THE MICHIGAN( DAILY for you To try a Razor at our expense. Either the famous Carbo Magnetic or the Gillette Safety will be loaned to you. As i about it E. E. CALK INS, Druggist.. ;24SouhState ut Streiet. A M USE mM EN T S New Whitney Theatre BELL PHONE 480 HOME PHONE 200 Montday, May 4 CALENDAR. April 30--Lecture at Newberry Hall, H 7:30, on "Congo Reformi lMove-H men t. April 30--Gosv. Johnson of Minnesota on S. L. A. course, 8 p. M.f Mtay -2--County .Fair in the ,smo, of 'May 5-Concert by University orches- tra. of 4> pieces, High School auditorium. A S. P. L~ockswoodt. conductor.C Mlay 7-Facutyi concert, High School halt. 8 p. to. Mlay 8-" L'Ant rej presented by the iol Cercle Dramnatiquc Francais, at Mfajestic s theater, 8 p. us.Se Mfav- Studentts' Medical society en- te-rtainmninusBarbiour gymonasiumo. Ad- dress by D~r Walter Courtney, chief stir- S geoni osf Northsern Pacitic railwvay. 4t UNIVERSITY NOTICES Frests engine-er tiaseball practice Sotith Ferry- ailit. 3:30 stharp. tstmhie,(Capt. STY] Fresti lit etass meieting, tt iscuss the sprig cooless, itoay-at iiso'ocin i C.omLINI Btand rehearsal at M c' ill in Haill to- night at 6s:30. Ipcortanttbtinetss to tie tataco up. Fischer, L~eader. DcanReedsetu s-tre ou Pthysics still he givenu in TappasntHall lectturt rooml H 4 -it; pi.t. Tthursdtay. Thte-pubtlic is in- si ts-i. tilsatitig of Fiirestry, clubi it 7:so to- nighit, Rom 4, Viest :-tatlt. 1 tiu isitt seak. Itipirtattbuisiness. Dtie. Sirs iiits imuistthave ords tfor extra inittis - ini bts-'ay t. Caill it lbsx Ofic, Ui lui-ty 1 slt, 4 to S ditlit "Who are son liefiire y-mtgo ill?"H "fits - Susie, Ja,iti-Maryior any5otie ,TS HATS Every fashionable effect, ever fthe season. PS CAPS. The nattiest and most approve on, faultless in finish, reasona' 1asonable. cin-Blo ck-Clo Every Garment a fashion pl, THE ACME OF STN 'LES HERE NOT TO BE FOUND EL )ENSCHMIII, APFIB[ HATS ry color CAPS ed fash= ble and thing, [ate (LE .SE'WHERE CS& CO. )AG'S, We are offering a ,good line of mnediuxam priced BASE BALL GOODS ansd FISHING TACKLE 'AG'S1 Cor. Me%,Isteaid Wa~shlnjitoet HENRY Lo MILLE; PRIESENTS Hei l In the Great College Play Sxzc ,i BROWN OF HARVARD By Rida Johnson Young Nilti i ititiae cts sisticoieicout? - ile ists 5 itt- s 111 i tse Sti-stiC1a".e, ac. t itie.-. .fi - 1,d rFiat Clasp arters I (SC \ S ) sstst isateti fists sitt illt -$for solid cosifort.The newest shades IE E ittit sitd 07 ionit. Losser nay tiaseand desigis it (one piece, pure silk U . 1i~tisiii a Tl Diyofie - rAL web. All meta1 parts heavy, nickel- nisdenittifintgg sit th Ssit itf C LATP ALK plated bras, cannot rtust. 2:)c. a pair, ___________all dealers or by mail. cess Sie 185 we htave moades 1CM :h Re-F PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., pasting otte of otir strongest ft-stores. 718 Market Street Philadelphia -latter's Jeweelry Store, 216 S. I Ma infrrs i - 15 rs.0sixtei, street. eod TItESIS HATE APRIL 15. TO KEEP IN THE PROCESSION YOU HAVE TO Msake a daste with Jolliffe & Kitzmitller 'KEEP ON THE JUMP IN BUSINESS OR AT PLAY ait otice for typewsriitig your thesis, posibl itttie ctiig ii ttIlss. Asoe o-p. This meana that you - must lie kep1tttneheet psil inuegtigi ntie bv oo. othtphioties. eod-tf naental and physical conodition. lits ettd is best reached thru nourishing, easily digesteti foodis, cominted with rational Amtalter Pthotographsers Notice-Tank exercise and a careful observanoce of te laws of hygeine. ses-elopisteith gets best resuts. I tise it. Lyndoniit. cod-If SHREDDED V/HEAT is richsi the proteids that repair waste tissue and the eleenetts thtat bstild the perfect human Alam cocls wrrnte fo on yer, body, it contains all the nuttritivc, strentgh -given material in $i.oo. Htatler's Jewelry Store, 216 S. the whole wheat, made digestilelibya stttln-cookiing, shredding r Main street. eod'anbkig Buiy a Set Lyndon 's 20 for 25C new A~ststaupply ~ 5tthenryfahlfcy' l..T tts th 'i sti ctit acisthe Bscuitttwt- colored postal cards. 46-55 i pit tat ittissattmpresseid ito -fricd c a1t.5isfe is e a ,i n tstead of white fourbrea.At gcers { Private itnstruction in chemistry. 631 S. tIsgalls St. sa, ta-If See our complete line of Michigan .00 pins, fobs and souvenirs. Hailer'sW Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main street. end NOTICE-Class teamss and fraterisi- r tics cant save msoney by getting their 7 ba sebsall stipplies at Cushing's. If 7 - Alt our billiard tables are onFx{ 450 otsc floor aind all poot tables ott a separate floor. Ton will futst this arratngemsetit con-" venienst attiltesirable. G E lPPLIES BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO.- A12 S. State 3 .11 Maysard MOE'S BARBER SHOP ' "TS ALL IN THE SHREDS" stc. 705 North Univrsity Ave. THE 'NATURAL FOOD COMPANY, Niagara Falls, N. Y. NEW YOR/ 3 60 Nights{ NEW YORK CST AND PRODUCTION CHICAGO 250 N ig'hts Prilces: 35c, 50c, 75c, $100, $1.. ANN ARBESOlR GARA, MAY'NARD STREET AUTOMIOBILES, MOTOR BOATS, [NGIINES, STORAGE?, REPAIRS AND SI SALES AGENTS FOR - ROYAL TOURIST THOMAS DETROIT ICARTER CAW TOVKIST, THOMAS tad MAXWELL lea r i . woo NewlFilms 'tos., Thur.aid Sat, THE CASI N"Ol (AIN *?R.U, T Pianist, MISS MAUDE STANTON ILLUSTRATED SONG SOLOIST - MISS OLIVE STANTON