TH!MICHIIAN fDAILY 6. I. Wild Comipally Our Spring 1 908 line of fine Imported and Domestic Is now ready. It inclndesill the latest'sovecities, Shadles and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues Your patronage respectfully solicited. A. I Wild Colupally 311 South State Street If Yu Buy a Base Ball Mitt a bat or anything in Uhe sporitig goodis line you'll he well suiited if yonuIbuy it of Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Edior-ARCHE _. grrcHiE. Business Manager-C. E. WINSTEAD. EDITORS News. ............Cancey Biocher Aihletics...............Lee A Wie Aithletics, Assi..... C. 1. Eliriige locliasige......Rolert istosrosier hI sic...........Roy D. Wels Isam ...........Doial 1. IHaines Wiomni's Ediitor... Louise Van Voorhis EDITORIAL STAFF Russell McFarland NIGHT REDITORS' Rseins IVisserer Leoiaril CReis REPORTRS - M. . McHugh . H. Precot Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney WValier K. Towers Louis Kaft Lewis T. Kniskern Robert Moreland Pol Greer Sanuel H. Morris Oititgel Fred . Gooding Theronii P. Cooper E. G. C. Wiilliams A. . aitlioc BUSNESS STAFF John F. Wur Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: >- p. m., 7-8 p. In. daily, except Sunday. Both phones' Ilt'R:SIAY. APl, f30. will. n a.iommuniaioii ioi The tDsily tis mrig Ccii. Saley isake. excepio tooi sseroseof ysteirusisregarinig l iesptslilliuiildii'ITC le sthlat ic arc wirong in syng ithsiticeChoral t seimlis ioppioseid ioabolising the il- bosd-and ihatlhe anuithlit orgaiiia ionare hearty sutnersiii ihe siove- iiisiiifora5cmpstus btuessuutil-. In fairess o Proufi. Sanly, to le Choa Onri iion,mind ioiiurseles, itisutsi h iriaid lii sicr i(it metiiiiion the ChosrlI'ur inio i esersisy's sory. We sill s1- othelirithle Schoml ofithMusic o- iii ishe us-ic s of iithe-boacs, tiiii sic ceucthaIt. Spt. Reevestaeteitiii geoncecumicofithle iMayiard street hin iiiiiiii iiiefforiito hnc he mscsisigluil ssism-..iiuccetinieidmton tili camsl. \e undrstninowtiaiigemitlemaniloikei liWte iiaier asica biisiiess proposi- ti sitn nd r glailto see mtha ilose higher ini aiutoriy iavs eems stle- o see this. controves ia iisetr liglii suit re ais tosi oiniiii tem campasigiiinii ifor ubei We utusieiically cnorse Prif. Siculc}'isuggesio t te swtolcties- iomm le sdiscussedl thorouglylasnitlook fore reslts from ii words. Gov. iiiiiSOii-,' V1 tieePCnITi.s'- 'feiighi's. fia iousnlr o1nbtS. . A. ous ffers an sutaity to ther a mnsicak who -;iaj-ys the uiqedils- tiiictionii sitiig 3an effectiiveyet ior- iiy. rumbneut isiths his powers ofwit "t nay tie cslleil. impeuius elqieice, makses o. John A. Jiihisoii, of Minie- sostiia imisso ms-itiis a privilege b tt iosc andIit eir. Potiicsil difference mill noisetecte leU.niersiy map front isteniug o asdlbeiig insruted by o. Johnson's speeeh ots 'The.haety of le Lasi.' oih the rsiiing and char- cer of Ciii. Johsosn isill not -Allow hims io sere biefosee Iis audusteice toiigts such retio srical pltiudees as aioher sius guily siterlier ii ue year. Muels h sbeensiistoiiithe tbeneits wicsltsa tUnivi'e tinsusden teiesssfroststeriig le israsticlutiseassif arcical sworker ini leasfairs of sieteiy. There is mssci toi sy. fleonysiuty iyis taitisiinees to le reieases.Lnigtienmnti, a ouu- Iciter vieswpit, ue racica as o- poseid iii tie'thesreial, icentive,-o saynoing ofii thst iisousl-expansiosin wichset is obtisiedl frosis heriig sim effecive oratoir,-asre saiiog the tiniigis wihl hl e desrivedil teefrom. PRmtOF,. PALMER WILL AI)IIRISS PHITBEtTA KAPPA Prsof. Geosrge 1. Plmse, of Harard,. silt deliser itheprincitpal sadtdress iite 11sf Iet-sKappt'sefirs0tiinual dinner giveniii sissnr ofuiseisibers frmiiithe class osit uol, i Ilhe iAicligan tUioi, Smaturdasy, M,13- 9'ssi 7 ocleck. Prof. Plmslier siill coesii 'fromuiCsmiihidge asi ai giesi f ite chsapter. (Oter saddsrs'se-iswiltlie givenIby speakers.repre'snitnig ts- stiiniiiithle tiviersits- fscuities,nd islte'clss of ts8. Memesro te h le senior clss, andsi .slimiwhoi liiws-r tet menberisitf thse Atlphaciaplter whtilh tiecedetestthe organizstieniof tifesater wilitle the guests si thle caser. It is expecei thitsishunresd siill le isateidasnce. FRrIM 5IhAN GtRL.S VIN FORTtt c'A\I IiIN tlASIEtAtL. SRIS _tByle high soeofsi 33 to 14 lhes freshmnsgirlsssosii the iiteclass luoor basseblltigamis-f rsiistle juiorins, iing ithe fouirthilayid's inithetsrieecs. Ssperior sil rmissisp1tliing onithle ari of the freshmsens -i resonsitle foe the defeat o1 le juisrs . -'Iiss Crise, Miss Die, catin oif lt-e 'is s i. sissid Misses Fx ansi Stissisissplsydtpsirticlsry welt ii their'pIsi-ioniis. Thei i-sits sissstfist- Juissie I'l'liinsini, ti; Sestrse; ttneilresss, Is Fessos, 2h; Pee, 31); Ranin, s: e Pled'gr.Ito Sos, If; I tsssge. rf. Freshen:issiCroes, is;Diet, c Csllii- sot;Sives-s-i dns t~siser 31); I Iuley- ro : Simusoni sis.IsHIasue f; Fiss. if. LOT--G'lC tit chies.clsei face; i- itislseC.AM, Ioinicsse. Please retirnto1 fit I.UCiiversive-i-. KRtP 1T Dt' IARK.-lThe stiasiest sow ast he sair-the Msticti'Mazt~e. REW.ARD oeifosrsiationisof the Gisssimos ter usesntioedin ussdvertse- imentisin this Daily. Boo- Jungle Aii- imali Shows. Muswic aib Zrama ChalslsohPi-issis productsioi n oi sfJ.1 N. Baries "Peter Pn" will come iii he Ness Whitnteter tonigh. Tio -tsrythassIrosedtitself the Cmostiipulr nsiiuc icessful picec of the entur. Iio presentastioniiclslf oi-as lisge aisnd sis issuisity cosmpleteitsitesiansdelthese' Issuc bee pistrovsiseit for its tpresentastionsu lure wsiths Iis uusul sare Iby Calses FPestaIs ORCisniur TO's ILTsuerir Ot GRAsMss~sn Ai prteeinss pogramssissanu ncedursu for the concert by leUiiveriyorst- chestrauin ithe IHighs School suiisrisuuu Tsetisay, May- i. At tilasti apperances te sucess of the orchestra ws eat nom-usi ena, if ot ptivulely senstionial. 'fli turprieid aiieieiceis siices-repotuuedso favrabhly of the orhestrsilhatuis cmii lug conscert is aintiitedlwis- inteuret. By the programus prepasredh for this csn- cert i iseidentththle ocesras ml teispts iii sstasiiuinsdextentoitsirpulb tito. Tfhe-uoicheiira'is maup eft fointy-trlis' playess. RehIeass havit besshe1si-t ltdi regulsisty simce Decemible'snit mslisya aind stiritedl sihsemsthe .sorklne m ly the iieimbemci--iatlisiosmiseti -isi siasikedliproveentis lmielesnusmmit. Saismul P.tLockswsi-s aslithleabiliiy pluts t esnamlittoItanad trc thes bsethtalitmitheii nivjterity. R'udesr hisirlt ionstiIsisotrihetia'us eom a cerisiseimt organizatioiin Ani n Armborss. Oft the umniy sumitrio u uorgnitiits- spin iiging su mhil abosuut tecatislustheslt orchtuora is omne of a fiw-which is orralmi- usefumh aimsitfittluhitoite itere muss t the tUivesitysh..To sluorttlimorgai- zatioin muss'llits mitsui h-ic iiogist- suuheims iii ts- wirtimfIuild- iiig np insimm cemstrul. siseisto'ushitI,wstill ftire ther musial asuitasiufigt' e mlil s'-s, sitt betsumssuitrnsament .andiallsmut muisi'it's eidicastinaltfrce. Wilts tiee- u'his'tuss apearIts -loca soloists. .\t'i-.ii Sittitt mului'. s ioln- isis ai'mere chihuldbutssfistsdsof i rt-umi'tssletaile~sn. i'sri'felstudnt ini this-School tosif'Musie citss iearsehiig a produigyasi-isits',alueit-il lists will singmthe lie adors's'sson-u' -esu it t"Carm emi''nd tuts .hs. Geosrge i. tRheads wnt iplt e Its- lona sisue tBrilliances" ity Web''er-List. 'This'orches-ti-t Ummiter,, are's this- Mozart "Juptite"'sy'o nyhutandim lGrieg's "Peer yt" suite. 'A Romuanm Holidasy" sucess-orto "ti'Sutan's Rtrears-uwshic s sm- closcidy the olet-.ittcs s'lis t;os sit the fair. Executive Office County air Carnival Now Open~ Barbour Gyhmnasium~s TENNIS 1 Rackets Racket Presses Racket Covers Court Markers Tennis Balls Tennis Nets Tennis shoes Official Tennis Guide WRIGHT (Q DITSON'S comessplt ine a t WAHR'S University Bookstore L. [. DARIN[LL is, aMeial Boosesllr IMPOR'NT LAW AND) MEDICAL BOOKS 1ie511'rolerty - $300 \1'~ltt it, ~ eal 'r-V~tL -$300 YropcrlF - - $101) $1200 tIst of '''i-se- 0 1200 s-Ists~ V itiiittt. $4.00 itt is - $3.0 1 .i t'} t t tci - $6.00 l~aw ~ totttt 1^.- -2.54). t .5$"2.50 B i !mF Hit,11 1 . $600- 1:..i .Ill., -l $800 NN t.-o~ todt~t~r ,, so.... $12.00 13 'm 1 wallh.")s5 i tts-m s uu. $400, it,". - 1cci [ - net N $6.00 sis-I . " $6.50 t o5[,lst-\1 O t-itt_ L'ul . _ _ _ $5.00 c -u i, t t iir tmm s t 5 1 11 -ii om.. Its s5,fi atumissi .. ss-$8.01) Ot.s.-tf ii tests. $6.00 41 - -i$6.50 L 55 o s, rtit.thtdt~l $i - - - - $5.00 C. E. BARTHELL Lawind Medial B.oItkskellr - Tel 761. 326 S. state St. [ YH GiLASS[ES oIi 55-stIns tits tbsitme isis sit II;. -5,55 t i'mt i c n eis'at AItNOII i 1s. Ml5., i tintousss"sis- EMIL H-. ARNOLD) WM ARNOLD, Jeweler L3mouts 4aiu Stu-u-i ty, a A. G. F. M" & BROS. oA The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Su pplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, GJolf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official Imsplemaensafor Track and Fiehd Sport, Unitformss for all Sports. Spading's Hansomenily, Illustraed Catalogeeof all sports contaissit- merouss uggestions. Seed tsr it.--It'sfleer. A. 0. SPALDINOGA&HBfOS. New York, Chicago, St. Loats, Sass Francsisco, Mitnneapolis, Desver, IBuffala. Syra.see.itlts- burg, Phil adelphia, Btones, uisetuuitt t, ti~ti- mares, Washington, Kansiss Citiy, Cltevelsnd, New Orleans, Derit,-MohitreIat.Caisauis. s _______ Is the '-time to get your CJLV ETT SHIRTS AND LIGHT UNDERWEAR AT THE Co-'Oop Store. .jt a CONC[RI High School Hall may 5, 8:15 P.M. LAST FACULTY CONCERT High School Hall Thursday -Evening May I The Students' Lecture Association THE MAJES TY O0F T HE LAW t. BY J OF OPMINMES.OTA Thursday, April .30, 1908, at 8:00 P. M. ay UNIVERSITY HALL teserved Seats - r 50 su-W~A11 96° ,will be reserved.. Tickets nmay he secured at the Jx 4fi c-,University Hall, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and' .Thursd'ay between 5 and 6 P. M. and Thursday between 7 and 8 P: M. Michigan State Telephone, Unsiversity Exchange 68. -sill - 121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randal-l4& Pack, Props. Phone. 598l