I'HE MIC5HfCAtI AIL'__________ 'I ITE MICHIGAN DAILY. I G. LIo Wild Comipally Onr Spring 1908 line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOO LEN SI Is now ready. It includes all the latest 'Novelties, Shades and Up-to-D~ate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Yonr patronage respectfully solicited. G" H. Wild Collpally 311 South State Street Get ea, New Tennis and enjoy this good set.hter on the courts.XXWe havec the best racke ts in both thte Wright ft Ditsor% anid Spalding in ues ranging frot $1.50 to $8.00 and will gladly sthow thert to you. OLD RAC K ETS RESTRUNG Sheehan &X Co's. Manauginsg iditur'-AssCtca F. RTCHInt Bsiness Manager-C. E. WINSTEAD. Earros News ...Chauncey Boucher Athtetics ..........Lee A White Athletics, Asst... C. E. Edridge' Exechagce. ... ."Robert Mounsier MLusic:........Roy D. Welch lraia .......Donat H. Haines Women's Editor... Louise Van Voorhis EDITORIAL STAVE Russell McFarland NIGHT EDITORS lksvuoutl Vissher Lenarl C. Reid REPORTERS h. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Waltr K. Towers Louis Kraft Lewis . Ktniskern Robert Moreland Patti Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding lTerolt P. Cooper E. G. C. Williams A. L. Haintise BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wre Carl H. Adam Harold . Gould Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: I-2 . i., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones S'sTLRIdXY. APRIL 25, 1009. - tIu t. a e quiestioniedt wshether the Stti Concsil has cttosei the best sossie slstitue fis thte "ock stntt" il the spring contests. but ttere can is nto li sout that smte sbsltitte is te- s u'r. t oudstperhapss te better to havts uotisch .Aunitntil ss o rsetsthe The t"yig-up"s''onttest liststhe suit- tin if aitng eesiriest itsseerat schootsls 'antilhluisng lbee stisfactory. lists smie feature' of it seemi likely to heississctiissssle. I seemssptrotale that suchiatcontes'swoultresult its noinbg bust a.seres e.ofsmallsti lghts ater that ss'lbgi%,le-sssules t stle. tniies ittonw'udt rcicll'ipossitle andschlatiois a motst importatile i- nwwt. 'T' sitig sf te mieusbers of ehclsill one ethutsistic swhole i tile fitsnetal ipurossesof te spring cotss.Inthte tying-pstsut most of ills wor wourssistl e erforce stone in Anthler elemsenti of sijecioss is te postsbitltiy tt iti soslsd cegeserate itot isrug ose"'ii s'hict there woltd ieto gsssreatsi temttioto tsmalicoss roltltinss'. Perhaps these otjectosi may e aswssere-certaisnly they ire wtrtsy f cos'iderationt. Bowgusgtssnswhiihstes try to get ihir tir siuspiton" the hin of a tiuge wtotsdest bowlsi;s'wal lights in which men try tt eels precriuss setsiuspon a ow walsl, havie ttl ects triedadtisthitssonic AX lans whicht seemsiwsorhy of notice hats beentsuggesed btsanusndergraduate. It is a cominssatiosis (f a footalit gmse, a potato rce asd a pilow figtt. Frost it sosme scesse of smerit nmigtsihe evoved. Vie fieldt sset for te ush- al same wsouldsthve at eacs end ati area marked off atout tsety-fie feet square. Each class would e furnished swith fifteen or twenty heavy canvas pil- low's, large esough so that they could ot be concealed and strog enough to withstanid stresnuois treatmesnt. These swossul be stackest in the respective areas at the beginsing of the costest asd the msembers of the rival classes woud e lintd ip facisg eacts otter in the center of te fiet. At the firisg of the referee's gsus eacti side swould try to capture the pillosws of the ster asd carry them to its stint area, protectisng its osn at the sasie timse. Whtes the closisg gn sas firedt atl pilloswsswoistdt tsrcounstetfor tie side to swhose area ttey sweernearest. A costest of this kisdswosul not be dtasgerous; would gie oppottnity for unifiedt atiossasd clever strategy. It wiould be opesn enoughs to nmake it i- terestinsg for tte spectators. We tink ttat fromsucsshsai idea a stunt migtt te arrangedt whichs sosld attain the edi desired better ttass either the rock stnst sr the tyngupl costest. At any 'rate ltefsitsae somtetisisg snos'l, origisauts asti pesuliarly ousr w. WOMAN'S LEAGUE ENDS SOCIAL WHIRL The last group party of the Woman's League ws h teld yesterday at Barbour gymnsasisim from 430 to 6 p. i.'The entertainment consisted of a short pro- grams foloswed by dancing, and refresh- mesnts. Vie program was as follows Swsedishidasce-Miss Aiele Raio- wilz. Snsg-Mis Jeanette Kotis. "'ThIat 01st Sweeteart of Mine (to Schsumsass's,,"'trausseri-Etmer Boiwis. "My Rial"-Mtrs. Williamsi tofmsanns. MI CH IGA NENSIAN MANAGERS1 WtLL, BCELECTEI) ON MAYi 4 The iesslrelected sios) Iictigasies- signt boaril tf costro swas callel together its Prof. Hltobrook yesterday afteriooss to elect its officers for the comising year. Horace A. Treat sas cosesn cairmasi asid J. M. OtDea secretary. Prof. Ho- routksas electest treasurer. 'The bosrt will elect the miaagingsedestior sisidtbsi- sess msanasger for nset year's hosok Mos- dtsy.htsy 4. ati 5p.in LIttRARIAN KOCt-t TO - LECTURE ON PARIS Next Tutesday eeing, in Sarats Ca- tech Angell Hall, Librarians ossil give sit illustrated lecture usa"T'te City of Paris." Over osethtusdred recess. viesws of the city, its parks, art galeries tolesards, sitps, theaters, Ltist quar- ier, asis street scenes will e sowsn. Ass. adimissiosi fee of as cets wilt e chssrgesd those not associate semers. isotiase Uirn ACS PLAY. "Who's Who" will be played by the Hobart Guild tonigt at 8 o'clock in tHarris hal. Vie girls' club of the same orgasnizatiosn wilt conduct a sale at the same tne. The poceeds of both will be for the benefit of Iarris all. i ADL'PHlI OUTCLASSES WEBSTER IN SEMAI-FINALY The Adelephi literary society sdefesesd the Webster society lsst ight iite semi-isas of the cup deate. The members of the winning team sere F. P, 'Chaffee A. J. Abbot, and 'Morrisot Slaifroth. They swil compete swiht the wintner of tomorrosw ight's sdebae be- tweess the Jeffersonian asd Alpha Nii societies for the final cup debatemwhichi will be held is University Halt. May ig. LANGUAGE CLUBS TO GtVE PERFORM\ANCE NEXT FALl. Ass atempt wiii be mace to secure thur Majestic theater for the performanuuce wvhichthue lasguage cubs swilt give scai fall for the besnefit of thur Michiganu Unios. t is belieel that the avan'asusg of givisig the prosductions uer thuresait isis usd the combhisned efforts of thur chubsswit inisure a large auiece auth smake te etertissment a proouted success. There are over tso hunssdres and fifty messbers its the dlubs anst ll are greatly interested its the project. MRS. HIOFMIANN WILL STAGE "TlWEL.FTH INI(IIV'AT ht.JS'fC A performnaseef "Twselft Night" will le givessnuder thur direcions of i'sfrs. Hofmann before the close of school. The play will be given at the Majestic. hardly a stone's throsw froso the cstiusss. Prof. Beziat wil take thur roe of Mtal voio MICHIGAN MAN SECURS COLUMBIA FFLLO't\ SttP 'lTheusiessii''tit 'iun i f Ctlnniiust unissiersisy liss just awardesd a feloss' shp i the teachers' college to George Jackson,. siresidetso f AnAsi rotr tush a graduttae of the Usiersity (f lieli gust of the class if o6. 'The Colhumbthisfellowssshiiss, f wh'ic~hs twsenty are aswardesteci tr. tre amnsgthe muost ighly uriestacstemteic suiors its the Unitedt Staes adthe hee lectionssare massue frostsasslsrgenumbershu's stf csansidiates. ssAKF n s .iT~t 5sciN' us'tsssEuusNG srus'. C. W. huker's lecure etitleds"he~ jakitg sf ILiterature for Esgieer"is publlishedtinthue Egieering Ness for April 16. this lecture swas delireres befoe sst'entsifuengineering'eeuse lisst monthl. . is. C. A. .CMPINGPT Y s. The Y. W. C. A. camsspisgpanty s'hics has eesn postpsonses several timses swil he held at Ntwbierry i-lulleset Wenues shy evei.si OFFE OVRS EeuieCommittee Cu yair Carnival 4 to 6 P.tM. daily ROOM 6, Ann Arbor Press Bldg. TENNIS1 Rackets Racket Presses Racket Covers Court Markers Tennis Balls Tennis Nets Tennis Shoes Official Tennis Guide WRIGHT teU DITSON'S- com's'pletaes, aat WAHR'S University Bookstore C, [. DARTN[[[ Law and Medical Booseller IMPORfTANT LAW ANID MEDICAL BOOKS igby's tsInilsft' 5a o kcalssssrrt - - $3.00 Pt Iitit's in dtino Cittit',ai5 haltPropert- - $6.00 Prpet - - - $12.00 Bi'sish's Ditre ti s'd Frs.u ' 20 13stips 's litisl Procedisiust'e. 540 Stspenlu irst of tttit Itt's ' . $4.00 M~lrsalls ori>rtios, - $2.0 Tint itt'ssumirsy of15 Ow' Lan ofCoroi t~ins.- - $2.50 list tot s '.5 tt r;u I ;MIi iit. $4.50 3isrssyr . Aboit lt siuts $6.00 Form ,. ls. - - - $18.00 MEDIICAL BOOKS Ffr' rcla i' isrtuteitii's. $4.00 isendrlsh's urg ~ic 'tittnsis. $6i.50 S satu i'l'ttst- Sistttt Pathlog. - - - - $5.00 Tettst o fAnatomts.cols.. $18.00 Call's ittsets's i i ia isis 61 an s 'rat Isut - $0.50 1,u~seits sleitcal Gtiulds s ttssr's i int is. 5 vos.. - - - - - $5.00 C. E.BARTHELL Lwandi Medical Boosenller Tel 761. 326 S. Slate SI. [Y[6[ASS['S it 5 tussthvebcoesuitsa uecessaruy sstnuisce ih studthisltoi lite' Ihat tIthey sitsltrelcometi'ass in'- gluss thast its s' m'rtust ndssou rivhe. tiavsi'yourtctttuit't sl titdsn'at ARSNOLD'S oandlhIsiwitlhitt youco Citrustalysand guarantesul''isits. Quickl Repaires. LvrsssGirosund. EMIL H. ARNOLD Oputtical5 Spetiatitsit withs WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 2205Souh Mtain Street' ertCi. A .sbpo S PAL D IN G 4 AiI1 &. BROS. '4.. a ®7 The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Snupplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, (Jolt, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official Implemetsfotr Trash asd Field Sprt, Uniftorms. for all Sports. Spalding's, Handsomesly Illustrated Caalogue of all spurts conasua- meoussggestioes. eed tue it.-It's fteen. A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. New Yorke, Chicago, St. Louais, San Franctsco, Minneapolis, Denver, Bufalos Syracuse, Pitts- barg, Phiadelphia, Bostun, Ctncinnatit, Baiti- mare, Wahingto,.Kansas City, Ceveland, Now Orleans, tDetroit, Montre at, Canada. "3 WE HAVE THE FINEST MAY FESTIAL PFIv. Conaoerta May 15-14-I5-16. TNE THOM1AS ORCHESTRA Frederiek A. Stock, Conductoe CHORAL UNION (300*Volcts) Albert A. Stanley, Conductor reroxslpeal Choral Work "Creation" - Haydn "Faust" - Geunod Mrls. Corinne Nlder-Kelsey Thursday and Satued apEenings Mmse. Ernestine Schumadl-Heink, Contralto Wed. and Fri. Evenings Miss Janet Spencer, Conteslto FriAftrnoon and Sat. Event Mr. Edward Johnon, Tenor Thor, Fri. and sat. Eveniinqs Mr. Claude Cunninghsams, Baritone Saturday Evening Mr. Earle G. Killeen, Baritone Saturday Evening Mr. Herbert Witherspoon Sass Thursday and Saturday Eventngs Mr. L. De Mare, French Horn Friday Afternoon Mr. L. L. Renwick, Organist Een Season Tiekets (uinreserved) $3, Season Tiekets (reserved) $4, $S, $b aloe Sale at So6ao01 of PIazelo .4 k i i t .,. f Ihe Students' [ecture Association, THE MAJESTY OF THE. LAW BY GO.JOHN A. JOHNSON OF MINMESOTA Thursday, April 30, 1908, at 8:00 P. M. UNIVERSITY HALL Reserved Seats- - - 50c All seats will he reserved, Tickets msay be secured at the Box Office, University Hall, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 5 and 6 P. M. sand Thursday between 7 and 8 P. M. Michigan State Telephone, University Exchange 68. Co-Op Store a'' L nui iii r 121 Weshbngton '. the Randall Studio, Randal& Pack, Props. Phone 598