r- --- -- THRB MICHIGAN DAILY 1000 T.AIOI N G We sho thite 1 t omnplete assortment of New woolens ini this part ofIoio o take pride in the Quality, Price and Design. Look> mover osz1r etoday. CALENDAR. Ari 30_ -Lecture at iscsbcrry IfHall, 7 :30 p. IC., o00. Congo Refor M :Jove-. mlent." April 3 -GOV.:Johntson of -Minnesota 00 S. L. A. course, 8 p. m. May j---County Fair in the gymnna- May i-Concert lay University orettes- tra of 4i pieces, High School auditorium. S. P. Lockwood, conductor. May 7-Facutty concert, tHigh School haftl, itp. C. May 8-'L'Aavire," presented lay tihe Cerctc I)raruatique Francais, at 1-tlajestic thteater, 8,p. m.t May 8-Stutdents' Medical society en- tertaiment itt iarbtour gymtnasitut. Ad- dress bty Dr Watter Coutrtntey, chtief stir- gettt of Northtcrtt Pacitic railway. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Special Sale of Broken Lots andi Odd Sizes in our Iig h Grade Shirts -$~aShirts Z~c and$10 HENRY5o. CO 709-711 NORTH',UNIVERSITY AVENUVE OPEN EVENINGS, lNew inyTheatre BELL PHONEL480O HOME PHONE 200 Mor~day May 4 HENRY . LLE In the Great Ue 11e e°Play Suzccess Ftes enttgiteerts wilttteet tt 4, it Room 400. Dutlop. Fresh engtttecr btaseball practice at Sotth Ferry field, 3 :30 shtarp. Lanmbie. All sotth lit report at Ferry field to- day at 4. B~asebvall game witht fresh fits. Wilsoti, Capt. Studets attetintg Cox-. Jtthttson btatn- quet at 5 :30 tottay catn get tickets froma 4 to 5 :3o at Cook liotise. Rehtearsal of vattdeville shotw, Saraht (Caswell AttgelHall, 7 o'clock tonight. All tterfortters anti coetmitteemelt. Settior tits mutts have ocers for extra inationtst intbty-May 1. Ctll at Itox office, Uiisity 1,ll, 4 tt tldaily. Atteittiotil Itf class, orgattizatitot aint teamttreasttrers is tgaitt ctlled tothteir tills for reptresetationithe It't1 tMielt- igattensiani. ITese sliutili e settled at Olic. Adre t 1o8 iMichigatnetsiait. Rtoottr, Attntarbotr itress Bldg. Officc Iorrto 2 . it. dtily. J. SW. Icl- Itittilevss, liusiitc-v attager. tf SE:E, "A Rotttttt Ioliday,'' torlty sucesor of tite 'Sultait's Retreat," wthl ltserlttltttlitv. te Rotmaitsettor, Itis ftir. festiv e daughter Peniiyaitte.attdte fierse ottawsArcthitaldi. lattey tose fttr yottr oxfortds. Wtatg- ter & Cot, sigilof te ig wvhtte shtoe. 5 1-54 lttitgittan Co., Phtotograpiters. Grottps, viesws, lttttertt slides, attd postcards. De- velopittgtttd printitng for anmateulrs a speciatty. lThis ftrtt coitsists of Will- ants, fortterty sithLa yndon, 'fhotmpsoit, teho tas tatd several yettrs' experientce, atttt Longutait. 306 Sotuth State street. Phtotneto. tf Nose is te lime to save your rooms patpered, tdecorated or paintted. We are takting stpecial prices. Your credit is gttod. C. 11. Maj or & Co. Botht phones 237. If Kttee leitgtlt union stuits atnd B. V. D. utnderwe'ar. W~agtter & Co., Slate St. 1-4 ldUMP YOURSELF and see thse camel enter Mazotodar. It's amazing. LOST-A Gila mtioster, escaped front a cage hack of the Utaion clubhtotise. It looks like a large lizard, very repttl- site itt appeartatce. If scull, notify thte mlanatgemet el f Basce's Jttngle Animal Sho0w. BRV By Rida Johnson Young GENUINE S 7SPENDERS I. a will posrt/rce/r-ufa/a m theeparao Town t Country r. T uWebbig inmiae. °r Quaity uyvaryig Shirts f ..: id ldsll at ! ' Fit every ocason, ft w ,,pEe~ gn patrhsnm $15 p ~tGYTsAPVor afloat. Ex'o j y, ~ 1 Itat CLUTETT, PEAOCY & CO.,Maktrsi rateveyfiid tY /OSTHEISC EYRBTas SPHINX $-2.00 HABTB.ROTLAES The new Spring Styles ate totwsrattyitt all tie new shapes stttcort -. Miller Made FRED W. G DOS New Line Guaranteed V Y ' ~of Clothes I Liberty St nd ltlh Ae. of Caps THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BOSTON, MASS, tt e c et o i gsei to ii -tH Hc~cili rt 0 51I Speni ul t sholno'a auvtltttittl te tics n ~upc(Irttit iii s1 ev acit ii sle- thes, fuareideotedentttiel ttytol ttor t -iitititnd.sitrc. i , erIat htedsits af erdabund.e a opoui tis it:. naliii tt i Avof ttti iyttin txtentdsl front tote,' e, to.1tiyitt I:tttt1909. The dipiam.ot the Unt emsiy onichi5gn isaccetedlt Iftr atisio.iviut, IeIti i itt nntitteeu~t andtttlttaittueaddts HARVARD MEDICAL SCOOt.,ttotnsMaStss. THE BEST IN THE STAllEIF)RDANCE MUSIilC GRANGER'S ACADEMY ORCHESTRA dtt andattt ntedtr. Bottttktttouv Yttte stti i lt.o-:in i.ta ilbettttte. j TO KEEP IN THE PROCESSION YOU HAVE TO KEEP ON THE JUMP IN BUSINESS OR AT PLAY This means that you muist be Loept tn the best possible mental and physical conditiot. 'his etd is et reached thru nourishing, easily digeste foods, cotinted with rational exercise and a careful observatnce of rie laws of hygeite. SHREDDED WHEAT is rich its the proteids that repair waste tissue and the elementst that buitld the perfect human body, it contaitns all the nutritiv e, stegrh-given naterial in the whole wheat, made digrarila>le by steatm-ookitng, shredding and baking Aiibreakas ltt HR D EDi A I S '' ilibtc odiniocemwl suppl the eegyt c"-alf a ' Yui.'' -~