THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0G i l Ild Collipally Otur Srn . line of fioe Imported an Domestic Is 1,-, ready. It tinchdes all the lates-t Novelties, Shades and Up-to)Date Patterns in MoseBown, Ca rib ouTan, Le ather Shade, irays and F- acy Blues. Yotir 1) ironage respectfrully solicite d THriE MICHIGAN DAILY. , .. Z ...... -_ - .,.. I, 311 so-n! State Street w Y:rA' 1rHf 6} vial Managing Edior-ARCHcE F. RTCI. Business Manager-C. . WNSEsnA. EDITORS News' ............Chauncey }ouche Athletics...............Lee A Whitp Athletics, Assi..... C. E. Eldridg' Exchrange ...... Robert ountsier Music... -............ Roy D. Welch tlrama ..............Donal H. Haines Women's Editor... Loise Van Voorhis EDITORIAL STAF Russell McFarland NIGaT EDITORS Raymond Visseher Leonard C. Reid "WORTMS M. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott Lowell . Carr Donald L. Kinney Water K. Towers Louis Kraft Lewis T. Kniskern Robert Moreland Pant Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding Threrorn P. Cooper E. G. C. Williams A. L. Hainine * BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: 1- p. n., 7-8 p. M. daily, except Sunday. Both phones FRIDAY, MAY I, 98. 'Farr(a at last!t Ma cay and Fair a; for ay day is in reality a Fair 'lay 11ow. Not for years, and ut twice before il the history of mankind, has such a lay as this dawned upon the wrord. Wotld you know why? Sau- ier dlowni East University avenue after inch this n001. Would you know whti'E? tnter either gymnasium after tiiiieh this evening. Heig-o' The gayety and1( joy of it all! Lights bla- ing! Banners streaming!t Booths re- spitendent ini holiday deckings!l Carmt- ig maiiid1ens5charmtingly attired-beauty Hying thl itef!t Joy ill the air, joy nievery hart, joy everyshere! Seriosy, tie third Msichigan Contiyt haireopens at 7 o'clock this eening in both gymnirasitimls. For te third tie isi years opportnity is afforded all .\ietigan sud(ets to rtbisotlders so- ciattly011 a tlmue ofablsolttCetquaity. 1i ery tbarrier to perfect harmoty and frateriity stouilc be, atd here will be, tlen docwn. Pleasure, recreation, pure miunseiliclt-anid all the abandon neces- sary for their realiation-shotld be the iwattwrs of tie hour. Incidentally id cer iactuaintnce, a stroger fellos- fetling. a solicarity of symipaty and iniret, wil ieviably tbcobtained. W ih these te ojecs aid these the certain results cf attendance at the Corl Fa'Ecir, hw will it be possible for mnyine to dtay away? Obtserve tat the sait all the abandon ncessary. No more. Wen tie spirit f fun gross rampant, the spirit is liable io ciiiiiiit excesses. May the Spirit of Fun hr the gu.ardian deity of the Fair. But imay it. inifestationsle controlled by antother andi a nobler spirit-Mbich- gans Spirit ! TsF AR rSITY.'v ocitts'r. When Madam Schuman-Hfeink called Ann Arbor the Bayreuth of America she had good grounds for her statement. But not content with such a reputation. wec are still pushing forsard' to make Ani Arbor one of te musical centers of the couritry.. -This year has seen te addition to our musical attractions of a ,Universily orchestra. Such an orgai- zation shoulcd be encouraged by every possible rmcts It encoirages musicians to come to An rbor whlere tey can play in a torougly orgaiizec aid effi- cient orchestra Too muchel credit cannot be given to Samuie P. Locksood wvho ias reorgan- ized atd drilled te orchestra. Leader- ship is the quality whitch hols together aind gies life to a body of musicians. This quality tAir. Lockwood possesses i, a renarkable degree. Through his ef- forts this year an orchestra has been deseloped whichi promises to e oie of the most useful and fa-reacling benefits to Anni Arbor and the University. "MICHIGAN? GREAT" SAYS GO. JOHNSON "Oh, you have a great utiversity," said Gov. Johnson ii an interiew las night. "This is surely a great educa- titonal center. \We ot in Minnesota respect you itellectually, and of course athletically, ecause you have swhippdi us so many times. in many respects I thiiik Michigan is better than the Uniiiersity of. Minnesota, aid I oly wish so mny young men out there didn't think the same thing." PROF. LORCH WILL LECTURE ON FRENCH ARCHTECTURE Le, Cercle Dranatique Francais has secured Prof. Emil orh, head of the department of arcitcturer, to deliver a lecture Saturday evniriig, -May 23, ii Sarah Caswell :Angell Hal, oirtie sub- ject of "Fretrch Arcitecurer." Prof. Lorca will soss a large nm- her of views of cathedrals, Fric bild- ings. both pblic ard private. airc other struictures reimarkable ecaise of their architectural styles. Some of tie slides which willte trown oii tescreen are particularly iteresin~g because of their artistic effects. The lectre will iot e highly techn~ical in ntre. SENIOR LAWS HONOR PRO. J. . BREWSTER Prof. J. H. Bresster_ is to he tie faclty memibr oicred by'tie senior laws in their class memiuorial tis year. It has long bent the cstonr for te senior lasws to haig te portrait of a lass factlty meimnber in tie lirrry rporr graduation aid tie class again accepccd it ithtie meeting yesterdayit uerioo. It sas also voted to make tie usal trip to the state capital after tie Jnie examinations. SM-SH-SM.-For men oly, at the Coutnty _Fair. 53-4 .;a i f ;- r r 1 f s , t e i 5 V P 1 S r r s r Z I,. Torrighnt Adrian H. Lancdrmin, 'o81. -winnelr of tire Uinisversitv orrrtoricmrl cuir test, meets represernatives of six othrer univerrsitieso in the annual coralog of the Northern Oratorical league at Iowca City. The subject of Mr. Landmran"s oratiorn is "Ourr Duty to the Sioux," tire same orarioni withr shich hewonoirthe University contest. Besides MT. Land- man, men from the Universities of Ciii- cago, Iowa, Minnesota, Northwestern. Wisconsin, arid Oberlinr college will par- ticipate. Prof. 'T'rrreblood arrd F. B. McKay, alternate for iiciiigarn,swill accomoparny Mr. tLarndrmarn. After the. contest, rhe Delta Sigmra Rhro fraternity swill give a bariquret to tire participants, at whiich Mr. McKay hras been invited to speakm. Tire Northern O~rarcirical league s organized at Ann Artior in 189o, arid thg first corrtest seas held iii r89r. In 1901-Corrgressrmarn Frairk 0. Lcwdern, of Illinois, endowed it wvithr $3,500 Tire interest cif this sumri goes to proside the testirmorrials of $too arnd $ o whiicti are givert to the raerriinrg first arid secornit honrors respectively. Out of severnieen contests Michriganr has swott nirre first hrornors, one second. aird four tirrcs. MUusic anb Mratna Yiviarr Martiir played tire tinle role ot "Peter Parr," created biy Mauce Acdrms, in a creditable mnariner. tier iriterpreta- lion is a close imitaticocit Miss Adams' fflayimng, irot an citire strccess as a ciipy, hurt satisfactory. Tire entire prodctciorr is inuchr above that of the average sec- ond comrpanry, inr rmost respects irlayed by careful and cormpeteirt actors arid staged irrichr like tire origirral. (O1thre play it hras brer said by ariitoritatise critics, "It is tire iest inr tiermocderri Englishr craria,"tint not everymone has tire heart to riricerstanrd it. Of ttiose who cioinotutnrrcerstarid rrndccornsequreritl doc rot like it, Prcof. Wener ocre sail. "Throse wh-to rail Peter Parr cnrire bioshr, I call eirtire asses." NOTICE-REAL MO4NEY, N0T CIIECKS, IS NECESARY AT THE FAIR TONIGHT. NO ChE1'CKS \V!LL 1liERECEIYIt). CHARLES 1'. WINSlEADAl. Pt-OM SIX t7NiVtORSiTIif -S . 5 r t J i i i AN\OMA-N OPPOSES ORATORS I I i i i 4 L WRIGH3T CBS.DITSON'S com5~plete line st WAHR'S University Bookstore Fresh Photo Supplies TE NNIS Rackets Racket Presses Racket Covers Court Markers Tennis Balls Tennis Nets Tennis Shoes Official Tennis Guide I .AA ,i mt or iv' thiig in the sHo riigodmes litre o r it mbe5w-il11suited if so u Imiy it ofmi 0 Student [bookstores 9 I i i 1 5 , All the latest in Kodaks and Cameras Rent a Kodak lOc per day League Ball Official N atoa V~t'i C I 1 tO m it is is isiS try cl iii; nti~i 'er i iim r ii' AG.SPALDINGr & BROS. 'sew YaI ari i mm di,rrmmS'asntFrncisco, aIirt kcu r or .is !,' mn' tai aa yae usns', Pitts- Sac,, 'tiia lsrieiamimr1trr-irinCincirnnat,uBrt- siame '+1'sii ii i 0 w,11bss nCity, Cleeland, New Oreans, tr :.mi, itrenat, Canada. r 2 1 1' 1 I ( Executive Office County Fair Carnival Now Open~ flaibo~ar Gymnasiuum LYN DoNJ IBAILEY & EDMUNDS1 porting Goons0 121 EAS T LIBERTY STREET rsi-iassim tuavecomeiisiueria nunessary eunuinc ih stddents it lttt theiy will welcuome air eyi'- gtass thac ir's co'foitnerveeie. tins,'ouinepnclret dune at ARNOLD'S and hte will fit yoiuicoi- fortably adarict ueeresulus. Quui Reiars .Lenses (ouirnd. EMIL H. ARNOLD Optcal Spealtattwitht WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 220SoSuth MainSSueced i , 1 N~OW Is thze time to get yoxir CLVETT SHIRTS AND LIG T UNDERWEAR AT THE ORC'N[.SIRA CONCERT high School Hall May 5, 8:15. P.M. Ibe Students' Lecture Association ]LAST FACULTY CONCERT High School Hall -Thusdy EveningA ,May 7 { i III 1 .._ 121 '~ he Randall Studio,. Randalli&Pak Props. P'hone 599