UtCHMAK DAILY STUDENTS WEAR TA!ILORING We show the larges t iitiost complete assortment of New woolens in this part of tip, State, we take pride in the Quality, Price and Design. Look over ouir line today. AMUSMENT New Whitney Theatre BECL PVHONE 480 HOME PHONE 200 11 U WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 9 Unitr the Ans-pi ,- 01 i Arbor America's Favorite Indoor Show Al. G.7 FIELD GREAT - The Show You ,Know PRICES: 25c, 50ce, '7< , $1.08 THURSDAY, APRIL 30 I'Thc Season's Greatest Dramatic Success Cho'r-es Frolzms.u PRESENTS j J. M. BARRIE'S Great Fairy Play Pew~ter Pan Virst-Class Company of Players. Prices: 25c, f50e, 75c, $1.00, $1." ; Seats on Sale Tuesday Morning. CALNDAR.. -April 2-Physics,' by Dean Reed, before Educational club,. Room 6, Tap- pan H-all, 8 p. u. April 2-Senior lit banquet, Whit- msore bake. _April 25-Seat sale for 'LAvare" Opens at 9 a. u., Wah's book store. April 27-V esuvius in Action," illus- trated lecture by Prof. W. H. Hobbs, Iligh School auditoriuris. Ap{ril a-Senior girls' play and dance at Barbour gymnsasium, 8 p.,us. April 28-The City of Paris," illus trated lecture by Theodore W. Koch, auspices of Cerle Dratatique Frncai, iss Sarahs Cawell Anell Hall, 8 p. u. April 28-"Pubic Recreation," illus- trated lecture by Grahasm R. Taylor, is museuns lecture room, 8 p. u. Aprit 3-Govi. Jonisont of Minnesota on S. L. A. course, 8 . in. May 5-Conscert by university orhes- tra of 45 pieces, High School auditorium. S. P. Lockwood, condsctor. May 7-Faculty concert, Highs School ball, 8 p. u. May 8-"L'Aavre," presented by the Cercle Dramatiqte Francais, at Majestic Iheater, 8 p. u. May 8-Students' Medical society en- tertainment its lirbour gymnasium. Ad- dress by Dr Walter Courtney, chief sur- eots of Northerns Pacific railway UNVESIY NOTIG~f Soph 1t baseball candidates report at South, Ferry field at o a. u. today Specia trains for seior lit banquet will tace Ann Arbor tdepot at 6:30 to- night. .lestbers of varsity band meet at M- .'lilats Hall at :3o. Bring instruments. Fischer. ILeader. Mleetinig of Sophs lit class Tuesday at 4, Roiiom C, to discuss plans for spring contests suntannussal banquet. Special cars for seior law baqset leave today at o a. u. and 5 p. u. shiarp. 'ickets may be had during te dayat Carlsons & Hensderson's 0ffce in tie Wagner block. Liingm'san Co., Ptotigsaplers. Groups. viewss lanterni slides, ad postaris. Ie- setoping asi printing for amsateurs a specialty. 'T'his first cosists of Wil- imss. formsery with .vsion, 'ihomptsotn, whoiihas ail sesertl years' experience, and Longmsan. uf6 Soth ttSate street. Ptsonteo. tf 01,LD TOWVN CANOES. Are delivered as Anns Arbor within twii days after yor order is given. Sensitpostal for catalogue to W.I. Tritplet, 604 S. 'lThayer St. f NOTICE-Class teams and fratern- ties ctn save money by getting their baseball ssppies at Csshing's. f LOST-Mis Phi Epsilon pit; name on back, Agnes X. Zeller. Reard for return- to 520 Csurchs street 49-50 I have a good proposition to offer to one or two students where they can make their college expenses. A small ivest- ment is reqired Warren H. Sit, real estate and insurance, Ann Arbor Savings Banks block. 39-49 Mg rude Miler Bissell-Voice lacig andl Song Interpretation. 6 The Cu- ting; both phones 428. Sat-f A Players are particular abouit cues. We save good .cues; light or heavy, plain, corded,: or ebony, to suit. F'ind what.- you like sad we reserve it for- you in private drawer, wit:- out charge. *RILLIARR$. SQWLIN* .LUNCH#6, CIGARS, CANDIRS. TOBACCO.- '12 'S. 5tai4 311.j 8si ?0ES N3AlvRely R e 9- 4-IR UiV.Ri7AW Speci I Sale of Broken Lots and Odd Sizes in our High Grade Shirts 1 OShirts, Z5c and $1.00 ENRY (Q CO. 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENVUL OPEN EVENINGS T SUSPENDERS t wll oossi'r/yo..d/.ue thsree pairsuof AR O Wordtnaysuspenses TheAR O Webtsng inimttab~le a The most wearable Buttonholsndst~rutile and the most dur- Eve euiair haulid l able of collars. K -* ,nCTUfhvcrSTMEspcssRMEac~vo aac. each-2 fur 2 5t 0of us 'bynee e. /IOSTHEIMER BROTHERS C l.ITT, PEAuOOY & CO., Makurs 10 HSNTOOT.PIAYYL SPH INX $2.00 HATS The new Sprtng Styles are tow. ready tn all the new shapes ansd colors. MlJer Mgde 1j D f A New Line GuprAnteed IFREDL WY. GROSS of Clothes Liberty St. and 4th Ave. I Golf Caps THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BOSTON, MASS. Withi the om teti tuhe new uldingus,,tiwhihweediateld Seemsber2 596 thts schuotlnow hs facltt5ansdriqsipmensor tieIacIhing aldress erhinthe vusi- usbranches of suedicies.obsblyosnequalein tis 5,o15try. fith ie bild- tugnfseare dtuvoted enstsrely to taioratory teacliin- asid reseatits "umsrmas hospitlaffoid abunsdanst opsportitis for cinicalis-IucsionIis mdiciseansd surgery COURSE FOR TilE DEGREES OF M. D A foue years sourseupentonbahesorns o .literatisis, phlosophy ur scienseu and to perssof eqivalstnt standsig eis toistheidegreesoftM.1).5Thle studisuf she fourth yearae whoslyts ete ; ii the include laborato ',sbjecs.geneat medtcietuenerat surery and thspcpuial ciiiical rache, CI s t shool pear extends frousOsctober 1. 9ito .lusis"4I 1904i The diploma of the univrsity oft tichigan is accepted toe admiso. sordetls ed annuneen t sudscaalog, addrss5 HARVARD MEDICAL. SCHSOOL.,Bustsn Mass. I THE BEST IN THE STATE FORIDANCF MUSIC GRANER'S ACADEMY ORCHESTRA Toge t tse bie s oieslts fo oknsi ft rhs tra. ]ook tsrec tly tropts teuiaucsetlatlthesA odsemy OSt e Ti il nr o suit ',ssdsti,.asto dass audusenuwouted. Bush,,,sfornx swlla i asoi wil bessade. IN I ToCaretfor rdwood Floors The Simplest Wa-t aEsiost Way-the Best Way a is to use Old Eniglisl F i x It. is economical, easily applied and produces the zict, iiuiid l'.. iiticl is so highly prized and which cannot he oblilneitii, iit u tii l nls lo It is, detter waxi, I it'ii. Ic tatsqutiniOl/Egsi)lo Wax that puts ithe ii ,. i lyat }iur floors. Just as goiid for Eaii, -.i }ivuicani use it on your grand piano with the assusrissce thtia iii n sjure-but it wilt obliterate the s scratches anid most beautitul y polish, 'c The w a t araufue" Makees your woods ,rte tuok like new and tewhole roons mare auii!Lary. You can gel it lhey t ill '1Y, 2, q, andt S- . cans). s to. cconi ixa fet.ii Come tlousestorei dI tx , Itlexit howlto ue it to make ha, d ii l'11cc_ I dutiful. FOR nAL.E rez i U TFO KEEP IN THE PROCESSION YOU HAVE TO KEEP ON THE JUMP IN BUSINESS OR AT PLAY i This meant that you musr be kepr ina the hest possible nszta and physical condition. This cnd is beat reached thru nourishing, easily digested foods, combined with rational exercise and a careful observance of rhe laws of hygeine. SHREDDED WHEAT is rich in the proteids that repair waste tissue and thc elements that build the perfect human body, it contais all the nutritive, strenagth-given material in the whole wheat, made digestible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking. A breakfast oftSHuREDED WHEA'T CUIT5Ot als tot cr cold mitkor creamiwill splythe energy' for ashaltdlai's workt. TRiISCUIT is tieisme is tir Biscoit, rx- cept'that it is compressedits aiwafer ad sed ~i'r~.sa TiOAST'faxrdany mseat, instead ofsweflouras tred.Atgers C. HE. major( .Co. 203 E. Washiusgtoea We helieve intshie Studtessts Their creditt is5annul will s u flti~ I If you don't want to tip your triends over when cano eingl investiate the Morr1i's Cn. b~efore placing your order for any other. They are the safest and most service- able canoes built. The Ia,-geat atocak of Eastaenbuilit c aoesIts M10aias i aat l15 Hasdvia Ave., Detrouit. Caii, 98l J arad ask atomat themM H. R. CORSE, Western Sales Aqt. G. CASS LIGiTNEil, Ain Arbor Agt. 66 West"mi"Stes-, Detr-oit 7181 S. Thayer, Phae 981 S Phoamee N1957 L Over 150 in use on Detroit River. "IT'S ALL IN THE SHREDS" T"E~ NATURAL FOOD COMPANY, Niagara Falls, N. Y. New Films Tu aos.Th'tire. an4 Sat., C A 5. Pianist, MISS MAUJDE STANTON ILLUSTRATED SAONG SOLOIST MISS OLIVE, STANTOI:,