x # a .. f MICH16AN lAILVo r THE MICHIGAN DAILY. IGo Ha Wild Colupally A-ana g ditor-ARCHEoc . RTHE I Business Manager-C. E. WINSTCAD. Our Spring 19o8 linetootfine Imported and Domestic I OOLENSI Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfnlly solicited. G. H. Wild Compally 311I South State Street Get Youir Tennis Racket Restrung Ottr work ts dotte by experts and ts te best that can be tttrteneot anywhtere. It s dontte promtptly anti wetl PRICE&S $1.50 to $3.00 AT Sheehan & Co's. S A. G. ' ,DN (9 ai~o S PAL D ING 0~ MAKK & BROS. eMR The Largest Manufacturers in the Warld of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, upGolf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official empemens for Track and Fietd Sports Uniforms foe aft Sports. Spatding's Handsomrelty fIutrafed Catatoeue of att sports contains nu- merous suggestions. Seed for it.-It's free. A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chteago, St. aouts, SacntFrancico, Mitnoapootts, Dnaer. Buffalo, Syracuse,Pitets- burg, Phttadotphia, BBactn, Cincinnai, Balttt- more, Washtng too, Ktnass City, Ceretand, New Orteans, Otratt, Matreat. Canada. EDITORS News....... .....Chauncey Boucher. Athletics...............Lee A White,. Athletics, Ass't... C. E. Eldridlge Exchcange....... Robert Mountsier Mirsic...........Roy D. Welch D~rama .......Decal H. Hoines WVomen's Editor... Louise Van Voorhis EDIORoIAL. STAFF Rurssell McFarland NIGHT EDITORS Raymondic Visscher Leocard C. Reid Nt. iB. McHutgh J. H. Prescott Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K. Towers Louis Kraft Lewis T. Kntiskern Robert Moreland PattI Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding 1heo . Cooper E. G. C. Williamos - A. tL. tairtirie BUSINESS STAF John F. Wurr Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address : MICHIGANe DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. SUNDAY, APRIL 26, tpoff. fliii tooaheconquering be roes !For the ciilt ittct time n ittmay years .'-licti- gas l hastriumtphedclovert- the tick (if tthe east ltet'Penitsytsvania inivitationrmtur on hratlinfildtt. For ficc years Keeite Pitz patrick took: a tearoriteotteeemy's cun try. arid try citriecutire victories focdtie rist ttrecognwite fact tht ini tract: athttetics, if int notting more, \iih nis thepccrofanytintheii lietraits-Allrgiheiny institutions cart prtottce. Aftercronitcentrating alt its enc- ttis i ttarontthte four-trite, roping toi retieive.iMicttigant of tthe oft-wort chnpotuipth eitcst fintalrydecided to let Nic dgan taretheirtrtaccity tcfatult, preferrintoeter teet-ents itt wtiicth the resutlt s not tdccictcttitt advance. IM( hreriy IFitzpatrick wis.toormuictt for thcimi.andt witthornty a seetk's w-arn- ieg drevcelopedtia tearrowhtich toyed ith ithlii-twro-miile teanis of tire rival' schoolstereby adiing anrotther chamn- pionshiitiptbanter to tire collection tress de-o-rating-thettctrophy rooc. Irrident- tlty Anti Artbor hitck hops sihotuld thrivr ot tt the nwstutptyofecatcires svhicho itill blimpiotitrtctd owtertthe victorietus qitieI arrivecs ihore. Ther teua wsrittuicrriby-the Michriganr tCetrali this cafteroon, reachirng Anti Arb or at 2 :40.' By their phernornenalt -t-rt.itt upholding tte hotter of the colors luey. sere carryitng, eactt of tire tic-itornttic squtad descrves a roursirng iweitcote, anti it is onlty fitting tihat tire sltdernts tmeet tihem-rnot with red fire andtot irchecs, perhaps-bttt with hand- shaes arid corngratulationts wich twill choutttr appreciation of their efforts. Ct.sr u'C11OtocctcoxS VrscrCATt. Tire fordest opes of te nst en- thuisiastic advocates of tie college pro- duciorn of classic plays hae-cenr far surpasser. Friday ight's productiort of "Minrnat von Barnhelm"till be recorded ho the annals of Michigan dramatics as ac occasion oton wshich student actors splendidly rmet thc difficulties of a great classic. We have bee encouraged by tire generous critic who has advocated tire productiotn of classics to believe that esen if se did fail in doing justice to thc vehicles of performacce see would be ftrthering a trble cause ito maintain- ing a real irrerest ir he classics for their ownsttake. Nosy se ave gone a step fartier. It tis beert proved possi- tle tot orly to raise orr own ideals by contact witir great dramoas, but also tci give productiorns itt wirihtte sorks terrsetvcc tre capably cnpoitned. To be very tecmpertie te Dctscier Vereirt gas-c a rottiniraristic adci wortiy rerdi- tiont tf Lessirg's play. Perforrmaces of like mrerit have bett gien i Arrc Ariror before ard cart ie givern again. It is roelornger necessary to justify ore interst in tiermaterpieces by saying that a worrtiy iterest will ie arotsed. 'Te perftrtmances, nl tirgs crnsidered, jutsify thermselves. T further thecacse tif dramatics telargage cusreet tunscontriuue tie stor sit swel iegn. Ottt ttAtti 'S Rcoeiczc,. We arc proud te ackneledge the honoirrs wh-iicir tther istitutins of lart- uing arecocnrferrintg uptirt our graduates. Tire tert fronthtie prfessional schools and te literary tepartrenrt wtho win felosh-itps and scolarsiips in other scoos bring the greatest possible credit upthir ieir owtntcnitvsersity. But ittsiite of tre pleasire ifthis recgitir. airoait, we cannortithelp felig regret iliaCtse iae ro roears of keepirg tese briliant rrernat ihorre. Whtlyihasen st- inre fellowsh-iips of ettur eon sp- ported iy iuniversity- founrdatirs? It is geeraliy cttncededthtat a strog gradusate' sciool is oerotf tie most p- tetnt influenrces itt tpiroldiing a sciels irestige. Yeroutirott-prromisig grat- uates are takert fromrois iy motre ger- erousrivntal. Nore troney jtrticiosly aptpied ithiat directiort wtulcd do rmtcit toi reairt ineor owrroy termen we tat-c traiined ard it woiuld brirg to ts chosen storkers frontoter scools. We tare rttos gratitates of iigh aiility' worinig here, of core-it not se many as we shold ae. We can pro- tittertete. Iftwe Iac funrds to scp- tort tiemtte culdi kepthiem here ard reap tiebinefteit of tieir adsanceci lahrs anrd intresigationrs. FF];Ri-SONAS m N5IVAItMr Byet ALPHtA'i tNi. the debating teamr of iihe Jeffersoniar law society wert down 1o defeaitat ightty a iunanimtous decisiort of the judges itt favor of tie earn representing tie Atpia No society. In tie final cp debate to e held sotme time in May, the winrning team, composed of H. Rotel, J Deros ard W. Lane.till meet the rmerrbiers of te-Adelphi society wo were tie victors in Friday night's con- test with the Websters. Rent a Kodak-to cents per day. w-f-s Lyndon. tCorntined fromr Paerinert rinig twiichrlire thrrewrfttr atovetheti first basemnar's Iheatd. Itthncecciterrottit the shortstop juggled the btall too tong and let K~elley on arounrd to third from whiichr place the tallied a riuir thertDirtiti rapped art easy orre and got to first ott tire first iraseman's error. Againt in tire eighthr Figgic threw wsilti anrd let Wheeler sprint aroirnd le third before tire ball got tback fito tte dir- mornd. Kelley mrade a pretty sarifice ht and btrought George safely-borne. Tire clever way Figgie tmarragedt Ket- Irs-s lirrer inthie sixth, atndiris btrctiiftul runrnring catcih of Giddinrgs' focti fly-itt tire sev-erntht dress-tireaplautite oithti farts, triteforced himitottdoiff tris cattt itt ackrrtowledigetmetotf thrciraptritrak- tiont. Strairgely rittiughrtire gatrit-vit on of shrert drives, ftorroot a itter iris strong ernoutgh to ftorce tire otutfielcders back. Only- a fews-eaisy flirsts-crcsiftedl amrong thrim. 'Tire figtures : cItCeiTGA. AD stRt t I[ P A Sullivranor .....ef 4 t0ti0 0 o0 it Gitidirngs, 3b..t -...4 i0 2 t 0 M ellon. If....... .. c. cc 0 i0 it Witeeler, ef-.....4 1 0 0 0 0i Kelley, b.it- - -..3 t 0 2 71 Dunce, ith----------. 30 0 tO t1it Patersert, so -.....3 0 1 t 2 0 Enzerrutlu, c..-...3 0 rt t1t t0 B~arr, p.....- - .-.3 0 2 21t i MICIGA N DEFEATS CASE iBY SCORE O)F 2-0 TE NNI S Rackets Racket Presses Racket Covers Court Markers Tennis Balls Tennis Nets Tennis Ashoes Official Tennis Guide WRIGHT ( DITSON'S eoap lefe Ito.. Mt WAH S University Bookstore Fresh Photo Supplies All the latest in Kodaks and Cameras Rent a Kodak 10c per day 4 Clarke, Jb... - 4... Nirgglereru, c......1 Bern-, f. ....f .. ... 3 Meyer, iii- - -.... 3 Barrett, p - - - .... . 3 Fitierson f.... It 3 Reagan, r.et -.... 3 FiggiC, 3i) .. .. .. .. 3 20 ScetbytutInninugs 2 6i 27 O 0 4 Q eOu9 00n3 12 4 3 ti 1 24 12 () Case........... o oe0e00 eour -ci) Michiigarn.. o tzeo 0e0ut e u 2 Summiciary: Snolern iae-iDunic. Sacrifice hits-Kelley, GidduinrgcsNMellot. laces err balts-Offf Barrtt 2. StruckI ot-Byi Bl arr, ci ; try-Barrett, 4. Fir-i ia-se ottereers-\iucigun 3, Cute L 'ITite cut game-r :45. Tlrpirt--_I'I- ridge. Nosv is tine tune Ce have yoeunr roeoms papered, decorated or ptaintecd. We are mcakirng special prices. Yeonr credit is god. C. H. M~ajor & Cn. Bthirphnes 237. if OrrICE HOURS Executive Committee County Fair Carnival 4 to 6 P. M. daily Room 6, Ann Arbor Press Bldg. LYNDON. IBAILEY & EDMUNDS1 121 EASFr LIBERTY STREET [Y[GLASS[S I vs r ms net h t udens toa l ttat te ttwi wecm an y- ARNOLD's act u-cwiltfit yoiuco-u- tiupic. Leuns-esdGruntd. EMIL H. ARNOLD tOt-tic pu iiu t wi~ utht WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler t2t Soiutth Main Streut WE HAVE THE FINEST Co-Op Store i. ORCNEST RA CONCE[RI High School Hall May 5, 8:15 P. M. LAST FACULTY CONCERT High School Hall Thursday Evening May 7 The Students' Lecture Association THE MAJESTY OF T HE LAW BY -GOY.*JOHN A. JOHNSO*N OF MINMESOTA Thursday, April 30, 1908, at 8:00 P. M. UNIVERSITY HALL Reserved Seats - 50C AUl seats will be reserved.' Tickets may be secured at the Bobt Qce, University Hall, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 5 and 6 P. M. and Thursday between 7 and S P. X, Michigan State Telephone, University Exchange 68. .III 121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 5 98