THE MICHIG ANitOATI IY" r FieTil-oring Can Deliver SamnuchId & o,106 E.BAST URON ST. BLI T TOC)K OF IN "1111 * IV VAT BROWN'S Drug Stare 120 F. Li et St. We have Ppt -sellito-lots of 'ore 6 v1 rites. ALAR I OCK $1.00;195) $175 MICHICC"-' PENS AND) FOBS 25C up to $5.001 PINE WATCH REPAlIINti A SPEIiALTY9. W'atch 1Insptorfor thei AnntAerborfailroad J. L. CHAPMYAN 2(0 S. IAIN ST1 Br anc 1 gists'tc"St. Meerscob 1111 ad Amnber COT'(tPi NNV.AS '10 HATE II)LT PAXNAMA0 CANALT liii C firstclnO'.. il 11t1111ofstruct. 1111.1 II .1 ' iefl 16)Cortee .i11Tt yr said len. 1). IL . 7iKinlayv. ehaitrman of the housecmsio oiloninsular affairs, ill is leture on fTe Panama Canial." 99 CdCii dtavafterno0011 in1Taplpatn IHall. SiJr. :\IeKinlay is toe of tite Taft party hichtrecenttly visiteti Panama 111(1 oilhet Pacifte pottt s. lie traedltile llisorvif tile feon thiitimle (If Sp~ain's attlemtpt ti e preset tiie. He Sl ftite excess'ive extrllvllglaties of te It .ndt eonttpalti tlow theyiboughtt aiag f 'S1ow1 ilotts.foe work oithie i t -.ll f a Pntttattat~ nal wh viettit 1101. thll I iCLoniIsilty-iivedsto ttmttke it trit)ft tnt Satt .l'rtatteisettoliiCutba ,:run SothAtrica1.111Wititheb'ett cf tiL, canalthits elli oud i vbe "Tacr11ha1 teett a casettf yelotw Cer on11 ite aialsittce Juitie of Tp06 sadM. \iltnlav itnlattdintg tite work of the 1111tmenettip sed ittb tte h 1ath 1111me~t n cc it e tautliietltli asisuredlis iiteeritai fromtttheli.'resetlotttlook th wiiilliii iisei'.iiuwiitinfitvfee 11it. HOT.- it ilii. Tue FaiieetStar. Alli See tite tottderfulttitli icheiigttt. it liarbottr spring Clothluzg SECRi"fil' 19'SINK PFAVORS "The scho l o "ttsc iiiaittilt ii fairs oI teittiltit ,1610 i sai Secer h 1. S, lest ev.'ttttte rlt et tilei t .ttittit 1 tl i e P ro . t lii i anolt tiilcio1t in itie tt miii. miltvrcoo e ititte ir 6 1 11sn ll1 alt)ii 01(1St ith ro . to ie th eiinkt i. iISCd l i i tig oat teI'ioeuie n m l ision to1 riii tutum. Prl it no oub 1wt he fit tilt i l i. sis1611rth1 plilthereeeunetferaya laaiellfoh [i eeehtw r perapsthe wortil lt ts.I' t has beent~ ai mate f ef- iescL ith tli tis. (tititt lire ing ~ sthe. biilloits si wh tttere'i~t CC 111Vei telQibega also to1 st'4i tthe u ~. o lrt m til l eeter..nIi~ 6 i' tmu, grasfli 1tk .if 1 .1 i it tisily itt hs iii the inthei.ttt~ 1( ilhftry t tttiwould .evlop 1hen1esitysp11iit a1111htil. 11thinkI tiherte ire. 1enoug.hi 0 btt It t . lie eold e lgwtot Io itl\ pts. 1( 11o1 \e i ght(111l i i isiu tll.' ii. It.' n i li tr are l u 1 t19 ttcktoi tLes ii lelt lociii a iiii of66ttt re n 111or i i \\ 99wal: 1 . 41 ii 11 1111 ,Ii iii t 1 ,c?.cn ctt ltg :t,: ' r iiil iithatl;lbit fr 11 i 99 '.1 l h '' iiil oug t t 1111,11 , n:iIi eit oit it lit-tle' bt ' t il a el ea i i iii itit I itu -ight efears a lt, al-il 'ilco, there teas' notithti'ti lt-~th ltll piiC,iit~the totl 6 ste il( old tt'. '11111 l I~ s 217i,. 111 h uhoii dcddto, Slaee t r Loantt, pnl pulaseline f ihga ptsafobsattd sanetitwr. Fllier' Jcwelryon te. ret -I. Min streeI t"ot atte itse f li C -ilirII'sltt i5 Wtige i tgtela mp us.t 11e,11r.itlte i cl oic l.m m Arm . orteks warralltied fr co ner $Ieoo. a \ailr ewelryC'STre, a615' Miofstre. codlit Jly1. See our complete litte. of Michigan pins, fobs and sonvenirs. Holler's jewvelry Store, at16 S. Main street., erd Negligeesit'.sle. ie lenth-;lil> t it., $1.0. O i .;;o. VWI"1tti'vc&r ('itState stret.91-4 Why Waste Your Time.) You might as well coitt to us dtrect, if you're looking for thte best clothes your money can buy. We catt't afford to taka chances witlh poor merchlandise tieither call you. We know we can do 1n0 tetter and that you can find none more satisfyiitg atid of equal value at reasoinable cost. Society a~nd College0 Branrd Clothes DRES.S FOR YOUNG MEN Staelbler M( 1 Wuerth CO. 211 S. MAIN STRE.ET Walk-O vo'rs' For spring Oxford time is. Here anti so ate te vattotts sitylesiii Walk- Over. Oxfords, Pumps and ties in islaektaxind atil iiml Tan leather, will predoiltate and. we hav e taken all ipains possible in selecting the tiewest shades 'ts well ats exeltusive designs for Walk-Over Patroits. See windows for unlimited supply of Pumps, Street Ties with good street soles suede liied Hseels to prev eut all slip- pting. on heels; in bsuttons anid lace for Meii snd Womtenm. Walk-Ovyer She Co., R. J. IOFFSTETTER Mgr. Hart, o ncafe & lMarx - " All Wool-Hand Tailored IUlj1, SPRING CLOTHING heClothier, Ready whew~ youz are.®'° i MRS. i . t TRO J NOWSKI FASHIONABLE S_0ISRESSER Maicu~arin, ace I.' ;agtea Secialty. 322 S. Stte sSt. (I'p. r)e Bll Plione35 THElFI'A .~Sl)lt-_ .iIIs BANK Capital, $5,00, 5srpept _ flro)lIts, $65,000 Geeattanlkint _.. ..te._ oe tell.paidl on Time aond011 lLnst afely tDn- posit unties Inoni 1 2.10a1(1upsiarns FtIt.nos' ',Pro. Cw 17a. Vie.e-Pres F.1. BSFs tt