of these aicts of vatndalistm that ltrey are violatinig not onttysi rule sal the clubhoiasse hut also, andilwhtt.fuoii the viewrpoiint sif tttnishmencut, is mrore serious, a lass fthe state. Utider the statutes of Mici- iganu the trsositswhio arc thus destroy- lug_ ste iriperty, initire Uttiont's library sire tnskiitg thiemiselves lissble to a hear's etts'.ing tsti prisug cestss, rundrdeitded tor aidopi the pillars figt sug~gestedi through 'fleDl~siy somire tine ag. Asr pillowis fight. it wil libe isiioinithn-i r as B 1 tire as tice''iasi fight." 'the ucotiittee'.B a - seill isortsout tic detail..s i anputlishi thne rules soonl.'rTe. titireiiibeseit _______________________ itely idecidiedt tponr witbinithe netue'twrs or three days stnd their antiouniceid. 'fhle committee oin camuts tiillbssardls~ lk Vo i retporitid that these hare reeur remrov ed. Sk~' iP'el~il~kIJsiClass Team- -_ Get the rightind 'Th 19o M01.richigsanensians Imad e its;i- of a M~itt and a "Ty' pcsiraiicc yesterdaeyimoriiitngteisdays earlier talst sine irs airiiii i ard1ses eii Cobb Ba".The rest dasys esrlierttsiitay-itii on pr pecis years. 'This years brook hs lst ibrokeii will be easy. antihtier recsird, w'hichrhissptleairste mtaniageiti. Y'teirdas sale suirasseid sist vealsi.ithlits miirebosnwereisoetcdi ini rantedsiethrsitiresuildlin for dasirSa d i g' ihe 1907.The salewilseitt tinuedii p l in ' ini Univ'ersite Hllfirtody lne. comaipIsta im. at It is the geiieral opitnioniiamontgtihe lossc cisssrt 7Iiiciuigssre11its rit W 7 &T otnle frrseiors'.Tis yeair' air-e_ W AtwatHtImpes(pn h'Suer classmiteithtie vaiueif tire irook, as a Uni1versity Bookstore yeasr's histry'oenMichiigsrn. Atrorximtelcy $450iris brenex- pendserd for this yearsassist. Iti s tstse- fltle o i ni dar iirltue leaithrer, ith gilt edgr lessees. Tfietratrer t is eavN F reshi tir kittel of mtierisitht is well ctasiditted Ph t 'The ietitiro is liinitert. O ltutla5 ni Mianager's Hours : 1-2 p. in., 7-8 p. mn. daily, exeept Sunday. Both phones "'tt)XE SI)AY , MAY 69,68~l. rise irs si sex io aR i our.e Tievsits-etis tiresaiipits ws sro spi isautosi by tir -rissiltris of thre vro s depaieituil. lsiiiattn uifidac- tirs r is prs-sibule. BIt thi egrowslt of tat intiris blguue thtig callerd Michiganr stiri iichii ifinds its mtart typicailsix- si ',\ rter- ' -riti iii tire' IUitiiiti nsovemerrt, his w itith tnt 5 erarimptieiiires'oliiutnof setiti- a e I1. 'mcniitnt irs tie rrseatedthestir udtiett ke: ate ulT tr 'coa etetit thisitwe ira 5 1l 'run i rtint, if ouiiselves treirsirily as 'iF ' cIli)S sts)rIm rieic, etus sior gineeres, =e ell 3 '- 'St r l l s N ictiigair mien. iris stiside tar lnglist if triumphs rtttitihstanrrtothcredrritf the'ktuuirr, -ii' tier step art "resit sigificanuce' lis S 0 1 1 w traiksen.ITie sircisinlabr asll detisrt- in~ s ito tsin lIs 'urtoii the' sctisorsislig- uli 5Il -tgurruiiulg tsr iveryoneu' whoa nmtp igrieat irSMihiiganu's fututre i sinus liThe rsnafor tir aloorfness CODS Wiri tis5i thrto ii lept tir senuiorsil thaerdirent deprtmentturIs fromsgrsipling M I r (-'s " ircelebri raiontsatpar alwrays irs o) have sprngmr ec frrur soeriib'iasteless Balp raicer orinria5 thisnifrriom saiy eefiut- C5 i 5tcoreIceson-arile cause. With thai' rier- I i n Iii herei-warmiiig, ernthusiassic 1e t er t k rUssanrio urioer it, there lisscrepit intor a )m* hs sierstssiaiimore real sipreciiiai i f S t5St ~ hin,:sfire reclarsshasve' beri OtirrliiiIiiti trssing, unid'audesire tin "get togethie" a "s 'sr - r..ri,. rsh stke the ma1lst a, our sssociatioir- Sr's i I 'i r ue- shi. Theree sue to faa wIncaceSsioi isiris it itereiositallste- ,CD q [ fOS rsrin1icct rtsreoute togtlhcrrit a coim- t..l.t'strrss'i .o, tairrureiwrn tuofdlots is a cornair erle- ,. s,,tre.n I' liii- hrstiiru.