T-W.C MICHIGA N D AIL G. I.Wil CllhalyI iS ine of fine Our Spit Imported adl.domestic WuNES Is now ready. It inclndes all the latest Novelies Shades and Up-to-IDate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, (frays and Fancy Blues. Youzr patronaget respectfuly solicited. G, H. Wild Comipally 311 South State Street If Youz Buya Base Ball Mitt a bat or anything in the sportiiig goods line -o'll he well suited if ou buy it of Ir Student iBookstores THE MICIHMAN DAILY. Managing Iditor-ARcHER F. Rrrcarz Business Manager-C. E. WINSTEAD. EDITORS Neiis ............... Chauncey Boucher Athletics.............. Lee A White Athletics, Assi..... C. E. Eldridge Eveliange........Robert RMountsier Muisic ..........Roy D. Welch )rama ..............Donal -I. Haines Women's Eiitor.... Louise Van Voorhis EDITORIAL STAFF Russell McFarland NIGHT EDITORS Raymiioind Vissher Leonard C. Reid REPORTERs t. 1B. McHugh J. H. Prescott Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Water K. Towers Louis Kraft Lewis 'T. Kniskern Robert Moreland Paid Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding 'Tieron P. Cooper E. G. C. Williams A. L. ltainine BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wre Cad H. Adam Harold . Gould Address: MICmIGA DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street Manager's Hours : I- p. i., 78 p. M. daily, except Sunday. Both phones SATURDAY, MAY 2 , iof. ToiiGTtitiSTEtNTi. The Carnival of Fun is oi. The bresare harking atd the actors tre acting. The stirit of jolifcation is raotpan.'lbsetntire canitpus has thriw aide dullI 1 care atd only godnatre ad good fellowship is it order. I you hae not yet joined he nmerry thg yen should not miss the oppor unity itonighti o tear down the barriers of every kindi, get away front your de- parment al your books ad let a real Michtigani spirit have a chance to make ris more toroiughly Michigan mnat or a NSihiganswoiman. WiVe kinow of notbetter way to wet- com~e the glaisomte mioth of :flowers aiid ;niehine tani by mirgling with the crewd it the gymnasiuims ad by living a icwi carefree and happy ours, refresh ouirseves andh take on iem strength for the fiiatspurt of the year. iPAY TE DAMAGES. Tioday is he day to make good our riiiiise to pay for the destruction wiroiughtitbty the recent disturbance on W\ashiiigito street. The Student Coun- cil is wiorkinig hard and we can be sre for 'omie definite purpose to settle the tilts. Maiiy have nit yet givers any- htg. If you are among them it is up ito yiiuiti see the collector today ard coiniribuiie your share. Audthte tarticipants in the stae ato- miiile eiduirance run, who were passing itroiighth te city yesterday afternoon, itiouigh thi g crowd on the streets had iiurnedt out to do them honor] NOVEL ATTRACTIONS MAKE THINGS ?MERRY (Continued from PgeOe.)" sas tieing sold on the floor, anI one reason for its great demndr wsas because of the beauty contest. Tloe cocls, rot only ,01s'ky but plitkless, wlo were candidtes for the honor, were arrayed in their rgrlatisit aster ontifts, ani arty fellow whlo had the chance to "tote" orie of tern around and let his friends see hin, could consider himself lucky. About hooclck last night leaders in the Clarion's prie contest were Misses EdithlA leads, Helen . Gatle, and Flor- ertce Baneter. The' election has non' become a party affair and organizations an fraternities are plling ard voting aloitg strictly partizan lines. 'T'he total pai amrissiors at the mai ioor last ight totalel ,oo. Thi is a corsisderable increase oer the lasi Fair's first ight receipts, there being at that timus but r,8o ur thereaouotts. If the attendance tonight only eqials Iis, and there is a great probaility that iit will exceed it, the carnival this year will undotrbtedly be one long to te reiremsbered irr Michigan anials,- and it all helps the Union. This ie mustst hae been constantly orre in mirtnd last night by alt the performers in eery show, for it was a fact not to be nis- takerr that the meri trew tertselves into the work with an unparalleled vim. They sweated ard jurnped and sang and yelled and laiged through it all. That is why eeryore enjoyed it so, and why all ill returnt tonight. To take care of the crowd tonight both Barbor and Watenan gymna- iunm entrances swi1l e used. Special ticket offices sill be erected anrd all wiltl le readly for tonight's big croid. COUNTY CLARION SCORES SIX SENSATI(5NAL, SCOOPS The Cuitnty Clarioni scooped all its competitors in Ann Arbor yesterday. The D~aily admrits it was beaten. Specta- tors of the parade were astounded. to read ini its columns that jean Dordans was pinched, ard that Deit Reed was dead. Wshat didit it rmatter if tie forirer was mrerely pinched by art insigiiciat sidewalk catching ter foot, or that the ltter was dead only iii the seise that Ile was deadt set against bolting. The papers were entirely sold otibte- fore the parade hailerdein iifriirt of the judges' stand. Another edition was struck off and sold at the Coutty Fair last night. Three thousand copies were printed antI sold. Itisi expected that as niany riore of this afternoon's new edi- tion will e sold. It is advertised that there will be other startling matters revealed in to- day's issue. The inside story of te parade will be told in a thrilling mar- ner. It is also stated that it will con- tain the confessions of a prominent fac- ulty member. LOST-Ont Campus, Saturday after- noon, lady's golu watch, with date Jtne 22, 94, egraed ott case. Return 73 F. Huron ard receive reward SH-SH'-Sl'.-For men only, at the County Fair. 53-4I UNION NOMINATING. COMMtTTEE MEETS -SOON As the tints for annutal nomiinationi antI election of the Michigan Uriiii draws near, the Union announces the followinig as an extract from its by- law..st~tichi must be complied with: "No iember of the Union shalt b alloiwed to voie at the annual election unless lie shall has-c registered his name and the number. of his membership ticket ini the book provided for that purpose, at least site week previous to the election." 'The Utniori silt be opeit to ladies as- cormpaniied by mernbers today and dur- ig the May Festival. The nominating convenitioni this year is' as fiillows: J. 'W. McCandiless, ctiair- iianr, Oscar Boose, Harry Patricke, Don Sterliiigsuit Robiert Boiughtoii.'This committee wiltl meet at the call of the chiairmaii. 'lTie date of the eletiioii is SaturdaySlat' 30. I 10 N113NMANUF1 a ss.City, Ceeland, New Orielsul iI> i Ri o trlt C tanada. Executive Offie County Fair Carnival Now Opezm Barboavr Gym:,astums t _ _ ,._. NOW Is the time to got your CLVETT SHIRTS AND LIGHT UNDERWErAIR AT THE Co-pStore, ORN[ESIA CONCIIIT High School Mall may 59 8:15{ P.M. LAST FACULTY CONCERT Nigh School Hlal Thursday Evening May 7 ( . .... 1 The Students' Lecture Associatiog I 121 Washington F. The Ran da4J Studio Ran dali & Pack, Props. Phone 598