THE MICHIGAN DAILY NTILESFROM TTlE QUARRY'S XMEISIC JEPARMENT D ermal Cream Soap Lack of interest was the chief feattire ithe senior medic election of officers anid held in Palmer Ward yesterday morn- QVARRY'S ing. 'The meeting was informal and to QUARRY'S almos every instance bat one man seas nominated for each positiont. The onty Derm l Ceam contest isas in the election of representa- Make a combination unequal tiver to Stndent Council, J. T. Sampte receiving the post bsy a few svoirs. 'ob- when using hard or soft lowing ae the offbess water.Presidnt-Mar3 k. Marishalt. j t Vice-prsisoent fuss Gladtys Cooper. QUJARRY'S Secetrl y--tiss Berthtuat Treasuirer-T.I 'sMullen. Conern-i'-i sO s-, N. Unir. Ave. Footblssll manager-R. C. Plnnmmer. Baseball nmanager-G. M. Blleuimer. Track mnager- R. It boning. itnoc imitee--C.S. Bond. Miss 1. S Star, G M. ellheumner, and Money Loaned Caec nw OniWatcthes, itamnsd.tan Banks, IPoitl \ti S. .Ssallry. or othie personal property. Propti -WVs.:Pt'scoe. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Stiidsnt Cutncil-J.T. Sample. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at restdence 33t E. Ltberty 8t i Man-ager 'I snhlvi of the sopts medic Ann Arbor. lootleill team mawde lbe first call for can-. Hours: Sto 1thata. im., tto 4t30 and 7te didlates yesteirt'y. 's Iarge number of ALL BUSINESS iCON'IDNIA~iL 1525 repoitieit JOSEPHI C. WATTS 'apesrs oniintsiil sibjects seeread y Dr. t'raisl Smiithsies sind Dr. Cyreis Dalsrliingsit the regsular imeetiisg of the !Vaslitenais-Medical elub last evening. Dr. Victor C. Vaughian, stean of she Banners an I1 Pillows 'aIesictl idepsartiieint, is expectedt tore 'iuris frEu ~r-pathis isek.b Dutrimig ihesapist less-csays lie Isa-see'insisdee ;ite (o the Itesrinatioial Congress of AT Tusberculossis at Vienna. lusrinsghitsab 'litce P'rif. C. It. G.ste Naon-redse his DARLING & MALLEAUX )fliciatedt as acting deans. 224-226 S. State St. Someithsing nmwis-s too5(th tsssvcer - -' It VNODI)N. "It clanss tlse teeth." College isisnl oftDr. Sitiir. Hirice n23 cents, cIIrU~ dsh 1110it cClassic -2831. NM. Ens- Steins 115 iit FOR RINT-A strictly mioistri shsini- HALLER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Main St se ottags on t'linilissis street : all ssssesis'sses. J. R. Gilsirdt. 'Theator- nnisis isibsects sirs-s-I.or 553 Tlsiisp- M OE'S NON - SIIAIAB[[ Cllissi ' i-ss is-slii s sse [OIJNTAIN PUNS ilsirssire' list fiiorsi-sal clubls.t I- are;i-istiheionlAssely Cis ainiis '-isgails' st Schelilis- &SoIss.sts S. inisns osmasts- iiiry t ies in i li asyolway. No ikit ) iyasir pits-et lain treat. s'id a r fnaiinsg'i-. Neveriail witnle ___ __ intnly. tislidssimom setarly swisis- i rteosiongsansi st'is te tny ladies \'es'opeirate highclassseqipmensiait e- ennsde. Comeisuites isiinthei'srisoi issl . ttsiIi- ir. fssi ss wiisnd you sue oin appiiioval ifyusis vl rie, Ch n eantcasometo tstoe. r snsiiges. liaggaigetranssfier. Wattles' EatUniversity Pharmacy ilacs-- 114 N. Sissie St. 15-17 19 S Uniersty AenuI God tenor soloist swanted for cbsirclh V. .~ M i- rk, Appty sitomat-at312 S. Division Barber Shop and Bath Rooms see.-_eod-_____ ~we~ytiii~tFiort-Sees oar complete lint of Michigain L.ames~t Shops. teathe city Piis. fbs sait souveesirs. ttaller's J. R. TROJANOWSI. Prop. jeswelry Store, ni6 S. Mai street. end MR. AND MRS. NEWLYWED41 Thse steamers of lteB. & It tine whc prt al evc ewe h tDetroit as uit fhsfalo are elegssntly fur- Stand isisliad, thoroughly heatedl sndstveisti- - lated,. asse just ais coinfortabile as lose owls thoime, eeau irinig October. tBridtal parties caniresersva stateroossinoir tsr- - sirs in ads-atca. Sand for thumsorosshonsaymsooesto ulry 'Niagaesa Fslls sire ruinlsg yet." Addliress: D. & IS. STEAMBsOATi-s-Cs., Detroit, Suicli. WuANTED-Ladises to join si first- classsprivate soardisig tatblefeirlases snb-. tIoS8\Wiltsardtstreet. s5-18 BRINKS INK LIKEY A CAMEL To load a Conklin Fountatn Pen, just dip itto any tnk, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its own ege tank like a csimel slakisig its thirst. T'hat's all thero negd is to it ! No dropper-no mess--no bother. Dossit anywvhere-any time. ~~ ~SELF-*1~~ UUIflLi~~ FILING IPEN1 "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"t can he tilled instsantly ivithout the least inconveniene. You cissld fll it with white kid gloves on without danger of nsilinig. Besidles its ciovenience, is thn splensdidt writing qusslities if the Coinklin-the perfect teed. Leadsingc dealers kandletahikCtnklin.If cones does notI,isrder dirass. ties, fats0 and no. Send at oncor ohkandsnose eatalog. The Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldd., Toledo, Ohio LOSTl-Goldl sigmnet lbracelet, marked M." Ssudayeeimsoilt Stair sireet bsetwsesen Unitarisan sasil Methodist churies. Kinidly notify it.9 N. Thsayer - NOW~T~ street. ' 4-i.. Portrait frames at Foster's. tf 'Two dollars insues you against all' loss by fire. Geo. J. Haller & Co.. Reat Estate and Inuransce, 216i Sooth Main street. tf ANN0tJNCEN1 NT. Sltists wiishinig iti sell Chsoral Uionsi T'he toes's-fahlinhe of college goods is now compslete with the sios Mlay- Festival comcert tickets please choicest amid imisto vatielesiew thinmgs ever shoown. Rht tnt, CtONLItN c-sll si. Unis-ersity Schosol sof lis-ia. & FlEIsosdrlast your tpartiular attention to their sperb ilispmlay Libieral commsissisan allowed. -Ageists l of new tlesuruss in Manhattan Shirts. msiust srnug refereiiefromsines re-" 'issibla persomi. 10-1; Men's New Fall Gloves of all leading makes JACET WFYRR - ustre- Men's New Fall Neckwear Men's New Fall Underwear ,eivedl. Wa~gner & Co., State St. fis16- A filt variety of mnesv styles of these world-famous hats to FOR RENT-Two large honses toil- select fromn- Stetson. Carlton, Howards. aisle for clubhouses. George J. Haller R oC., reel estate and insurance, 216 Mets's Fall Caps, pricer from 5oc up. S. Mlain. if All late hooks for rent at Posters. tf Reul e, contlini l' ie jel , R 0. tH-. Lute, Alarm Clocks, $1.o0. as5 East Wasbingon. If ________________________________________ Island hammered jewelry at Foster's. KOLtAUF, THE TAILOR. M C ' T A R O 11o E. Huiron St. If-3d For FIr~est Culismze Try Kruspe's home-made candies. 615S r e l ~ .t last William streeti-18s r e a lSa t PIANOS TO RENT at Schaeberle & Somn. All mtusical supplies. New lo- calisms, iio S. Main street tf Pr'ices Most Reasoniable. MACK & CO. YiatsssjorUote weT -itnumber of choice mnew pisanos at Roots Music I lottie on easy termus. Free Inning. tf If you wvamnt the best fountain pen in tsr city, go to Cushing's, 336 South State street. if MO ~D isis Watchts, ls telomds, a.ner.aiisials WANED is-H i I tinsChttltanid tssiiniem-nl 5r'-isa iltslt''15515151 tisirs it tiBu sissslitily toislidi-etisi. ats dor's sth of5City Y. M.. A. W. J. UOVRIM This cut in the centre represents the The cts of derbies shown in this high telescope soft hat so much worn' d.rpeet w ftelaigf~ at present. We are showing it in four stylrees. teywoare trenandiresyfwll Y.colors. Greatest value you ever saw. suited to good dressers. See show window for price.Thprcis$.0 OOPEN EVENINGS WGE&COSthte bgshtreStatPEN StruN VAGSign of Sthe bgteshoe -XWAGNER & CO. Signofte bShtrei [ffi j V E I N G S- _ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ __r I The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs 444 South State Street SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT, OCTOBER 1, 1907 Introduction to the Study of New Testament By G. P. COLER This course will he given at 12 o'clock, noon, each Sunday, beginning OCTOBER 6 The subjects for kte first four Sundays will be as follows: I. From the Old Testament to the New Oct. 6 2. Preparation of the World for Christianity Oct. 13 3. Messianic Expectations Oct. 20 4. The World as Jesus Found It Oct. 27 STUDENTS AND OTHERS CORDIALLY INVITED. Other subjects wilt be announced later. Opportunity for questions and conference will be given. Rowe's Laundry THOMAS RO WE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ave. 'New Phone 45 Bell Phone 457-L SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY Open under new management Classes open Saturday, 10 a. m. Assemblies, Wednesdays 5And Saturdays, 9 to 12 WAI KING LOO Chinese Chop-SueyRestaurant Chinese Fancy isthes, American Lunches of alt kinds. Everything first-class for' ladles and gentemen. Chinese and Japanese Brie-a-brae. lip Stairs, one dsor I. Hsteonrss, 314$S. State St. i I i Gas Stuady Lamrps Irs'oxa-e a steady, soft glow. Easy on the eyes. fI'oderate in price. Cheaper than oil or electricity. Get the beat from the lar-gest aaaortrxornt. the Ann Arbor Gas Co.*- Will Soon Open. MICHIGAN UNION CAFE Watch For It