THE MlCfflGAI4 DAILY ---- _ - Ww G. H. Wild Company The Larget Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear Everything required for Suits, Overcoats, ancy Vetings, and Tiouserings and of hih cassc fabrics and special styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. L. Wild Comfpally 31 South State Street Start a Collection of Penn ant *s of all the Colleges and you will add greatly to the appearance of your rooms. We have a large and varied stock of pen- nants of the leading col- leges in various sizes and styles made in the official colors. Priceas c to $5.00 Sheelhall & Co. Student Bookstores ° e, SPALIiNG & BROS. a4 The Largest Manufacturers in the Word of Oficia Athetic Supplie Base Ball, Foot Ball, Uof, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official fIpeentsisor Trait and Field Specis Usifotnr fortalf Sprs. Spadies Hndsely Ilusraed Caalge f all sports contains n mnrrns suggeestions. Sedtnori.-Itsfre. A. O. SPALDING a BROS. New York, Chiago. St. Louis. an iVran'ioo. Minneapolis Deer, Iuffalo. Sycracase. Pits- burg. Philadelphia, Botiassn, Cincnnati. ialati- mre, Wshiingtan Kansas City, Cleeiad, New Orlesns, Detit. Montreal, Canada. THlE MICliIJAN DAILY. Managing Editor-PAUL SCOT MOWEi. Bufsiness Manager-C. :. I Psi r so Newas.............A V. itche Athletics.... .William PF.Gadopi Sporting ...... larince E. Elriuge Exchange......- 1.John \Wamold Mosie and Dranma....Roy ID. Welch WVoimen's Editor . .. foise Viii Voorhis' EITORIAL STAF J. W. MscCadfless Elmer C. Adams' Johno FWre Robert If Clnc Hiram S. Cody George H I ofart (hauiiccy Boiche T. G,. W'silliams Reosecto L. C. Reid Lee A Whie Raymond Vissher M. B. McHugh A. L. IHairline Robert Monsier BUSINESS STAFF John h. SWurz Carl H. Adam Address: MICHIGiAxN AIsY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street Managei's ous: 1-2 p. i., 78 P.n. daily except VSnday. Bots phones gho ilUVS 1155 11(1111J1.111i07ii Aming ofi THEiii.II ii istffit iill he hesl I iiFr ida 5 p.I. i in te' Visi- nird strest offie. Sloli I to'oiseand cn idtes pleaisesb prsen iii:followsigs meniarerequiste'si'.lto cll at lqIii llsii x sii e icsses 230 and i:0 p.imitoda: N5. EIviitnissths V. t'. Cane K. 5'. une, ,iis is K iii fiicJosph Rilsssis ,CarstonsisF OSchstil, Walsts5 ImolTowers isis IfI arolsi iii suggestioni, sseitured'aifsiisisli ag egsardiing'vesper services ii- ii versify Iflsliesoedl cissierailc iie i sisin t ts' tme.Billitapstisretl it iassles to neisinicsite mtesures to carry th'esjecltishrouig. On te contrr soeltr is stiisii}iby flkllwihotiiiisrs hersite iiiays wentithe service wass ihisd regssisrls seemts tiprie it iots unulkdl ucsliul as wsas sp poediik ll eisct'iiisisests it wichsi tse dolitsrs iiifts' usioriinmswsi sty ii - s'ississssely' situfreels' fori ll sissers. ths si s c' drsw i itsisdiecehiely 'frit the iti' iityp son epthiemittstisall s ioardinho uset oteiir i itieiess. Sitd, stillsits's'rlstorte discuraesge,.ts' sti- lenscwhiio tsouldl iss's'reeledin'i thelii good thinsisip irvideshowed aisis cii - fillackIsiofiilistyslty situ rniiawi iy stsr iBeforcs''a decuiision s ui ionitis' ii- lists'scertinstits'e' tigissouls he massrkesd. 'iTsiatis'nis''rformansce is s lsailuriebecaseitdoess'ot55rill UIssis sits' hasl v isdagroslytivthnsthhiss isiicew Iisouldsiscasrs' to mitati. La Fsslistts' ishis' ausislisses lsst yarsi not sarg' enoutghitoiiflstter' simusch ntsis',speasssskei, has beint pt'aiss'di li mayisitsiste strontgst smaitevrcehearst tsite sandtsspeialy.'Te tinstoiscuss i t eisie's listsis that t' veset'rce's canl e exipectedi tssiaiteal ts eery- onr. lbike every oter enterprise hers,', it mtust leisorse or less ofi a depar- menstisl saffsir. It iwilile permanentl attrsictive o'sit o thotiise ishio like the exaltaitionitandthue echsstetiitg iii.lae imutsic. lits if these' cnistitte ols' hlfslositasifourthls othegississ-otlieci- rolmnitsill noss the atempst to reie te sevice its'iswsrthi while for teir saks: 'sVIf usfractissit of te suens attens'n'siukeenilysenjoys'temuntsic, i iiilsse smsie sstisfactoriy thoun si flt hoseo'fia 'worsre cnsitstueny. Outr i- hamnosSodomsst sesseess a nwis- ii tenstion rther iiv irisis ofiits ciini'wio ihsisss'experienceds's'iiu mysissisc'imtisia es - '" 'T'ec'g'inersal isteret ini tmisic is alsi greatisssnstghitfaanesot sir puttig liii oryanintoi iusiss.Thle ifscsilty ciners, thishe cubprormits, the MyVist es' is ut. - sit'eeytiig f geninttu mterit lwslsats srassia aisre atdalpre ciativ's' audsis'nce. It is reasosnablustio sutose thasthue coegantwhseoetssrs' ]etenest''iirstootuuby ts'spopulce,iwsosli liie'eiqullt susccflii Smnesne ittougt tos geltibehindiltIis lprjettsdibsng it Thei'Juiniiorsi'iearchi'lsutboasts iof exhiiiit"st their basnquetewshichin-i stisie esstsrosamphtssiblias adilrep- tles. SuchlasCosuit iiiioof stffsirs i Vs reysards Ihis letusre Seretry 'Tauft hodai togivec'hiss SI,. . aidicie'' ait inssightitsoissistiosiasl aft'airs 5of sou' ires' Vist'ss asits litte' sisss s'isisgist its salimitraelssgusyii. V. . Di IE's ii HEADIS SENIORlI,1.55 'TICKE'T 'The issloi tick leet is slt forescoti itisideainiif le 'oSlwsitss: Prss - dent. Circle A . iDe\itt;5 Ius ic-ise isi seut. Virtsis' L. Pauilson;t 5seontdlvics- srs'ssit, Clinitn I. ESyle;5sertrs, Joh sltsi. 5 iter: tieasr'iFGeorge' . Jacson; stoa tsstiasster, Fridi'. IBreay; fooitblsli itsstitisir, R'y Wi.' Dasis;: sse iall ssnagt,susiRusssell IH.,\Wilsn; 5tiacls managerssi' Normantitt5W. i'ltitist. F'RI'SK I ; ilINEFEIRS IPVUT TICK11' IN T'Ii'1121 Plits'ars' ii'selpingtiterlest amnitg thli ensI iginsts si hliiihaIticattiket ticktlistsicllows_ Pre'ss'it ) . I Torreiiys;' sie-p'esi den '. hlii secre tsy, s. N. Gassinsil; itiitresrlu. .G rchs fooiu'iiti stba yna 'r It. I,. Istiteler bsitbaismasag'r, H.V11itiKi.'s iii halltm'nage'r. IR. N. 'sc iowstlI. na it'YIt~i oossVt".'s' nursicSstti lhis wsee'k fir lBerliit ishere le iwilisccut- p thte Rouses'slt prtfessorship of Ami- ericati history ans inistitutionsiit ithe lUiversity cifierin. The enrolloicit a Hasrvarsi is 333 I F c i t } i t Z lIRE1Sil4lN PL.EAD)S FOR FAIIVPL'AYI A freshmn ataddshiisitoice, it the commuiction hereswithi appendes, to the geiieral chortus of criicism, pro ansi coi, regardingithe recent fres-soph ruish. Its a personal postscript he claims itmoereofthe festimetsi, fa"siessa tobe ofirssliyhentiesmenisand ptsitly of soe iif the older stadetts." "Editor 'TiE ICIGANiusaxOsuss Tot the freshmen, the artiles its our 'Tuesdatiy's editioii discitssitig he fresh- soph rushi othIoiifronsthe stsdpoiit of a seinior sitid of TiHE MCIGANuA '.IYs wvere iprsoably'themost inerestig, anti possibliy the opinion of one of tet fresh- meninleni might be sf slight inerest to oters. "MSichiganisuniiveritv is supposeu o mteanli fsir ploy ii sll of its institutions aissitetititotus, is i lush? If that is true thinithtie attitiide iof THE smsMI IAN DAIii' is srelys coesnsisteit. 'I awstl tot gisveflest-eariieii asuy'kiitdioiiia shtow'flte stfair caebstt to win the rttsh. If thte freshmintiree tit to haste oun' opotuitusly tuswins t' ush, wsisi thte seins'551 uaving tecoflit wsthbits sttenssit tosspital liit sitd oter dis- sgreeablie featires'Euoutneparticulary eare' s osaiid up saudi he slaughtredl. simp~ly'easuse it is tradition. "T' M.1ICHIiuNDILYus'eideittl e- linvsed..iitrially st least, that te fresh- itneit ts o college iwith te iteithat they ases supeirseisnugs atd therfore iuus bile not suly broigt udsowin ts comumsonulehil, bittbehunsik iito ts' despihusiof humiliioniui. It is us itistukeit ida us' the averagi' freshmaiu as sa itost ihealthy respiect sor theUntiversity situ its uppernicassmtii'n, "'i thin ods this ear fsvore'dithur fre'shmeiits' oio mtich, itake the coitest Issuereqlual, but gvn thur frehmncit.u lesast somies sort of si' eqiul ecaicer aius keept thes 'itforitual' prt of thus rush fret'frouitibrutality uaiusother unplseasant featurs as ssuchl titgsdIsnotutcause thus freshmenruto fur impresse willsthur posser ri gnVit th le suop tmores, but 'sathur isgsust hitt. Sincerey, AxELiVEN." Thus'Deutscher Vereint itet, fuse thu fist tus' Ihis y'ear, 'Tuesdasu aftrcioit at Roomus VC, Vniviersits' IHall. Plits sire tisse lute theutaukitg its of uric iemeilrrsitud fusethur seetoit of as iplay to hue gveusomte tie this winter. .V comituitee ivassaphpoitei tsmak' ir- ranigements for te sines of parte o he givesitisy'thus'clist Barbur gymu- nasiumthilis uswiter. Nosuisea f the tutulie f uris'membersocait yet he gaind, buut indsicatiostup1oit thiat thin clubt sill ave tenmost successlty eat it its ihistory's. Cuouxci, 'SCRUBSus irrT iEGULA.'o Thue scrub team of Coriel defeatedh the sansity in a hard fought scrimmae last week satd kepi the bal in the var- sity' 5 ritq mtisg h ouylsst the tirlt Buses' Ofceeus tra s r lansses, recehp- tioits, etc. Bell phoun. . ). Buses, Maiiager. 122 BOOK CASES Thousands of valuable libra- rhes are slatted every year by students, the foundation hieing a few books and two or three Globe - Werntcke "Elastic' Bookcases. We sell tbis make for a reasont We cast obtain no better. PuriieS prim i if82,50 (up f Wahr's Book Stores Solr Agents tar Gotbr-Werenke sys- tern of Elastic Bookcaesanesdtiting cabinets. IC. L",liARTHIf[L1 Law Medical Dental Books New and Second-hand Largest Stock in Michigan Text=Books Dictionaries Quiz Cornpends C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. State SL. GE TARTED RIGHT thueonlyfirt-class JEELRY STORE Liverything in bolg ins, tl'o+ a, Jewelry,Etc. o riginased tlhes oil. WM. ARNOLD 510 11aicSi WML lOW ORI~1DD CAL l.ANtEDIET UEKPLA M HUMDff ENFMC YOTUD O-OPIFERA'0 MhBETTER THAN L IFFWIE U.O ~F X. 0LO4JOP SVREE . . CHORAL 'UNION IICKE[IS Now on Sale $3.00 EACH Oct. 18S-Siekesz Nov. 11-Gadski Dec. 12-Flonzaley Qt. Jan. 28-Charles Clark March 2-Adanmowski Trio FIFTEENTH FESTIVAL Mm y I3 >I6 Cbe !5tubcnts' lecture atssociation season 1901-108 Premier Lecture Course of the W(est SOUSA'S BAND Emil J. Hirsch, D.D., LL1.D. John Temple Graves Dr. Win. J. Dawson (,Lotndonl) Dr. Brander Matthews Leland T. Powers Hon. John Barrett Opie Read Gov. J. Frank Hanly (Ind.) Oratoricaf Cosntest John Graham Brooks Open Nutmber See "Prospectus"i for dates and explanation of Open Nusmber S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall. Treasurer's Hours, 41to 6 dailyr Saturday excepted. Mtchets for Entire course, $2.00 Secure your Season Tickets from student canvassers or at S. L. A. Office. ,"asigtn .RANDALL, 2211E PHO TO GR 4P I l? Phone 598