RICt~GA-~ ~ - amCeits U sV~1 exeptChocolate C o a ~cwith. doube ' INSDruggist. 24:.. tth State Street. ey heatre HorME PHONE 200 - _{._L 29 IX}57 Sh.ow1 THURSDAY, APRIL 30 i eareson (.Greatest Dramantic sucresso mr PRESENTS J. M. BARRIE'S Greatn aryPa W irst--.lss Copany of Players. t ile s: 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 ..:; eats on Sale Tuesday Mornings woo d Floors. W.ay-the Best Way , , !vecl easily applied ad :hig hly prized aad which put into Old English Fleer non ege r ad piano - zi -but it will ob ii traite the QAIE NDAR. Atirit24 -"slnn ots-n Iarhetn," by teetscber V4erein New Wh'itney thea- April 2l-"Pbysicss:'bysDean Reed, twinore Edcational club, Room ;6,Tap- pn Hall 8 pto Apr ia25-Seno lit tbanqet, XWhit- snore ILake Aprti 2-Seat sle for "LAvae" opes altg9a.sm., ar' isosk store. Atpl27-"Vesnviuis in 'ction," ills- ttedl leetr b Prof. W. H. t-lolsts, I ttgt Sool .audtoriumt.t. ASorit27- Setior girlsjpla adsldattee at Barttssur gystsssoss, 8 p.sts atril 28-1"Ihe City of Paris," ilss- cct-, te te s b 'TheodoreXW. Knel, u so i C o f ( tDi la~tiisc Fenaeis, tss ",rS e t C ewdl t (iill.ilh8p.nttt ti S "Po it e' rat 11"lits enr n yatitm itiI''in. t srtssvsts {estire tsosstt, 8sp. I. %tsrf_30. (ens Jothnsoossssf Minnetsosta osts S.: L.A.scturse 8 ts tsm SI is fJ iot. 5 t tby I. ieresity ssot' se-s Ara sf-45 teess.Hilgh Scfhosol adeitriumn, cS. I.Locskwoodlcondtor, :shy8-"'Aasre,'' tre setet byo-the CjerclelDrantatistsss- rastseis, at ililesi thesater. 8 p. t. lav 8-Studsents' ;Meicas~fo sits et- irtainosseit itsBtarfor grssastsstt. .Ad- toes ty r Wafter Csurte, chie ntmr Aeonst of1Northserns Pcifi risa. UNIVERSITY .NOTICES ('icsncubmt s5-tat 7 tonigt its Afpa No roms fissin st sisnevissg iof lplutN is.c nsifigh t 8'oclth Senirslits tstnittt nior e tig''ht 'ta~,i 7 .:'oss isr i fg \11it 5s55l it is soIball cnidasbte m'st' isPrr 'sets -lt Is o'slck today. is.llfie. Special Wh' iititmo se I,aikc tai (inrsrts- seio slt tsansclus 1ev-es 'sAnn XAtrsit -tasti. Is:30 Sostuday sngt. Social teetinigosith tsoltudntsssit is St. 'Isissis tshalftsstogtt 8it5T he t annualsbanquet will bt icuossest All esssior tsap iandt c-sinesti-ssr-- iesifolsr swsig-outtmt sies init iackset & Co. sy Sturdaysfsitttstwitek AlItitetsellsetrs firsnor sslit sits sietreot-safes tby phontttoCiifrtat Jacksintonsighs ttwesetn 7 isndt8511674 CaC tI.sssstes tisit, f Cticgo,. tae e- ereanmituet siteatiskostCity . 7M. C. A.. tuntdayeesisg it8:5,. iatd Sundaeiternoontiiitat 3 isifcloc.. Attiis- L' stetsttttentttast : lettosist scissrct, tindersfst es'oof Issise1ffs:19,esgt.o- nitghitt. .N'si C ltit, r'sfr 1c,;Je- ,ie l D ien itees, Cstit is:AlltesA.. Dudtslev tisritose. .- -.... ff1.) 'OWXN CANES. Aredeifveroed it iiAnntsArtorsifthi twos da), asfter yurneser is gisis. Boe' po ist.al .for catatogie to X.1I. Triplett.f604 S.'TtaY~r St. i NOTICE-Class teatms and fraterni- ties at sasoe smoosiy by-gettistg their basebsal stpplies at Cststisg's. tf Anateur Photographers Notice-Tank deveoptment gets best results. I onse i. t~ystson. cod-f Alarm clockswarrated- for[oe year- $.oo. IHater's Jewelry Store, 2f6 S. Main lstreet. o "oop-te-lnp" returns are tbhe latet improve- -1C inset 1,its l-tg ateys. T hy stop speed of ball -- nseIt esc t serest the 13ILLIAIIDS, BOWLINGI, -LUNCHES, ~1*1ARS, etANDIRS,"TOBACCO. '12 S. State 3 11 Masrd CAPS CAPS CAPS S The nattiest and most Approved fash. ion ,faultless in finish, reasonable-and seasonable. Stein-BlockClothing Every Garment a fashion plate THlE ACME OF STYLE STYLES HERE NOT TO B1E FOUND ELSEWHERE LINDINSCIMIII, APFEL & CO. HO AG'S9 We are offezring a good line of medium priced BASE BALL GOODS almd FISHING TACKLE N ~Flat Clasp Garters, for solid comfort. The ewet shads' nd design- o one pie, pure silk FLT " L web. All mtl prts heavy nicklL Ff~l "ri plat 'd beass, cannot rust. 25c.. a pair, - CLSP SILK all dealers or by mnail. PIOI0ER SSPENDER CO., 718 Ma,*et gfreet PiuIadetpha TO KEEP IN 'THE PROCESSION YOU HAVE TO KEEP ON THE JUMP IN BUSINESS OR AT PLAY This means thast yod uast be kept inth ie best possible- nmental and physical condition. 'This end is best reached tru note. ig,,, easily digested foods, combined with rational exercise -a nd -acrefulobsservattce of the la w of hygeine. SHRED ED WHEAT is rich stn the proteids that reai waste tissue and th e elernts that build the perfect hma body, itecontains all thte nutritive, strength-given material In the whole wheat, nmade digesiblse by steam-cooking, shredding, and baking. A ireibltaitt of t2tstiiis3titlr.T tS5 s iii s isi siteessit td itfirerramwi:t ssn ' iceth re t tisora slt Xii," ,k s t~i's C IisioiSC .te sie a ste Bisuit, ei- ceptttt'oit t i ssstii oositsisisu ats ii I -iiyit- vi I--s.r T t,ts -tan sel, iste owhitetflou.ne ise.st Stois IT'S ALL IN THE SHREDS T~iE NA~TUR~FAL FOOD) COMPANY, Nagara Fal, MN. Y 'I HATS HATS HATS Every fashionable effect, every color of the seasdn. - s.sInd c too,0 AUSOIOSI S 0)01SOAS, LN iNES, TOR.AGE, REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES SALL-S AtGENTS IFOR THOS D~tTROIT CATE.CAM TOr ST HOA s d MAXWELL Ii*tolk TAes., T - a. ,arid'a x. 1 I MOE'S BARBER SHOP" II _.. - -. " A iii Vfr E". CA S 1.'0 MAIM S rwWVT Pianist, MISS MAUDE STA,;TIN ILLUSTIOATERION 5 ' MISS OLIVESTI