OrMHt"MICHIGAN DAILY __________ G. 1. Wild 'Company Our Spring i908 line of fine imported and pomestic IWOOLENS.I Is now ready. It includesall the latest Noveltie,-:Shades and Up-to-Date Patterna in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage repectfully solicited. G. H. Wild Company 311 Soth State Strut A Now Golf Ball The Kemphall Water- Core is finding favor with golfers generally thia3year. All the other good makea are here in profusion-aa well as the famous McGregor clubs of which we are the sole ell- ing agenta in town. Tennis Goods, too, - AT Sheehan & Co.'s ,Student Bookstores official National League Ball is the standard of the world. In the great worIdtw championship garet between the ChicagO Nationals and DetroitAnerctns the Spaldng League al was used The Spaldng officla Nagonat League Ball is Is used by Yale, Harvard, Princeton and alttromnent -ollege teams. The solders andalrs in the Unted states Army and Navy use ites- clusvey. In fati to to utatsersl use where- eer Base Ball s Played. A. G. SPALDI NG & BROS. New YorkCiacago, St. Lous, San Francisco, Mi4@apti, Denver, Bufao, Syracuse, Pis- hnu ; Philadelphia, Bunison, Cincinnati, Bltt- mo washinton, Kansas City, Ceveand, Te*i.)lean, Detroit, Montreal, Canada. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Mun gngEdtor-ARCHERa FRICHIEt. Business Mndgr-C. E.- WNTEuADs. News ......... Chaucey TBocttc-r Athltics ..... Lee A White Athletics, .Assi ...-..-C. E. Edridge Exchange_......Robert Monser Music ...... .... Roy D. Welch Drama........ .Doal Fl. H ines Women's Editor. ... Loise Vats Voorhis EDITORIAL STAFF Russell McFarland NIHT EDITOSa Raymtondl Visswher Leoardl C. Reid', SEFT SS M. B. McHugh J. H Prescott Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K. Towers Louis Kraft: Lewis T. Kniskerts Robert Mreland PattI Greer Samuel H. Morris Dtto Engel Fred E. Gooding Therotn P. Cooper E. G. C. Williams A. L. Haitlite BUSINESS STAFF John F Wr Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Pres Bldg., Maynard Street, Man gers Hours: I- P. In., 7-8 p. f. ea y except Sunday. Both phones S TUEISDAY NH AN' . trotx Nll ljeitrs tfnth,Jinior Diuslcher Vetiso err strprised Iy the biflls for. teitfist dramiatic vetiutre its Sarah Cas yell Angell hall. Twsety-ti e dol- lars seemts- a Iig expense aecontt for a tswenty-sminute play tantd a stal reel- ion' hut cositeringall coniiots it cal e explained. However, this does tnt alter the fact tat tanty Utiversiy organizaions pay mtore for ronicig their nramtic efforts -tan- solil e tecessary. Otice miore swe are harkitg ack to our- suggestion of a Unis-esity theater. If ta latnuis ever carried qoii. asoe- are ses-ttity hopeful that it will e, tic expeise accottls 'of drattatic vetutres sill ot Ie, so alartnTh (iiisill re- stlt ii twoSatvattages-tnore lrotit- tiots ansd all tf theti at reuitedslplaces. Whent te have tssice is tmay plays gsvetn at half le Irice se till get Is-ice as iuchsenIefit four tmriotey. That sotnds lilac a foriulin thaetatis but it is osnly comtttton setse. We aoe fifty-cett football gamtes-ws-hy ctn os- not lhave fifty-ceti ntserpieces? Atd oe sist, if see ave te proter facilities. TE CON-Y CRscsts-t, EDED. Anoher huge stices, hIsti oo-blen added to the PUio's list of triuph. The Countty Fair will go downin t the history f teUtiot as ai gratd fiale in a year full of aehiee-entst. We tre grateful to te orgatiatioints attd to the mtentwsoIto rked its the vtrious booths to make the fair whlat it was. That resourcefulnsess atd ability aotnd ott the camttptustas provedIytile itiiler an iviliitesity uof te "stnts" The e- ecttiive ability whlichs affairs like this srnugts the fronts is asi atsurce f conigrtuslatiot. It is at a time like this to-len ire see tat lessrnisg is ot all that so-i-gaitsn si r httlsofIt-aning. UNITED STATES CAPITAL IS CROWING 1IIAUTIFUI. -The Developmienttf Vsashitgior,. the s2apitatt Ciii;''istLe suidjec fanis- ated l1st-sre- to b: giventi by Carls itocr re5ist lihmr-dav sigti itt te e- ture otmitt the ptysic. laoratory. 'the letrei.so fistsnissder the autsies of Io the lthgait Unioni, ads oill Iegits at pit. No Itiissitns sill b hattrged. Air Moorietws ssecretary sit the cut- missittitsof archlitects shols, at the request of Presidetnt Roosevelt, took tp te old origtinal plants Iprepatteedtby Major LEs- tit. Tisttomtomissionts was coiposel f f. If.iBurhlam, C. F. MKimi, f Nese York, C. L. Oltittes, aidtite late Augustus St. Gatisens. The comnmissiots uasde a series of tdrawings antI models of the city shoing the proected in- pros-etiscnts. The shemie was tei placed before Congress, largely through the cominlied efforts of the late Seiator Jamies Melillat, of Detroit, atd Mr. Mosore. -Cntgress a practically- adot- eel ttse plis sit that the city of Wtsh- igtouns prtmises to be oe of the toot beautifiul capital cities of the worl. Prsidemt Augell wiltlitrosuce he spea<,en PROF .E's ILL G,. IVF, lECTURE ION 'IAVARE5 Prof. AMonit evi, head- f the reitch deartmient,., isill gvc a lctrenitt Thuresdaty afternoooniss"L;As-tre.' This lecture is for sudsets atd those iter- cited ini thic performsanccof Moliere's comesdy"LAvareos-lhihis stagel scxi Friday evenitiug its the Majestic teaer by the Cecee Draitittiqie raicais. The act stal Priof. Lei hats miasea special studiy- of Moliere, particlarly nf "UAvatre, souli ticiiistecial interest. Next Thutrsdhty's lctrter uill cover the sublject of the play, aisi Moliere's work uont it init geterl ay. The lecture is gen ini Tappani Hatll undsser te sis- pics f tic Cerle. Amoissitn is free to all. The- lecture- sill le-given its EtIgnlisl. M4ORTARBOARD ELECTS NEW JUNIOR IEMTIIRS The Mortarboard, the hossnorary senitiur society for girls. has elected tic follow- ing mteisibers frsiss the jusisitr class: MissesDoirotheaiBritherion, Mariette Ramisdsell ?Mutriel Jtmses,tHelei Braley Mtargaret Meatichlihit Flreice Ilaker. Kathterinte Post, Ktheitrinte Kigti ndtta Kinyuii Jeanette Ktvis, Kitty tBleac- icy. JeatntGoudtty IDoothily Keead. Ruth (reatttouse, ads Clara Trueblood. These girls may b~ le sest ottthe ettt- pits. wearitig the brandilof incry swiov hatt swhichi is the issigia (f the orter. They tre lack its color. setuare aisiflalt, ands tritmtsie si-ila ls a tck tssel. Private instruction in chemistry. 63 S. Ingalls St. su, l-f Inteicollegiate Notes. Consplete reports of all1 class day speeches will e a feature Of te Class Bootek this year. Or. I feislesos, of Chicgo. stid that it was the dtty of clege yin- t refrain from using slang. President Northrup of Minnesota is tring, to root out the .gambling evil from among the atdents. A new dramatic socielitysets sit ganuzedslat Columia.lsts pulirpoise-is te produtctioni f stis sram.tt Siesthe- Iegi isiitig oittheii-yetr lft- ight school tisdl college iens havtibr tii recodedl inithes-ited-iSttes -sit (Cui- asda. "T'he IDemocat"t is the "oficitl orgn"t of demsorttic stdnets at Waisigtonii iahn e, wsost-ri' hldiga"ntol stilts e-itttit" JaimesiBry-es-.aimbatsstdortto i te UttitedStties fritis restsBrtinstssill deliser thss-baccalarae adesr he ii gradutinig ,classs atinWsisonsin. WheitheTritangle scu f rinceois swent to Wsashiitons anth trsnte "Whaco Congress A'Viet CsPrinceo" it teitle a hit owitht its aaflsits1v T- Tos1iitihrreil tiffit fii ideits of. Bossteo'Tech tngtged iiiafite-cfoi-al scramle for twent:o vie s iiieels Pre--sntNiys lPricetiigthiss uuuit 'it sustfestiva consitsedh thue uusissepstmetsn-tt i Cois li. fsiQletutt s iltsubjsl dsuesl- tg oithu the duiferetii tuliis iont -prosgram'u trebeingtugivesn.i Iavr ttstrhstudencuts ut the suggestionu o f serlauts eauutg atutluetes, recirult-t ing tt se5 nf resolutionsasktng frlt-e prisieg iof regul-attg interollegitte- tthletics' truttgh thesitsuduenstboduy-. ratheru-thuti t1-60 hufut aic uts lgisattonus. Jatists P. ulslisanoneouts.ilhe.tastest uile runutercs ini Amteia andsl presets nationatl champion auu s t ttdistaste, hats seectssuspenedhby te regsratintcosts smice of the Ama-ter Ahetcu ionus. - hissretsout guvcutfisthivsuseslvisonus u te fat that .Sulivan--tracin agtainssta sus't taridintg ucaemy iii Nbr otirk. But wshy shoutuld he le suspenduedl for -that, if thus ruitutitg osas legiimautte- tnde neither Iore 'nor tuilr so-rcu"dope" Ask te 'commuitee, tutuwithlottusan-ut serious soice- tnshptineduntuutenantuu-i soill toser, "Thus horse mits a Irfes- sionual." Yostknosw-.tsisy- do't registr horses its thus A. A. U., es-cithonug.h -they ay- he itttile-est bloodtu - gaS. i\hislal' NENSl\N ON SALIE TUESDAY, MAY 5 Lethser, $2.25. Clothi, $~.50 Base Ball Make Your Class Team Get the right kind of a Mitt and a al-Ty Cobb Bat". The rest will be easy. Spalding's osspleta Ba. at WAHR' S University Bookstore C;. [.OARTN[[[ Law and Mdicmal Bokseller IMPORTiANT LAW AND MEDICAi Igys Hiss sy the Lst C iheatProty-i-s$300 Ielts ttu ins Editioniof Wiuhiam" steal Proerty' $300 Propeuts - - $100 Bishoi'is rstousitdbuts CimuatAets - - $600 I is: - - - $1200 Ii3lc'. Theoryaiot idtence, $2 00_ OSep hietus Digst o riuene, '$4.00 Meesteys F~vctiusee, - - - $3.50 ylrsaus t'irpoaitio. - $6.00 Late itS ttrpotettiots. - - $250 Welmta's Art ti Ctrss Eoxaiuatiotist - - - $2.50 httstiits Lawyes ytns t, $6.50 htrusu'n's, Atbloii'ns orm, - $6.00 lutis's Phatino." tratieandsui Fr.3vl. - - - $18 00 Witusttus C te Foims, °Sols., $2.0 MEDICAL BOOK Itui'src sttetialThseapeutius, $400 Ritkluas'stOpesatitn Surern: $6.00 Elseudeat is urgia5litiotn~ios. $6.50 an.1seehi's ts-Stliiemeu latist-hty. - $5.00 'l',t lituti ittAsatstsyt eils., $1.00 Coss n:istseasstof V u~R e. $6.00 andTru 'eatme,isu- - - $6.50 Leutues pta-itMdica Dotai'itiogrsi. Clini-cs. 5 vofs. - - $5.00 litiuliarts. tomisetis. et. C. E. BARTHELL Lawand Medicl Bokseler Tel 761. 326 S. State St. [YtO [ASS [S Eyegasses haveecoe tus utsita uscerssay nusianceu'whet studnts o ttutat.ity wil weltoe an eye- gasssthiat giescomfusor adsemric. 1am-, your optictal wok dne at ARNOLD'S and he wiut lit yoston- fortaby assetguaratntee-reulths. Quik Repair. Les tesarud EMIL H. ARNOLD Otica peet ieaist with WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 2t0 South Main Steet NOW Is the time to get yovir CLUE',$,HIRTS. AND. ORCII[SIRA CONCERT High School Hall May 5, 8:15 P. M. LAST FACULTY iCONCERT High School Hall Thursday Evening. INSURANCE, As necessary as yousr summer vacation. Pays for the loss of 2kll articles taken~ from your residence. For particulars enquire of 0 :0OD, -EACH IC ASUA LTY B IN5U RANCE -Ge neral Agents 7Empire State Surety Co6. 50 lianntond Bldg. - r DETROIT, MICH. -Phone' Main 6505. LIGHT UNDERWEAR AT THE"- Co-Op Store . _. 4Yi jL-- -j -. I Wasuoton The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. e~boutc598