THE MICHIGAN DAILY Now is the Time - TO - SAVE TIME Shave yourself BEFORE you wait. HOW? With a, Gillette Safety bought at QUARRY'S M n y On Watches, Dianaional,Ian Books, or other prrai propjerty. Watches and .Jewelry repaired. Bargains in W atches &izi amond s Office at residence 331 E: Liberty St Ann Arbor.- Hours tot11:30 a. to.. I to 4:0 ad 7 to 9 p. at JOSEPH C. WATTS spoons Post Cards oDarling & Malleaux STATE STREI Tl Steins MILEtR'S JEWELRY SIOREI,i' 216 S. Main St Ice Crea Soda All flavens including Chocolate 5 cevts We make the bent Chocolate Soda in the city. East University Phiarmeacy t1'1t +. niriy .v5~ r v efM. Barber Shop and Bath Rooms Ever.yti.nig First-nie.aa LaetShop i n theanCity J R. TROJANOWSKt, Prep. Guy. k!JOflL UIS i)'i1:l il3..TDY 10e op letswill hold aclass metii- DRINIS V INK SEFMD MA it4 laP: jktday, riiin oo C ent nkl1r a ~CLIKE A. CAMEL i n the sprinig games, n d thed clat wil iibe ik pes the resteni 3 li 'tndtsec; it ilbitits own S. L. A. Lecturer will Speak on calilti tpoii to considler asutiltute for The Coltege tank ttke a camel slainito t hirt. T'hat's alt there "The Majesty of the Law" on the rck stiuit. Standard in to itt1 N dropper-no aess-no botber. Do it Thursday Night.,nsuggestedtbyithelii'Counciil, xwi iasons lnwbr-nsli upfl h:cnsdrtolfth lts n Cliiicocctititig _______ ca beovitJehnstillitoilsislitietilt.luding nos'tu ner o iiter of i tile S.tL.t.lieuis e ntors- ccoulwll ePpltedi"nElPxEii i iiiT i xTo. ixESCN ILLxxtdER o day, Apr ii3, iswit aecauet'Ti leo 101' .li i ca il t ~l.n eillelit atly l t ottithleastic inveni e laity ofxthecLcaw.~I 'ha soti T emn it- couiit'dCii'xi ii ntl f i l it wit ic ten 1 id Ilveson ito lu tinte, o f illte it' b i ilii ty olea s t iljespxxeak i w ROF.tixineil l 11 1; . n T~lx '. to .11e er lit'~solig Besvides i1111 liot'nl i si ti eti- i1s1thehestlendid wrlitingi 1, hirlend camp igns l wil exott nthat o. E.C a lr h s:oe o h ulte ft eC n ln - efc ed 1111- Fo olielitorof Mrl inesol hetri rial triptof tthe'x "C it f lvead, 'ii'' rl.t i s 'lit' et'edlltvh t thexxetura nd fflo.I lewillttu rn today. The ionlleal it.l t e ersu hitect. o w ersialitdviii Thelrasa nprtTeCoSpringPeSCarf 10 a attean ld'.Toduchi ( ii' litilih tison ti ec a foridles nsibul ouroacmpn-tem fl ("lidIc: 1forithe dmo craliecxx o oii lnexi .u is xthe larest ofit indt o yof te s rigne ar feig p ca 1111fo 1prs eiin I was elyte r il\luuxtttheiGeat ike an iiat dt o puc aeo b a ti ln w S rng re h fur Iii 'ii 11111oil the partofIlls en irn ttthet e of1 tlt -[ irenleIIish n h n , n n w co rclhaelih p n e d t'ns stc d lIt Isitti inneot1thai t hour. tliiltii iit Ci iii a d i l he h n s m prn ooig ientle to Jus111ii111 dl iit111 iiit~ii~llII TenwSpigSiramk thei o Sristgo Gov. Johnson isIa seandadtheylareAbeauties. '[heNVnew spring styles t lit - of itwehewa fredtt leavlit _________-iinsats nd Ca are ere frdyourinspction ,.: oi to hil t i i ot'u-liens iim o t iltn aly a ale o h s ho e a aa .. 'l in t r ict ieconom lieill stot lei t he deah o i s Fa111 ther. it i lliritur atth col ~t Reeonin& t Ii omeintt' Pelist. Il)Ce lrned10.The tilllil' di __Scarf___asa__special_____________ 111t'li tl nitieo. Iucllttretl teto uC'I(-Iot VNGiyl i s lF od ll tortBUY thYOUrnCAPSear iN GOaXYNSia 111 11.1111 cli ktisiheesjiteoirhtd WhERE rE CAP ANS (jOWN IUSINa'S i'n; ale lLttlI I-e, andi xttfthn rhasegod be-utiful new-S--inISFBenNh DONE 5 till' \I tmor b keix't' c. 'aii.o il rll t ot rli a lec t chy- , ang'Iit tramC' s.. hildiltI'11 f ti ''e lilto E A t E tb t A t~ s i i't il 1t i wins iii le ivii'sttii iii iilae insthe t ernoisii n.l St ii'ati'l IC o I aton, 1 w tv r-ci t'tt'ed.h 'Nitie ls- esofilfailveil -st, -i) an n a l h a d om-p ig-o o i g IUUUIIUtiKs h alstIl~fc te Tenw S1in111111 kethitistbo are lyt ihaschol ditt'ctu eii iii'ttis. e1 ilt' ndI theyI are ba uies[I Th tillwIspringlids l af- tts----- llauf iiittsttif o ttnit t ~leita te . 111 ctii o'tl it.iNe. ii. gilpaltictlarlyrtpleasing'.pen o iii~~~~~~ insii '.I.llHaiits i tt ille 10 n Captarxihtrg forItoArWinsJecion4~.RI 111111:mdcv l ligicflbuseut ltties 1-4 .7 £A FEW DAYS from the time you leave your order with us, and but Ia few, are required before we can deliver your garments to you carefully *tailored and fashionably made. WAGNER. at CO., have the rep- jutation far and wide of building good clothes at reasonable prices. I 303-305 S. State St., Ana~ Arbor Cas-.The Safety Watch Disc ELECTIICITY Vasity 1'1 -Ci t c out of cuu pokt ta l !is tie.' cruitnd f-n~rt 1itt I t WIeAPGil tIA1iI BiT A cen. t /5" Tet. IFttuttlitap PaelnaTi itof 01 onduttutLoo, ct Sspped to Col~e a Men s sand . a{ plstietanicIto ise won n t iii UL 011 get tclttuuu t- - 1 '1 U nict worren 11for All PirposesB~Sf aretroteiu 10, te' '' I SEND FOR ONE TODAY -Ion __________________________ Te theseS Htnidred-sofohColl_ \Itu rs' reuita011- mal'prtad .r ta t et. ook' o r. i .tin 5 iuu t toe,,ektttiunuurtS'lsariiyiou WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO. d ae aneo ars- PALMYRA NOVELTY COMPANY 10111 au oty PALMYRA. N.Y. 200 East Was.inigton Street -fonna tsh]1,+ui.t ( U1 ' t 1t Lx'iit ttincytt -- _.. potnanuiattatut-.'. tiii iitit it )taitpncixr -tuulnt. At y1 tCi'1'. ICANLiAtiU BALo SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY i. KEEP YOVRt DATES g -c l n t ti t t . t '. K . t t s. " t . it330 S euttith eS ta ir S treealto ;$Sl.w y eary in g a copy itf th e 311(11 (A N The [PEAt ' r 11, ;e7SBLSAE SALL (UlIDE f -4101 tt[ANttBOKItntt(ourynpocet. pafen utai- snitsll ~ct s ~'ssIIinicttlxinou s°. t fI c it uxu taSetnas oni meu ont. Aso Cl~asesSates vday 10 A. M. a nd oranda, calendar, speialeentsl, tni vrtiy P tn euun uuvt Cotntan itto ytlr 1. is ittto'trtoot rtt. itlst acun ,oibyirnai.yyd aen uether Belts wih e tJ xoislli It s, "n.11 -Hl xillt ,s sr iotttt stepuoc. .7:30 P. M. Iaend ar inthuis 150page bok.t.liven iwa-y ""- n- lat artk t to studnts at he Uniersity . M. C.A. MC Iii lxii rchyour e at, bu iii.Sed At 1t i it titc tnl rtotguto CO~eto eudets t th Unn-enity . MfCA.Mc he'sdsit sic lliulxuCsl',h e Send n S. A. J .REACH CO., 17 27Tulip Street, Phiatdephia Ansembly Se'clc't. Miian fli. iHEi tCu 11115Cu.,tt OSI 111 nTON M . ST UDIO- . ~ U 319' East Huron Street,