THE MIC14IZA*$ DAIL~Y Ice Cream Soda 5cents 5All flavorrs except chocolate Chocolate Soda loc with douible portion of Ice Cream E. E. CLKINS, Druggist. 324 Soth State Street. AMUSEMENTSL 1 New Witney TheatreI SELL PHONE 480 HOMEC PHONE 200 WEDNESDAY,7 APRIL 29 Inlet lVi ujc AP si 55 America's Favorite Indoor Show A1.G.FIELDu GREATER PRICES: 25c, S50c, 75c, $1.00 THURSDAY, APRIL 30 Th'le Season'sGte~t Drac matic Success Charles Frohin&ari PRESENTS J. M. BARRIE'S ! Great Fairy Play Peter !Pan A First-Class Conmny of Platyers. Prices: 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Seats on Sale Tuesday Morning. CALENDAR. April, 27-Vesuvius in Action,"iltts- tratetl lecture by Prof. VW. H. Hobbs, High School auditorium. April 27-Senior girls' play and dance at arbour gymnasium, 8 p. tn. April 27-Senior girls' stunt par . I April 2$- iThe City of Pars," i1oUg irated lecture by Theodore W. Rot, auspices of Cerele Dramtique I rancais, in Sarah Cawell .Anel Dal, 8 p. m. April 28-"Fublic Recreation," lls- trated lecture by Graham R. Taylor. in museum lecture room, $ p. m. April 30-Gov. Johnson of Minnesota on S. 1,. A. course, 8 p. in. May 1-2-Coun1ty Fair in the gymina- "May 5-Concert by University orchtes- tra of 45 Pieces High School auditorium. S. 1. Lokwood, conutr. MIay1-Facuts cocetiIigi School hall 8 p5M 51 y 8--"LAavre," presetel by the Cerole Drnaique Francais, at Majstic bheter 8 pi, May 8-Stuents' Medical society cu- ts riuntet in Barbour gymntasiu. A- (re ss 1 srWalter Courney, chief sur- geotn of Northerit'Paciic railway. \VI KIING LOG ENTERTANS SCHOOL O(F MUSC GIRS 'le ost ovtsel entertai nent that has heens giscit for yeartok place last ~ight at Wasi Kink Ieo's ecop-siey house where Mrs.Hocftiatun, of the Schtosol of Music, gave a unique nn- sarintinnitier, sersed in true Chitese 'style.Amuog te sue s serei were bids-necsh yacatmietn atdlLi ung C'hii stb'gum, and v*sariousth tler Chinese delicacie. It was itt'htntr sf oetf thte youug ladies of tet'Shool of .ltsic, who its isooni to start for Cinia where shte sill teach itt the teweCiese edt- cationtal itstitutiotts. IBesies rs. Hof- mantn, those preset twere : Mrs. Per rnt Misses terrhn, Shearer, Pellowc antI Casey. 'Te Friars of te-University of Ci cagos sill ptblish ihlsomesnplee score of teir oera, "The Sigt of the Double Nasgle," which is to e giveti in May. %W5mm tie i'tgressWetitoPIt theto" was presenteci by the Princeton 'triangle chibts tiColtubuts, Butffalo, antI Corell utniversity. UNIVERSITY NOTICES There will be a seeing of the Mutsi- ct cltbs"Motday at 5I. it. itt Rsom 3' Utiversity Hall. Clark. Itdiania stae club dace will be hest at Cosuntiry clots Wedniesday nigt, April 29. Special car will leave Ani Arbor at Beeieti, Cairmat. LOS -Mit Phi Epsilon pin; iame ott back, Ages E. Zeller. Reward for resrnto 5an Cutrchs street. 49-50 Lonigmtan Co., Photographers. Groups, views, lantertn slides, adt postcards. D- velopinig atd printing for amateurs a specialty. This firns consists ofWil lil-as, fortnerly wills Lyndon, Thompson, who has had several years' experience, andI Longmatn. 3o6 Soth State street. Photie to.. tf Since 189 we have made Wa ch Re- pairing; one of our strongest features. HaIler's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main street, ,e d OUR LEADERS-Etspeiiella and Eler Hlavanta cigars, 5c and o. By the box, $200o atnd400. IIILLIARDS, DOWLING, LUNCHES. CIGARS. CANDIEIS. TOBACCO. All S. Stu".fit Jilt mard 1VoQ os HARDER SHIP 7"3 NorEt U@ttGY Ais. O. A. MOL CAPS CAPS The nattiest and most approved fash= ion, faultless in finish, reasonable and ! seasonable. Stein-Rio ck Clothing Every Garment a fashion plate THE ACME OF STYLE STYLES HERE NOT TO BCE FOUND ELSEWHERE LINDENSCIIMITI, APFEL& CO. HO AG'S We are offering a good line of mnediusm priced BASE BALL. GOODS andISHING TACKLE H O G'S Cor. Ma~ira a..xid Wsimt ofa atl ertieta h e si ot a $ p r R ea b. it's a511s e}). PIONER S iSPNE l iD Msit1 . ab s is,. Ntt4tg i t :,:t ~tiIl tl B tt Muefa t c aulN ate NP PISREER SUSPENDER , HATS HATS HATS Every fashionable effect, every color of the season. CAPS To Care for Hardood! Floors The Simplest Way-the lohst Way-the Best Way J is to use Old REsglish Flooatx. tt is economical, easily applied and. produceslbhescis, susbdaued luselhichis15s0o highly prized and which cannot he obtaintesiits aty otisr way It ins geterwaxndstssds tis p ti6 that' put into Old English Floer Waxthtatpsuts ths qtuity lot1) s tn ourflors. Juts as gossd foe fsrtradvNiouvat use it on your grand piano with the asitsine te it eCstijure--but it will obliterate the + scratches anidsmost heau tiully aolsh,. The Wax with at guarantee" Makes your svodworkI loItllfe new and the whole room osore sntary, You can getithere(Putoup in,,qand 8.1b anst i t. n oensr- 'ssssqst-re feet. Cometo ou tsr it 15=; slltyou how to use illsto sksis lards .s 13floors atiful. F.Ok ALE BY C., H. Majoir (4 Co. 203 l;. Washligtotx WVe believe in tts Stlilettts Their creditisgwit5 tth sltits ; ANN ARBOR GARAGE MAYNARD STREET AUTOMOBILES, MOTOR BOATS, ENGINEIS, STORAGEL, REPAIRS AND SUIPPLIES SALES AGENTS FOR ROY.AIL TOURIST THOMAS. DETRO'IT C AR T ERWCAR. TOVR.IST, THO0MAS MAXWELL Iti stock., TO KEEP IN THE PROCESSION YOU HAVE TO KEEP ON THE JUMP IN BUSINESS OR AT PLAY This means that you must bte kepst itn the best possible mental and physical conditiotn.'Ihis end is beat reached thru nourishing, eaaily digested foods, combihned with rational exercise and a careful observantee of the laws of hygeine. SHREDDED WHEAT is rich inthtie proteids that repair waate tissue and the elentents that btuid te perfect human body, it contains all the nutritive, strengcth-given muaterial itn the whole wheat, made digestible bsy steuts cooking, shredding and baking. A treakfast of uS nun;D Et 55WHEAT'S 1 'x i 't '. It s ilkor ra i sply tihe energy tisr a iahadys 'woik l lS 0i . I i '( icase Bis uitia e x-c oftwhite flour sreit. ht ovis. "TS ALL IN THE SHRrDS" THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY, Niagara Falls, N. Y. L * a ,. - New F iflms TresThxxrs. and Sat. TH MCASINOW~ Pianist, MISS MAUDE, STANTON ILLUSTRAT'ED) SONG SOLOIF MISS OLIVE STANTON~