The Mic higanDal ANN ARBOR, MJC41CHIG kN. WEDNESDAY, MAi-Y 6, 1908. Ns ff8. VTOL. XVIII. WOOSTER HSKIES READY FOR GAME Giant Buckeye Team Arrives To- morrowThree Class Played Yesterday. Fans at the Micigan-Wooster game tomorrowe will see the htskiest colle- giate infield in the country. Every base- man, the shortstop antI pitcher are over six feet tall, and the atter weighs 8 pounds. Not only is the team hulky, heel it is exceedingly fast. Six of the nen who are ott the team played against Michgian last cear when they held lien varsity to fotr hits atd two runs, They got fivs- hits off WVhip- plc. thet the varsity sothpaw twirler, iuttfailed to sake tem goso thie bases. 'Thte '\'ooter teatm has beetaegmsent- ed this year hyyIthe rettr of Slost to college. il-e is the star pitcher of the college and has played an exceptionally strong game this season Wooste re- cently defeated te crack teat from the We4'steret University of .Peeesee3dIs btsly a score of 7 to 3. Enmersosn, captaine atdlsecottdlbaseman, is the fielig star of lhe teatt. tie is playisegiis fousrthe year. TCate, tie frt hasemsan, hsuefor te at to years seenctsclosesn as tackle otttthe all-Qlhio football teatt. tHe hsajustserecoseed frost a seriosu illtess, buttwsill beint thet gatte at fiesl totmorrosw. 'tlee balttg order setl1 e: Ricard- so, SS; Cotmpttot, ef; Steele, If; Eter- stt, 21; Sontet, I,; Frye, c; Foss, 3bt; Tate, it; jacesis, rf. Sblstittets-Atin- sot, c. or se Griesitger, isfieldl; Irwit, outfield. she itei stutker loedesiwitt kidly eye tutone Masager leriegee itterls' setelele yesterday aftertoott, permttitngt te' three'anicsest e tsplays'd1 sitotttit- terrttptions. 'fleeniteor egieers vas- ettisleesthte junior, tedenetts defeated thee lesesceps, steelties'feees t s iroegte thergml o nt hennhwete ires cllsel le getblecase o earkness. 'fleetie ill ee playe off Frieday. 'Fodaey etere is ibuete gatete the teeicuerceielassmtene ieitg lest. srvoa xt xeu~ts see-esc eUN. len a goodl gae, tie' feetere of wh-lic swas thec retearkale pithing of Dalevisott tec'netgiteers eefeatedl lee 'o e- gineers by te score of 6 to 4 yester- daelte no.Tog hegm oet ckeeitterest etntil tec itle itt- itg, tat tfct wsadueeetee teas'enstce o: critical rter tieete steabisece of goed plaeyig. Bottsh etessstsp e'eonsiste aeMhnysodotpoi~ te' y re-scnosf is excellentetwsortkt tird bstette starset tergewsaies'iott pitherler tlee sesiors. Diasisons laesenotelrcticelsthte st feesss osce ts seasons. lHe scrcel lookeed like ea ball-layer as ietstepe into te seeswst-illaejaunsty eir sw-hiclele mnaintethirousgottetiergnse. ft spitesof Iis lakesof lprcice Davisonet- el tainsedel uee suesal recrd of striking~ net tety mes. Itwto inisgs ee-c treel the oposing sieebis strikisgott three nese cosectiely. fie lack o practice wsatevidesnced,usente othe hasns, blyte fact that lee lloed ie sects to walk to first, a circessstancec wichs costihsteel to ter fosr rbsnso te junsiors. Ie also ]tit tree ec tsil pitcede l ls. Mis seelalsteel shrogh otsthIe ganme, all ithree aters . ie t hear Thse- work of 'Ritz, te ',) piterse wouled lave feauredl many a class gsmet The aunrs-haireel twirler gee a letle E T A (CO E Parts of it were hrried and the falseCE LE P S NT ceak tocward tle close, but not efoeisstosaionsshIere were most obvos he had caused twelve of bet opposnesnts Willshte orchestra appeared Marsn so disturb nohineg but thee innocentet - A GREAT SUCCESS 1~~ Srestle, at childthilirteens years old ho VA A E RI A sosplere teeose-wo-thseec order ILL1 P 1UUJU cosees as nearibeing a prodigy as ayj Whlittinsgton, 'nS catcher, sas srucks ccer iheardl here. Her ote, her tes-h-__ ott teare handsby isyt piched ball see Concert ShowsTlntadTri-siquee, tie matuirity of ler playing eare Original French Iliusic to be a te first innsisgasdteehle injusry cause reseieeeile. Sie layedl oe moveente isencossslrasl tobl sereslsse ieng-Child Violinist Plays Re-tessle loat1futceropr- Feature of the Performance- game narkably. fermeinsg its sdificulties with cse ansI ac Seats on Sale at Wahr's. 'fle score-gettineg wats startetdits the csurc. A cenesza interpolatedl by Mr. -- seeondihalt of tier thirdl by Rit, whoTs ht e sceess f lee Unis v eiysrcies- Sameesl '.,ssockwood sdemnasddl seedre- OriginalsiFresntsetteE- as conposed securesd first base by getting tee the cay 4civcs-i atruly- tiliettt executlions. Miss ~ ~sl se"eBugos-Gstl of oneeoeel aviso's tewit ones flee cci cviSlessle tres esttbttiasicetityrecalled. seiors evenedsl natrs inte lfirst of teotise of 5phensi~oms elIsToithsse acuainttl M.IeeeKles ae irTrsrisntetemm' etil fetoe feature of the Cer- fifthi, Iuteith eir hael ofIthe cste n-esee e swilhthe iis l5se ies sseis t'i-tay-of sonesfrleseesCarmenrs wite musce spirit. cet's ipresentationssof,.",'Pcare" this ing tier juneiors agains secued ea sled of peaingees"chteee 5 s e'gv see ete oeteAs allecosere leegave "WenlttNight alls seelsFridev ceningat ter Majestic, teeo ruse. Ileetier sixthin ineg tier seossepr eseneo er!a iet, recersisig. Ier" frosts'Msichigendale. Ms. George A, siecilte-ieice orcesta, tireted msads'totr reses, giv-tgisetesitng tievmcan1 1 - . - [i. Rieael sas sost agreeable intele - tagece-hiche wess not threeedstalgasesle ibsesc'Web\'er List PolonseeBrtilliantei. SieIs-Ieey- Csrclsste screl tier juneiors. The liter-step seererse:se-playedci ithesteChossetinsscok 'leesteseieeOsplss-steseasltaring Junior egieers : Bilitsger c; Rtz~ ste 555 55se i 5ttnne, s-an5not5al.el sll ye ee si t se er-e.idily adse e'sait tee jlsy willusueseal i; Gormeley, ib ; Hector, 21;'Mhaoiteyter 5" t cllth - icdl wored5 ilce ssess'o'ee iI Semsuel ', Lockw-ood is ise efec. 3bs; Doussgery, ss; Sage, I;It ,;cf;isuvit '5- h-' is qie out Ofcciietlieute credit eel lie undseertektng, teeits A ful reearsalssfteela ly eas held Stoeckdlet, r etsf.smla r eeiiii its ae mpil tediet nsccpsiese steelits outecmese. I-luhlst ts se lesle Iet sesig. 'hs s Senior engineers:-W\'ittintgitn ; e . ist intiOvcest-raegete-rotres-shimselfef ficetstaseelpoplar 'stedl t(eertofaoerlast csep l enig hasals" lai-oot, p: Stley, si; Gee ses r, 2; ly, tests'sa erformanc ietewihih emtslt icidelely as valeable requisieton to tier sid Prof. Buiat"'Fle students lave ofe a-,31;Gresetfesseg11lx e eit scck tessu ssclitgleer e te coo f e wios-rkedl harelanti faithfully during the ef; Jusese. ' i ' eeee c e.le eandeto the pronottrs of mtsical affars past two months Amst daily rehear- Th }cr b enege s5eeeeee1e cleeeese tssethei eseradciyh ehave helped o smooth the action 'of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ an ngnes t0te-51detlesse-utmake he machinery runs moothly. 'ellha iesgts seec tt ( .n-cleeuv- eeete ee.tta Isir- lCo11nvii (essetantt ieeeftlele theater bee helped Sumttsststssc-c 'iss-e-ee h is--t als . . t1 ee aeeee- ee eeIeIe[uel'1le- l f1T131) 'I'llIS A'l'iRNfl_)N iss leegre acuestsomedestleeits acoustics SheteBoatll' ilay;it-ciletsest o se. ee roeee xsce ,eero i cevirhdseIit elirtlsihic , I[beliee, are tstsrpasset" lutes ott balls-Bye title , 4bleeD13-s(t)i selIee"ee-v", ie eiv t elis . Semie sig-cutsthlistsasftenoon! I All Asetr csey strea twr i. IHit tity-pichtedl hall-Iliecslortzs,- ce s-s5c senioeecleses'sweill seers at their resec- lits tiethe-ter l l a etra rpr Sockdale. lErrors-HtectorliDoughertyic "e ci e~ a ti-icefest hase livee lsieitgssanl martce ronte there erallyystdyprp- Grosvnor. 'int t Emires 1,1 11 s"I'llmened; nne iveegnetier UncersiycEyaing hbescnesytolbFriday.ida. His [ eees.,tes Illesg. cci)Letog semmsteele-v'0leseelee- ntneielegine ipromses'at 4 o'clockas teelset work sill requre anohler day otr ose- er tie- -etecee"lee ccc eeeel eieseisirege'el e Isire''thtat eeryyscirsc le otttitter. seto ine slalees Ti eve' fac s u.eughiAfler te exercises tier seiors Wll 'flee proramsnwtill conains a comeplete Byilhrin fns ntelattot iie rcened[ex e t essectlc sand eve ee eles sese esase ffTsytopsis eeleleplot teintete, h"This innsings its stichlsthey' scoedct sx rtests ac u ftemanetac fUi e i tuc ifi 5 eeece rst Iall toue Staee sretcal, will eable thestereho do nt speak thefreh lwstie upth, gme.wit 1isfnigt cocer shwe chefl [reachtoicfellswrftier ilay cihoteldulli- -the sjunior lawes yesteday sasf ss ue se eeei se it'rnse.thsenucvss ssouh Tmaigeaieeeiitee lscirycuiyt ' 1cpogae aepy ste etIs Will tir soreS t S l ty eesiof lse I ceiaedte 5e lseieI trii in. Te p- tes cass mpuls.eThpelinewtlofbe lsetted y sy.thqeaptyofras raare illusontaed - suthisssisg, iteisie l str cet capalse leli llit esccciiiessds i atslarit letvss'tnsd iy- ''hosas Clancy, chair- twithtseeral epprpritr cts. gae n coct f aknsseese sls cui elee goccewIris ens I see se e te i telgeeecoemfe. ','As-ete" it far from bing a dry werec'tiseel isIeee-eeus seenfeqentl sy 5m1"le follsuing orser sill ee meaitatined:cl lassie. tslinues se ride its wit ansi e ose, pise abst-e n1bals andI cise ee ' ic-c tese ~st esi tesry'seeering, test, nmesi, ote- sseerehiecsteh ieen r laeeisslde ofelhe r cd' el i ns elbl etesesetsttlel lae y.foundesinteee-ry scene, Itserious side 5101it5possilsc l ee, ec e i nn sititssfsector odapesein lee,,edelieations of fHarpagon's sides se-ses'guily of manesy' blundeeers inesl. 'lhe in sIc ssis seendie tch o eelleulra-misely eleraeirsics, alhouge I Intheeflst inningtsMcIllggits . andlin't ruentcs s awhlewee rcr ii~s tee-cc 5555' xcii iec' S eresos Iis absureseteh eos of ecoomiing anti t McKinsisy, crisersed right iles r-fo - c .IseedoIstsis inthis TlbsUniveresiey ee hssrubiwihl srilling thee serants, together wills an tspectielyseofties'fretesntemt sollidedegar w"evs iiss i c thsesening55 issyet its atcnsnuassl meetng foe the leeione oill-dvsisedl love for his on's fiancee, seeh gosinsg after Moody's hicehefy.Thy ie Ifithe s\ eeeleeseandclicepartds o"1the efficesoeenex yrhr s sdaeveen rsing Aaifanee, searelirouseinteseextreme. fecolisions iroedshserious asee lhsgg'ssgc I'er chetesits. atsi7 s'clsck, st thee elubhose.sssTfeePress it is a cotmeyintetr truestsette of lostneaersly-allshiles ronttper ete es eth ad sidessee ts Ibslemishiele a fewIeeelub is treseganiztdcelyetsseethee pesenthles'worcys. Thur leasing roles are taken sstaintedlaasly esut lip. 'elebetesey re- clcs1 Itk s-e orhesaesissieeter,t ' is ompeiosedl s-stUnivercsty y Soddcars More, Edgar Boeen, Ela- ens-eel ttittleoser the e.cBoilsmenset 1the Is Jui' 5 5551515s55} sa 'Mozear menes -ctely isetsestedhinejousralisticiienoe Smoso, IHelenaeMuntns, Robert f-on- hleftte fgame. aIeel e ar t'=seli et sit, wese sin sssn te l adhess iememenbership of eightee. vroe,Blet Lyon,sed Prof Beiat. 'Fe ssser selehseslcsse Si cti Tediesls tosset. stheseAtsThusrsday's eeetng seerangemencttSets forv the play are see sae from iesS losr rounsssb hy runningssofitseit e ll seceiy s skssilIslly ansdl sceraels s willI e bese'fortsefleestel mseeingose4to506 dalsiy at W1ahr'. Good seas os-e the pe.Irnthiss'eighth stir lite cei~il ct' e yee is-silb ban otr ealks, Ii h y sithse l , i-eli e . T esie wu c ly ) am ysilb ban fecor,stee a pasesecd ball nettiedithee c- feend-y-erIsbsrriserstheeieselltree s'.~s Ilee their hatt of te eighths this' beis- senct sss tl e lc setle feer risiti le tis esessiessed thirdstresile, it waelk, ie sots eestise singested elr ri oe. 'lies'gaes1c w i5ssidt uphy the fe Is'hmsenstriestwsee virusts sterec sasi'd e tsur saewalk, t os oenisit bas5 eth hires its he lle liter-use Fresh lees:e hcCttggaehge, Cox, andsi I Gates, c leesitel, s;_Miller, he: ,hr, us. e2b; O'Nei, If; Lreete, 3b;'I McKinnecy, (Caswsell, tush liltas, rf; IHodlsone, e:1 n Wiley, 8ik jueiotr ats;fHenesonss s; Craws- 9 ford, ill; Pteessell, al; s'snty, it; lDtr- lase, rf; 'Musrcic, ef; lbey, f; Bruceher, ; Rogers, is Score by innsings: 'onLaws...150 10 0 00 42-8 14 I e'9fLawrs.., 2 150 200 0 30-8 8 3 / Utpire-WhilsteelndElliott. - i- its a long~, close gaiter,ull of erors -,t sitndheasvy lith, the seuts defeatedlthis leioeoishy thee wore of4 ts i3. rRheosny.tierhotterop leirler, wst polud-l (Cotinusedon Pa Treat Castlif o 'f's-ele siese~ 7a'rtisjeFroicaisaWhfich Presens "L,'Aeic" Fiday Gtciiut,,at the -MajesticTheatr. t t ViudverltyHsll 'I T TLeather Law Bsuldn# 001L1i l1wF1 AIi I ArIfN $2.25 :I ~lrl ld. N SALE TODAY $150