THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Now is the lime - TO - SAVI ~TIM Shave yourself BEFORE you wait. HOW? With a Gillette Safety bought at QUARRY'S Money Loaned On Watches, Diamtonds, Law Books, or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331 E. Liherty St Ann Arbor. Hour :8 to 11:30a.m.. 1toe4:30 and 7to 9P. m. ALL BUSINESS CONFrENTIyAL JOSEPH C. WATTS Spring Hats Spoolvs Post Cards Darling & Malleaux STATE STREET Ilu College Steins HlALLER'S JEWEILRY STORE, 216 S. Main St Ice 1Cream Soda& All flavers including Chocolate 5 crentfs 'We -make the best Chocolate Snda en the city. East University Pharmacy 11.L.nirsit y Nao-A e. V.of M- Barber Shop and Bath Roomis Evo-yth t,sg First-ai.sae Largest Shoes in the City J R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. IN~TERU.555 ttA50, S CHCPIt,1;. The conmtletedl schscdtule for the series. with the exception of the slate for thc tonal champt~ionshipgamgsce, is pristedi he- lowV. ITe(oirnlysansges in te originaol schledttle tre MNatches 6 atnd 7.. The game Ibetween the tgolland tpoq egi- neers, originally, booked for Wednestlay, twill lbe played today, owing to the swing- ouit eomin~g tomorrosw. To preserse Ithe sehedtule tetgto lasss will mseet te tgog lao-s \Wedntesday. The sechedule folloss: .iMosnday: Xtsttch 4-t1908Las cSs-. Ptsarmsic-. Tusesday: :Match y--lottceops v'.. lDentss.' Match 6---t9o8 Engineers s-s. t9Iyns Bigisseers. W~ednsesday: \Maith7-t9gogLawssvsc. tgio Laws. Mtitchs 8-t9to Mesies vs. 19t0 tLawss. Fridlay, 'lay- 8::.-lsatchs ta-Wcinncer Match s1s-s. swinneer Mtch 6. Match 2a -innsier NMotels2 v5. sinsner Moltels3. Mostdasy, May tIt : Motels 3a-Wintner .\talcls 4 s-s. swinnser Motels 7. Matels .ta-WVinsser Match 3 ss. sintner Match 8. Ttsesday, May to: 'M-atch th-Wins- nter -of Match ta vs. wsittter Matcht 2a. 'attsh 2b--Witnter Match 30as-s.,switnter Motels 40.- Fintal : -Motels t-Witnter Motehlsbt vs. sw-nsner Matels-flh. -- i;Nxts TOURNAMETtt5tAGAtOSPO5ttNED. Oct accaiuns of thse conditions of thse courets acsd the rainy wseather 'of thse- loss few- days, Captains.1-Haag. annsosnes te postponscemenst of the tensnis tourna- tests to Wednesday, May 6. All etries ,,:iust tie in' hy 6 p. m, today, at which. site thei-dratwings cittlibemode. - Spciii essphaossiss istaispost te see- iiitold cl ssiglis ltrniamsent, wiscsilsis ope only 5totost-playes's whotss didi sot cuter tihe first cloass lost Soil. TPhts is ionseso preet osy platye of firstcloass iility-essetrisigte seconsdiclass tottesso suest sisid swinnsinsg 5 in satk. All mset. \,i-o tire learsninsg thse gamse, orts-Iso fci unssable tic comesstee isnte first clacss ,asngles, tire sirgeid ts cnter tisssecondi ,clos srstosrn sent. 'lus they gounthue bs'eeit of comcptetitions tithste oter p' aveirs. Wiithste conmpletiocs ofteeasouess cest if te footlllehler, eighteen costrts trill lie reody ts he play-eduipocs, atis the indiicotionts ore thatothslet'still sll tieusei thIis seiasn. VOOisiccs it. cs MciSsPR' iTIerse.' "Tere' itill lit-scrimmascsge gamsses sext steels if tesweaitier sloy-s cotol,"says CiosichsYiist, uut te siens ihiogo its is1 havliss- tso tte'preiparedi. lIis t he isre asnlt-heilct-cry dasy isrsit 3 :30 to 6, osndi1 wanttevery- smait swhio exietst o layfosotlla5Michtigscn tirepocrt fir practicecsmes'ttme eschi 'tisirty- sr fosrty miens sre sit wsc ans ly tinitg ossdlsignasl prasctice-. Sutie tatd sinsgle oist, trith at' witht- sut isoairsd. cot8S. tUsiversity Ase. mUusic ana Mrama 'Brassniiof Hasrva.rd, crisis liestry Tse College. XX aniff intshei titots rolws enthlssi- - Stnndard ostisalls resesid ty0aioame stisdience at she XX iticertiseater lost nighst. Mtir. N3'oosdruff wsrssgis-eni jsttiitts siotions, ossd recsondedssitisrepesatedl curtasins cslls at te endsiofte thsirdIsitSwsiths a icestly isortied st icd can-l 'Pitt ressl dramasoof cllege life hs ntt can secteseishediis i tc-i tsP 11.-st-c-sitrilr'' soilsr 'Types sirs' sverdirawns an thteitplsut is quali set asgainstco sllege-ibscikgrounds rstiser Le thaons srsiwssi fromstsi. T'eute mtnor of te direct piece is lit-ely tntuit spsots te tessor h of te plsay- is excelletbust' scas iholeTh B RIN KS , INK LIKE .A.CAMEL . To load a. Conklin Fountasinlien, ju 5slip it in any ink, press the Crescent-Filler sod ,see it hfill us oswn tank like a camel tlaking its thirst. '.cha's, alt.Qrsc, is-to iSt!*.No dropber-no mess--na hother. Ditss anyswhere-anytime. CONKLIPN'SFUG PE "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-CtLLER" hbe fitted instantly -sithontthl~cest incoovessience. You: Id fillit wsith swhite kid gloves on scithit Sdansger of M.Bsdsiscneineisthspeddvrtm. .lies of -the Conklin-the perfect feesd. reading dealers thanitlethe Conklie. It cours ito-s sit,ore t. Priees,.00tandaup. Senitat oneforhanioe t- tal~og . Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldd., Toledo, Ohio it tendss to sinmply omuise aonsg prestt-y welh ct-rts lttes.-.AIr. cWsodruff is ant title aictor.heisig at isisbst schess le hs ass opptortunsity 5o empiloy hIis sdroll mcsan- iser osf hoandlinsgte lighster pssassges. His suppoisrtinsg compantytotas etenly sal- sissesiandswscowell altos-ete aserage. Thse-staging- of ste piece tess excellent oasc te "cllefie"bheondilof cdotses wrn ws-' qusite, withss in'tse"boussssofcs-stone. \iN' cissittis sitesCtixSOtLtDAcTE. Titfi Atnts'Arbsor N'ewsArgtssancd tse Atti Arbocr Timtes sore cotnsolidaoted asid htereafter trillice ktnow-s'orlie*Nesrs. 1). AV. Gralidson, for sixteess years'i)ra-. ,sielar osithue AdirianTs elegramc hs - 1 odght a portioss of stock in hash Papers. Jarmes Schsermahorts, Mr. Grandon, and R L. W~arren, oifthe Times, trill man- age-the stew poisesr-'The popesra-ill sell litr test cests a wseels. The sewCtornm 1-000 still soon5morintosarloger dusts - NS3'lICiP. - .XtteIttisis tiPclos. s,0'aitiiott osd lesintreaisuresrsois sigain collesdto' their liiit sir represetastiontit inte ipustS isici- ti-teticianc.:lthese rsouilli e settlesd a5 ossce. Address ityo8 Xlicisigsssessiass, Rdoot i , AnniArbsor Press Bisdg. Office hours, I soa2 p. srs. dasily. J. W. Mc- C'Ttcle-,c, Busisness M~anaoger. tf FOt'ND-A snetr kutglare, act'Wassh- tenawo aveuessi. Inqusirs- Dr. IHall, 721 N. Untiversity. Now- is te timie tIavso-cyousr roos pacperedl, decorsatesd or painsteid. We are mtaltig sipecistiptrues. Youtr cresdit is giintl. '. 11. Major & Co. Boilsphsones 2.37. Sf PI,Aitl: t1NlVBRSI'lT' I Xi.I, IN- t;l NEELRINE. 1 \V, AND) \ ElIE W4 lust a Touch ofSpring, The new Spring Scarf as a special introduc- tory of the spring, we are offering a special purchase. of Beautiful new Spring French four=- in-hand, in _new -correct shapes with open ends and in all the handsome sp'ing coloring. - T he new Spring Shirts riake theirs firs- bowr. an d they are beauties., The new spring styles )n, flats-Vand' Cap are :here f- your instpect i~h Reule, Conlin' Fiegel BUY YOUR CAPS AND GOWNS WHERE THlE'CAP AND GOWN BUSINESS IS'BEING OiYt'4 WtE AtRt-SELhLtNGAG.EF8,, irsthe lt:( -shi lsttitc'rcitstiiO.i-I ithi s icoiiitcc y, aionw ic etic 'Coxson'i d '.. itt ntli~i n oft w Sri. ou } .11 1 .d en(o fahclo n tl f o ni ie1 g t i your0 n tre iof hocttiv nsye it tsii uslcsiii5isitst--ii - ''s i Prices $3.00 SAP MAKe( co. - 1 mat~am-eI Idk~aI~r t3ssWatces. ti msiciis 15ietri cissai al OCCASION: S_\IT; OF IIqf F *I1C'W-i tio-h Class ChatteladC 1 trt O E O N D i:.Bsns ticiIsiy t-tie ,, r - 3 . , ; 1, _ ... ~, 319 East Huron Street